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We found 1796 matches on Event Comments, 1382 matches on Performance Title, 976 matches on Performance Comments, 402 matches on Author, and 0 matches on Roles/Actors.


Mainpiece Title: Concert

Performance Comment: Every Wednesday for the ensuing Season... Vocal and Instrumental Musick-; consisting of about Thirty Instruments and Voices- ; after the method of the Musick meeting in York Buildings...Each person being to pay for coming in but one shilling, to begin at half after an hour after Two, and no person to be admitted after Three. The first performance was on Wednesday last (Post Boy, 11 May 1697). after the method of the Musick meeting in York Buildings...Each person being to pay for coming in but one shilling, to begin at half after an hour after Two, and no person to be admitted after Three. The first performance was on Wednesday last (Post Boy, 11 May 1697).
Event Comment: James Brydges, Diary: I set Mr Bullock down at ye Playhouse, & came home (Huntington MS St 26). John Dryden wrote to Mrs Steward on 23 Feb. [1699@1700, but possibly 1698@99, as the letter concerns theatrical affairs of the autumn and winter of 1698-99]: The Poem of The Confederates [see The Island Princess, November 1698] some think to be Mr Walsh: the copies are both lik'd. And there are really two factions of ladyes, for the two play-houses. If you do not understand the names of some persons mention'd I can help you to the knowledge of them. You know, Sir Tho. Skipwith is master of the play-house in Drury-Lane; and my Lord Scarsdale is the patron of Betterton's house, being in love with somebody there [presumably Anne Bracegirdle] (The Letters of John Dryden, p. 133)


Event Comment: Rich's Company. The date of the premiere is not known, but Dryden, writing on 14 Dec. 1699, indicates that this play had had its first performance by that date. The Dedication is dated 10 Jan. 1699@1700, and the play was advertised in the Post Boy, 20-23 Jan. 1699@1700. Preface, Edition of 1700: Another difficulty this Play labour'd under, was its being acted at a time when the whole Town was so much, and so justly diverted by the Trip to the Jubilee. When the play was revised and reprinted in 1714, the new edition--The Victim; or Achilles and Iphigenia in Aulis--indicates that The Invocation to Diana in the last act was set by Gottfreid Finger, the first verse being sung by Freeman, the second verse by Mrs Erwin, and the third verse by W. Pate. Advertisement, Edition of 1714: The following Tragedy...having been translated into English [from Racine], with considerable Additions, by Mr Boyer, and pass'd the Correction and Approbation of the late famous Mr Dryden, and several other Persons distinguish'd as well by their Wit and Learning, as by their Taste and Discernment, was acted with general Applause, towards the End of the Year 1699, and Beginning of 1700. The Reasons why this Excellent Play stopt, on a sudden, in a full Career, are, in some Measure, accounted for in Mr Boyer's Preface: To which he might have added, That the Dutchess of Marlborough, who at that Time bore an irresistable Sway, bespoke the Comedy then in Vogue [The Constant Couple], during the Ruin of Iphigenia in Aulis; And that this Tragedy receiv'd no small Prejudice, from the Person that acted Eriphyle [Mrs Wilkins], who sunk under the Weight of so great a Part. A Comparison Between the Two Stages (1702), pp. 24-25: Sullen: Then comes the second Iphigenia in all her Charms, and like a superious Mistress was resolv'd to eclipse her Rival: No cast was spar'd by the Masters, nor toil by the Actors; the Town was bespoke in its favour, and all the Friends of this new Fletcher and Beaumont were ingaged to clap it. She appear'd, but what pity 'twas (as the Prefacer says) that a Play which had such a glorious run shou'd in four Days disappear, never to rise again. Oh! says Mr D@@, mine was acted six Days; and I'll hold you a hundred Pound--just what I got by't--How's that?, says Boyer--I say, Sir, that I'll hold you, or any Man, a hundred Pound, 'twill be acted again ten times this Winter. With that B@@ fell a laughing, and replies, Sir, says he, I'll stake my French Dictionary against your Criticisms on Blackmore, and that I think is odds enough--I say,"I'll hold you that Bet, that you did not get fifty Shillings by't, and that the House lost a hundred Pound. This had like to ha' made sad work; but all was well, for neither of 'em have been acted since, for they both sleep in everlasting Tranquillity. [See also pp. 23-25 for other remarks about the two Iphigenia plays.


Mainpiece Title: Achilles; Or, Iphigenia In Aulis

Event Comment: Rich's Company. The date of the first production is not certain, but tradition states that Dryden died on the third day (1 May 1700); if this report is correct, the first performance occurred on 29 April 1700. In A Collection of New Songs...Compos'd by Mr Daniel Purcel, Perform'd in the Revis'd Comedy call'd the Pilgrim (1700) is a song, Chronos, Chronos, mend thy pace, with Janus sung by Freeman, Momus by Pate, Diana by Mrs Erwin. Gottfried Finger apparently composed the passage sung by Venus, Calms appear when storms are past. William Egerton, Faithful Memoirs of...Mrs Anne Oldfield (1731): The Pilgrim was indeed reviv'd for the Benefit of Mr Dryden, Ann. 1700, but he dying on third Night of its Representation, his Son attended the Run of it, and the Advantages accrued to his Family. Cibber, Apology, I, 269-70: This Epilogue, and the Prologue the same Play [The Pilgrim], written by Dryden, I spoke myself, which not being usually done by the same Person, I have a mind, while I think of it, to let you know on what Occasion they both fell to my Share....Sir John Vanbrugh, who had given some light touches of his Pen to the Pilgrim to assist the Benefit Day of Dryden, had the Disposal of the Parts, and I being then as an Actor in some Favour with him, he read the Play first with me alone, and was pleased to offer me my Choice of what I might like best for myself in it. But as the chief Characters were not (according to my Taste) the most shining, it was no great Self-denial in me that I desir'd he would first take care of those who were more difficult to be pleased; I therefore only chose for myself two short incidental Parts, that of the stuttering Cook and the mad Englishman....Sir John, upon my being contented with so little a Share in the Entertainment, gave me the Epilogue to make up my Mess; which being written so much above the Strain of common Authors, I confess I was not a little pleased with. And Dryden, upon his hearing me repeat it to him, made a farther Compliment of trusting me with the Prologue. Cibber, Apology, I, 305-6: In theYear 1699, Mrs Oldfield was first taken into the House, where she remain'd about a Twelve-month almost a Mute and unheeded, 'till Sir John Vanbrugh, who first recommended her, gave her the Part of Alinda in the Pilgrim revis'd. This gentle Character happily became that want of Confidence which is inseparable from young Beginners, who, without it, seldom arrive to any Excellence: Notwithstanding, I own I was then so far deceiv'd in my Opinion of her, that I thought she had little more than her Person that appear'd necessary to the forming a good Actress; for she set out with so extraordinary a Diffidence, that it kept her too despondingly down to a formal, plain (not to say) flat manner of speaking. Nor could the silver Tone of her Voice 'till after some time incline my Ear to any Hope in he favour. A Comparison Between the Two Stages (1702), p. 27: [After Drury Lane and Lincoln's Inn Fields had revived Shakespeare and Johnson] Nay then, says the whole party at D. Lane, faith we'll e'en put the Pilgrim upon him--ay faith, so we will, says Dryden, and if youll let my Son have the Profits of the Third Night, I'll give you a Secular Mask: Done, says the House, and so the Bargain was struck


Mainpiece Title: The Pilgrim

Event Comment: Rich's Company. That this day was the premiere is implied by the Post Boy, 6-9 July 1700: This Day at the Theatre Royal in Drury-Lane, will be presented a New Comedy, never Acted before, called Courtship Alamode. Preface, Edition of 1700: This Play was so long expected e're it came into the World, that I'm oblig'd in Justice to my self, to excuse its appearance at at time when there were scarce Witnesses in Town of its Birth. It was enter'd in the other House [lif], where Mr Betterton did me all the Justice I cou'd indeed reasonably hope for. But that Example he gave, was not it seems to be follow'd by the whole Company, since 'tis known that Mr Bowman (I mention his Name to keep the reflection from other sharers) kept the first Character of my Play six weeks, and then cou'd hardly read six lines on't. How far that Way of management makes of late for the Interest and Honour of that House, is easie to be judg'd. Some who valu'd their reputations more, were indeed rarely or never absent. To these I gave my thanks; but finding that six or seven people cou'd not perform what was design'd for fifteen, I was oblig'd to remove it after so many sham Rehearsals, and in two days it got footing upon the other Stage [dl]. Where twas immediately cast to the best Advantage, and Plaid in less than twenty days. [In the Dedication Penkethman states that he saw the play into print after its being received well by the town.] A Comparison Between the Two Stages (1700), pp. 104-5: Ramble: Courtship Alamode, the Author, one Crawford, a Caledonian. Sullen: I remember it, and its Adventures; it was enter'd into the New-House, at the Recommendation of a certain Scotch Lord, and sojourning there six Months to no purpose, it travell'd afterwards to the Old-House, where it was with much ado Acted. Ramble: And Damn'd-there I was in with you


Mainpiece Title: Courtship A La Mode


Mainpiece Title: Rope Dancing

Entertainment: they being the greatest Performers of Men, Women and Children that can be found beyond the Seas, so that the World cannot parallize them for Dancing on the Low/Rope, Vaulting on the High/Rope, Walking on the Slack and Sloping Ropes-the Famous Company of Rope-Dancers out-doing all others to that Degree, that it has highly recommended them, both in Bartholomew Fair and May Fair last, to all the best persons of Quality in England. And by all are owned to be the only amazing Wonders of the World, in every thing they do: 'tis there you will see the Italian Scaramouch dancing on the Rope, wiph a Wheel-barrow before him, with two Children and a Dog in it, and with a Duck on his Head; who sings to the Company and causes much Laughter

Performance Comment: And by all are owned to be the only amazing Wonders of the World, in every thing they do: 'tis there you will see the Italian Scaramouch dancing on the Rope, wiph a Wheel-barrow before him, with two Children and a Dog in it, and with a Duck on his Head; who sings to the Company and causes much Laughter. who sings to the Company and causes much Laughter.


Mainpiece Title: Italian Interludes

Dance: Some mimical Entertainments a Famous-Scaramouch, Harlequin , who lately perform'd before the Court of Hanover and their Prussian Majesties, now arriv'd in England

Entertainment: Vaulting. An extraordinary Performance on the Manag'd Horse-the greatest Master of the Age , exceeding whatever has been done by any other, especially his resting on one hand with his whole Body extended while he drinks several Glasses of Wine, and then throwing himself a Somerset over the Horse's head; Rope/dancing With and without a Pole,-the two famous French Maids so much admir'd, for surpassing all others in their Art, that they have been presented with Medals at most of the Courts in Europe

Performance Comment: An extraordinary Performance on the Manag'd Horse-the greatest Master of the Age , exceeding whatever has been done by any other, especially his resting on one hand with his whole Body extended while he drinks several Glasses of Wine, and then throwing himself a Somerset over the Horse's head; Rope/dancing With and without a Pole,-the two famous French Maids so much admir'd, for surpassing all others in their Art, that they have been presented with Medals at most of the Courts in Europe.
Event Comment: By Subscription. With a new Prologue and Epilogue. Admission as 14 Dec. 1703. [A Folger Library broadside appears to be a program for this concert. It lists in Act I The Druid's Song from Bonduca, two songs by Mrs Tofts, a song from The Fairy Queen, and a dance; in Act II The Frost Music from King Arthur, two dances, and a song by Mrs Tofts; in Act III an Ode on the Glorious Beginning of Her Majesty's Reign, set by Daniel Purcell and performed by Leveridge, Hughes, Mrs Lindsey, and Mrs Campion; a song by Mrs Tofts, The Sacrifice from King Arthur, and a Grand Dance.


Mainpiece Title: Concert

Music: Wherein several Songs in Italian and English-Mrs Tofts; With several select Pieces of Musick- (compos'd by the late famous Mr Henry Purcell) taken out of the Operas of The Fairy Queen, King Arthur, Dioclesian, and Bonduca; And an Ode upon the Happy Accession of Her Majesty to the Throne- set to Musick by Mr Daniel Purcell, never perform'd before

Dance: L'Abbe, DuRuell, Cherrier, Mrs Elford, Mrs Campion, Devonshire Girl


Mainpiece Title: Concert

Music: Vocal and Instrumental Music-the best Masters; viz. A full Piece of Music of the famous Signior Pepusch-Mr Banister, Mr Dean, Mr Lamour; A set of Airs for the Arch/Lute and Violin-the Two Mr Deans, composed on purpose by Mr Dean Jun; A Sonata for the Arch/Lute and Flute Alleman-Mr Dean Jun, Mr Latour; Singing to the Arch/Lute-Mr Hughes; A Solo of the famous Archangelo Corelli-Mr Dean Sen; A Cantata to the Arch/Lute-Mr Newbury; Singing to the Arch/Lute-a Gentleman come on purpose from Worchester

Performance Comment: A full Piece of Music of the famous Signior Pepusch-Mr Banister, Mr Dean, Mr Lamour; A set of Airs for the Arch/Lute and Violin-the Two Mr Deans, composed on purpose by Mr Dean Jun; A Sonata for the Arch/Lute and Flute Alleman-Mr Dean Jun, Mr Latour; Singing to the Arch/Lute-Mr Hughes; A Solo of the famous Archangelo Corelli-Mr Dean Sen; A Cantata to the Arch/Lute-Mr Newbury; Singing to the Arch/Lute-a Gentleman come on purpose from Worchester.
Event Comment: [Text by N. F. Haym. Music by G. F. Handel.] Colman's Opera Register: Mr O. Swiny ye Manager of ye Theatre was now setting out a New Opera, Heroick. all ye Habits new & richer than ye former with 4 New Scenes, & other Decorations & Machines. Ye Tragick Opera was called Theseus. Ye Musick composed by Mr Opera being thus prepared Mr Swiny would have got a Subscription for Six times, but could not.--he then did give out Tickets at half a Guinea each, for two Nights ye Boxes lay'd open to ye Pit, ye House was very full these two Nights


Mainpiece Title: Theseus

Event Comment: [By Joseph Addison.] Never Acted before. G. Berkeley to Sir John Percival, 16 April: On Tuesday last...Cato was acted the first time. I am informed the front boxes were all bespoke for nine days, a fortnight before the play was acted. I was present with Mr Addison, and two or three more friends in a side box, where we had a table and two or three flasks of burgundy and champagne, with which the author (who is a very sober man) thought it necessary to support his spirits in the concern he was then under, and indeed it was a pleasant refreshment to us all between the acts....The actors were at the expence of new habits, which were very magnificent. (Rand, p. 113. See also Victor, II, 29-31, and Cibber, I, 122-23, II, 127-33)


Mainpiece Title: Cato

Event Comment: By Subscription. For two guineas each subscriber is to have two tickets each performance for four times. At 6 p.m


Mainpiece Title: Concert

Music: Vocal and Instrumental Music-Nicolino Haym, others; Singing-the Baroness, another scholar of Haym's

Event Comment: Not Acted these Two Years. Weekly Journal or Saturday's Post, 2 Aug.: Some Days ago [23 July] Mr Keene, and eminent Tragedian, and one of the Masters of the Theatre in Lincoln's-Inn-Fields, riding in the Country, his Horse being unruly, threw him, and so bruised him that he died in two Days [on 25 July]. He was decently buried last Wednesday [30 July] in the Vault under St. Clement's Church, where lie the Bodies of Mr Mountfort, Mr Harden, Mr Powell, and others of his Fraternity


Mainpiece Title: Bonduca; Or, The British General

Afterpiece Title: Hob

Music: Mainpiece: With the Original Musick by the late Mr Henry Purcell-


Mainpiece Title: De Le Colle Des Femmes

Performance Comment: The two greatest Parts-Clauigney, Clauigney's Wife.
Role: The two greatest Parts Actor: Clauigney, Clauigney's Wife.

Afterpiece Title: Arlequin Protee


Mainpiece Title: Oroonoko

Dance: Dupre, F. Nivelon, L. Nivelon, Glover, Lanyon, Mrs Wall, Mrs Bullock; particularly The Two Pierrots-

Performance Comment: Nivelon, L. Nivelon, Glover, Lanyon, Mrs Wall, Mrs Bullock; particularly The Two Pierrots-.


Mainpiece Title: The Relapse

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin's Triumph; or, The Miser and Pierot Taken Prisoner by the Lilliputians

Dance: LLa Pieraite-Roger, Mrs Brett

Ballet: TThe Cobler's Jealous Wife (new). Cobler-Boval; Wife-Roger; Two Peasant-Essex, Haughton; Wives-Mrs Brett, Miss Tenoe

Performance Comment: Cobler-Boval; Wife-Roger; Two Peasant-Essex, Haughton; Wives-Mrs Brett, Miss Tenoe.
Role: Two Peasant Actor: Essex, Haughton


Mainpiece Title: She Wou'd And She Wou'd Not; Or, The Kind Imposter

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Happy and Poor Pierrot Married

Performance Comment: Pierrot-Roger; Colombine's Father-Weaver; His Servants-Hallam Sr, Ray; Harlequin-Clark; Pierrot's Servants-Young Hallam, Young Wetherilt; Cupid-Miss Robinson Jr; Colombine-Mrs Mills; Bridemen-Lally, Essex, Boval, Rainton; Bridesmaids-Mrs Brett, Miss Lindar, Mrs Walter, Mrs Young; Children of Love representing two Harlequin s-Young Master Lally, Miss Brett.


Mainpiece Title: King Henry The Ivth, Part Ii; With The Humours Of Sir John Falstaff And Justice Shallow

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Happy and Poor Pierrot Married

Performance Comment: Pierrot-Roger; Clombine's Father-Cibber Jr [possibly an error for Weaver; see17281101]; Servants-Hallam Sr, Ray; Harlequin-Cibber Jr; Pierot's Servants-Young Hallam, Young Wetherilt; Cupid-Miss Robinson Jr; Colombine-Mrs Mills; Bridemen-Lally, Essex, Boval, Rainton; Bridemaids-Miss Robinson, Miss Lindar, Mrs Walter, Mrs Roger; Children of Love, representing Two Harlequins-Young Master Lally, Miss Brett.
Event Comment: LL. Granom's Weekly Concerts of Musick. [To begin this day. Each subscriber may have two printed tickets for each night for ladies only at a half guinea for the two tickets. At 7 p.m. To be continued on Saturdays.


Mainpiece Title: Concert

Event Comment: Afterpiece: In four different Interludes, viz. two serious and two comic; with Scenes, Clothes, Machines, and other Decorations


Mainpiece Title: Oroonoko

Afterpiece Title: The Humours of Harlequin; With the Loves of Several Deities


Mainpiece Title: Sophonisba; Or, Hannibal's Overthrow

Performance Comment: Lilliputians; Prologue, Epilogue-Son and Daughter of two Magistrates of the City and Liberty of Westminster.


Mainpiece Title: The Old Batchelor

Afterpiece Title: Perseus and Andromeda; With Pierrot Married

Performance Comment: Jupiter-Essex; Perseus-Lally; Medusa-Thurmond; Mercury-Essex; Andromeda-Mrs Booth; Hours of Sleep-Mrs Walter, Mrs Delorme, Miss Mears, Miss Williams; Tritons-Essex, Rainton, Thurmond, Houghton; Cepheus-Ridout; Cassiopea-Mrs Shireburn; Followers of Perseus-Thurmond, Rainton, Houghton, Charke; Attendants on Andromeda-Mrs Walter, Miss Mears, Mrs Delorme, Miss Williams; Cupid-Miss Robinson; Mars-Cross; Bacchus-Leigh; Pan-H. Tench; Hercules-Grey; Gorgons-F. Tench, Lally Jr; Harlequin-Rainton; Pierrot-Cibber Jr; Doctor-Berry; Clockmaker-Fielding; Colombine-Mrs Walter; Priest-Grey; Pierrot's Servants-A. Hallam, Stoppelaer; Doctor's Servants-R. Wetherilt, Hallam Sr; Bride@Men-Evans, F. Tench; Bride Maids-Miss Ambrose, Miss Oates; Two Young Harlequins-Lally Jr, Miss Brett.


Mainpiece Title: The Committee

Performance Comment: As17311116, but Teague-Miller, being the first time of his appearing on any Stage these two Years; Obadiah-Morgan.



Mainpiece Title: Concert

Music: The Performers are to be in the following Characters. The Harpsichord-Colombine; Violoncello-Harlequin; Bassoon-Scaramouch; Double Bass-Pierot; Singing-Diana, an Indian King; Violins-a Spaniard, a Roman, an Hungarian, a Persian, a Turk, a Polander, an Arabian, a Muscovite; the Tenor-a Highlander; the German Flute-a Satyr; French Horns-Foresters; Hautboys-two Shepherds; others. The Concert of Performers will consist of between 40 and 50 of the best Hands

Performance Comment: The Harpsichord-Colombine; Violoncello-Harlequin; Bassoon-Scaramouch; Double Bass-Pierot; Singing-Diana, an Indian King; Violins-a Spaniard, a Roman, an Hungarian, a Persian, a Turk, a Polander, an Arabian, a Muscovite; the Tenor-a Highlander; the German Flute-a Satyr; French Horns-Foresters; Hautboys-two Shepherds; others. The Concert of Performers will consist of between 40 and 50 of the best Hands. others. The Concert of Performers will consist of between 40 and 50 of the best Hands.
Role: Hautboys Actor: two Shepherds


Mainpiece Title: The Jealous Husband Outwitted

Entertainment: Several new and surprizing Performances, never perform'd by any one besides herself, on the Strait Rope [the famous-Signora Violante [[1] She Dances a Minuet as Neatly as a Dancing Master on a Floor. [2] She Dances with a Board, ten Foot in length, loose upon the Rope. [3] She Dances with two Boys fastned to her feet; which Occasions great Mirth. [4] She Dances with two heavy Men ty'd to her Feet. [5] She Performs the Exercise of the Colours. After this surprising Performance, Miss Violante will Dance a Louvre in Boys Cloaths

Performance Comment: [2] She Dances with a Board, ten Foot in length, loose upon the Rope. [3] She Dances with two Boys fastned to her feet; which Occasions great Mirth. [4] She Dances with two heavy Men ty'd to her Feet. [5] She Performs the Exercise of the Colours. After this surprising Performance, Miss Violante will Dance a Louvre in Boys Cloaths.

Dance: t the Desire of several Gentlemen and Ladies, the White Joke-will be danced by an Old Woman, with Pierrot in the Basket; Pierrot-Lalauze; Old Woman-Tobin