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We found 3416 matches on Event Comments, 808 matches on Performance Title, 483 matches on Performance Comments, 0 matches on Author, and 0 matches on Roles/Actors.
Event Comment: Boswell (Restoration Court Stage, pp. 180-81) believes that a performance occurred on this day, as well as on 16 Feb. 1674@5, Shrove Tuesday, the date often specified in advance statements. For previous notices, see 2 Feb. 1674@5, 15 and 22 Dec. 1674. Edition of 1675:....followed at innumerable Rehearsals, and all the Representations by throngs of Persons of the greatest the 20th or 30th, for near so often it had been Rehearsed and Acted....And the Composer of all the Musick both Vocal and Instrumental Mr Staggins. Langbaine. (English Dramatick Poets, p. 92): a Masque at court, frequently presented there by Persons of great Quality, with the Prologue, and the Songs between the Acts: printed in quarto Lond. 1675....This Masque was writ at the Command of her present Majesty: and was rehearsed near Thirty times, all the Representations being follow'd by throngs of Persons of the greatest Quality, and very often grac'd with their Majesties and Royal Highnesses Presence. John Evelyn (The Life of Mrs Godolphin): [Mrs Blagge] had on her that day near twenty thousand pounds value of Jewells, which were more sett off with her native beauty and luster then any they contributed of their own to hers; in a word, she seemed to me a Saint in Glory, abstracting her from the Stage. For I must tell you, that amidst all this pomp and serious impertinence, whilst the rest were acting, and that her part was sometymes to goe off, as the scenes required, into the tireing roome, where severall Ladyes her companions were railing with the Gallants trifleingly enough till they were called to reenter, she, under pretence of conning her next part, was retired into a Corner, reading a booke of devotion, without att all concerning herself or mingling with the young Company; as if she had no farther part to act, who was the principall person of the Comedy...[With] what a surprizeing and admirable aire she trode the Stage, and performed her Part, because she could doe nothing of this sort, or any thing else she undertooke, indifferently....Thus ended the Play, butt soe did not her affliction, for a disaster happened which extreamly concern'd her, and that was the loss of a Diamond of considerable vallue, which had been lent her by the Countess of Suffolke; the Stage was immediately swept, and dilligent search made to find it, butt without success, soe as probably it had been taken from her, as she was oft inviron'd with that infinite crowd which tis impossible to avoid upon such occasion. Butt the lost was soon repair'd, for his Royall Highness understanding the trouble she was in, generousely sent her the wherewithall to make my Lady Suffolke a present of soe good a Jewell. For the rest of that days triumph I have a particular account still by me of the rich Apparell she had on her, amounting, besides the Pearles and Pretious Stones, to above three hundred pounds (ed. Samuel Lord Bishop of Oxford [London, 1847], pp. 97-100). See also 15 Dec. 1674


Mainpiece Title: Calisto; Or, The Chaste Nimph

Afterpiece Title: Calisto's Additional performers

Event Comment: The Duke's Company. Nell Gwyn attended this performance. See VanLennep, Nell Gwyn's Playgoing, p.408. It is not certain that this was the premiere, but, as the play was licensed for publication on 20 Nov. 1676, the first performance may well have been on this day. A song, Away with the causes of riches and cares, with music by Matthew Lock, is in Catch that Catch Can, No. 64, 1685. Another, Beneath a shady willow, with music by William Turner, is in A New Collection of Songs and Thomas D'Urfey, 1683. Edition of 1677: That its only good Fortune was, in being the Subject of the Courts Diversion, where their Noble Clemency and Good Nature were extremely requisite, in covering its defects from the too Censorious; His Majesty, according to His accustomed Royal and Excellent Temper, was pleas'd to descend so far, as to give it a particular Applause, which was seconded by your Grace [The Duke of Ormond]


Mainpiece Title: Madam Fickle; Or, The Witty False One

Event Comment: CSPD, Charles II, 1679-1680, p. 415: Their Royal Highnesses went to see a Play


Event Comment: The Duke's Company. The date of the first production is not known, but the entry of this play in the Term Catalogues for November 1680 suggests a first offering in September or October 1680. The music for the play was composed by Henry Purcell, his first (according to Downes composing for the stage. Downes (Roscius Anglicanus, p. 38) gives a shortened cast and adds: All the Parts in't being perfectly perform'd, with several Entertainments of Singing; Compos'd by the Famous Master Mr Henry Purcell, (being the first he e'er Compos'd for the Stage) made it a living and Gainful Play to the Company: The Court; especially the Ladies, by their daily charming presence, gave it great Encouragement. Dedication, Edition of 1680: The Reputation that this Play received on the Stage, some few Errors excepted, was more than I could well hope from so Censorious an Age....You [the Duchess of Richmond] brought her Royal Highness just at the exigent Time, whose single Presence on the Poet's day is a Subsistence for him all the Years after. A song, Hail to the myrtle shade, is in Choice Ayres and Songs, The Third Book (dated 2 Nov. 1680)


Mainpiece Title: Theodosius; Or, The Force Of Love

Event Comment: True Protestant Mercury, 25 Feb.--1 March 1681@2: Yesterday the Morocco Embassador diverted himself at a Comedy, at the Royal Theater


Event Comment: The Duke's Company. The players received the customary #20. See A Calendar of the Inner Temple Records, III, 183. Loyal Protestant and True Domestick Union. 4 Nov. 1682: London November 2. Yesterday began the Revels at the Temple; where all the Judges belonging thereunto were nobly entertained by a Splendid Banquet, and afterwards by an excellent new Comedy, acted by His Royal Highness's Servants in the Inner-Temple-Hall, called, Rule a Wife and have a Wife, to the great satisfaction of all the Spectators


Mainpiece Title: Rule A Wife And Have A Wife

Event Comment: A Second Musical Entertainment Perform'd on St. Cecilia's day, November XXII. 1684. The Words by the late ingenious Mr John Oldham, Author of the Satyrs Against the Jesuits. Set to Music in two, three, four, and five Parts, by Dr John Blow, Master of the Children, and Organist of His Majesty's Chappel-Royal. [This work was published in 1685.


Mainpiece Title: Concert

Event Comment: Peregrine Bertie to the Countess of Rutland, 11 Feb. 1685@6: To-day was the French opera. The King and Queen were there, the musicke was indeed very fine, but all the dresses the most wretched I ever saw; 'twas acted by none but French. A Saturday the Court goes to another play, to take their leaves of those vanitys till after Lent (HMC, 12th Report, Appendix, Rutland MSS., Part V, Vol. II, p. 104). [This performance is on the L. C. list 5@147, p. 125: The King & Queene & a Box for ye Maydes of honor at ye French Opera [the charge for the royal box was increased from #20 to #25 on this occasion]. W. J. Lawrence conjectured that this French opera was Cadmus et Hermione and that Jacques Rousseau, a scene painter of Paris, provided the decor. See W. J. Lawrence, The French opera in London; A Riddle of 1686, TLS, 28 March 1936, p. 268


Mainpiece Title: Cadmus Et Hermione

Event Comment: The United Company. This performance is on the L. C. list, 5@148, p. 145. See also Nicoll, Restoration Drama, p. 351. When this play was revised and revived as The Royal Merchant; or, Beggar's Bush at Drury Lane, 19 June 1705, the bill bore the heading: Not acted these Twenty Years


Mainpiece Title: The Beggar's Bush


Mainpiece Title: London's Great Jubilee

Performance Comment: Restor'd and Perform'd On Tuesday, October the 29th 1689. For the Entertainment of the Right Honourable Sir ThomasPilkington Kt. Lord Mayor of the City of London. Containing a Description of the several Pageants and Speeches together with a Song for the Entertainment of Their Majesties, who with their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Denmark, the whole Court, and both Houses of Parliament, Honour His Lordship this Year with their Presence. All set forth at the Proper Cost and Charges of the Right Worshipful Company of Skinners. [By Matthew Taubman.]
Event Comment: London Gazette, No 2520, 2-6 Jan. 1689@90: These are to give notice, That the Consort of Musick (at Mr Hughs's, in Freemans Court in Cornhill near the Royal-Exchange) will be perform'd on Wednesday next, being the 8th instant, and so continue every Wednesday for the future, beginning between 7 and 8 of the Clock in the Evening


Mainpiece Title: Concert

Event Comment: London Gazette, No. 2599, 6-9 Oct. 1690: Mr Franck's Consort of Vocal and Instrumental Musick will be performed tomorrow, being Friday the 10th instant, at the Two Golden-Balls at the upper-end of Bow-Street, Covent-Garden, at 7 in the Evening, and next Wednesday at the Outropers-Office on the Royal Exchange, and will be continued all the ensuing Winter


Mainpiece Title: Concert

Event Comment: London Gazette, No 2651, 6-9 April 1691: The Consort of Vocal and Instrumental Musick lately held in York-Buildings, will be performed again (at the same place and hours as formerly) on Monday next (being Easter-Monday) by the Command, and for the Entertainment, of her Royal Highness the Princess of Denmark


Mainpiece Title: Concert

Event Comment: This celebration of the Queen's Birthday presumably was given on 30 April, her birthday. The music in the Royal Society of Music gives the singers as Mrs Ayliff, The Boy, Turner, Snow, Edwards, Howell, Bowman, Damascene, Bouchier, Williams, Woodeson, Roberts. See Purcell's Works, Purcell Society, XXIV (1926), ii


Mainpiece Title: Concert

Event Comment: The United Company. The date of the premiere is not certain, but the fact that a song in the play, composed by Henry Purcell and sung by Mrs Hudson, is in the Gentleman's Journal, January@February 1693@4 (advertised in the London Gazette, No 2955, 5-8 Marcn 1693@4) suggests that the play had its premiere in February. The play was advertised in the London Gazette, No 2959, 19-22 March 1693@4. The music for additional songs was composed by Henry Purcell: The danger is over, sung by Mrs Hudson, is in Joyful Cuckoldom, ca. 1695; I sighed and owned my love, sung by Mrs Ayliff, is in Thesaurus Musicus, Book III, 1695. See also Purcell's Works, Purcell Society, XX (1916), i-iii. Two songs were composed by John Eccles: Still, I'm grieving, sung by Mrs Bracegirdle; and Give then royal maid your sorrows o're, sung by Mrs Cibber, are in Thesaurus Musicus, 1695. Gentleman's Journal, March 1694 (advertised in London Gazette, No 2964,5-9 April 1694): Mr Southern's new Play call'd The Fatal Marriage; or, The Innocent Adultery, has been so kindly receiv'd, that you are by this time no stranger to its merit. As the world has done it justice, and it is above my praise, I need not expatiate on that subject. [See also 22 March 1693@4.


Mainpiece Title: The Fatal Marriage; Or, The Innocent Adultery

Event Comment: Luttrell, A Brief Relation, III, 410, 11 Dec. 1694: Sunday last was performed before their majesties in the chappel royal the same vocal and instrumental musick as was performed at St Brides church on St Cecilia's day last


Mainpiece Title: Concert

Event Comment: Rich's Company. The date of the first performance is not known, for the play was apparently not printed until 1704. Nevertheless, some details indicate a performance early in the early in the season of 1696-97. In the first place, the presence of Verbruggen in the cast indicates that it must have been acted before 1 Jan. 1696@7, when Verbruggen was permitted to act at Lincoln's Inn Fields. The play also parodies the works of Mrs Manley, whose The Royal Mischief had been staged (probably) in April 1696, and it is likely that the company would emphasize the pertinence of the parody by presenting it soon after the appearance of the original. Although The Female Wits may not have been acted until later in the autumn, it seems likely that it was acted first in the late summer or early autumn. Preface, Edition of 1704: [The] Success of this Play has been such...having been Acted six Days running without intermission....Among the rest, Mr Powel and his Wife excell'd in the Characters they represented, as did Mrs Verbruggen, who play'd the Chief Character....The Lady whose Play is rehears'd, personated one Mrs M-ly [Manley]


Mainpiece Title: The Female Wits; Or, The Triumvirate Of Poets At Rehearsal

Event Comment: London Gazette, No. 3388, 28 April-2 May 1698: On Wednesday next, the 4th of May, will be performed in York-Buildings, the Song which was Sung before her Royal Highness on Her Birth Day last; With other Variety of New Vocal and Instrumental Musick, Composed by Dr Turner, and for his Benefit


Mainpiece Title: Concert

Event Comment: Post Boy, No. 476, 21-24 May 16 98: Wednesday next, the 25th of May, will be performed in York Buildings, a new Entertainment of Vocal and Instrumental Musick, with the Song which was Sung to her Royal Highness on her Birthday Compos'd by Mr Daniel Purcell, and is for his Benefit


Mainpiece Title: Concert

Event Comment: Luttrell, A Brief Relation, IV, 518-79: This day being the anniversary of the kings birth...there was also a fine ball at St. James to conclude the solemnity, where the king was present: their royal highnesses the prince and princesse dined with his majestie at Kensington, who all the while were diverted with a fine consort of musick; and Mr Tate, the poet laureat, presented the king with a curious ode


Mainpiece Title: Concert


Mainpiece Title: The Sullen Lovers; Or, The Impertinents, With The Humours Of Sir Positive At-all

Performance Comment: Sir Positive-Powell; With a new Prologue by way of Elegy on the Death of the Royal Oak Lottery-Powell; And an Epilogue on the Life and Character of Maister Observator-Powell.


Mainpiece Title: Entertainments

Performance Comment: By a compleat Company of near 20 of the best Rope/Dancers, Vaulters, Tumblers in Europe, who are all excellent in their several Performances, and do such wonderful and surprizing things as the whole World cannot parallel; where , who gave that extraordinary satisfaction before Charles III, King of Spain on Board the Royal Katherine, performs several new Entertainments-Finley; and where the Lady Mary, likewise shews such Additions to her former admirable perfections, as render her the wonder of the whole World. and where the Lady Mary, likewise shews such Additions to her former admirable perfections, as render her the wonder of the whole World.
Event Comment: [In Daily Courant, 26 Sept., The Royal Merchant had been announced for this day.


Mainpiece Title: Tunbridge Walks; Or, The Yeoman Of Kent

Song: As17050922; Particularly a two/Part Song compos'd by the late Mr Henry Purcell-

Dance: Cherrier

Event Comment: Benefit Evans. For the Entertainment of Don Venturo Zary, the Emperour of Morocco's/Minister; and Elhadge Guzman, the Royal Messenger, (from the said Emperour Muley Ismael, to her Majesty) with their Attendants in their several Habits


Mainpiece Title: King Henry The Fourth: With The Humours Of Sir John Falstaff

Event Comment: [By Ambrose Phillips.] At the Desire of several Ladies of Quality. William Egerton: And in the Spring came on Mr Phillips's Tragedy, The Distrest Mother. Mrs Rogers, an Actress, who in her Turn, had made a considerable Figure on the Stage, was designed the Part of (Andromache, Hector's Widow, &. i.e.) the Distrest Mother. But the Author, as well as his Friends, were soon convinced that Mrs Oldfield was infinitely the more accomplished Person for so Capital a Part. Upon its being given to Her, Mrs Rogers raised a Posse of Profligates, fond of Tumult and Riot, who made such a Commotion in the House, that the Court hearing of it send four of the Royal Messengers, and a strong Guard, to suppress all Disorders. This being effected, the Play was brought upon the Stage and crowned with deserved Success (Egerton, pp. 31-32)


Mainpiece Title: The Distrest Mother