SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE MATCH('(@(authnameclean,perftitleclean,commentcclean,commentpclean) "Theatre Royal in Naples"/1) | (@(roleclean,performerclean) "Theatre Royal in Naples")') GROUP BY eventid ORDER BY weight() desc, eventdate asc OPTION field_weights=(perftitleclean=100, commentpclean=75, commentcclean=75, roleclean=100, performerclean=100, authnameclean=100), ranker=sph04

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We found 3364 matches on Event Comments, 742 matches on Performance Title, 477 matches on Performance Comments, 0 matches on Author, and 0 matches on Roles/Actors.
Event Comment: For a list of the players in the two companies from a document in the Kent Archives Office, see Sybil Rosenfeld, Unpublished Stage Documents, Theatre Notebook, XI (1957), 94


Event Comment: As a result of litigation in 1704, we know that the regular company at Drury Lane and Dorset Garden resumed acting (after the younger performers had had possession of the theatres) on 9 Oct. 1695, and acted 214 days to 13 July 1696, after which the young actors played until 12 Oct. 1696, acting 57 times in the long vacation. See Hotson, Commonwealth and Restoration Stage, p. 308


Event Comment: It is not known in which theatre this revival occurred. It was witnessed by van Constantijn Huygens, Monday 19 Dec. 1695 N.S. [translation]: In the afternoon I was at the comedy with my wife and Mrs Creitsmar. They played an old show called: The Love in the Tubb (Publications of the Dutch Historical Society, New Series, XXV [Utrecht, 1877], 560)


Mainpiece Title: Love In A Tub

Event Comment: Newdigate newsletters, 26 March 1696: Mr Dryden ye famous Poet is writing a play wch will bee Intituled Englands deliverance from Popish Conspirators (Wilson, Theatre Notes from the Newdigate Newsletters, p. 82)


Event Comment: May Fair. At Miller's Loyal Association Booth at the upper end of the market near Hyde Park Corner. [See Rosenfeld, The Theatre of the London Fairs, p. 108.


Mainpiece Title: King William's Happy Deliverance And Glorious Triumph Over His Enemies; Or, The Consultation Of The Pope, Devil, French King And The Grand Turk , With The Whole Form Of The siege Of Namurv, And The Humours Of A renegade French-man And brandy Jean, With The Conceits Of A scaramouch And harlequin

Event Comment: Rich's Company. The date of this production is not certain. The Dedication, signed by George Powell and John Verbruggen, is dated Monday, 16 Oct. 1696, but this date is in error, for the sixteenth fell on Friday in October; however, 16 Nov. 1696 fell on Monday. In addition, the Dedication implies that the two men hope to have visitors (i.e., spectators at performances) on "Wednesday, and Saturday next, the Visiting Days of, Your Friends and Servants, George Powell, John Verbruggen." It is possible that the text and the songs were printed in advance of performance and were available at the theatre, but it is still uncertain whether the opera first appeared in October or November 1696. The Single Songs, With the Dialogue, was published separately in 1696, with Daniel Purcel named as the composer. The songs to which performers' names are listed are as follows: Cease, Cynthia, cease your fruitless tears, sung by Mrs Cross. I courted and writ, the verse by Jo Hanes and sung by Church. How happy I am the fair sex can defy, the verse by Jo Hanes and sung by Leveridge. 'Tis in vain to tell me I am deceived, sung by Freeman. Great queen of Hymen's hallowed fires, sung by Mrs Willis. Why, Chloe, will you not perceive, the verse by John Robens and sung by Church. Why dost thou fly me, sung by Edwards and Mrs Cross. If mortals laugh and sing, sung by Freeman. The Songs were entered in the Term Catalogues, November 1696


Mainpiece Title: Brutus Of Alba; Or, Augusta's Triumph

Event Comment: Betterton's Company. The date of this revival is not certain, but Luttrell's copy (Huntington Library) bears his date of 27 Oct. 1696 for his acquisition of a copy; hence, the revival must have occurred not later than October 1696. When this play was revived at the Queen's Theatre in the Haymarket, 8 June 1705, the bill bore the heading: Not Acted by that Company these Nine Years


Mainpiece Title: Rule A Wife And Have A Wife

Event Comment: Rich's Company. The date of the first performance is not known, but the fact that the play was advertised in the London Gazette, 18-21 Jan. 1696@7 (Luttrell acquired his copy, Huntington Library, 20 Jan. 1696@7) suggests that it was first given not later than December 1696. A Comparison Between the Two Stages (1702), pp. 20-21, lists it among the "Masterpieces" on which Drury Lane "subsisted" in the early years after the separation of the theatres


Mainpiece Title: Aesop

Event Comment: Betterton's Company. John Coke (see below), writing on 16 March 1696@7, referred to a "new farce" appearing at this theatre on this day, but no "new farce" is known at this period; on the other hand, an edition of Mountfort's farce published in 1697 indicates a revival in this season and is a likely possibility for this date. John Coke to Thomas Coke, 16 March 1696@7: Saturday a new farce was acted at the new house, which did not take. The Mourning Bride was acted till Saturday, and was full to the last (HMC, 12th Report, Part II, Cowper MSS., II, 368). Robert Shirley to Thomas Coke, 13 March 1696@7: I am, dear Sir, indebted to you in sending me so ingenious an account of Mr Congreve's tragedy, which I hear on all sides far exceeded what the world expected from him in that part of dramatic poetry (ibid)


Mainpiece Title: The Life And Death Of Doctor Faustus

Event Comment: An order by Sunderland, the Lord Chamberlain, required the theatres to bring each new play before him (L. C. 5@152, in Krutch, Comedy and Conscience, p. 181). Luttrell, A Brief Relation, IV, 235-36, 5 June 1697: Several new playes having been lately acted, contrary to good manners, the lord chamberlain has given orders that nore be acted hereafter till his secretary has perused them


Event Comment: Post Boy, 12-15 June 1697: Great Preparations are making for a new Opera [The World in the Moon] in the Play-house in Dorset-Garden, of which there is great Expectation, the Scenes being several new Sets and of a moddel different from all that have been used in any Theatre whatever, being twice as high as any of their former Scenes. And the whole Decoration of the Stage not only infinitely beyond all the Opera's ever yet performed in England, but also by the acknowledgment of several Gentlemen that have travell'd abroad, much exceeding all that has been seen on any of the Foreign Stages


Event Comment: Rich's Company. This performance is known by a playbill in the Folger Shakespeare Library: At the New Theatre, in Little Lincolns-Inn Fields, this present Wensday the 27th of October, will be presented, A Comedy call'd, The Committee, or The Faithful Irishman. No Persons to Stand on the Stage. Nor any Money to be after Return'd [sic] the Curtain is Drawn up. By his Majesties Servants. Vivat Rex. [The playbill is reproduced, opposite page 230, in William VanLennep, Some Early English Playbills, Harvard Library Bulletin, VIII (1954).


Mainpiece Title: The Committee; Or, The Faithful Irishman

Event Comment: Betterton's Company. This performance is known from a playbill in the Folger Shakespeare Library: Not Acted these 16 Years. At the New Theatre, in Little Lincolns-Inn Fields, Tomorrow being Thursday the 28th of October, will be Reviv'd, A Play call'd Troilus and Cressida; or, Truth Found too late. No Person to stand on the Stage. Nor any Money to be after Return'd [sic] the Curtain is Drawn up. By His Majesties Servants. Vivat Rex


Mainpiece Title: Troilus And Cressida; Or, Truth Found Too Late

Event Comment: Rich's Company. Post Boy, 13-15 Jan. 1697@8: 'Tis said that this day will be Acted, at the Theatre in Dorset Garden, the Opera called Prophetess or Dioclesian, at the request of a Nobleman; they will not tell us who, but we presume for the Entertainment of a very great Foreigner. Luttrell, A Brief Relation, III, 332: He [the Czar of Muscovy] is this night at the Playhouse incognito to see the Prophetesse acted


Mainpiece Title: The Prophetess; Or, The History Of Dioclesian

Event Comment: Rich's Company. Post Boy, 31 May-2 June 1698: London, June 2nd. This Day, at the Theatre in Drury-Lane, will be Acted a Play, called, The Plain-Dealer, upon a very charitable Account, the Profits of the Play being given for the Release of a distressed Gentleman from Prison: And the chief Part is acted by Capt. Griffin, formerly a famous Actor, and lately Captain of a Company of Foot in His Majesty's Service, through the Wars in Ireland


Mainpiece Title: The Plain Dealer

Event Comment: Betterton's Company. The date of the first production is not known, but the Songs were advertised in the Flying Post, 6-8 Dec. 1698, and the play in the London Gazette, 19-22 Dec. 1698; hence, the premiere was certainly not later than early December and was probably not later than November. In fact, on 5 Dec. 1698 Dr. William Aglionby wrote Matthew Prior, referring to Dennis, "a poor poet who has made us a fine entertainment of Rinaldo and Armida" (quoted in The Works of John Dennis, II, 489). In a dialogue written by John Oldmixon (Reflections on the Stage [London, 1699], p. 101) Savage, referring to Rinaldo and Armida, states: I have seen it 3 or 4 times already, but the Musick is so fine, and the Play pleases me so well, that I shall not think it a burthen [to see it again] (in The Works of John Dennis, I, 479). The Musical Entertainments in the Tragedy of Rinaldo and Armida (1699) is reprinted, with an introduction by Herbert Davis, in Theatre Miscellany (Luttrell Society Reprints, No 14, Oxford, 1953), pp. 103-15. One song, Ah queen, ah wretched queen, give o'er, sung by Gouge, is in Mercurius Musicus, 1699; and another, Jolly breeze that comes whistling, sung by Gouge, is in Twelve New Songs, 1699. A Comparison between the Two Stages (1702), p. 22: Critick: At last, (as you say) the old Stagers moulded a piece of Pastry work of their own, and made a kind of Lenten Feast with their Rinaldo and Armida; this surpriz'd not only Drury-lane, but indeed all the Town, no body ever dreaming of an Opera there; 'tis true they had heard of Homer's Illiads in a Nut-shel, and Jack in a Box, and what not?...Sullen: Well, with this Vagary they tug'd a while, and The Jolly-Jolly breeze-came whistling thro'-all the Town, and not a Fop but ran to see the Celebrated Virgin in a Machine; there she shin'd in a full Zodiack, the brightest Constellation there; 'twas a pleasant Reflection all this time to see her scituated among the Bulls, Capricorns, Sagittaries, and yet the Virgo still remain itacta....Critick: But this merry Time lasted not always; every thing has an end, and at length down goes Rinaldo's inchanted Mountain; it sunk as a Mole-hill seen on't: What a severity was this? that the Labour of such a gigantick Poet, nay Critick, shou'd give up the Ghost so soon: The renown'd Author thought himself immortal in that Work, and that the World was to last no longer than his Rinaldo; and tho' he stole every thing from the Italian, yet he said, what the Italian did was but Grub-street to his. See also 5 Jan. 1698@9 for a letter written by Mrs Barry, in part concerning Rinaldo and Armida


Mainpiece Title: Rinaldo And Armida

Event Comment: Post Man, 4-6 April 1699: On Easter Monday, at the New Theatre in Little Lincolns Inn Fields, will be an entertainment of Dancing, performed by Monsieur Balon newly arrived from Paris. [Betterton's Company. See also 8 April 1699.


Mainpiece Title: Play Not Known

Event Comment: Tom Brown, writing to George Moult, 30 Aug. 1699: As I have observ'd to you, this noble Fair is quite another thing than what it was in the last Age; it not only deals in the humble stories of Crispin and Crispianus, Whittington's Cat, Bateman's Ghost, with the merry Conceits of the Little Pickle-herring; but it produces Opera's of its own Growth, and is become a formidable Rival to both the Theatres. It beholds Gods descending from Machines, who express themselves in a language suitable to their dignity; it trafficks in Heroes; it raises Ghosts and Apparitions; it has represented the Trojan Horse, the Workmanship of the divine Epeus; it has seen St. George encounter the Dragon, and overcome him; In short, for Thunder and Lightning, for Songs and Dances, for sublime Fustian and magnificent Nonsense, it comes not short of Drury-Lane or Lincolns-Inn-Fields (in Thomas Brown, Works, 4th edition, 1715, I, 212-13). [For a colorful account of Bartholomew Fair at the turn of the century, see The London Spy Compleat, 1703, Parts X and XI, particularly pages 228-58.]


Event Comment: London Post, 24-27 Nov. 1699: [William Joy] being oblig'd to leave Town in order to pursue some other Method, can shew but twice, which will be God-willing on Wednesday and Friday next at the Theatre in Dorset Garden, beginning Precisely at 11 a Clock, being resolved to shew no more before he leaves the Town


Mainpiece Title: Entertainments

Event Comment: On this day James Brydges attended an unnamed play at this theatre (Huntington MS St 26)


Event Comment: Betterton's Company. This performance is known from a playbill apparently no longer extant: W. R. At the Desire of several Persons of Quality. At the New Theatre in Little Lincoln's-Inn Fields, this present Tuesday, being the 27th of February, will be presented, a Tragedy call'd The Mourning Bride. The Moorish? Entry perform'd by The Little? Boy. Vivant Rex. (W. J. Lawrence, The Elizabethan Playhouse and Other Studies (Stratford, 1913). See also R. W. Lowe, Thomas Betterton (London, 1891), and Fitzgerald, A New History, I, 389


Mainpiece Title: The Mourning Bride

Event Comment: Betterton's Company. The date of the first performance is not known, but Lucyle Hook, James Brydges Drops in at the Theatre, Huntington Library Bulletin, VIII (1945), 309, speculates that James Brydges' attendance at lif this day may have been prompted by his seeing this new play, as he stayed longer than he often did at a theatrical performance. The comedy was certainly acted before 12 March 1699@1700. James Brydges, Diary: I went to ye play in Lincolns inn fields, where I met Sr G. Coply, who set me down after it was ended (Huntington MS St 26). Downes, Roscius Anglicanus, p. 45: The Way of the World, a Comdey wrote by Mr Congreve, twas curiously Acted; Madam Bracegirdle performance her Part so exactly and just, gain'd the Applause of Court and City; but being too Keen a Satyr, had not the Success the Company Expected


Mainpiece Title: The Way Of The World

Event Comment: Betterton's Company. Flying Post, 2-4 July 1700: At the Request, and for the Entertainment of several Persons of Quality, at the New Theatre in Lincolns-Inn-Fields, to Morrow, being Friday, the 5th of this instant July, will be acted, The Comical History of Don Quixote, both Parts being made into one by the Author. With a new Entry by the little Boy, being his last time of Dancing before he goes to France: Also Mrs Elford's new Entry, never performed but once; and Miss Evan's Jigg and Irish Dance: With several new Comical Dances, compos'd and perform'd by Monsieur L'Sac and others. Together with a new Pastoral Dialogue, by Mr George and Mrs Haynes; and variety of other Singing. It being for the Benefit of a Gentleman in great distress; and for the Relief of his Wife and Three Children. Downes, Roscius Anglicanus, p. 45: Don Quixote, both Parts made into one, by Mr Durfey, Mrs Bracegirdle Acting, and her excellent Singing in't; the Play in general being well Perform'd tis little Inferior to any of the preceding Comedies


Mainpiece Title: The Comical History Of Don Quixote

Event Comment: Benefit William Bowen, the famous Comedian...who has for some months discontinued Acting, on account of some Difference between him and the rest of the Sharers in the New Theatre;'s the Opinion of the best Judges in Town, that no person in either of the Theatres, can come so near the Performance of the famous Original Mr Lacy as he can


Mainpiece Title: The Committee

Event Comment: Benefit for Pinkethman, [but] no plays being Allow'd to be Acted at either Theatre the Friday or Saturday before Whitsunday next,...Love makes a deferr'd till Friday the 13th of June


Mainpiece Title: Love Makes A Man