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We found 3364 matches on Event Comments, 742 matches on Performance Title, 477 matches on Performance Comments, 0 matches on Author, and 0 matches on Roles/Actors.
Event Comment: On this day the news of the death of the Duchess of Modena was brought to Windsor, and newsletters stated that the Court was to go into mourning the following Sunday. Acting at the theatres may have been curtailed during the late summer


Event Comment: The data in Langhans, New Restoration Theatre Accounts, pp. 128-29, suggest that acting may have resumed by this day and continued to 9 June 1688. Because of the 1688 revolution, the circumstances of summer acting in 1688 are not clear


Event Comment: The United Company. The date of the first performance is not certain, but it was very likely this day. Writing on 12 May 1688, Peregrine Bertie states that it had been acted nine days successively. If the ninth performance fell on Friday 12 May, the premiere probably occurred on Wednesday 3 May. The Prologue and Epilogue, printed separately, are reprinted in Wiley, Rare Prologues and Epilogues, pp. 261-63. Downes (Roscius Anglicanus, p. 41): This Play by its Excellent Acting, being often Honour's with the presence of Chancellor Jeffereies, and other great Persons had an Uninterrupted run of 13 Days together. Note, The Poet receided for his third Day in the House in Drury Lane at single Prizes 130 l. which was the greatest Receipt they ever had at that House at single Prizes. Dedication, Edition of 1688: This, I must confess, made me hope for success upon the Stage, which it met with, but so great, as was above my expectation (in this Age which has run mad after Farces) no Comedy, for these many years, having fill'd the Theatre so long together: And I had the great Honour to find so many Friends, that the House was never so full since it was built, as upon the third day of this Play; and vast numbers went away, that could not be admitted. For Leigh as Belfond Sr, see Cibber, Apology, ed. Lowe, I, 147-48; and for Underhill as Lolpoop, I, 154-55. For further comment upon the play, see 12 May 1688


Mainpiece Title: The Squire Of Alsatia

Event Comment: A troupe of French Comedians played at theatre in Windsor Castle. On 25 July 1688 a warrant (L. C. 5@17, pp. 60, 65, in Boswell, Restoration Court Stage, pp. 61, 127) ordered the playhouse there to be made ready for the foreign company. According to L. C. 5@17, in Nicoll, Restoration Drama, p. 65, the French players arrived on 11 Aug. and remained at Windsor until 22 Sept


Event Comment: In The Theatre of Compliment, 1688, are verses similar to those apparently referring to August 1686: @Here is the Rarity of the whole Fair,@Pimper-la-Pimp, and the Wise Dancing Mare;@Here's valiant St George and the Dragon, a farce;@Here's Vienna Besieged, a most delicate thing;@And here's Punchinello, shown thrice to the King.@ John Verney entertained some of his wife's family who were in town to see Bartholomew Fair. See Memoirs of the Verney Family, ed. Margaret M. Verney (London, 1699), IV, 435


Event Comment: The United Company. The date of the first production is not known. The play was entered in the Term Catalogues, June 1689, and announced in the London Gazette, 24-27 June 1689. In the extreme scarcity of information concerning the theatres during the disturbed winter of 1688-89, it is difficult to know when this play may have been first presented. It was probably acted not later than April, possibly in March


Mainpiece Title: The Fortune-hunters; Or, Two Fools Well Met

Event Comment: The United Company. Rowland Davies, 13 June 1689: After dinner I went with Mr N. Lysaght and W. Jephson to see Circe acted at the Queen's Theatre, which was done to admiration, with better scenes than I could imagine (The Journal of the Very Rev. Rowland Davies, Camden Society, Vol. 68 [1856], 24)


Mainpiece Title: Circe

Event Comment: The data in Langhans, New Restoration Theatre Accounts, pp. 130-31, leave the acting days uncertain. Between 13 May 1689 and 7 Dec. 1689 the company acted on 91 days. It then played regularly through 8 Feb. 1689@90, and acted on 83 days (out of a possible 84) between 10 Feb. and 7 June, on 8 days from 13 June through 4 July 1690. In Poems on Affairs of State= (Fifth Edition, 1703), I, ii, 238, is A Prologue spoken by Mr Mountfort, after he came from the Army, and Acted on the Stage (see also A. S. Borgman, The Life and Death of William Mountfort [Cambridge, Mass., 1935], p. 55). The date at which Mountfort spoke this Prologue is not certain, but he was certainly in London ca. Tuesday 15 Oct. 1689 when he was involved in a disagreement within the United Company. See L. C. 5@192, in Nicoll, Restoration Drama, p. 334n


Event Comment: The date of this amateur performance is not known, but the date generally accepted is December 1689. See Alfred Loewenberg, The Annals of Opera, Second Edition, Columns 85-86; and R. E. Moore, Henry Purcell and the Restoration Theatre (Cambridge, Mass., 1961), pp. 38-69. The Epilogue is in New Poems (1690)


Mainpiece Title: Dido And Aeneas

Event Comment: The United Company. The date of the first performance is not known. The play was entered in the Stationers' Register, 13 Feb. 1689@90, and advertised in the London Gazette, 20-24 Feb. 1689@90; hence, it was probably first given in January 1690, certainly no later than early February 1690. Preface, Edition of 1690: The time was, upon the uniting of the two Theatres, that the reviveing of the old stock of Plays, so ingrost the study of the House, that the Poets lay dorment; and a New Play cou'd hardly get admittance, amongst the more precious pieces of Antiquity, that then waited to walk the Stage; and since the World runs all upon Extremes, as you had such a Scarcity of new ones then; 'tis justice you shou'd have as great a glut of them now; for this reason, this little Prig makes bold to thrust in with the Crowd


Mainpiece Title: The Treacherous Brothers

Event Comment: The United Company. The date of the first performance is not known, but Luttrell's copy (Huntington Library) of the play bears the date of acquisition 3 June [1690, apparently], and the play was advertised in the London Gazette, No 2566, 12-16 June 1690. See Fredson Bowers, A Bibliographical History of the Fletcher-Betterton Play, The Prophetess, 1690, The Library, 5th Series, XVI (1961), 169-75. It seems likely that the opera was first given early in June 1690. An edition of The Vocal and Instrumental Musick of The Prophetess appeared in 1691. See Works of Henry Purcell, Purcell Society, IX. Downes (Roscius Anglicanus, p. 42): The Prophetess, or Dioclesian an Opera, Wrote by Mr Betterton; being set out with Coastly Scenes, Machines and Cloaths: The Vocal and Instrumental Musick, done by Mr Purcel; and Dances by Mr Priest; it gratify'd the Expectation of Court and City; and got the Author great Reputation. [See also R. E. Moore, Henry Purcell and the Restoration Theater (Cambridge, Mass., 1961), Chapter V; and E. W. White, Early Theatrical Performances of Purcell's Operas, Theatre Notebook, XIII (1958-59), 44.] The Muses' Mercury (January 1707, pp. 4-5): This prologue was forbidden to be spoken the second Night of the Representation of the Prophetess. Mrs Shadwell was the occasion of its being taken notice of by the Ministry in the last Reign: He happen'd to be at the House on the first Night, and taking the beginning of the Prologue to have a double meaning, and that Meaning to reflect on the Revolution, he told a Gentleman, He would immediately Put a stop to it. When that Gentleman ask'd, Why he wou'd do the Author such a Disservice? He said, Because while Mr Dryden was Poet Laureat, he wou'd never let any Play of his be Acted. Mr Shadwell informed the Secretary of State of it, and representing it in its worst Colours, the Prologue was never Spoken afterwards, and is not printed in Mr Dryden's Works, or his Miscellanies. Cibber, Apology (ed. Lowe, II, 13-14): A Prologue (by Dryden) to the Prophetess was forbid by the Lord Dorset after the first War in Ireland. It must be confess'd that this Prologue had some familiar, metaphorical Sneers at the Revolution itself; and as the Poetry of it was good, the Offence of it was less pardonable


Mainpiece Title: The Prophetess; Or, The History Of Dioclesian

Event Comment: According to Langhans, New Restoration Theatre Accounts, pp. 131-32, the company probably acted 26 days from 5 July through 25 Oct., then regularly through 6 June 1961, then 41 days from 8 June through 16 Oct. 1691


Event Comment: According to Langhans, New Restoration Theatre Accounts, pp. 132-33, the company acted regularly from 19 Oct. 1691 through 3 Aug. 16@2, with only a few dark days other than the customary ones


Event Comment: Luttrell, A Brief Relation, II, 313, 17 Dec. 1691: Last Tewsday [i.e., Wednesday] a great disorder at the playhouse, where the lord Grey of Ruthin and viscount Longueville were knockt downe, and 2 other lords puncht with the butt ends of muskets; they complained of the affront to his majestie, who referred them to the house of lords, where they made their application yesterday; and the lords thereon desired his majestie would be pleased to command the suspending acting of playes till further order. Newdigate newsletters, 17 Dec. 1691: Last night the Kings play House was shut up upon complaints given in to the King by the Lord Grey Viscount Longville and other Lords that they had received severall Affronts from and were badly used by ye door keepers, and 'tis said the future Acting is suspended till further order (Wilson, Theatre Notes from the Newdigate Newsletters, p. 82). See also HMC, 13th Report, Appendix Five, pp. 464-65


Event Comment: Luttrell, A Brief Relation, II, 316: The players have begg'd pardon of the lords abused there, and have leave to act again on Monday. [The order for reopening is in L. C. 5@150, p. 345 (Nicoll, Restoration Drama, p. 361).] Newdigate Newsletters, 19 Dec. 1691: We heare that the Play house will be againe opened this Night or on Monday & will Continue to Act as formerly and tis S. the Sentinell who discharged his Musquet was tryed by a Court Martial and acquitted (Wilson, Theatre Notes from the Newdigate Newsletters, p. 82)


Event Comment: The United Company. The date of the first performance is not certain, but it lies between Saturday 9 and Saturday 16 April. Luttrell, A Brief Relation (II, 413) stated on 9 April that the Queen had prohibited its being acted; on 16 April (II, 422) he reports that it has been acted. Luttrell, A Brief Relation, II, 422, 16 April: Mr Dryden s play has been acted with applause, the reflecting passages upon this government being left out. The Gentleman's Journal, May 1692 (licensed 14 May): I told you in my last, that none could then tell when Mr Dryden's Cleomenes would appear; since that time, the Innocence and Merit of the Play have rais'd it several eminent Advocates, who have prevailed to have it Acted, and you need not doubt but it has been with great applause. Preface, Edition of 1692: Mrs Barry, always Excellent, has, in this tragedy, excell'd Herself, and gain'd a Reputation beyond any Woman whom I have ever seen on the Theatre. [See also Cibber, Apology, I, 160, for a discussion of Mrs Barry in Cleomenes.] A song, No, no, poor suffering heart no change endeavour, the music by Henry Purcell, is in Comes Amoris, The Fourth Book, 1693, and also, with the notice that it was sung by Mrs Butler, in Joyful Cuckoldom, ca. 1695. See also Purcell's Works, Purcell Society, XVI (1906), xviii-xix; Epistolary Essay to Mr Dryden upon his Cleomenes, in Gentleman's Journal, May 1692, pp. 17-21. When the play was revived at Drury Lane, 8 Aug. 1721, the bill bore the heading: Not Acted these Twenty-Five Years


Mainpiece Title: Cleomenes, The Spartan Heroe

Event Comment: The United Company. Newdigate newsletters, 11 June 1692: And on Monday [the Princess Anne] comes to see the new opera (Wilson, More Theatre Notes from the Newdigate Newsletters, p. 59)


Mainpiece Title: The Fairy Queen

Event Comment: BM Add. Mss. 34096, folio 63r 64v, Whitehall, 15 July 1692: The Prince and Princesse of Danemarke...yesterday...tooke barge to Goe to ye Play House. [See Benjamin Bathurst, Letters of Two Queens (London, 1924), p. 225, for a letter by Princess Anne ordering boats to take her to the theatre.


Event Comment: According to evidence given in litigation, the gross receipts of the theatres from 4 May 1682 to 3 Aug. 1692 were #103,988 5s. 7d.; the costs and charges came to #85,393 19s. 0d. The "Clear Profits" were #18,594 6s. 7d. See Hotson, Commonwealth and Restoration Stage, pp. 288-89, who estimates that the receipts averaged, roughly, #50 per acting day


Event Comment: Newdigate newsletters, 2 Sept. 1693: On Thursday a person acting ye Jack pudding on a stage in Bartholomew fair Bantering upon ye Straits Expedition & return of the ffleet was taken into Custody (Folger Shakespeare Library, transcribed by Professor John Harold Wilson). Luttrell, A Brief Relation, III, 176, 2 Sept. 1693: A merry andrew in Bartholomew fair is committed for telling the mobb news that our fleet was come into Torbay, being forced in by some French privateers, and other words reflecting on the conduct of great ministers of state. Newdigate newsletters, 12 Sept. 1693: On Sunday [10 Sept.] Mr Percivall who kept a Booth during St Barthollomew fair was siezed near Charing cross upon ye acct of clipping being discovered by a young man (Wilson, Theatre Notes from the Newdigate Newsletters, p. 82). [See also Luttrell, A Brief Relation, III, 183, 205, 207, 212.


Event Comment: The United Company. This performance is indicated in the Newdigate newsletters, 11 Jan. 1693@4: On Tuesday the Prince of Baden dyned with ye D of Linster and yesterday his Highness saw the new Opera called Diaclessia acted at the Ks play house (Wilson, More Theatre Notes from the Newdigate Newsletters, p. 59). There is, however, some uncertainty about this performance. In the first place, Dioclesian was not a new play, although new songs frequently appeared in it. In the second place, Dryden's new play, Love Triumphant, was ready for its premiere about this time, and the compiler of the Newdigate newsletters might have been mistaken in identifying the play. Yet the certain performance of The Double Dealer on 13 Jan. 1693@4 would be an awkward interruption of the initial run of Love Triumphant if it were the new play the Newdigate newsletters refer to. It seems likely, then, that Love Triumphant did not make its first appearance until mid-January. In Thesaurus Musicus, 1694, is a new song in The Prophetess, Act III, When first I saw the bright Aurelia's eyes, set by Henry Purcell and sung by Mrs Ayliff. It is also in Joyful Cuckoldom 1695. In the latter compilation are three other songs for this play: Since from my dear, sung by Mrs Hudson "in the Prophetess, as it is newly reviv'd," set by Henry Purcell; Let monarchs fight, the words by Thomas Betterton, the music by Henry Purcell, and sung by Freeman; Let ye soldiers, the words by Thomas Betterton, set by Henry Purcell, and sung by Freeman


Mainpiece Title: The Prophetess; Or, The History Of Dioclesian

Event Comment: The United Company. This performance is announced in a playbill: At the Queen's Theatre, in Dorset-Garden, this present Wensday being the Nineth of May, will be presented, A Play called, All for Love, Or the World well-lost. No money to be return'd after the Curtain is drawn. By their Majesties Servants. Vivant Rex Q Regina (reproduced opposite page 241 in Lawrence, Elizabethan Playhouse, Second Series)


Mainpiece Title: All For Love; Or, The World Well-lost

Event Comment: The United Company. This performance is known from a playbill: At the Queens Theatre, in Dorset-Garden, this present Tuesday being the 12th of June, will be presented, A Play called, Theodosius, Or, The Force of Love. No money to be return'd after the Curtain is drawn. By their Majesties servants. Vivant Rex & Regina (reproduced opposite page 241, Lawrence, Elizabethan Playhouse, 2d Series)


Mainpiece Title: Theodosius; Or, The Force Of Love

Event Comment: Queen Mary died on this day. The theatres were closed until after Easter


Event Comment: Christopher Rich's Company. The date of this revival is not certain. Apparently the revival was in preparation before the division of the company, but the publication of the Songs in 1695 confines the production to the period between mid-April and the late autumn. For the opera, see The Works of John Dryden, Vol. VIII: The Plays, edited by John Harrington Smith and Dougald MacMillan (Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1692), pp. 325-30; Moore, Henry Purcell and the Restoration Theatre, Chapter VI;and Purcell's Works, Purcell Society, Vol. XIX. The Songs (1695), the music by Henry Purcell, lists the following pieces and singers: I, Wake, wake, Quivera, sung by Freeman. I, Why shou'd men quarrel, sung by The Boy, with Flutes. Their looks are such that mercy flows, sung by Freeman. II, I come to sing, sung by Freeman. Scorn'd Envy here's nothing, sung by Freeman. Begone, curst Feinds of Hell, sung by Freeman. III, Ah, how happy we are, sung by Freeman and Church. I attempt from Love's sickness to fly, sung by Mrs Cross. IV, They tell us that you mighty powers above, sung by Mrs Cross. In addition, other parts of the opera appeared elsewhere: Act V, a Masque, set by Daniel Purcell, O Bless the Genial Bed with chast delights, in Deliciae Musicae, First Book of the Second Volume, 1696. [The others, since they do not name the performers, are omitted here.


Mainpiece Title: The Indian Queen