SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE MATCH('(@(authnameclean,perftitleclean,commentcclean,commentpclean) "Rev Mr Miller"/1) | (@(roleclean,performerclean) "Rev Mr Miller")') GROUP BY eventid ORDER BY weight() desc, eventdate asc OPTION field_weights=(perftitleclean=100, commentpclean=75, commentcclean=75, roleclean=100, performerclean=100, authnameclean=100), ranker=sph04

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We found 4330 matches on Event Comments, 2226 matches on Performance Comments, 931 matches on Performance Title, 81 matches on Author, and 0 matches on Roles/Actors.


Mainpiece Title: The Old Batchelor

Related Works
Related Work: The Old Batchelor Author(s): William Congreve
Related Work: The Credulous Husband Author(s): William Congreve

Afterpiece Title: The Diversions of the Morning


Mainpiece Title: Coriolanus

Afterpiece Title: The Contrivances

Dance: As17581016


Mainpiece Title: The Recruiting Officer

Afterpiece Title: The Intriguing Chambermaid


Mainpiece Title: The Constant Couple

Afterpiece Title: The Spring

Dance: II: The Irish Lilt, as17621023


Mainpiece Title: Love In A Village

Afterpiece Title: Perseus and Andromeda


Mainpiece Title: False Delicacy

Afterpiece Title: The Elopement


Mainpiece Title: False Delicacy

Afterpiece Title: The Jubilee


Mainpiece Title: Love For Love

Related Works
Related Work: Love for Love Author(s): William Congreve

Afterpiece Title: The Institution of the Garter

Event Comment: This play is alter'd by Mr Cumberland was very well receiv'd Mr & Mrs Barry play'd very well Alcibiades was perform'd by Mr Crofts being his first appearance upon any Stage bad figure bad voice & Play'd bad (Hopkins Diary). New Scenes, Decorations &c. Mr Crofts-a stationer in the Temple (Winston MS 10). Theatrical Review, 4 Dec.: We think ourselves oblig'd to declare that this gentleman (Crofts), by no means answered the expectations we had formed, from the accounts we had heard of him.--His voice is not bad, though it is not much above the level of common conservation; --his deportment is aukward and void of grace to an extreme; and he labors under the disadvantage of having a face destitute of expression. His gestures are extremely ungraceful, and the whole of his execution is glaringly untutored, and misconceived. His persons is very ill formed, and therefore it makes greatly against him, especially as he is the representative of Alcibiades, who was the handsomest man in all Athens, and we never remember any one's attempting to set out as a capital performer with so few requisites for the support of such an undertaking as this gentleman appears to have. Paid Dr Nares & Mr Cooke's 8 boys in the Garter, 12 nights (30th ult. incl.) #36; Master Brown 7 nights (2nd inst. incl.) #2 12s 6d.; Licence for Timon, #2 2s. (Treasurer's Book). [Larpent MS 328 of Cumberland's Timon, is one of the earliest to include scenic descriptions: "A Hall in Timon's House. The Flat Scene represents stately Folding Doors. Scene two, the Back scene is hastily drawn back and discovers a magnificent Levee Room or Salon. &c."] Receipts: #243 1s. (Treasurer's Book)


Mainpiece Title: Timon Of Athens

Afterpiece Title: The Musical Lady


Mainpiece Title: Cymon

Role: Demon of Revenge Actor: Champness

Afterpiece Title: The Citizen

Entertainment: V:(By Desire,) Cupid's Remonstrance, as17720427


Mainpiece Title: The Grecian Daughter

Afterpiece Title: The Old Maid


Mainpiece Title: Venice Preserv'd

Afterpiece Title: The Pigmy Revels


Mainpiece Title: The Beggar's Opera

Afterpiece Title: The Pigmy Revels

Dance: II: Comic Dance, as17720922

Event Comment: Receipts: #200 7s. 6d. (Account Book). Mainpiece: With New Dresses and Decorations. [The first of a series of five performances (the last, Merchant of Venice, 18 Nov.) which got Macklin dismissed from the theatre until 1775, when his lawsuit against six persons whom he claimed formed a conspiracy to hiss him from the stage and ruin his livlihood was concluded favorably for him. His performance of Macbeth was favorably treated but with certain misgivings in the Morning Chronicle (25 Oct.), but he was mercilessly criticized in the London Evening Post and St James Chronicle: "In Act II, Sc. i, Shakespeare has made Macbeth murder Duncan; Now Mr Macklin, being determined to copy from no man, reversed this incident, and in the very first act, scene the second, murdered Macbeth." The favorable review (Morning Chronicle) thought he did well in first and last acts, but gave way to stage rant and "vehemence of energetic expression" wanting any variation in tone in between. It also pointed out a certain faulty memory of his lines. His novel stage effects came in for a paragraph of comment: The alterations in the jeux de theatre respecting the representation of this tragedy do Mr Macklin great credit. His change of the scenery is peculiarly characteristical. The Quadrangle of Macbeth's castle, and the door which is supposed to lead to Duncan's apartment (both of which are entirely new) are additions of consequence to the exhibition of the play. The door also through which Macbeth comes to the Weird Sisters, in the 4th act, is a better and more probable entrance than through the common stage portal. The dresses are new, elegant, and of a sort hitherto unknown to a London audience, but exceedingly proper. The Banquet was superbly set out, and it must be confessed that the managers seem to have spared neither cost nor assiduity to ornament and add to the effect of the representation." A favorable letter from a correspondent to the London Evening Post adds: "I must observe, Mr Printer, that from the graceful and characteristic manner in which Macbeth was introduced by the martial music and military procession, from the manner of M. Macklin's acting, from his judicious alteration of the dresses, the disposition of the scene where the King is killed, the cave of the witches in the 4th act, from the improvement of Mrs Hartley's thinking in Lady Macbeth and from her manner of speaking, which seemed plainly to be the effects of some intelligence she had received from Mr Macklin...I thought Mr Macklin deserv'd great praise." See the newspaper comments all gathered and reprinted in an Apology for the Conduct of Charles Macklin, (London, 1773). See also note to 30 Oct. See also London Chronicle, Oct. 23-26 (cf. Odell, I, 453). The Westminster Magazine suggests the performance was pitiable. "Macklin knew what he ought to do, but could not do it." The Scenemen's pay this week was about double the normal cost. (Account Book).] Verse Squibs from St James Chronicle (Oct. 1773) against Macklin: @Macbeth@"Eight Kings appear and pass over in order, and Banquo the last"@Old Quin, ere Fate suppressed his lab'ring breath@In studied accents grumbled out Macbeth:--@Next Garrick came, whose utt'rance truth impressed,@While ev'ry look the tyrant's guilt confess'd:--@Then the cold Sheridan half froze the part,@Yet what he lost by nature sav'd by art.@Tall Barry now advanc'd toward Birnam Woodv@Nor ill performed the scenes--he understood--@Grave Mossop next to Foris shaped his march@His words were minute guns, his action starch.@Rough Holland too--but pass his errors o'er@Nor blame the actor when the man's no more.@Then heavy Ross, assay'd the tragic frown,@But beef and pudding kept all meaning down:--@Next careless Smith, try'd on the Murd'rer's mask,@While o'er his tongue light tripp'd the hurried task:--@Hard Macklin, late, guilt's feelings strove to speak,@While sweats infernal drench'd his iron cheek;@Like Fielding's Kings [in Tom Thumb] his fancy'd triumphs past,@And all be boasts is, that he falls the last.@ Also from St James Chronicle:@The Witches, while living deluded Macbeth@And the Devil laid hold of his soul after death;@But to punish the Tyrant this would not content him,@So Macklin he sent on the stage to present him.


Mainpiece Title: Macbeth

Afterpiece Title: Thomasand Sally


Mainpiece Title: The School For Wives

Role: Mrs Tempest Actor: Mrs Greville

Afterpiece Title: The Lyar


Mainpiece Title: Sethona

Afterpiece Title: The Citizen


Mainpiece Title: No Performance


Mainpiece Title: Venice Preserv'd

Afterpiece Title: The Cobler; or, a Wife of Ten Thousand

Event Comment: This Comis Opera is Written by the Revd Mr Bate. It is very Pleasant & the Music pretty. It is admirably Perform'd & was receiv'd with very great Applause (Hopkins Diary). The Music of the Afterpiece by Mr Carter. New Scenes, Dresses, Decoartions for afterpiece. Paid for Licences of Matilda & Rival Candidates #4 4s.; Mr Baddeley on note #10 10s.; Miss Berkley #2 2s. on note (Treasurer's Book). [A long rewiew of the plot of the afterpiece appeared in the Feb. Westminster Magazine, concluding: "In point of dialogue, poetry or music, it is inferior to few, if any, of the modern attempts of a similar kind; amongst which number, however, we desire to be understood not to include the ribald, unmeaning, sing-song compilations of the monotonous Mr Dibdin. The Fable, indeed, is too light and trival to endure the severity of a critical analysis; but it is at least sufficiently important to serve as a vehicle for the music; and the catastrophe has peculiar vivacity and theatrical spirit. Upon the whole the author has fully answered the end he proposed of introducing a deserving young composer whose name, it seems is Carter, to the public and who more than promises to be a composer of taste and genius. In this his first performance he both received and deserved the greatest encouragement and applause. Mr Weston spoke a humorous Epilogue accompanied by a large dog named Dragon, which had a very good effect, but as it was poor Dragon's first time of appearing on the stage, he, like all young performers of true feeling, seemed a good deal frightened...but having conquored his fears, and recovered himself a little, he performed his part very chastely and to the entire satisfaction of all present." Epilogue ends with a satirical remark upon Sg Rossignol, the "bird imitator" at Covent Garden. See 6 Jan. cg.] Receipts: #204 17s. 6d. (Treasurer's Book)


Mainpiece Title: Isabella

Afterpiece Title: The Rival Candidates

Event Comment: Benefit for Brereton. Music of the Afterpiece (entirely new) composed by Dibdin. Mr Brereton-Jaffier, Much Applause. The Quaker is Mr Dibdins Production he has sold it to Mr Brereton. The Music is pretty & Novel it was very badly perform'd--when it is properly Cast & got up with care it will do very well (Hopkins Diary). [MacMillan's note from Kemble differs slightly in wording.] [The Reviewer for the Westminster Magazine for May gave a paragraph to Dibdin's afterpiece: "The words will not add to Mr Dibdin's reputation as a writer, nor Will the music increase his fame as a composer, the latter, however, possessed more merit than the former. The Finale was in new stile and pleased. Upon the whole this piece, like the rest of Mr Dibdin's performances, proves that this would-be author, is resolv'd in spite. Of Nature and the Stars, to write."] Receipts: #105 19s. 6d. Charges: #69 18s. Profits to Brereton: #36 1s. 6d. (Treasurer's Book)


Mainpiece Title: Venice Preserv'd

Afterpiece Title: The Quaker

Event Comment: Paid 3 day's salary at #100 12s. 6d. per diem #301 17s. 6d. Salaries short-paid last week #168 8s. 6d.; Tabor and Pipe #3 13s. 6d. Louchre [Lauchery] #8 8s. Mr Abington #2; Mr King #3; (Treasurer's Book). [The payment to King was the first of 37 similar ones for extra salary amounting to #111. That to Mrs Abington was the first of weekly payments for her clothes account, amounting to #60 for the season. No further mention will be made of these items.] Receipts: #265 9s. 6d. (Treasurer's Book). [From the Middlesex Journal (7-9 Oct.) quoted by Hampden, Eighteenth Century Journal: "The Way of the World, though confessedly replete with wit and character, is not the most entertaining play in representation. It is so full of plot and intrigue, that it demands an Unusual degree of attention in the performers and audience to excite admiration. On Saturday they seemed averse to assist the author. Mr King in Witwou'd was as entertaining and full of spirits as usual. Mr Jefferson in the gay admired Mirabel (independent of the antique mode of his wig, and formal cut of his clothes, which surely were both uncharacteristic) seemed in attempting to be quite natural, to keep the entire plot of the play in his own bosom, looked more like the father than the Mirabel of Congreve. Mr Reddish was a contrast to his friend Mirabel; he seemed attentive nervous, and played the latter part of his character well....Mrs Abington's person, manner and dress were fashionable and elegant; but though the character was certainly a fine one, there was a want of that spirit best calculated to call her powers into action: her delivery was tediously formal; and had the audience been deprived of their sight they would conclude that Capt. Bobadill had got into petticoats. Her dress was no more decent than Madam Hidou's was on her first appearance last year; stays so low cut before puts modesty to the blush; and will not be countenanced by an English audience, though made after the French fashion....Mrs Greville, to convince the town that she could keep a secret, whispered it to only a few friends in the Pit....her indifference is intolerable, and should be noticed by her employer."


Mainpiece Title: The Way Of The World

Performance Comment: Fainall-Reddish; Mirabel-Jefferson; Petulant-Baddeley; Sir Wilful-Yates; Witwou'd-King; Waitwell-Parsons; Lady Wishfort-Mrs Hopkins; Mrs Marwood-Miss Sherry; Mrs Fainall-Mrs Greville; Foible-Mrs Davies; Mincing-Miss Platt; Millamant-Mrs Abington; in Act III, a Cantata-Mrs Scott.
Role: Mrs Fainall Actor: Mrs Greville
Related Works
Related Work: The Way of the World Author(s): William Congreve

Afterpiece Title: The Theatrical Candidates

Role: Miller Actor: Moody.

Afterpiece Title: The Deserter


Mainpiece Title: Love In A Village

Afterpiece Title: Queen Mab

Dance: II: The Savage Hunters, as17751118


Mainpiece Title: As You Like It

Afterpiece Title: The Waterman

Dance: I: The Sailors Revels, as17751220

Entertainment: A Variety of New Imitations, vocal and rhetorical-Bannister


Mainpiece Title: The Rehearsal

Performance Comment: Bayes (1st time [at this theatre])-Henderson; Mr Johnson-Palmer; Mr Smith-Aickin; The other Characters-Baddeley, Moody, Parsons, Burton, Hurst, R. Palmer, Waldron, Lamash, Chambers, Holcroft, Chaplin, Carpenter, Griffiths, Norris, Wrighten, Wright, Legg, Master Pulley, Mrs Colles, Miss Collett, Mrs Davies. With an Additional Reinforcement of Mr Bayes's New Raised Troops [These were "hobby-horses and other novelties' (Davies, III, 303).]. [Edition of 1777 (John Bell) specifies: Gentleman Usher-Baddeley; Physician-Moody; Cordelio-Burton; Prince Prettyman-Hurst; 1st King of Brentford-Waldron; Fisherman-Griffiths; Thunder-Wrighten; Earth-Legg; Lightning-Master Pulley; Cloris-Mrs Colles; Parthenope-Miss Collett; Amaryllis-Mrs Davies; Pallas-Mr Parsons. [It assigns the remaining characters-2nd King of Brentford, Prince Volscius, Drawcansir, Lieut. General, Tom Thimble, Sun, Moon-to actors of previous season.

Afterpiece Title: A ChristmasTale


Mainpiece Title: Cymbeline

Afterpiece Title: The Cady of Bagdad

Dance: In II: Masquerade Scene Dancing-Blurton, Henry; End III: The Provincalle, as17780128

Song: Masquerade Scene As17771031