SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE MATCH('(@(authnameclean,perftitleclean,commentcclean,commentpclean) "Mr James Love"/1) | (@(roleclean,performerclean) "Mr James Love")') GROUP BY eventid ORDER BY weight() desc, eventdate asc OPTION field_weights=(perftitleclean=100, commentpclean=75, commentcclean=75, roleclean=100, performerclean=100, authnameclean=100), ranker=sph04

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We found 4692 matches on Event Comments, 3312 matches on Performance Title, 3052 matches on Performance Comments, 2158 matches on Author, and 0 matches on Roles/Actors.
Event Comment: In Herbert, Dramatic Records, p. 82, is a list of the plays acted by the Red Bull actors: The Humorous Lieutenant. Beggars Bushe. Tamer Tamed. The Traytor. Loves Cruelty. Wit without Money. Maydes Tragedy. Philaster. Rollo Duke of Normandy. Claricilla. Elder Brother. The Silent Woman. The Weddinge. Henry the Fourthe. Merry Wives of Windsor. Kinge and no Kinge. Othello. Damboys [Bussy D'Ambois]. The Unfortunate Lovers. The Widow. This list (see Hotson, Commonwealth and Restoration Stage, p. 203) apparently concerns plays revived by this company, some before 10 Sept. 1660, some afterward. (See also the list of plays at the opening of the season and also 6 and 23 June 1660.


Event Comment: According to M. Summers (A Bibliography of Restoration Drama, p. 13) Love's Mystery was entered into but erased from Herbert's original manuscript under his date. (See Herbert, Dramatic Records, p. 116.) The King's Company


Event Comment: The King's Company. Pepys, Diary: My wife and I to Bartholomew Fayre, with puppets which I had seen once before, and the play without puppets often, but though I love the play as much as ever I did, yet I do not like the puppets at all, but think it to be a lessening to it


Mainpiece Title: Bartholomew Fair

Event Comment: The Duke's Company. This apparently was not the first performance, but the time of premiere is not known. Pepys, Diary: My wife and I and Mercer to the Duke's house, and there saw The Rivalls, which is no excellent play, but good acting in it; especially Gosnell comes and sings and dances finely, but, for all that, fell out of the key, so that the musique could not play to her afterwards, and so did Harris also go out of the tune to agree with her. Downes (p. 23): The Rivals, A Play, Wrote by Sir William Davenant; having a very Fine Interlude in it, of Vocal and Instrumental Musick, mixt with very Diverting Dances: M Price introducing the Dancing, by a short Comical Prologue, gain'd him an Universal Applause of the Town....And all the Womens Parts admirably Acted; chiefly Celia, a Shepherdess being Mad for Love; especially in Singing several Wild and Mad Songs


Mainpiece Title: The Rivals

Related Works
Related Work: The Rival Modes Author(s): James Moore Smythe
Event Comment: Pepys, Diary: Thence after dinner to a play, to see The Generall; which is so dull and so ill-acted, that I think it is the worst I ever saw or heard in all my days. I happened to sit near to Sir Charles Sidly; who I find a very witty man, and he did at every line take notice of the dullness of the poet and badness of the action, that most pertinently; which I was mightily taken with; and among others where by Altemire's command Clarimont, the Generall, is commanded to rescue his Rivall, whom she loved, Lucidor, he, after a great deal of demurre, broke out, "Well, I'le save my Rivall and make her confess, that I deserve, while he do but possesse." "Why, what, pox," says Sir Charles Sydly, "would he have him have more, or what is there more to be had of a woman than the possessing her?" Thence...vexed at my losing my time and above 20s. in money, and neglecting my business to see so bad a play


Mainpiece Title: The Generall

Event Comment: In April or May 1667, probably, John Dryden's The Wild Gallant may have been revived, perhaps because of the success of Secret Love. The 1667 edition of The Wild Gallant, which was entered in the Stationers' Register, 7 Aug. 1667, contains: A Prologue to The Wild Gallant revived. An Epilogue to The Wild Gallant revived


Event Comment: The Duke's Company. Pepys, Diary: With my wife to the Duke of York's house, and there saw The Wits, a play I formerly loved, and is now corrected and enlarged: but, though I like the acting, yet I like not much in the play now


Mainpiece Title: The Wits

Event Comment: The King's Company. Pepys, Diary: And wife and Deb. to the King's house, there to see The Wild-goose Chase, which I never saw, but have long longed to see it, being a famous play, but as it was yesterday I do find that where I expect most I find least satisfaction, for in this play I met with nothing extraordinary at all, but very dull inventions and designs. Knepp come and sat by us, and her talk pleased me a little, she telling me how Mis Davis is for certain going away from the Duke's house, the King being in love with her; and a house is taken for her, and furnishing; and she hath a ring given her already worth #600: that the King did send several times for Nelly, and she was with him, but what he did she knows not; this was a good while ago, and she says that the King first spoiled Mrs Weaver, which is very mean, methinks, in a prince, and I am sorry for it, and can hope for no good to the State from having a Prince so devoted to his pleasure. She told me also of a play shortly coming upon the stage, of Sir Charles Sidly's, which, she thinks, will be called The Wandering Ladys, a comedy that, she thinks, will be more pleasant; and also another play, called The Duke of Lerma; besides Catelin, which she thinks, for want of the clothes which the King promised them, will not be acted for a good while


Mainpiece Title: The Wild Goose Chace

Event Comment: The Duke's Company. Downes (p. 29): It took well, but Inferior to Love in a Tub. Pepys, Diary: I to the Duke of York's playhouse; where a new play of Etherige's called She Would if she Could; and though I was there by two o'clock, there was 1000 people put back that could not have room in the pit: and I at last, because my wife was there, made shift to get into the 18d. box, and there saw; but, Lord! how full was the house, and how silly the play, there being nothing in the world good in it, and few people pleased in it. The King was there; but I sat mightily behind, and could see but little, and hear not all. The play being was the Duke of Buckingham to-day openly sat in the pit; and there I found him with my Lord Buckhurst, and Sidly, and Etherige, the poet; the last of whom I did hear mightily find fault with the actors, that they were out of humour, and had not their parts perfect, and that Harris did do nothing, nor could so much as sing a ketch in it; and so was mightily concerned: while all the rest did, through the whole pit, blame the play as a silly, dull thing, though there was something very roguish and witty; but the design of the play, and end, mighty insipid. Thomas Shadwell, Preface to The Humorists (1671): The last (viz.) imperfect Action, had like to have destroy'd She Would if she could, which I think (and I have the Authority of some of the best Judges in England for't) is the best Comedy that has been written since the Restauration of the Stage: And even that, for the imperfect representation of it at first, received such prejudice, that, had it not ben for the favour of the Court, in all probability it had never got up again; and it suffers for it, in a great measure, to this very day


Mainpiece Title: She Would If She Could

Event Comment: The King's Company. For this cast, see John Harold Wilson, Notes and Queries, 21 Feb. 1948, pp. 71-72. Pepys, Diary: My wide and Deb. to the King's House, to see The Virgin Martyr, the first time it hath been acted a great while: and it is mighty pleasant; not that the play is worth much, but it is finely acted by Becke Marshal. But that which did please me beyond any thing 1n the whole world was the wind-musique when the angel comes down, which is so sweet that it ravished me, and indeed, in a word, did wrap up my soul so that it made me really sick, just as I have formerly been when in love with my wife


Mainpiece Title: The Virgin Martyr

Event Comment: Pepys, Diary: So the the Fair, and there saw several sights; among others, the mare that tells money, and many things to admiration; and, among others, come to me, when she was bid to go to him of the company that most loved a pretty wench in a corner. And this did cost me 12d. to the horse, which I had flung him before, and did give me occasion to baiser a mighty belle fille that was in the house that was exceeding plain, but fort belle


Mainpiece Title: Entertainments

Event Comment: The King's Company. Pepys, Diary: My wife having a mind to see the play Bartholomew-Fayre, with puppets. Which we did, and it is an excellent play; the more I see it, the more I love the wit of it; only the business of abusing the Puritans begins to grow stale, and of no use, they being the people that, at last, will be found the wisest. And here Knepp come to us, and sat with us. [Earlier that day Pepys had been to the Fair briefly, but saw none of the entertainments.


Mainpiece Title: Bartholomew Fair

Event Comment: The King's Company. The date of the premiere is not known, but this play belongs to a group which have been considered as "Lenten plays," ones in which the young actors of a company comprise a large portion of the cast. On this basis, as Easter fell on 30 March 1673, this play has been assigned to March 1673. See Philip B. Gray Jr, Lenten Casts and the Nursery: Evidence for the Dating of Certain Restoration Plays, PMLA, LIII (1938), 781-94; for this play particularly, pp. 791-92. A song, Down with this love, set for this play by Alphonso Marsh, is in Choice Ayres and Songs, 1676


Mainpiece Title: The Spanish Rogue

Event Comment: G. Lady Chaworth to Lord Roos, 19 Jan. 1676@7: Theire is two niewe plays which are much comended-the siege of Jerusalem by the Emperour Vespasienv, and his son Titus's love with Berenice; the epilogue is much praysed that tells tis not like to please this age to bring them a story of Jerusalem who would more delight in one of Sodome and a vertuous woman which in this age they promise shan't be seene but on the stage (HMC, Rutland MSS., 1889, II, 36)


Event Comment: The Duke's Company. Newdigate newsletters, 15 Aug. 1682: Thursday last being acted a play called the Tragedy of Romulus att the Dukes Theatre & the Epilogue spoken by the Lady Slingsby & written by Mrs Behn having reflected on ye Duke of Monmouth, ye Lord Chamberlaine thereupon has order[ed] them both in Custody to answer th[at] affront for ye same (Wilson, Theatre Notes from the Newdigate Newsletters, p. 81). See also True Protestant Mercury, 12-16 Aug. 1682, for essentially the same statement. The Prologue and Epilogue were printed separately, and Luttrell' copy (Huntington Library) bears his acquisition date of 8 Aug. 1682. They are reprinted in Wiley, Rare Prologues and Epilogues, pp. 132-34. The separately printed Prologue states that Mrs Behn also wrote it. A song, Where art thou god of love, the music by Giovanni Draghi, is in Theater of Music, The Third Book, 1686


Mainpiece Title: Romulus And Hersillia; Or, The Sabine War

Event Comment: Samuel Pepys to Robert Southwell, 10 Oct. 1685: To night wee have had a mighty Musique--Entertainment at court for the welcoming home the King and Queen. Wherein the fraequent Returnes of the Words, Arms, Beauty, Triumph, Love, Progeny Peace, Dominion, Glory, &c. had apparently cost our Poet-Prophet more paine to finde Rhimes then Reasons (R. G. Howard, Letters and the Second Diary of Samuel Pepys [London, 1932], p. 171. [The entertainment for this occasion seems not to have survived.


Mainpiece Title: Concert

Event Comment: The United Company. This performance is on the L. C. list, 5@147, p. 125. See also Nicoll, Restoration Drama, p. 350. On this date the Stationers' Register has a reference to a play called Love's Martyr; or, Witt Above Crownes, apparently by Mrs Anne Wharton, forbidding anyone from entering this play in the Stationers' Register


Mainpiece Title: The Scornful Lady

Event Comment: The United Company. The date of the first performance is not known, but the Dedication is dated 5 May 1690; the play was entered in the Term Catalogues, May 1690; and it was advertised in the London Gazette, No. 2557, 12-15 May 1690. Although the play may not have been first acted until mid-April, it may have been given in late March 1690. Dedication, Edition of 1690: I have no reason to complain of the reception of this Play. A song, The fire of love in youthful blood, the music composed by R. King, is in Apollo's Banquet, 1691


Mainpiece Title: The Amorous Bigotte: With The Second Part Of Tegue O Divelly

Event Comment: Lacedemonian Mercury, 11 March 1691@2: Query 2. Whether the Town's receiving and coveting Love for Money, The Marriage-Hater Match'd, when at the same time The Plain Dealer and Sir Foplin Flutter rest untouch'd and unsoughtfor, be not Evidence of a very great declension in Common Sense?


Event Comment: Dryden to Walsh, 12 Dec. 1693: Your Critique, by your description of its bulk, will be to large for a preface to my Play, which is now studying; but cannot be acted till after Christmasse is over. I call it Love Triumphant; or, Nature will prevaile:...I have remembered you to all your friends; and in particular to Congreve; who sends you his play, as a present from him selfe, by this conveyance; & much desires the honour of being better known to you. His Double Dealer is much censured by the greater part of the Town: and is defended onely by the best Judges, who, you know, are commonly the fewest. Yet it gets ground daily, and has already been acted Eight times. The women thinke he has exposd their Bitchery too much; & the Gentlemen, are offended with him; for the discovery of their follyes: & the way of their Intrigues, under the notion of friendship to their Ladyes Husbands. My verses, which you will find before it, were written before the play was acted, but I neither altered them nor do I alter my opinion of the play (The Letters of John Dryden, pp. 62-63)


Event Comment: Christopher Rich's Company. The date of this revival is not certain. Apparently the revival was in preparation before the division of the company, but the publication of the Songs in 1695 confines the production to the period between mid-April and the late autumn. For the opera, see The Works of John Dryden, Vol. VIII: The Plays, edited by John Harrington Smith and Dougald MacMillan (Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1692), pp. 325-30; Moore, Henry Purcell and the Restoration Theatre, Chapter VI;and Purcell's Works, Purcell Society, Vol. XIX. The Songs (1695), the music by Henry Purcell, lists the following pieces and singers: I, Wake, wake, Quivera, sung by Freeman. I, Why shou'd men quarrel, sung by The Boy, with Flutes. Their looks are such that mercy flows, sung by Freeman. II, I come to sing, sung by Freeman. Scorn'd Envy here's nothing, sung by Freeman. Begone, curst Feinds of Hell, sung by Freeman. III, Ah, how happy we are, sung by Freeman and Church. I attempt from Love's sickness to fly, sung by Mrs Cross. IV, They tell us that you mighty powers above, sung by Mrs Cross. In addition, other parts of the opera appeared elsewhere: Act V, a Masque, set by Daniel Purcell, O Bless the Genial Bed with chast delights, in Deliciae Musicae, First Book of the Second Volume, 1696. [The others, since they do not name the performers, are omitted here.


Mainpiece Title: The Indian Queen

Event Comment: At the Desire of several Persons of Quality. [In Daily Courant, 8 Feb., Secret Love had been announced for this day.


Mainpiece Title: The Pilgrim

Song: As17060112

Dance: As17060110

Event Comment: See a letter from John Dennis to Sir Richard Steele for comments upon dl, Dennis' Coriolanus, All for Love, Caesar Borgia, The Masquerade in Dennis, II, 162-65


Event Comment: Benefit Burnell (boxkeeper) and Abbott (numberer). Tickets for Love Makes a Man taken, the play being changed by the indisposition of a principal performer


Mainpiece Title: The Busy Body

Afterpiece Title: The Stage Coach

Song: The last new Trumpet Song-Mrs Pulmon

Dance: Moreau, Miss Schoolding, delaGarde's Two Sons


Mainpiece Title: Medley

Performance Comment: Lorenzo, Gomez, Elvira in The Spanish Fryar, Belmour, Fondlewife, Laetitia in The Old Batchelor, Roger in Aesop, Woodcock, Hillaria, Squib in The Yeoman of Kent, Hob in The Country Wake, Sir Toby, the Philosophers in Love's Contrivance-Tony Aston.
Related Works
Related Work: The Medley; or, Harlequin At-All Author(s): James Messink