SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE MATCH('(@(authnameclean,perftitleclean,commentcclean,commentpclean) "MMr King"/1) | (@(roleclean,performerclean) "MMr King")') GROUP BY eventid ORDER BY weight() desc, eventdate asc OPTION field_weights=(perftitleclean=100, commentpclean=75, commentcclean=75, roleclean=100, performerclean=100, authnameclean=100), ranker=sph04

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We found 2636 matches on Performance Title, 2610 matches on Performance Comments, 1691 matches on Event Comments, 23 matches on Author, and 0 matches on Roles/Actors.
Event Comment: The King's Company. Pepys, Diary: With my wife to the King's house, there to see Vulpone, a most excellent play; the best I think I ever saw, and well acted


Mainpiece Title: Volpone

Event Comment: The Duke's Company. Pepys, Diary: With Creed, my wife, and Mercer to a play at the Duke's, of my Lord Orrery's, called Mustapha, which being not good, made Betterton's part and Ianthe's but ordinary too, so that we were not contented with it at all...All the pleasure of the play was, the King and my Lady Castlemayne wer there; and pretty witty Nell Gwin?, at the King's house, and the younger Rebecca? Marshall sat next us; which pleased me mightily. Downes (p. 26): All the Parts being new Cloath's with new Scenes, Sir William's great Care of having it perfect and exactly perform'd, it produc'd to himself and Company vast Profit


Mainpiece Title: Mustapha, The Son Of Solyman The Magnificent

Event Comment: The King's Company. Pepys, Diary: To the King's playhouse, all alone, and saw Love's Maistresse. Some pretty things and good variety in it, but no or little fancy in it


Mainpiece Title: Love's Mistress; Or, The Queen's Mask

Event Comment: The King's Company. Pepys, Diary: And myself to the King's playhouse, which troubles me since, and hath cost me a forfeit of 10s., which I have paid, and there did see a good part of The English Monsieur, which is a mighty pretty play, very witty and pleasant. And the women do very well; but, above all, little Nelly, tha I am mightily pleased with the play, and much with the House, more than ever I expected, the women doing better than ever I expected, and very fine women


Mainpiece Title: The English Monsieur

Event Comment: The King's Company. This performance is listed in the L. C. records 5@139, p. 129: at the Theatre the Queenes Mate there. L. C. 5@12, p. 17 reads: King & Queene here


Mainpiece Title: The Humorous Lieutenant

Event Comment: The King's Company. Pepys, Diary: And my wife, and by coach to the King's playhouse, and meeting Creed took him up, and there saw The Scornfull Lady well acted; Doll Common [Mrs Corey] doing Abigail most excellently, and Knipp the widow very well, and will be an excellent actor, I think. In other parts the play not so well done as used to be, by the old actors. Anon to White Hall by coach, thinking to have seen a play there to-night, but found it a mistake, so back again


Mainpiece Title: The Scornful Lady

Event Comment: The King's Company. Richard Legh, writing to his wife, 3 Jan. 1667@7, reported to her concerning this play: which is so damn'd bawdy that the Ladyes flung their peares and fruites at the Actors (Lady Newton, The House of Lyme, p. 240). Pepys, Diary: Alone to the King's House, and there saw The Custome of the Country, the second time of its beind acted, wherein Knipp does the Widow well; but, of all the plays that ever I did see, the worst--having neither plot, language, nor anything in the earth that is acceptable; only Knipp sings a little song admirably. But fully the worst play that ever I saw or I believe shall see


Mainpiece Title: The Custom Of The Country

Event Comment: The King's Company. Pepys, Diary: To the King's house, and there saw The Humerous Lieutenant: a silly play, I think; only the Spirit in it that grows very tall, and then sinks again to nothing, having two heads breeding upon one, and tihen Knipp's singing, did please us. Here, in a box above, we spied Mrs Pierce; and, going out, they called us, and so we staid for them; and Knipp took us all in, and brought to us Nelly, a most pretty woman, who acted the great part of Coelia to-day very fine, and did it pretty well: I kissed her, and so did my wife; and a mighty pretty soul she is. We also saw Mrs Hall, which is my little Roman-nose black girl, that is mighty Pretty: she is usually called Betty


Mainpiece Title: The Humorous Lieutenant

Event Comment: The King's Company. Pepys, Diary: With my wife by coach to the Duke of York's play-house, expecting a new play, and so stayed not no more than other people, but to the King's house, to The Mayd's Tragedy; but vexed all the while with two talking ladies and Sir Charles Sedley; yet pleased to hear their discourse, he being a stranger. And one of the ladies would, and did sit with her mask on, all the play, and, being exceeding witty as ever I heard woman, did talk most pleasantly with him; but was, I believe, a virtuous woman, and of quality. He would fain know who she was, but she would not tell.... By that means lost the pleasure of the play wholly, to which now and then Sir Charles Sedley's exceptions against both words and pronouncing were very pretty


Mainpiece Title: The Maid's Tragedy

Event Comment: [The King's Company. Evelyn, Diary: Saw the Virgin Queene a play written by Mr Dryden &c. [Possibly the run of this play continued, for Pepys saw it again on 25 March and there are no certain performances of other plays at the King's Theatre. If Secret Love was acted without interruption, except for the customary non-acting days in Lent, it was probably given on 16, 18, 19, 21, and 23 March.


Mainpiece Title: [the Virgin Queen

Event Comment: The King's Company. Pepys, Diary: To the King's playhouse; and by and by comes Mr Lowther and his wife and mine, and into a box, forsooth, neither of them being dressed, which I was almost ashamed of. Sir W. Pen and I in the pit, and there saw The Mayden Queene again; which indeed the more I see the more I like, and is an excellent play, and so done by Nell, her merry part, as cannot be better done in nature, I think


Mainpiece Title: Secret Love; Or, The Maiden Queen

Event Comment: The King's Company. Pepys, Diary: We three [Mrs Pepys, Mercer, and Pepys] to the King's house, and saw the latter end of the Surprisall, wherein was no great matter,I thought, by what I saw there


Mainpiece Title: The Surprisal

Event Comment: The King's Company. Pepys, Diary: I took coach and to the King's house, and by and by comes after me my wife with W. Hewer and his mother and Barker, and there we saw The Tameing of a Shrew, which hath some very good pieces in it, but generally is but a mean play; and the best part, Sawny, done by Lacy, hath not half its life, by reason of the swords, I suppose, not being understood, at least by me


Mainpiece Title: Sauny The Scot; Or, The Taming Of A Shrew

Event Comment: The King's Company. Pepys, Diary: To the King's playhouse...and saw a piece of Rollo, a play I like not much, but much good acting in it: the house very empty


Mainpiece Title: Rollo

Event Comment: The King's Company. Pepys, Diary: To the King's playhouse, by agreement met Sir W. Pen, and saw Love in a Maze: but a sorry play: only Lacy's clowne's part, which he did most admirably indeed; and I am glad to find the rogue at liberty again. Here was but little, and that ordinary, company. We sat at the upper bench next the boxes, and I find it do pretty well, and have the advantage of seeing and hearing the great people, which may be pleasant when there is good store. Now was only Prince Rupert and my Lord Lauderdale, and my Lord [...]...But here was neither Hart, Nell, nor Knipp; therefore, the play was not likely to please me


Mainpiece Title: The Changes; Or, Love In A Maze

Event Comment: The King's Company. This performance is on L. C. lists 5@139, p. 129, and 5@12, p. 17, adds: King here. See also Nicoll, Restoration Drama, p. 344


Mainpiece Title: The Country Captain

Event Comment: The King's Company. Pepys, Diary: To the King's house, where I did give 18d., and saw the two last acts of The Goblins, a play I could not make any thing of by these two acts, but here Knipp spied me out of the tiring-room, and come to the pit door, and I out to her, and kissed her, she only coming to see me, being in a country-dress, she and others having, it seemed, had a country-dance in the play, but she no other part; so we parted, and I into the pit again till it was done. The house full


Mainpiece Title: The Goblins

Event Comment: The King's Company. Pepys, Diary: My wife and I and Sir W. Pen to the King's playhouse, and there saw The Mayden Queene, which, though I have often seen, yet pleases me infinitely, it being impossible, I think, ever to have the Queen's part, which is very good and passionate, and Florimel's part, which is the most comicall that ever was made for woman, ever done better than they two are by young Marshall and Nelly


Mainpiece Title: Secret Love; Or, The Maiden Queen

Event Comment: The King's Company. Pepys, Diary: I was got to go to the play with them [several of his friends]-the first I have seen since before the Dutch coming upon our coast, and so to the King's house, to see The Custome of the Country. The house mighty empty--more than ever I saw it--and an ill play


Mainpiece Title: The Custom Of The Country

Event Comment: The King's Company. Pepys, Diary: All alone to the King's playhouse, and there did happen to sit just before Mrs Pierce, Mrs Knepp, who pulled me by the hair; and so I addressed myself to them, and talked to them all the intervals of the play, and did give them fruit. The play is Brenoralt, which I do find but little in, for my part. Here was many fine ladies--among others, the German Baron, with his lady, who is envoye from the Emperour, and their fine daughter, which hath travelled all Europe over with them, it seems; and is accordingly accomplished, and indeed, is a wonderful pretty woman. Here Sir Philip Frowde, who sat next to me, did tell me how Sir H. Belasses is dead, and that the quarrel between him and Tom Porter, who is fled, did arise in the ridiculous fashion that I was first told it, which is a strange thing between two so good friends. The play being done, I took the women, and Mrs Corbett, who was with them, by coach, it raining, to Mrs Manuel's, the Jew's wife, formerly a player, who we heard sing with one of the Italians that was there; and, indeed, she sings mightily well, and just after the Italian manner, but yet do not please me like one of Mrs Knepp's songs, to a good English tune, the manner their ayre not pleasing me so well as the fashion of our own, nor so natural


Mainpiece Title: Brenoralt; Or, The Discontented Colonel

Event Comment: The King's Company. Pepys, Diary: Sir W. Pen and I to the King's house, and there saw The Committee, which I went to with some prejudice, not liking it before, but I do now find it a very good play, and a great deal of good invention in it; but Lacy's part is so well performed that it would set off anything


Mainpiece Title: The Committee

Event Comment: The King's Company. Pepys, Diary: To the King's playhouse, and there saw The Country Captain, which is a very ordinary play. Methinks I had no pleasure therein at all


Mainpiece Title: The Country Captain

Event Comment: The Duke's Company. It is not certain this is the first performance, but it may well have been. This performance is on the L. C. list, 5@139, p. 125. See also Nicoll, Restoration Drama, p. 346. Pepys, Diary: Sir W. Pen and I to the Duke's house, where a new play. The King and Court there: the house full, and an act begun. And so went to the King's. Downes (p. 28): Sir Martin Marral, The Duke of New-Castle, giving Mr Dryden a bare translation of it, out of a Comedy of the Famous French Poet Monseur Moleire: He adapted the Part purposely for the Mouth of Mr Nokes, and curiously Polishing the whole....All the Parts being very Just and Exactly perform'd, specially Sir Martin and his Man, Mr Smith, and several others since have come very near him, but none Equall'd, nor yet Mr Nokes in Sir Martin: This Comedy was Crown'd with an Excellent Entry. In the Last Act at the Mask, by Mr Priest and Madam Davies; This, and Love in a Tub, got the Company more Money than any preceding Comedy


Mainpiece Title: Feign'd Innocence; Or, Sir Martin Marall

Event Comment: The King's Company. Pepys, Diary [After going to lif] went to the King's, and there saw The Merry Wives of Windsor: which did not please me at all, in no part of it


Mainpiece Title: The Merry Wives Of Windsor

Event Comment: The King's Company. Pepys, Diary: With my Lord Bruncker and his mistress to the King's playhouse, and there saw The Indian Emperour; where I find Nell come again, which I am glad of; but was most infinitely displeased with her being put to act the Emperour's daughter, which is a great and serious part, which she do most basely. The rest of the play, though pretty good, was not well acted by most of them, methought; so that I took no great content in it. But that, that troubled me most was, that Knipp sent by Moll [Mary Meggs] to desire to speak to me after the play; and she beckoned to me at the end of the play, and I promised to come; but it was so late


Mainpiece Title: The Indian Emperor