SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE MATCH('(@(authnameclean,perftitleclean,commentcclean,commentpclean) "Delagarde"/1) | (@(roleclean,performerclean) "Delagarde")') GROUP BY eventid ORDER BY weight() desc, eventdate asc OPTION field_weights=(perftitleclean=100, commentpclean=75, commentcclean=75, roleclean=100, performerclean=100, authnameclean=100), ranker=sph04

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We found 1889 matches on Roles/Actors, 288 matches on Performance Title, 181 matches on Performance Comments, 20 matches on Event Comments, and 0 matches on Author.


Mainpiece Title: Measure For Measure

Afterpiece Title: The Rape of Proserpine; with the Birth and Adventures of Proserpine

Performance Comment: Ceres-Mrs Wright; Proserpine-Mrs Lampe; Jupiter-Roberts; Mercury-Reinhold; Followers of Proserpine-Mlle Domitilla, Mrs Fabres, Mrs LeBrun, Mrs Villeneuve, Mlle LeFont; A Follower of Ceres-Mrs Delegarde; Pluto-Leveridge; Demons-Villeneuve, Dupre, Delagarde, Destrade; Harlequin-Woodward; Yeoman-Bencraft; Colombine-Mrs Kilby; Clodpole-Hippisley; Old Man-Smith; Old Woman-Mrs Delagarde; Country Lads and Lasses-Dupre, Destrade, Delagarde, Miss Jackson, Mrs Villeneuve, Mrs Norman; Gardeners-Dupre, Destrade; the Elements- Earth-Destrade, Mrs LeBrun; Air-Villeneuve, Mrs Fabres; Fire-Delagarde, Mrs Delagarde; Water-Picq, Mlle Domitilla.


Mainpiece Title: The Maid's Tragedy

Afterpiece Title: The Rape of Proserpine; with the Birth and Adventures of Harlequin

Performance Comment: Ceres-Mrs Wright; Proserpine-Mrs Lampe; Jupiter-Roberts; Mercury-Reinhold; Followers of Proserpine-Sga Campioni, Mrs Duval, Mrs LeBrun, Mrs Villeneuve, Mrs Ozane; Followers of Ceres-Mrs Delagarde; Pluto-Leveridge; Demons-Villeneuve, Delagarde, Dupre, Destrade; Harlequin-Woodward; Yeoman-Bencraft; Colombine-Mrs Kilby; Clodpole-Hippisley; Old Man-Smith; Old Woman-Mrs Delagarde; Gardeners-Destrade, Dupre; Country Lads, Lasses-Delagarde, Dupre, Destrade, Mrs Villeneuve, Miss Jackson, Mrs Vaughan; The Elements: Earth-LaLauze, Mrs Duval; Air-Villeneuve, Mrs Delagarde; Fire-Picq, Mrs LeBrun; Water-Cooke, Sga Campioni.
Event Comment: Benefit delaGarde. At the particular Desire of several Ladies of Quality. Receipts: money #36 17s. 6d.; tickets #70 15s


Mainpiece Title: Love For Love

Afterpiece Title: Hob

Music: Two Entertainments on the Flute-Mr Mercy

Dance: delaGarde, Moreau, Shaw, Thurmond Jr, Mrs Bullock, Mrs Schoolding, Mrs Cross; particularly The Dutch Skipper-delaGarde, Mrs Bullock


Mainpiece Title: Measure For Measure

Afterpiece Title: The Rape of Proserpine

Performance Comment: Ceres-Mrs Wright; Proserpine-Miss Hillyard; Jupiter-Roberts; Mercury-Reinhold; 1st Sylvan-Mlle Auguste; 2nd Sylvan-Delagarde; 3rd Sylvan-Mrs LeBrun; 4th Sylvan-Mrs Villeneuve; 5th Sylvan-Mrs LaFont; Harlequin-Woodward; Yeoman-Bencraft; Clodpole-Hippisley; Old Man-Smith; Old Woman-Mrs Delagarde; Columbine-Mrs Kilby; Country Lads and Lasses-Dupre, Delagarde, Destrade, Miss Jackson, Mlle Maudet, Mrs Fawkes; Gardeners-Dumont, Destrade; Earth-Richardson, Mrs LeBrun; Air-Mrs Villeneuve, Mrs Delagarde; Water-Picq, Mlle Auguste.


Mainpiece Title: Mithridates

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Shipwreck'd: With the Loves of Paris and Oenone

Performance Comment: Harlequin-Lun Jr; Pantaloon-Dove; Colombine-Mrs Hamilton; Clown-Penkethman; Haymakers-Delagarde, Hays, H. Fayting, Mrs Dove, Miss Hughs, Miss Gerrard; Proteus-Touchbury; Tritons-Vallois, Delagarde, Lesac, H. Fayting; Paris-Kelly; Oenone-Mrs Chambers; Followers-Touchbury, Nichols, Corf, Hussy, Miss Jones, Miss Wilson, Mrs Carter, Miss Thornowets; Myrtillo-Haughton; Amaryllis-Mlle Roland; Shepherds and Shepherdesses-Lesac, Vallois, Delagarde, H. Fayting, Mrs Bullock, Mrs Woodward, Miss Gerrard, Miss Oates.


Mainpiece Title: Rule A Wife And Have A Wife

Afterpiece Title: Orpheus and Eurydice; With The Metamorphoses of Harlequin

Performance Comment: Orpheus-Salway; Rhodope-Mrs Lampe; Eurydice-Miss Young; Followers of Eurydice-French Girl, Miss Oates, Mrs LeBrun, Mrs Villeneuve, Delagarde, Richardson; Harlequin-Lun; Colombine-Mrs Kilby; Pantalon-Grimaldi; Gawkey-Bencraft; Mrs Mannerly-Mrs Martin; Goody Gurton-Arthur; Drudge-Hippisley; Woman Dwarf-French Boy; Country Lads-Delagarde, Villeneuve, Richardson, Dupre; Country Lasses-Miss Oates, Mrs LeBrun, Mrs Villeneuve, Mrs Ozanne; Arcadian Shepherdess-French Girl; Swains-Destrade, Villeneuve, Richardson, Delagarde, Oates Jr, Dupre; Villagers-Waltz, Perry, Thompson, Roberts, Smith, Davies, Brett, Mrs Wright, Mrs Chambers, Miss Davies.


Mainpiece Title: The Merry Wives Of Windsor; With Humours Of Sir John Falstaff

Afterpiece Title: The Royal Chace; or, Merlin's Cave

Performance Comment: Chasseur Royal-Beard; Merlin-Leveridge; Aerial Spirits-Cooke, Dupre, Destrade, Delagarde, Mrs Delagarde, Mrs LeBrun, Mrs Villeneuve; Jupiter in character of Harlequin-Woodward; Doctor-Bencraft; Colombine-Mrs Dunstall; Mercury-Reinhold; Pierot-LaLauze; Pluto (Punch)-Rector; Neptune (Pantaloon)-Dupre; Pan (Scaramouche)-Destrade; Hercules (Brighella)-Delagarde; Apollo (Mezzetin)-Villeneuve; Mars (Leander)-Picq.


Mainpiece Title: She Wou'd And She Wou'd Not; Or, The Kind Imposter

Afterpiece Title: The Rape of Proserpine; with the Birth and Adventures of Harlequin

Performance Comment: Ceres-Mrs Wright; Proserpine-Mrs Lampe; Jupiter-Roberts; Mercury-Reinhold; Follower of Proserpine-Sga Campioni; 2nd Follower-Miss Vandersluys; 3rd Follower-Mrs LeBrun; 4th Follower-Mrs Villeneuve; 5th Follower-Mrs Ozane; Follower of Ceres-Mrs Delagarde; Pluto-Leveridge; Demons-Villeneuve, Delagarde, Dupre, Destrade; Harlequin-Woodward; Colombine-Mrs Havard; Yeoman-Bencraft; Clodpole-Hippisley; Old Man-Smith; Old Woman-Mrs Vaughan; Gardeners-Destrade, Dupre; Elements: Earth-Destrade, Mrs Ozane; Air-Villeneuve, Miss Vandersluys; Fire-Delagarde, Mrs LeBrun; Water-Cooke, Sga Campioni.


Mainpiece Title: The Suspicious Husband

Afterpiece Title: Apollo and Daphne; or, The Burgomaster Trick'd

Performance Comment: Apollo-Villeneuve; Daphne-Miss Vandersluys; Followers of Daphne-Mrs Gondou, Mrs Villeneuve, Mrs Dumont, Mrs LaFont; Morpheus-Leveridge; Mystery-Beard; Slumber-Vincent; Harlequin-Phillips; Burgomaster-Bencraft; Colombine-Mrs Dunstall; Boor Servant-LaLauze; Scaramouche-Vandersluys; Huntsmen-Beard, Desse, Delagarde, Froment, Vandersluys, Oates, Dupre; Venus-Mrs Storer; Silenus-Leveridge; Pan-Vincent; Bacchus-Beard; Diana-Miss Faulkner; Frenchman-Villeneuve; Spaniard-Desse; Polonese-Delagarde; French Woman-Mrs Delagarde; Spanish Woman-Mrs Gondou; Polonese-Mrs Villeneuve; Zephyrus-Froment; Flora, representing an Inconstant-Miss Vandersluys.


Mainpiece Title: The Busy Body

Afterpiece Title: Apollo and Daphne; or, The Burgomaster Trick'd

Performance Comment: Apollo-Villeneuve; Daphne-Mrs Delagarde; Followers of Daphne-Mrs Gondou, Mrs Villeneuve, Mrs Dumont, Mrs Vallois; Morpheus-Leveridge; Mystery-Baker; Slumber-Vincent; Harlequin-Phillips; Burgomaster-Bencraft; Boor Servant-Lalauze; Colombine-Miss Haughton; Scaramouche-Desse; Venus-Miss Young; Silenus-Leveridge; Bacchus-Baker; Pan-Vincent; Diana-Miss Falkner; Frenchman-Villeneuve; Frenchwoman-Miss Granier; Spaniard-Desse; Spanish Woman-Mrs Gondou; Polonese-Delagarde; Polonese Woman-Mrs Villeneuve; Zephyrus-Froment; Flora, representing an Inconstant-Mrs Delagarde.


Mainpiece Title: She Wou'd If She Cou'd

Afterpiece Title: The Rape of Proserpine: With the Birth and Adventures of Harlequin

Performance Comment: Ceres-Mrs Wright; Proserpine-Miss Hillyard; Jupiter-Stoppelaer; Mercury-Vincent; Sylvans-Miss Rogers, Mlle Delorme, Mrs Ogden, Miss Sandham, Miss Norman; Pluto-Leveridge; Demons-Lally, Tench, Desse, Livier, Richardson; Yeoman-Nivelon; Clodpole-Hippisley; Harlequin-Lun; Old Man-Smith; Colombine-Mlle Quinault; Countrymen and Lasses-Delagarde, Bencraft, Ferguson, Mrs Forrester, Miss Horsington, Miss Brunette; Savoyard-Thompson; Gardeners-Smith and Delagarde; Elements: Earth-Desse; Air-Glover; Fire-Tench; Water-Lally; Females-Miss Sandham, Miss Rogers, Mrs Ogden, Mlle Delorme .


Mainpiece Title: Oroonoko

Afterpiece Title: The Necromancer

Performance Comment: Harlequin-Lun Jr; Spirits-Nichols, Lyon, Mrs Chambers, Miss Jones; 1st Fury-Haughton; Furies-Le Sac, Vallois, Topham, Delagarde; Haymakers-Bardin, Mrs Dove, Hamilton, Miss Gerrard, Dove, Mrs Vallois, Norris, Miss Hughes; Doctor's Man-Penkethman; Miller-Vallois; His Wife-Mrs Woodward; His Man-Dove; Demons: Pantalon Man and Woman-Le Sac, Mrs Woodward; Mezzetin Man and Woman-Vallois, Mrs Bullock; Scaramouch Man and Woman-Delagarde, Miss Gerrard; Pierrot Man and Woman-Topham, Mrs Vallois .


Mainpiece Title: The Distrest Mother

Afterpiece Title: The Royal Chace; or, Merlin's Cave: With Jupiter and Europa

Performance Comment: Endymion (as Royal Chasseur)-Beard; Chasseurs-Vincent, Roberts; Nymphs of Chace-Miss Brunette, Miss Male; Diana (Royal Huntress)-Miss Hillyard; Merlin-Leveridge; Aerial Spirits: Cupid-Glover; Graces-Miss Norman, Miss Sandham, Mlle Delorme; Hour-Mrs Ogden; Zephyrs-Tench, Desse, Livier, Delagarde; Psyche-Miss Rogers; Rural Swain and Nymph-Lally, Mlle D'Hervigni; Jupiter (Harlequin)-Lun; Mercury-Stoppelaer; Pluto (Punch)-Delagarde; Neptune (Pantaloon)-Dupre; Pan (Scaramouch)-Richardson; Hercules (Brighella)-Desse; Apollo (Mezzetin)-Glover; Mars (Leander)-Tench; Europa-Miss Rogers; Doctor-Nivelon; Doctor's Wife-Mrs Stevens; Doctor's Servant-Lalauze; Country Lads-Dupre, Bencraft, Ferguson; Country Lasses-Mrs Kilby, Mrs Forrester, Miss Ambrose .
Role: Zephyrs Actor: Tench, Desse, Livier, Delagarde
Role: Pluto Actor: Delagarde

Entertainment: [Words by Phillips.] The Characters New Drest. With New Scenes, representing the exact Views of the Hermitage, and Merlin's Cave, as taken in the Royal Gardens of Richmond. Receipts: #185 4s. 6d


Mainpiece Title: The Constant Couple

Afterpiece Title: The Necromancer

Performance Comment: See17401104, but Harlequin-Lun; Infernal Spirit-Leveridge; Furies-Haughton, Villeneuve, Richardson, Delagarde, Dupre; Helen-Mrs Lampe; Shade of Leander-Salway; Shade of Hero-Miss Young; Miller-Bencraft; Miller's Wife-Miss Oates; Doctor's Man-Hippisley; Tumblers-James, Anderson; Harlequin-Villeneuve; Pierot-Richardson; Mezzetin-Delagarde; Scaramouch-Dupre; Harlequin Woman-Miss Oates; Pierot Woman-Lestrade; Mezzetin Woman-Mrs LeBrun; Scaramouch Woman-Mrs Villeneuve.


Mainpiece Title: The Spanish Fryar

Afterpiece Title: The Royal Chace; or, Merlin's Cave

Performance Comment: Chasseur Royal-Beard; Merlin-Leveridge; Diana-Miss Hillyard; Aerial Spirits-Picq, Mlle Domitilla, Mrs Delagarde, Mlle Fabres, Mrs LeBrun, Mrs LeFont; Jupiter (Harlequin)-Woodward; Mercury-Reinhold; Doctor-Bencraft; Colombine-Mlle Bonneval; Pluto (Punch)-Lamound; Neptune (Pantalon)-Dupre; Pan (Scaramouche)-Destrade; Hercules (Brighella)-Delagarde; Apollo (Mezzetin)-Villeneuve; Mars (Leander)-Picq; Pierrot-Lalauze.


Mainpiece Title: The London Cuckolds

Afterpiece Title: The Necromancer; or, Harlequin Dr Faustus

Performance Comment: Harlequin-Woodward; Infernal Spirit-Leveridge; 1st Fury-Picq; 2nd Fury-Newtone; 3rd Fury-Delagarde; 4th Fury-Dupre; 5th Fury-Destrade; Shade of Leander-Beard; Shade of Hero-Mrs Clive; Miller-Bencraft; Miller's Wife-Mrs Delagarde; Doctor's Man-Hippisley.
Role: 3rd Fury Actor: Delagarde
Role: Miller's Wife Actor: Mrs Delagarde


Mainpiece Title: The London Cuckolds

Afterpiece Title: The Rape of Proserpine

Performance Comment: As17451129, but 3rd Follower-Mrs Phillips; Country Lads-Villeneuve, Delagarde, Dupre, Destrade; Country Lasses-Miss Vandersluys, Mrs Delagarde, Mrs Phillips, Mrs Gondou; Rural Nymph-Signora Campioni; [rest of bill missing]. [rest of bill missing].


Mainpiece Title: The Merry Wives Of Windsor

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin a Sorcerer; With the Loves of Pluto and Proserpine

Performance Comment: Harlequin-Lun; Clown-Nivelon; Servant-Ray; Colombine-Mrs Laguerre; Witches-Leveridge, Salway, Harrison; 1st Bird Catcher-Hippisley; 2d Bird Catcher-Pelling; Petit Maitre-Legar; Italian-Rochetti; Pluto-Leveridge; Proserpine-Mrs Seedo; Sysiphus-Dupre Jr; Prometheus-Newhouse; Ixion-Delagarde Jr; Clotho-Mrs Ogden; Lachesis-Mrs Pelling; Atropos-Miss LaTour; Furies-Poitier, Dupre, Pelling.
Role: Ixion Actor: Delagarde Jr


Mainpiece Title: Measure For Measure

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin a Sorcerer; With the Loves of Pluto and Proserpine

Performance Comment: Harlequin-Lun; Clown-Nivelon; Servant-Ray; Colombine-Mrs Laguerre; Witches-Leveridge, Salway, Papillion; Bird Catchers-Hippisley, Pelling; Petit Maitre-Legar; Italian-Rochetti; Pluto-Leveridge; Proserpine-Mrs Seedo; Sysiphus-Dupre Jr; Prometheus-Glover; Ixion-Delagarde Jr; Clotho-Mrs Ogden; Lachesis-Miss LaTour; Atropos-Mrs Pelling; Furies-Dupre, Newhouse, Pelling.
Role: Ixion Actor: Delagarde Jr


Mainpiece Title: Rule A Wife And Have A Wife

Afterpiece Title: Flora

Dance: I: Hornpipe-Jones; II: Moors-Dupre, Delagarde, Newhouse, Dupre Jr, Mrs Pelling, Mrs Bullock, Mrs Ogden, Miss LaTour; III: Sicilian-Glover, Mrs Bullock; IV: Spanish Entry-Dupre, Mrs Bullock; End Afterpiece: The Baulk-

Ballet: V: A new Comic Dance. Harlequin-Dupre; Punch-Pelling; Pierot-Delagarde; Scaramouch-Dupre Jr; Harlequin Woman-Mrs Pelling; Dame Gigogne-Miss LaTour; Pierot Woman-Mrs Bullock; Scaramouch Woman-Mrs Ogden

Performance Comment: Harlequin-Dupre; Punch-Pelling; Pierot-Delagarde; Scaramouch-Dupre Jr; Harlequin Woman-Mrs Pelling; Dame Gigogne-Miss LaTour; Pierot Woman-Mrs Bullock; Scaramouch Woman-Mrs Ogden.
Role: Pierot Actor: Delagarde


Mainpiece Title: The London Cuckolds

Afterpiece Title: The Necromancer

Performance Comment: As17401022, but Demons as Harlequin-Villeneuve; Pierot-Richardson; Mezzetin-Delagarde; Scaramouch-Dupre; Harlequin Woman-Miss Oates; Pierot Woman-Lestrade; Mezzetin Woman-Mrs LeBrun; Scaramouch Woman-Mrs Villeneuve.


Mainpiece Title: The Stratagem

Afterpiece Title: The Royal Chace; or, Merlin's Cave

Performance Comment: Endymion-Rochetti; Chasseurs-Rheinhold, Roberts; Nymphs-Miss Burgess, Miss Davis; Diana-Mrs Chambers; Merlin-Leveridge; Jupiter-Lun; Pluto (Punch)-Janno; Neptune (Pantaloon)-Dupre; Pan (Scaramouch)-Richardson; Hercules (Brighella)-Delagarde; Apollo (Mezetin)-Villeneuve; Mars (Leander)-Haughton; Mercury-Salway; Doctor-Bencraft; Doctor's Wife-Mrs Kilby; Pierot-Lalauze (who has not performed upon that theatre these three years).
Role: Hercules Actor: Delagarde

Dance: Desnoyer, Haughton, Signora Barberini


Mainpiece Title: The Distrest Mother

Afterpiece Title: The Royal Chace

Performance Comment: See17410207, but Endymion-Salway; Chasseurs-Reinhold, Roberts; Nymphs-Miss Burgess, Miss Davis; Diana-Mrs Chambers; Merlin-Leveridge; Tyrolean Dance-Desnoyer, Haughton, Signora Barberini; Jupiter-Lun; Pluto-Janno; Neptune-Dupre; Pan-Richardson; Hercules-Delagarde; Apollo-Villeneuve; Mars-Haughton; Mercury-Reinhold; Doctor-Bencraft; Doctor's Wife-Mrs Kilby; Pierot-Lalauze.
Role: Hercules Actor: Delagarde

Dance: LLes Savoyards-Villeneuve, Signora Barberini; Tambourine-Desnoyer, Signora Barberini


Mainpiece Title: The Provok'd Husband

Afterpiece Title: The Necromancer; or, Harlequin Doctor Faustus

Performance Comment: Harlequin-Woodward; Infernal Spirit-Leveridge; 1st Fury-Richardson; 2nd Fury-Villeneuve; 3rd Fury-Delagarde; 4th Fury-Dupre; 5th Fury-Destrade; Helen-Mrs Lampe; Shade of Leander-Salway; Shade of Hero-Miss Young; Miller-Bencraft; Miller's Wife-Mrs Kilby; Doctor's Man-Hippisley.
Role: 3rd Fury Actor: Delagarde


Mainpiece Title: As You Like It

Afterpiece Title: The Royal Chace

Performance Comment: As17411015, but Mercury-Salway; Merlin-Leveridge; Diana-Miss Hillyard; Chasseur Royal-Roberts; Doctor-Bencraft; Colombine-Mrs Kilby; Pluto (Punch)-Davenport; Neptune (Pantaloon)-Dupre; Pan (Scaramouche)-Destrade; Hercules (Brighillia)-Delagarde; Apollo (Mezzetin)-Villeneuve; Mars (Leander)-Richardson.
Role: Hercules Actor: Delagarde