Event Comment: Mr Salomon having insinuated that he alone is in possession of a correct Score of this celebrated Oratorio, I feel compelled, in ju
stice to myself, to
state that the Oratorio was published by subscription at
Vienna, and that the printed Copy, from which I had the Parts transcribed, was delivered by
Dr Haydn to a subscriber in Vienna, and brought from thence expressly for me, and on which is the Doctor's initials. The accuracy with which it was performed, and the enthusiasm with which it was received, are, I hope, convincing proofs that no other directions are necessary to "produce the effect required by the Author." I should not thus have obtruded myself, but I conceived it requisite to ju
stify myself from the imputation of having attempted to impose a spurious production upon that public to whom I am under so many obligations. I am, with the greate
st respect and gratitude, their mo
st obedient servant,
John Ashley. March 29. [On 29 Mar. the following card had appeared in mo
st of the daily newspapers: Mr Salomon having received from Dr Haydn an early Copy of his New Oratorio called
The Creation of the World, and having been favoured by him exclusively with particular directions on the
style and manner in which it mu
st be executed, in order to produce the effects required by the Author, begs to acquaint the Nobility and Gentry, that he means to perform it on Monday, the 21
st of April next, at the
King's Theatre. The performance took place on that date in the
Ancient Music Room, i.e. the large concert-room situated inside the King's, on the ea
st side, level with the fir
st tier of the boxes. The reason for this change was,
states the playbill, "the present Performances in the Opera House not allowing sufficient time to erect an Orche
stra on the
Stage." The principal singers were
Mme Mara,
Mme Dussek,
Samuel Wesley presided at the organ and at the piano forte.