SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE MATCH('(@(authnameclean,perftitleclean,commentcclean,commentpclean) "Company of Merchant Taylors"/1) | (@(roleclean,performerclean) "Company of Merchant Taylors")') GROUP BY eventid ORDER BY weight() desc, eventdate asc OPTION field_weights=(perftitleclean=100, commentpclean=75, commentcclean=75, roleclean=100, performerclean=100, authnameclean=100), ranker=sph04

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We found 2056 matches on Event Comments, 852 matches on Performance Title, 568 matches on Performance Comments, 10 matches on Author, and 2 matches on Roles/Actors.
Event Comment: The Duke's Company. Pepys, Diary: With my wife and Deb. to the Duke of York's playhouse, and there saw The Slighted Maid, but a mean play; and thence home, there being little pleasure now in a play, the company being but little. Here we saw Gosnell, who is become very homely, and sings meanly, I think


Mainpiece Title: The Slighted Maid

Event Comment: The Duke's Company. Pepys, Diary: Thence carried Harris to his playhouse, where, though four o'clock, so few people there at The Impertinents, as I went out; and do believe they did not act, though there was my Lord Arlington and his company there. So I out


Mainpiece Title: The Sullen Lovers; Or, The Impertinents

Event Comment: Evelyn does not name the theatre or company, but previous offerings of Horace were given by the King's Company. Evelyn, Diary: I saw Mrs Philips's Horace acted againe


Mainpiece Title: Horace

Event Comment: The Duke's Company. The date of the premiere is not known. Although the play was not in print until 1671, it was acted on 9 May 1670 and again at Dover on 19 or 20 May 1670. Downes (p. 29) placed the comedy among the plays of 1669, but the presence of Mrs Johnson (who, according to Downes, p. 31, did not join the company until 1670) and the performances in May 1670 suggest that the comedy was first given in the spring of 1670. Downes (pp. 29-30): The Play being Singularly well Acted, it took 12 Days together


Mainpiece Title: Sir Salomon; Or, The Cautious Coxcomb

Event Comment: On this day arrived in London the news of the death of the King's sister, the Duchess of Orleans, which occured on 20 June 1670. According to The Bulstrode Papers (I, 144), 25 June 1670: The players are silenced dureing this tyme of sadness. [Probably acting ceased for at least six weeks, the customary period for silencing the companies when the Court went into full mourning. Nevertheless, the Duke's Company may have been permitted to act at Oxford. See Sybil Rosenfeld, "Some Notes on the Players in Oxford, 1661-1713," Review of English Studies XIX (1943), 366-67.


Event Comment: The King's Company. The date of the premiere is not known, but, as the companies were probably silenced to at least the end of July, and the play was entered in the Stationers' Register, 12 Sept. 1670, it was probably acted in August 1670. The Dedication tends to confirm this with the statement: in spight of a dead Vacation


Mainpiece Title: The Roman Empress

Event Comment: The Duke's Company. The date of the first performance is not known, but the Preface suggests that it was given first in the summer; the fact that part of the Duke's Company was at Oxford in July makes June a probable time. Preface: It had the misfortune to be brought into the world in a time, when the Dog-star was near his Reign, and my Judges sat in a hot Bath, rather than a Theatre, and were doubly persecuted by the heat of the weather, and the Impertinence of the Poet; and which was the worst mishap, when the most candid, as well as the most Illustrious Judges (I mean the Court) were absent. A song, Lo behold a sea of tears, with music by John Bannister, for this play, is Choice Ayres and Songs, The First Book, 1673


Mainpiece Title: Juliana; Or, The Princess Of Poland

Event Comment: The Duke's Company. The date of the first performance is quite uncertain, but the fact that the Prologue was spoken at Lincoln's Inn Fields and refers to that theatre as "a damn'd House," appropriate to its status before the Company's removal to Dorset Garden (9 Nov. 1671), would place it in the early autumn. The presence of unfamiliar names in the cast and the statement in the Dedication to its "hasty Representation" suggest a summer or early autumn performance before the principals had resumed their places in the Company. See Nicoll, Restoration Drama, p. 424, for other complications in the dating of this play


Mainpiece Title: Herod And Mariamne

Event Comment: The Duke's Company. This date marks the opening of the new theatre in Dorset Garden. Downes (Roscius Anglicanus, p. 31): The new Theatre in Dorset-Garden being Finish'd, and our Company after Sir William's Death, being under the Rule and Dominion of his Widow the Lady Davenant, Mr Betterton and Mr Harris, (Mr Charles Davenant her Son Acting for her) they remov'd from Lincolns-Inn-Fields thither. And on the Ninth Day of November 1671, they open'd their new Theatre with Sir Martin Marral, which continu'd Acting 3 Days together, with a full Audience each Day; notwithstanding it had been Acted 30 Days before in Lincolns-Inn-Fields, and above 4 times at court. [This play is also on the L. C. lists at Harvard. See VanLennep, "Plays on the English Stage", p. 18: Sir Martin.


Mainpiece Title: Feign'd Innocence; Or, Sir Martin Marall

Event Comment: The Duke's Company. This play is on the L. C. list, 5@141, p. 2. See also Nicoll, Restoration Drama, p. 347. It is uncertain, however, just when this performance occurred. The L. C. lists at Harvard (see VanLennep, Plays on the English Stage, p. 19) suggest that the three performances at the head of this list belong to the spring of 1672 rather than the spring of 1671. If this is correct, this performance of Sir Solomon is out of place in the list, for it can hardly be placed at 14 Nov. 1672, yet it is surprising that, so soon after the opening of dg, the Duke's Company should act at court, especially when the King and Queen attended dg on the following day, 15 Nov. 1671. This performance of Sir Solomon should be judged as an uncertain one


Mainpiece Title: Sir Solomon; Or, The Cautious Coxcomb

Event Comment: The Duke's Company. This performance is on the L. C. list, 5@141, p. 2. See also Nicoll, Restoration Drama, p. 347. Very probably this play was also acted on Friday 5 and Saturday 6 July 1672, but the company may not have acted daily in the summer


Mainpiece Title: The Citizen Turned Gentleman

Event Comment: The Duke's Company. There is no certainty that this date represents the premiere. This performance is on the L. C. list, 5@141, p. 2. See also Nicoll, Restoration Drama, p. 347. Downes (Roscius Anglicanus, pp. 33-34): Loves Jealousy, and The Morning Ramble. Written by Mr Nevil Pain. Both were very well Acted, but after their first run, were laid aside, to make Room for others; the Company having then plenty of new Poets. Two songs, Ah Corydon in vain you boast and Some happy soul come down and tell, both set by Robert Smith, are in Choice Songs and Ayres, The First Book, 1673


Mainpiece Title: The Fatal Jealousie

Event Comment: The Duke's Company. This performance is on the L. C. list, 5@141, p. 2. See also Nicoll, Restoration Drama, p. 347. There is no indication that this is the premiere. A song, From friends all inspired, set by Robert Smith, is in Choice Songs and Ayres, The First Book, 1673. Downes, Roscius Anglicanus, pp. 33-34: Loves Jealousy, and The Morning Ramble. Written by Mr Nevil Pain: Both were very well Acted, but after their first run, were laid aside, to make Room for others; the Company having then plenty of new Poets


Mainpiece Title: The Mourning Ramble; Or, The Town-humours

Event Comment: The Duke's Company. This performance is on the L. C. list, 5@141, p. 2. See also Nicoll, Restoration Drama, p. 347. There is no certainty that this is the premiere, but the fact that the play was given again on 4 Dec. 1672 suggests that this was the first performance and that it was also acted on Tuesday 3 Dec. 1672. A song, How pleasant is mutual love, set by John Bannister for this play, is in Choice Songs and Ayres, First Book, 1673. See Cibber, Apology, ed. Lowe, I, 155, for Underhill's acting of Justice Clodpate. Downes (p. 33): This Play in general being Admirably Acted, produc'd great Profit to the Company. Note, Mrs Johnson in this Comedy, Dancing a Jigg so Charming well, Loves power in a little time after Coerc'd her to Dance more Charming, else where


Mainpiece Title: Epsom Wells

Event Comment: The King's Company. The date of the premiere is not known, but this play belongs to a group which have been considered as "Lenten plays," ones in which the young actors of a company comprise a large portion of the cast. On this basis, as Easter fell on 30 March 1673, this play has been assigned to March 1673. See Philip B. Gray Jr, Lenten Casts and the Nursery: Evidence for the Dating of Certain Restoration Plays, PMLA, LIII (1938), 781-94; for this play particularly, pp. 791-92. A song, Down with this love, set for this play by Alphonso Marsh, is in Choice Ayres and Songs, 1676


Mainpiece Title: The Spanish Rogue

Event Comment: The Duke's Company. This play is on the L. C. list, 5@141, p. 216. See also Nicoll, Restoration Drama, p. 348. The date on the list seems to be "3," but as this is a Sunday, it is more likely "9." This performance may well be the one to which Downes (Roscius Anglicanus, p. 31) refers: Note, Mr Cademan in this Play [The Man's the Master], not long after our Company began in Dorset-Garden; his Part being to Fight with Mr Harris, was Unfortunately, with a sharp Foil pierc'd near the Eye, which so Maim'd both the Hand and his Speech, that he can make little use of either; for which Mischance, he has receiv'd a Pension ever since 1673, being 35 Years a goe. [For a discussion of this accident, see William VanLennep, Henry Harris, Actor, Friend of Pepys, Studies in English Theatre History (London, 1952), p. 16, and the entry under 20 Aug. 1673.


Mainpiece Title: The Man's The Master

Event Comment: The King's Company. The date of the premiere is not known, but, as the play was entered in the Term Catalogues, May 1674, a first production not later than March 1674 is likely. In addition, the relatively large number of minor actors suggests that it might be a Lenten performance by the young players of the company. As to the authorship, the title page states: Written by a Person of Honour. On the other hand, Langbaine (English Dramatick Poets, p. 526) reports that he had heard that it was written by Duffett. The second Prologue is in Covent Garden Drollery, 1673, but the fact that it was intended but not spoken does not assist in dating the first performance


Mainpiece Title: The Amorous Old Woman; Or, 'tis Well If It Take

Event Comment: The Duke's Company. This performance, the premiere, is on the L. C. list, 5@141, p. 216: first Acting. See also Nicoll, Restoration Drama, p. 348. Nell Gwyn also attended this performance; see VanLennep, Nell Gwyn's Playgoing, p406. The title page states: The English Opera; or The Vocal Musick in Psyche, with the Instrumental Therein Intermix'd...By Matthew Lock. Preface: All the Instrumental Musick (which is not mingled with the Vocal) was Composed by that Great Master, Seignior Gio. Baptista Draghi, Master of the Italian Musick to the King. The Dances were made by the most famous Master of France, Monsieur St.Andree. The Scenes were Painted by the Ingenious Artist, Mr Stephenson. In those things that concern the Ornament or Decoration of the Play, the great industry and care of Mr Betterton ought to be remember'd, at whose desire I wrote upon this Subject. Roger North Upon Music: I am sure the musick in the Psyche was composed by Mr M. Lock, of whom wee may say, as the Greeks sayd of Cleomenes, that he was ultimus Heroum. This masque is also in print, and begins 'Great Psyche,' &c. and the book containing the whole musick of that entertainment is not unworthy of a place in a vertuoso's cabanet (ed. John Wilson [1959], pp. 306-7). Preface to Settle's Ibrahim (licensed 4 May 1676): I have often heard the Players cursing at their oversight in laying out so much on so disliked a play [Psyche]; and swearing that they thought they had lost more by making choice of such an Opera: writer than they had gained by all his Comedies; considering how much more they might have expected, had such an Entertainment had that scence in it, that it deserved: and that for the future they expect the Tempest, which cost not one Third of Psyche, will be in request when the other is forgotten. Downes (Roscius Anglicanus, pp. 35-36): In February 1672. The long expected Opera of Psyche, came forth in all her Ornaments; new Scenes, new Machines, new Cloaths, new French Dances: This Opera was Splendidly set out, especially in Scenes; the Charge of which amounted to above 800l. It had a Continuance of Performance about 8 Days together it prov'd very Beneficial to the Company; yet the Tempest got them more Money


Mainpiece Title: Psyche

Event Comment: [The Duke's Company. Nell Gwyn attended this performance. See VanLennep, Nell Gwyn's Playgoing, p. 407. There is no certainty that this performance is the premiere, btt an additional known performance on 15 June suggests that early June probably saw the initial run. The music for two songs, Thou joy of all hearts and When you dispense your influence, both set by Dr William Turner, is in Choice Ayres and Songs, Second Book, 1679. Preface, Edition of 1676: I have no reason to complain of the success of this Play, since it pleased those, whom, of all the World, I would please most: Nor was the Town unkind to it....[There] being no Act in it, which cost me above Five days writing: and the last Two (the Play-house having great occasion for a Play) were both written in Four Days. Downes (Roscius Anglicanus, p. 37): The Libertine and Virtuoso: Both Wrote by Mr Shadwell; they were both very well Acted, and got the Company great Reputation. The Libertine perform'd by Mr Betterton Crown'd the Play


Mainpiece Title: The Libertine

Event Comment: The Duke's Company. If the company acted daily at this time, probably The Libertine was repeated on this day


Mainpiece Title: The Libertine

Event Comment: The Duke's Company. The date of the premiere is uncertain. This play is on the L. C. list, 5@142, p. 81: King and Queene at Alcibiades and a box for the Mayds of Honor. See also Nicoll, Restoration Drama, p. 348. The item on the L. C. list is ambiguously dated; it follows an entry for 28 Sept. 1675 and bears only the figure "22." It is possible that the play was given on 22 Sept. 1675, but the order of the L. C. listing, the sequence of known performance on 24, 25, and 28 Sept., and the fact that most of the cast are principals in the company suggest a late September or early October production rather than an early September one


Mainpiece Title: Alcibiades

Event Comment: The Duke's Company. This performance is on the L. C. list, 5@142, p. 81: At the Virtuoso. See also Nicoll, Restoration Drama, p. 348. Nell Gwyn also attended this performance; see VanLennep, Nell Gwyn's Playgoing, p. 407. The Diary of Robert Hooke, 25 May 1676: Mr Abraham Hill gave J. Hoskins, Aubery and I an account of Vertuoso play. A song, How retched is the slave to love, the music by Francis Forcer, is in Choice Ayres and Songs, The Second Book, 1679. Downes (Roscius Anglicanus, p. 37): The Libertine and Virtuoso: Both Wrote by Mr Shadwell; they were both very well Acted, and got the company great Reputation


Mainpiece Title: The Virtuoso

Event Comment: According to L. C. 7@1-see Nicoll, Restoration Drama, p.325n--a disagreement within the King's Company resulted in the Lord Chamberlain's directing Michaell Mohun, Charles Hart, Edward Kynnaston, and William Cartwright to manage the company under his supervision


Event Comment: The King's Company. This performance is on the L. C. list, 5@141, p. 359. See also Nicoll, Restoration Drama, p. 346. There is no certainty that this performance is the premiere, but as the play was licensed for printing on 9 Jan. 1676@7, this performance may well be the first one. Downes (Roscius Anglicanus, pp.9-10) lists the same cast except for the ommission of Letice. It is not certain which Mrs Knight played Letice. Possibly it was Frances Maria Knight (see Wilson, All the King's Ladies, where she is tentatively listed for that role), but the presence of Mrs Ursula Knight on an undated L. C. list, 3@24, with the date of her swearing into the company given as 12 March 1676@7, it is quite likely that she played this role. (I owe this reference to Ursula Knight to Professor John Harold Wilson.) John Dennis: And when upon the first representations of the Plain Dealer, the Town, as The Authour has often told me, appeard Doubtful what Judgment to Form of it; the foremention'd gentlemen [The Duke of Buckingham, Earl of Rochester, Earl of Dorset, Earl of Mulgrave, Savil, Buckly, Sir John Denham, Waller] by their loud aprobation of it, gave it both a sudden and a lasting reputation (Defense and Defects of Dramatick Poetry, 1725, in The Works of John Dennis, ed. Hooker, II, 277)


Mainpiece Title: The Plain Dealer

Event Comment: The Duke's Company. This performance is on the L. C. list, 5@142, p. 81, a last, undated entry in a series of plays acted from 28 May 1675 to 12 May 1677. See also Nicoll, Restoration Drama, p. 348. A performance, dated 12 May 1677, is on the L. C. lists at Harvard; see VanLennep, Plays on the English Stage, 1669-1672, p. 12. Downes (pp. 36-37): All the Musick was set by Mr Banister, and being well Perform'd, it answer'd the Expectation of the Company. Two of the songs, with the music by Bannister, are in Choice Ayres and Songs, The Second Book, 1679. The Songs in Circe, published separately in 1677, bears a licensing date of 7 May 1677. The play was licensed 18 June 1677, and entered in the Stationers' Register, 19 June 1677


Mainpiece Title: Circe