SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE MATCH('(@(authnameclean,perftitleclean,commentcclean,commentpclean) "Company of Merchant Taylors"/1) | (@(roleclean,performerclean) "Company of Merchant Taylors")') GROUP BY eventid ORDER BY weight() desc, eventdate asc OPTION field_weights=(perftitleclean=100, commentpclean=75, commentcclean=75, roleclean=100, performerclean=100, authnameclean=100), ranker=sph04

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We found 2056 matches on Event Comments, 852 matches on Performance Title, 568 matches on Performance Comments, 10 matches on Author, and 2 matches on Roles/Actors.
Event Comment: Rich's Company. The date of the premiere is not known, but the fact that the play was advertised in the Post Boy, 12-16 Dec. 1695, suggests that it was probably first acted not later than November 1695. The edition of 1696 mentions two songs and their performers: A lass there lives upon the green, the words by an unknown hand, set by Courteville, and sung by the Boy to Miss Cross; and Bright Cynthia's pow'r divinely great, words by Mr Cheek, set by Courtevill, sung by Leveridge. These two songs are also in Deliciae Musicae, The Fourth Book, 1696, as is a third, Celemene, pray tell me, set by Henry Purcell and sung by the Boy and Girl. The words were written by D'Urfey; and the Boy presumably was Bowen, and the Girl, Miss Cross. See Purcell's Works, Purcell Society, XXI (1917), v-vi. A Comparison Between the Two Stages (1702), p. 19: Sullen: Oronooko. Ramble: Oh! the Favourite of the Ladies. Sullen: It had indeed uncommon Success, and the Quality of both Sexes were very kind to the Play, and to the Poet: No doubt it has Merit, particularly the last Scene; but 'tis as certain, that the Comick Part is below that Author's usual Genius. Ramble: I have a particular regard for Mr Southern's Stile and agreeable Manner; there's a Spirit of Conversation in every thing he writes. Sullen: I think very few exceed him in the Dialogue; his Gallantry is natural, and after the real manner of the Town; his acquaintance with the best Company entered him into the secrets of their Intrigues, and no Man knew better the Way and Disposition of Mankind. But yet I must say, his Diction is commonly the best part of him, especially in Comedy; but in Tragedy he has once in this, and in one other, Drawn the Passions very well


Mainpiece Title: Oroonoko

Event Comment: In spite of decrees concerning the transfer of a player from one house to another, Dogget entered into an agreement with Rich's Company. See Nicoll, Restoration Drama, pp. 338-39. Cibber, Apology, I, 229: And the late Reputation which Dogget had acquired from acting his Ben in Love for Love, made him a more declared Male-content on such Occasions; he over-valued Comedy for its being nearer to Nature than Tragedy, which is allow'd to say many fine things that Nature never spoke in the same Words; and supposing his Opinion were just, yet he should have consider'd that the Publick had a Taste as well as himself, which in Policy he ought to have complied with. Dogget, however, could not with Patience look upon the costly Trains and Plumes of Tragedy, in which knowing himself to be useless, he thought were all a vain Extravagance: And when he found his Singularity could no longer oppose that Expence, he so obstinately adhered to his own Opinion, that he left the Society of his old Friends, and came over to us at the Theatre-Royal: This happened in the Winter following the first Division of the (only) Company


Event Comment: Betterton's Company. The date of the premiere is not known, but the fact that the play was advertised in the Post Man, 7-9 July 1696, suggests that it was first presented not later than June 1696. The cast also has a large number of relatively new players, suggesting a performance in the early summer, when the young actors had more opportunities to act. Several Songs, with the names of the singers, were published separately: Hark you, madam, can't I move you, set by John Eccles, and sung by Bowman and Mrs Bracegirdle; Shou'd I not lead a happy life, set by John Eccles and sung by Reading and M. Lee; From Aberdeen to Edinburgh, set by Ackeroyd and sung by Mrs Hudson; all in Deliciae Musicae, The Second Book of the Second Volume, 1696. Preface, Edition of 1696: I am almost asham'd to mention the extraordinary Success of a Play which I myself must condemn....Let me leave this ungrateful Subject to acknowledge my obligations to Mr John Eccles, who not only set my three Dialogues to most charming Notes, but honour'd the Words to Admiration. Downes, Roscius Anglicanus, p. 44: Love's a Jest, a Comedy, done by Mr Mateox; succeeded well, being well Acted, and got the Company Reputation and Money


Mainpiece Title: Love's A Jest

Event Comment: Rich's Company. The date of the first performance is not known, for the play was apparently not printed until 1704. Nevertheless, some details indicate a performance early in the early in the season of 1696-97. In the first place, the presence of Verbruggen in the cast indicates that it must have been acted before 1 Jan. 1696@7, when Verbruggen was permitted to act at Lincoln's Inn Fields. The play also parodies the works of Mrs Manley, whose The Royal Mischief had been staged (probably) in April 1696, and it is likely that the company would emphasize the pertinence of the parody by presenting it soon after the appearance of the original. Although The Female Wits may not have been acted until later in the autumn, it seems likely that it was acted first in the late summer or early autumn. Preface, Edition of 1704: [The] Success of this Play has been such...having been Acted six Days running without intermission....Among the rest, Mr Powel and his Wife excell'd in the Characters they represented, as did Mrs Verbruggen, who play'd the Chief Character....The Lady whose Play is rehears'd, personated one Mrs M-ly [Manley]


Mainpiece Title: The Female Wits; Or, The Triumvirate Of Poets At Rehearsal

Event Comment: Betterton's Company. The date of this revival is not certain, but Luttrell's copy (Huntington Library) bears his date of 27 Oct. 1696 for his acquisition of a copy; hence, the revival must have occurred not later than October 1696. When this play was revived at the Queen's Theatre in the Haymarket, 8 June 1705, the bill bore the heading: Not Acted by that Company these Nine Years


Mainpiece Title: Rule A Wife And Have A Wife

Event Comment: Rich's Company. Lady Morley attended this performance. Hotson, Commonwealth and Restoration Stage, p. 377: Lady Morley and one in the Box at Plott and noe Plott 8s. [There is no certainty that this performance is the premiere; since the play was advertised in the Post Man, 25-27 May 1697, the first performance may have been late April or very early May.] Preface, Edition of 1697: As for the Spectators, tho, by reason of the advanc'd Season, and the extremity of the heat, which when the Play was first acted was intolerable, we have not had such numerous assemblies as might have been expected in Winter; yet as long as I have known the Play-house I never saw the Company there in better humour. A Comparison Between the Two Stages (1702), pp. 18-19: Ramble: Oh, that's Dennis's; and a very regular Farce, tho' he calls it a Comedy. Sullen: I think it did pretty well; 'tis laboriously Writ, as everything of his is: There's an Air of Formality in the Play agreeable to the slovenly Air in his Behaviour


Mainpiece Title: A Plot And No Plot

Event Comment: Betterton's Company. The date of the first performance is not known. For a discussion of the dating, see Baldwin Maxwell, Notes on Charles Hopkins' Boadicea, Review of English Studies, IV (1928), 79-83. Downes, Roscius Anglicanus, p. 44: Boadicea, the Brittish Queen, wrote by Mr Hopkins: 'twas a well Writ Play in an Ovidean Stile in Verse; it was lik'd and got the Company Money. A Comparison Between the Two Stages (1702), p. 20: This is Cha. Hopkins's and did very well


Mainpiece Title: Boadicea Queen Of Britain

Event Comment: Betterton's Company. The date of the first performance is not known, but the fact that the play was advertised in the Post Boy, 18-21 Dec. 1697, suggests that the premiere occurred not later than late November. This play was originally given to the company in Drury Lane, but withdrawn. See G. Thorn-Drury, An Unrecorded Play Title, Review of English Studies, VI (1930), 316-18. Edition of 1698: A Dialogue in the fourth Act, between Mr Bowman and Mrs Bracegirdle; The words by Mr Durfey and set by Mr Eccles: When will Stella kind and tendre. A Dialogue in the fifth Act, between a Boy and a Girl, and an Old Man, Written by Mr Motteux, set to the Musick by Mr J. Eccles. Preface: I look upon those that endeavour'd to discountenance this Play as Enemys to me


Mainpiece Title: The Deceiver Deceived

Event Comment: Rich's Company. The date of the premiere is not known, but the fact that the play was advertised in the Post Man, 3-5 March 1697@8, suggests that the first performance occurred probably not later than early February 1697@8. The Preface is signed by George Powell, who refers to the author of the play as unknown. In addition, Powell mentions that his company has recently revived some of Dryden's plays: Don Sebastian, Secret Love; or, The Maiden Queen, Marriage a la Mode, King Arthur, and adds: In relation to our reviving his Almanzor...very hard crutching up what Hart and Mohun...could not prop


Mainpiece Title: The Fatal Discovery; Or, Love In Ruines

Event Comment: Betterton's Company. The fee of #20 was paid to John Miles, an officer of Betterton's Company. See Calendar of the Inner Temple Records, III, 342


Mainpiece Title: The Spanish Fryar; Or, The Double Discovery

Event Comment: Rich's Company. Post Boy, 31 May-2 June 1698: London, June 2nd. This Day, at the Theatre in Drury-Lane, will be Acted a Play, called, The Plain-Dealer, upon a very charitable Account, the Profits of the Play being given for the Release of a distressed Gentleman from Prison: And the chief Part is acted by Capt. Griffin, formerly a famous Actor, and lately Captain of a Company of Foot in His Majesty's Service, through the Wars in Ireland


Mainpiece Title: The Plain Dealer

Event Comment: Betterton's Company. The date of the first performance is not known, but Lucyle Hook, James Brydges Drops in at the Theatre, Huntington Library Bulletin, VIII (1945), 309, speculates that James Brydges' attendance at lif this day may have been prompted by his seeing this new play, as he stayed longer than he often did at a theatrical performance. The comedy was certainly acted before 12 March 1699@1700. James Brydges, Diary: I went to ye play in Lincolns inn fields, where I met Sr G. Coply, who set me down after it was ended (Huntington MS St 26). Downes, Roscius Anglicanus, p. 45: The Way of the World, a Comdey wrote by Mr Congreve, twas curiously Acted; Madam Bracegirdle performance her Part so exactly and just, gain'd the Applause of Court and City; but being too Keen a Satyr, had not the Success the Company Expected


Mainpiece Title: The Way Of The World

Event Comment: Betterton's Company. If this play had its premiere on 5 March and if the company acted on Wednesday in Lent, this play probably was acted daily (except perhaps Friday) during this week


Mainpiece Title: The Way Of The World

Event Comment: Rich's Company. Post Boy, 30 May-1 June 1700: The Opera of the Prophetess, being this day Commanded to be Acted, for the Entertainment of the two Alcaids, the Envoys from the Emperor of Morocco. [When this play was revived at lif on 3 Dec. 1715, but Rich's Company, the bill was headed: Not Acted these Sixteen Years.


Mainpiece Title: The Prophetess

Event Comment: Rich's Company. That this day was the premiere is implied by the Post Boy, 6-9 July 1700: This Day at the Theatre Royal in Drury-Lane, will be presented a New Comedy, never Acted before, called Courtship Alamode. Preface, Edition of 1700: This Play was so long expected e're it came into the World, that I'm oblig'd in Justice to my self, to excuse its appearance at at time when there were scarce Witnesses in Town of its Birth. It was enter'd in the other House [lif], where Mr Betterton did me all the Justice I cou'd indeed reasonably hope for. But that Example he gave, was not it seems to be follow'd by the whole Company, since 'tis known that Mr Bowman (I mention his Name to keep the reflection from other sharers) kept the first Character of my Play six weeks, and then cou'd hardly read six lines on't. How far that Way of management makes of late for the Interest and Honour of that House, is easie to be judg'd. Some who valu'd their reputations more, were indeed rarely or never absent. To these I gave my thanks; but finding that six or seven people cou'd not perform what was design'd for fifteen, I was oblig'd to remove it after so many sham Rehearsals, and in two days it got footing upon the other Stage [dl]. Where twas immediately cast to the best Advantage, and Plaid in less than twenty days. [In the Dedication Penkethman states that he saw the play into print after its being received well by the town.] A Comparison Between the Two Stages (1700), pp. 104-5: Ramble: Courtship Alamode, the Author, one Crawford, a Caledonian. Sullen: I remember it, and its Adventures; it was enter'd into the New-House, at the Recommendation of a certain Scotch Lord, and sojourning there six Months to no purpose, it travell'd afterwards to the Old-House, where it was with much ado Acted. Ramble: And Damn'd-there I was in with you


Mainpiece Title: Courtship A La Mode

Event Comment: [The transfer of the company from the queen's to dl was made without fanfare. On 6 Nov. Swiny, Wilks, Cibber, and Dogget had been granted a license to established a company; see Nicoll, pp. 275-76.


Mainpiece Title: The Unhappy Favourite; Or, The Earl Of Essex

Event Comment: At the Desire of several Persons of Quality. By the same Company who acted there last Summer. Note, the Company will continue acting every Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday during the Summer Season. At 6 p.m. Boxes 2s. 6d. Pit 1s. 6d. Gallery 1s


Mainpiece Title: Othello, Moor Of Venice

Event Comment: [Opening night, under the management of John Rich.] By the Company of Comedians under Letters Patents granted by King Charles the Second. Beginning exactly at Six. No Persons are to be admitted behind the Scenes, nor any Money to be return'd after the Curtain is drawn up. Receipts: #143. Weekly Packet, 18 Dec.: This Day the New to be open' the Company that act under the Patent; tho' it is said, that some of the Gentlemen who have left the Theatre in Drury-Lane for that Service, are order'd to return to their Colours, upon Pain of not exercising their Lungs anywhere; which may in Time prove of ill Service to the Patentee; that has been at vast Expence to make his Theatre as convenient for the Reception of an Audience as any one can possibly be


Mainpiece Title: The Recruiting Officer


Mainpiece Title: La Foire De St

Performance Comment: Germain. Parts-the French Company of Comedians , lately arriv'd from the Theatre Royal in Paris.
Event Comment: Benefit J. and Ch. Rich. This Company will perform every Wednesday and Friday during the short stay they shall continue in England. Receipts: #147 14s. 6d


Entertainment: All the Entertainments on Friday last-


Mainpiece Title: Chit Chat

Afterpiece Title: The Island Princess (the Comedy in the last Act)

Performance Comment: Original Parts-Penkethman, Norris; Likewise a Prologue-Penkethman in Company of an Ass, Ground Landlord of the Place, upon a Writ of Ejectment.

Dance: Salle, Mlle Salle; Shepherdess-; Turkey Cock-; Mimic Song of an Old Woman-; The Irish Trot-Mrs Willis

Event Comment: By His Majesty's Command. By the Italian Company of Comedians newly arriv'd. Pit and Boxes together by tickets only at 4s. Gallery 2s. N.B. Whereas the Number of Subscribers for this Company that are in Town, is very little, some of the first Representations will not be on thair Account. Weekly Journal or British Gazetteer, 1 Oct.: Last Wednesday Night his Majesty and their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales, together with great Numbers of the Nobility and Persons of Distinction...saw the Comedy...The Faithful Wife


Mainpiece Title: The Faithful Wife; Or, Arlequin Strip'd, Sentry, Brave, Coward, Terrour Of The Turks, And Judge Of His Own Cause

Dance: Monsieur Poictier, others


Mainpiece Title: The Drummer; Or, The Haunted House

Performance Comment: Parts-a private company of Gentlemen and Ladies.