SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE MATCH('(@(authnameclean,perftitleclean,commentcclean,commentpclean) "Company of Merchant Taylors"/1) | (@(roleclean,performerclean) "Company of Merchant Taylors")') GROUP BY eventid ORDER BY weight() desc, eventdate asc OPTION field_weights=(perftitleclean=100, commentpclean=75, commentcclean=75, roleclean=100, performerclean=100, authnameclean=100), ranker=sph04

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We found 2056 matches on Event Comments, 852 matches on Performance Title, 568 matches on Performance Comments, 10 matches on Author, and 2 matches on Roles/Actors.
Event Comment: Benefit Taylor (Box-Keeper). Mainpiece At the Desire of Several Ladies of Quality. As Mr Taylor's long and violent illness has prevented his personal application, he humbly hopes those Gentlemen and Ladies who us'd to honour him with their Company, will continue their favour, and send for tickets to his house in Greek Street, Soho


Mainpiece Title: The Conscious Lovers

Afterpiece Title: The Lying Valet

Song: III: Song-Lowe

Dance: II: Tyrolean Dance, as17421129; IV: Sicilian Peasant, as17430310


Mainpiece Title: Whittington

Performance Comment: Whittington-Morgan; Madge-Harper; Emperor-Rosco; Merchant-Jones; Captain-Hulett; Factor-Mullart; Mrs Fitzwarren-Mrs Taylor; Mrs Grace-Mrs Mullart; Giflurt-Mrs Morgan; Bawd-Mrs Coker; Britannia-Mrs Spiller.
Role: Merchant Actor: Jones

Song: MMad Tom of Bedlam-Platt; Thames and Augusta-Platt, Papillon

Event Comment: Boxes 5s. Gallery 3s. Pit 2s. Upper Gallery 1s. Doors open at half past five. Play begin at half past six. [Repeated.] Before the Play a new Overture and New Occasional Prelude (Public Advertiser). The House has been quite alter'd since last Season and is now fitted up in the most elegant manner Possible by the Adam's etc. and is the most Compleat of any Theater in Europe. Great applause to the House before the Curtain. The Theatrical Candidates is wrote by D. G. Esq and was received with great Applause (Hopkins Diary). [MacMillan's note from Kemble differs slightly in wording. In Judging the popularity of a play in terms of box receipts for this season one must be aware of the fact that the treasurer's account books here differ from those of the five preceding years in not recording the income from the tickets delivered out for benefit nights. Hence on those nights the stated income reflects only the money taken at the door the night of the performance, and does not indicate the larger amounts which the actors received for their tickets. Deficits to various actors listed on the following pages were all paid up, presumably from the ticket receipts. Each actor doubtless at least broke even on his benefit.] Ceiling rais'd 12 feet. Old side Boxes top and bottom remov'd. New passages to Boxes. Entrance Bridges St. Light pillars to support Boxes inlaid with plate glass on green and crimson ground. Old chandeliers remov'd. Gilt branches with two candles each on pillars. Four new chandeliers in front. No slit i Curtain. Adam architects. 4,000 guineas. Persons not employed in the night's amusement ordered not to come behind the scenes--performers by that means go cross stage (Winston MS 11, from Dr Burney's News Cuttings). Paid Renters #8; Supernumeraries and Drum #1 16s.; taylor's Bill #10 11s. 6d. (Treasurer's Book). [For the 188 acting nights of the season and for 11 Oratorio nights the Renters were paid a total of #1,692. The Supernumeraries were paid an average of #5 per night or #940 for the season. No further account of these items will be made. Full account of the new look given to Drury Lane by the Adam's brothers in the Westminster Magazine for Sept. along with an approving review of the Meeting of the Company.] From Lloyd's Evening Post, 25 Sept., "On the New Front of Drury Lane Theatre": @Garrick asham'd to poke his nose@Too sheepishly beneath the Rose:@And fearing, poor man, what were Worse,@His bashfulness might hurt his purse;@Resolves this year to push a front,@And put a better face upon't.@Not surely meaning to give o'er@His Art, and make no faces more.@Yet, fair as tis, I'd have him know@If tis the last he means to show.@This face will never make amends,@For turning tail upon his friends;@Who own, by general consent,@His face the best Stage ornament.@ (In Folger Library, David Garrick Verses, Prologues and Epilogues, MS, p. 86.) Receipts: #208 11s. (Treasurer's Book)


Mainpiece Title: The Brothers

Afterpiece Title: The Theatrical Candidates

Afterpiece Title: The Miller of Mansfield

Event Comment: king's "On 28th March 1795, I saw the Opera Aci & Galathea by Bianchi. The music is very rich in parts for the wind instruments, and I rather think one would hear the principal melody better if it were not so richly scored. The Opera is too long, especially since Banti has to keep everything going all by herself; for Brida is a good youngster with a beautiful voice but very little musical feeling; and Rovedino, and the good old Braghetti, and the wretched Seconda Donna-they all deserved, and received, not the least applause. The orchestra is larger this year, but just as mechanical and badly placed as it was before, and indiscreet in its accompaniments; in short, it was the 3rd time that this Opera was performed, and everyone was dissatisfied. It happened that, when the 2nd Ballet began, the whole public suddenly became dissatisfied and yelled 'off-off-off,' because they wanted to see the new Ballet which Madam Hilligsberg had given at her Benefice 2 days earlier. Everyone was embarrassed-there was an interval lasting half an hour-until at last a dancer came forward and said, very submissively: 'Ladies and Gentlemen: since the performer [sic, instead of proprietor] Mr Taylor cannot be found, the whole Ballet Company promises to perform the desired ballet next week, for which, however, the Impresario must pay Madam Hilligsberg #300.'That satisfied them, and they then yelled, 'go on-go on;' and thus the old Ballet was performed' (Haydn, 293)


Mainpiece Title: Aci E Galatea

Dance: king's As17950324

Event Comment: Mr Garrick Bays 1st time these four years Very fine House (Hopkins Diary). Mrs King many years actress and dancer will leave the stage at her Benefit. Garrick [will] play for her (Winston MS 10). Paid Marshall & Co. (plumbers) #11 9s. 6d.; Mr Racket (taylor) #20 6d.; Mr Hatsell (mercer) #29 6d.; Mr Ireland (upholsterer) #34 7s.; Barrow & Co (oil merchants) #88 10s.; Printer's Bill #8 12s. (Treasurer's Book). Receipts: #280 6s. (Treasurer's Book)


Mainpiece Title: The Rehearsal

Afterpiece Title: The Chaplet

Dance: V: A Comic Dance-Daigville, Sga Vidini

Event Comment: This New Ballad Farce of the Cobler is wrote & Compos'd by Mr Dibdin-Some of the Music is very pretty-It was greatly hiss'd & with much Difficulty got thro' it (Hopkins Diary). Paid Mr Slingsby's draft on the managers #30; Cropley (linen draper) #32 6s.; Mr Chettell (timber merchant) #259 12s.; Mr Racket (taylor) #21 9s.; Mr Hopkins, prompter's Bill, #18 14s. (Treasurer's Book). [Afterpiece damned in a paragraph in the Westminster Magazine, Dec.] Receipts: #165 11s. 6d. (Treasurer's Book)


Mainpiece Title: Venice Preserv'd

Afterpiece Title: The Cobler; or, a Wife of Ten Thousand

Event Comment: In L. C. 5@12, p. 212, is a list of plays formerly acted at Blackfriars and now allowed (ca. 12 Jan. 1668@9) to the King's Company: Everyman in his Humour. Everyman out of his Humour. Cyntheas Revells. Sejanus. The ffox. The Silent Weoman. The Alchymist. Catilin. Bartholomew ffayre. Staple of Newes. The Devills an Asse. Magnitick Lady [The Humours Reconciled]. Tale of a Tubb. New Inn [or The Light of Heart]. Beggers Bush [by John Fletcher, with Philip Massinger?]. Bonduca. Custome of ye Country. The Captaine. The Chances. The Coxcombe. The Double Marriage. The ffrench Lawyer. The ffalse One. The fayre Mayd of ye Inn. The Humorous Leivt. The Island Princes. The Knights of Malta. Nathan Field. The Loyall Subject. The Lawes of Candye. Loves Progresse [The Lover's Progress; or, The Wandering Lovers. The Winters Tale. King John. Richard the Second. Loues Cure [or The Martial Maid]. Loues Pilgrimage. The Noble Gentlemen. The Nice Valour [or, The Passionate Madman]. The Prophetesse. The Marshall Mayd [see Love's Cure]. The Pilgrim. The Queene of Corinth. The Spanish Curate. The Sea Voyage. Valentinian. The Weomans Prize [or, The Tamer Tamed]. A Wife for a Moneth. The Wyd Goose-Chase. The Elder Brother. The ffaythfull Shepherdesse. A King & noe King. The Maydes Tragedie. Phylaster. Rollo Duke of Normandy [or, The Bloody Brother]. The Scornefull Lady. Thiery & Theodorat. Rule a Wife. The Gentlemen of Verona. The Merry Wives of Windsor. The Comoedy of Errors. Loves Labour Lost. Midsomer Nights Dreame. The Merchant of Venice. As you like it. The Tameing of ye Shrew. Alls well yt ends well. Henry ye fourth. The Second part Henry IV. The Royall Slaue


Event Comment: The United Company. This performance is on the L. C. list, 5@148, p. 145. See also Nicoll, Restoration Drama, p. 351. When this play was revised and revived as The Royal Merchant; or, Beggar's Bush at Drury Lane, 19 June 1705, the bill bore the heading: Not acted these Twenty Years


Mainpiece Title: The Beggar's Bush

Event Comment: To Macklin the Player: The Laity as well as Priests of all Religons are the same. Macklin, Thou mayst remember when thou wert learning the part of Shylock in the Merchant of Venice, thou camest daily to the Change, and artfully dids't introduce thyself into my company, till thou hads't stolen my Face, my Looks, and not content with the Index, thou did'st turn over the volume of my Mind, as it if thy Author had been wanting in the manner of his character, and dids't show me on the stage to the Disgrace of my Tribe, for which we wish thee not in Abraham's Bosom, thou may'st be sure. Now if thou hast a mind to compromise the Affair, and serve thyself at thy Benefit time, publicly delcare what Place thou did'st frequent, and what set of Christians thou did'st herd with, before thou playd'st the part of Iago in the Moor of Venice; Comply and our Rancor to thee will be turn'd into Love and Service. s@Zorobabel. PS I will call to thee tonight at thy Synagogue in the Hay-market, about the sixth Hour, as you players reckon, for intelligence.-Daily Advertiser


Mainpiece Title: Othello

Event Comment: Whereas Doctor John Francis Croza, late Master of the Company of Comedians at the Opera House in the Haymarket, escaped fro me on Tuesday Evening last: whoever will secure or cause him to be secured, so that I may re-take him, shall have a reward of thirty pounds immediately, paid by me Henry Gibbs, one of the Tipstaffs attending the court of Common Pleas, Southampton St., Covent Garden, Tea Merchant. N.B. The said John Francis Croza is a thin man, about Five feet five inches high, of a swarthy Complexion, with dark brown eyebrows, pitted with the small pox, stoops a little in the Shoulders, is about 50 Years of age, and takes a remarkable deal of Snuff, talks Italian and French, but speaks very little English (General Advertiser)


Event Comment: The United Company. There is uncertainty concerning this date; it appears on Luttrell's copy (Huntington Library) of the separately printed Prologue and Epilogue, and the date may represent the time of his purchase rather than a date of performance. The Prologue and Epilogue are reprinted in Wiley, Rare Prologues and Epilogues, pp. 141-45. Downes (Roscius Anglicanus, pp. 39-40): All the preceding Plays, being the chief that were Acted in Dorset-Garden, from November 1671, to the Year 1682; at which time the Patentees of each Company United Patents; and by so Incorporating the Duke's Company were made the King's Company, and immediately remov'd to the Theatre Royal in Drury-Lane. Upon this Union, Mr Hart being the Heart of the Company under Mr Killigrew's Patent never Acted more, by reason of his Malady; being Afflicted with the Stone and Gravel, of which he Dy'd some time after: Having a Sallary of 40 Shillings a Week to the Day of his Death. But the Remnant of that Company; as, Major Mohun, Mr Cartwright, Mr Kynaston, Mr Griffin, Mr Goodman, Mr Duke Watson, Mr Powel, Sr, Mr Wiltshire, Mrs Corey, Mrs Bowtell, Mrs Cook, Mrs Montfort. [Joined the new company]. Note, now Mr Monfort and Mr Carlile, were grown to the Maturity of good Actors. The mixt Company then Reviv'd the several old and Modern Plays, that were the Propriety of Mr Killigrew, as Rule a Wife, and have a Wife: Mr Betterton Acting Michael Perez; Don Leon, Mr Smith, Cacofogo, Mr Cartwright: Margaretta, Mrs Barry: Estiphania, Mrs Cook. Next, @The Scornful Lady.@The Plain Dealer.@The Mock Astrologer.@The Jovial Crew.@The Beggars Bush.@Bartholomew-Fair.@The Moor of Venice.@Rollo.@The Humorous Lieutenant.@The Double Marriage.@ With divers others. George Powell, Preface to The Treacherous Brothers (1690): The Time was, upon the uniting of the Two Theatres, that the Reviveing of the old stock of Plays, so ingrost the study of the House, that the Poets lay dorment; and a new Play cou'd hardly get admittance, amongst the more precious pieces of Antiquity, that then waited to walk the Stage. Cibber, Apology, ed. Lowe, I, 95-96): I shall content myself with telling you that Mohun and Hart now growing old [for, above thirty Years before this Time, they had severally born the King's Commission of Major and Captain in the Civil Wars), and the younger Actors, as Goodman, Clark, and others, being impatient to get into their Parts, and growing intractable, the Audiences too of both Houses then falling off, the Patentees of each, by the King's Advice, which perhaps amounted to a Command, united their Interests and both Companies into one, exclusive of all others in the Year 1682. This Union was, however, so much in favour of the Duke's Company, that Hart left the Stage upon it, and Mohun survived not long after


Mainpiece Title: Title Unknown

Event Comment: Betterton's Company. The date of this performance, which coincides with the opening of the playhouse in Lincoln's Inn Fields by Betterton's Company, is established by Downes, Roscius Anglicanus, pp. 43-44: [Betterton, Mrs Bracegirdle, Mrs Barry, and others] set up a new Company, calling it the New Theatre in Lincolns-Inn-Fields; and the House being fitted up from a Tennis-Court, they Open'd it the last Day of April 1695, with a new Comedy: Call'd, Love for Love....This Comedy being Extraordinary well Acted, chiefly the Part of Ben the Sailor, it took 13 Days Successively. Three songs in the play were published separately: I tell thee, Charmion, the music by Finger, sung by Pate and Reading, is in Thesaurus Musicus, 1696, The Fifth Book. A Nymph and a Swain, the music by John Eccles and sung by Pate; and A Soldier and a Saylour, the music by John Eccles, and sung by Dogget, are in Thesaurus Musicus, The Fourth Book, 1695. Cibber, Apology, I, 196-97: After we had stolen some few Days March upon them, the Forces of Betterton came up with us in terrible Order: In about three Weeks following, the new Theatre was open'd against us with veteran Company and a new Train of Artillery; or in plainer English, the old Actors in Lincoln's-Inn-Fields began with a new Comedy of Mr Congreve's, call'd Love for Love, which ran on with such extraordinary Success that they had seldom occasion to act any other Play 'till the End of the Season. This valuable Play had a narrow Escape from falling into the Hands of the Patentees; for before the Division of the Company it had been read and accepted of at the Theatre-Royal: But while the Articles of Agreement for it were preparing, the Rupture in the Theatrical State was so far advanced that the Author took time to pause before he sign'd them; when finding that all Hopes of Accomodation were impracticable, he thought it advisable to let it takes its Fortune with those Actors for whom he had first intended the Parts. A Comparison Between the Two Stages (1702), p. 10: Ramble: You know the New-house opened with an extraordinary good Comedy, the like has scarce been heard of. Critick: I allow that Play contributed not a little to their Reputation and Profit; it was the Work of a popular Author; but that was not all, the Town was ingag'd in its favour, and in favour of the Actors long before the Play was Acted. Sullen: I've heard as much; and I don't grudge 'em that happy beginning, to compensate some part of their Expence and Toil: But the assistance they receiv'd from some Noble Persons did 'em eminent Credit; and their appearance in the Boxes, gave the House as much Advantage as their Contributions. Ramble: Faith if their Boxes had not been well crowded, their Galleries wou'd ha' fallen down on their Heads. Sullen: The good Humour those Noble Patrons were in, gave that Comedy such infinite Applause; and what the Quality approve, the lower sort take upon trust. Gildon, The Lives and Characters (ca. 1698), p. 22: This Play, tho' a very good Comedy in it self, had this Advantage, that it was Acted at the Opening of the New House, when the Town was so prepossess'd in Favour of the very Actors, that before a Word was spoke, each Actor was clapt for a considerable Time. And yet all this got it not more Applause than it really deserv'd. An Essay on Acting (London, 1744), p. 10: The late celebrated Mr Dogget, before he perform'd the Character of Ben in Love for Love, took Lodgings in Wapping, and gather'd thence a Nosegay for the whole Town


Mainpiece Title: Love For Love

Event Comment: On this date the officers of the Duke's Company and the King's Company entered into agreements to merge the two companies. For details, see Hotson, Commonwealth and Restoration Stage, p. 271; Fitzgerald, A New History, I, 154-58; and Nicoll, Restoration Drama, pp. 296-97. See also Langhans, New Restoration Theatre Accounts, p. 122, for evidence that the union had been effectively made by 13 May 1682. See page 123 for evidence that the company probably acted continuously to 7 August 1682, then closed until early October. But see 10 August 1682


Mainpiece Title: Omment

Event Comment: Christopher Rich's Company. The date of the resumption of playing is not certain, for Cibber (see below) beclouds the issue by referring to Easter-Monday in April, whereas the first Monday following Easter fell on 25 March 1694@5. Nevertheless, Monday 1 April 1695 seems the likely date of the resumption of playing, with Rich's Company ready to perform before the seceding company under Thomas Betterton was fully organized. A new song for Abdelazar, Lucinda is bewitching fair, the music by Henry Purcell and sung by "the Boy" (Jemmy? Bowen), is in Thesaurus Musicus, The Fourth Book, 1695. Cibber, Apology, I, 195: [The Patentees] were not able to take the Field till the Easter-Monday in April following. Their first Attempt was a reviv'd Play call'd Abdelazar, or the Moor's Revenge, poorly written, by Mrs Behn. The House was very full, but whether it was the Play or the Actors that were not approved, the next Day's Audience sunk to nothing. However, we assured that let the Audiences be never so low, our Masters would make good all Deficiencies, and so indeed they did, till towards the End of the Season, when Dues to Ballance came too think upon 'em. [See I, 195-96, for Cibber's account of his Prologue.] A Comparison Between the Two Stages, 1702, p. 7: But in my Opinion, 'twas strange that the general defection of the old Actors which left Drury-lane, and the fondness which the better sort shew'd for 'em at the opening of their Newhouse, and indeed the Novelty it self, had not quite destroy'd those few young ones that remain'd behind. The disproportion was so great at parting, that 'twas almost impossible, in Drury-lane, to muster up a sufficient number to take in all the Parts of any Play; and of them so few were tolerable, that a Play must of necessity be damn'd that had not extraordinary favour from the Audience: No fewer than Sixteen (most of the old standing) went away; and with them the very beauty and vigour of the Stage; they who were left behind being for the most part Learners, Boys and Girls, a very unequal match for them who revolted. According to a statement made in litigation, the company in Drury Lane acted 84 times between 25 March 1694@5 and 7 July 1695; and the Young Actors played 68 times from 6 July 1695 to 10 Oct. 1695 to 10 Oct. 1695. See Hotson, Commonwealth and Restoration Stage, p. 308


Mainpiece Title: Abdelazar; Or, The Moor's Revenge

Event Comment: Post Man, 5-8 Sept. 1696: At Mr Barns's Booth in Southwark Fair, near St Georges Church, will be seen the only English, Dutch, Spanish, High German and Indian Companies of Rope-Dancers, who are all five joined together, and will perform such variety of Dancing, Walking, Vaulting and Tumbling; the like was never seen in England before. 1st, You will see the famous Indian Woman and her Company. 2. You will see the High German Company. 3. You will see the Spanish Company dance excellently well on the Low Rope. 4. You will see the two famous Dutch Children, who are the wonder and admiration of all the Rope Dancers in the World of their Sex and Age. 5. You will see the two famous Englishmen, Mr Edward Barns of Rederiff, and Mr Appleby, who are the only two Master Ropedancers and Tumblers in the old world; also you may see Mr Edward Barnes dance with a Child standing on his shoulders, and with 2 children at his Feet, in Jack-boots and Spurs, and cuts Capers a yard and a half high, and dances a Jig on the Rope with that variety of steps, that few, or no Dancing Masters can do the like on the ground: He likewise walks on a slack Rope no bigger than a penny Cord, and swings himself 6 or 7 yards distance. Afterwards you will see the famous Indian Woman Vault the High Rope with great dexterity. Likewise you will see the famous Mr Appleby, who is the only Tumbler in all Europe, fling himself over 16 mens heads, through 12 Hoops, over 14 Halbards, over a Man on Horseback, and a Boy standing upright on his Shoulders. You will likewise the entertained with good Musick. The merry Conceits of Harlequin and his Son Punch. You will see the English and Dutch Flag on the top of the Booth. Vivat Rex. We shall play in this place 12 days


Mainpiece Title: Entertainments

Event Comment: Betterton's Company. London Post, 28 June-1 July 1700: Yesterday the Play called the Tempest was acted at the Old Play-house; and that called Love for Love at the new, both for the benefit of the poor English Slaves, &c. and I am told, that the sum arising thereby, amounted to about 250 #. It being put on the Playhouse Bills on Friday last, That each Company were to Act that day, and the whole Profits to go to'ards the Redemption of the English now in Slavery at Machanisso in Barbary, we are credibly informed, That, pursuant thereunto, the Treasurers of the Theatre Royal in Drury Lane, did on Saturday last pay into the hands of the Churchwardens of St.@Martin's the sum of 20 #. out of the Receipts of the Play acted by that Company, towards the Relief of those our Natives from Slavery, which good example 'tis hoped, may move others to be speedy and generous in their Charity for the same purpose. What the other Company gave I do not yet hear


Mainpiece Title: Love For Love


Mainpiece Title: The Pilgrim

Afterpiece Title: Italian Jealousy; or, French Gallantry; With the Tavern Bilkers

Dance: HHighlander and Mistress-Salle, Mrs Legare; French Sailor-Salle, Mrs Legare


Mainpiece Title: A New Way To Pay Old Debts

Afterpiece Title: The Choice of Harlequin


Mainpiece Title: The Pilgrim

Afterpiece Title: All the World's a Stage

Dance: End I: a New Dance-Hamoir, Ferrere, the Miss Stageldoirs; End III: The Capricious Lovers, as17870920; End IV: another New Dance-Hamoir, Ferrere, the Miss Stageldoirs


Mainpiece Title: Transformation; Or, The Manager An Actor In Spite Of Himself

Afterpiece Title: The Spanish Barber

Afterpiece Title: The Invisible Mistress

Entertainment: Monologue. End 2nd piece: A Touch of the Times; or, A Ramble through London-Bannister Jun


Mainpiece Title: Tit For Tat

Afterpiece Title: A Quarter of an Hour before Dinner

Afterpiece Title: The Gnome; or, Harlequin Underground

Dance: End 1st piece: January and May-[see17880627


Mainpiece Title: The Rivals

Afterpiece Title: The Little Hunchback; or, A Frolick in Bagdad

Dance: End: The Wapping Landlady ; or, Jack in Distress- See17890616

Entertainment: Monologue Preceding: Mother Shipton's Review of the Audience-(with Alterations and Additions) Quick?


Mainpiece Title: The Miser

Afterpiece Title: Ut Pictura Poesis

Afterpiece Title: Half an Hour after Supper

Dance: End 2nd piece: The Graces-the Miss Simonets


Mainpiece Title: The Manager In Distress

Afterpiece Title: Peeping Tom

Afterpiece Title: The Swop


Mainpiece Title: The Catch Club [i

Afterpiece Title: The Comet; or, How to Come at Her

Afterpiece Title: The Son-in-Law

Afterpiece Title: The Benevolent Planters

Dance: As17890805

Entertainment: Monologue As17890617