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We found 5218 matches on Event Comments, 1411 matches on Performance Comments, 1076 matches on Author, 998 matches on Performance Title, and 0 matches on Roles/Actors.
Event Comment: Luttrell, A Brief Relation, III, 88, 2 May 1693: The queen went lately on board of Mr Shores pleasure boat against Whitehall, and heard a consort of musick, vocall and instrumental; it was built for entertainment, having 24 sash windows, and 4 banquetting houses on top


Mainpiece Title: Concert

Event Comment: Newdigate newsletters, 2 Sept. 1693: On Thursday a person acting ye Jack pudding on a stage in Bartholomew fair Bantering upon ye Straits Expedition & return of the ffleet was taken into Custody (Folger Shakespeare Library, transcribed by Professor John Harold Wilson). Luttrell, A Brief Relation, III, 176, 2 Sept. 1693: A merry andrew in Bartholomew fair is committed for telling the mobb news that our fleet was come into Torbay, being forced in by some French privateers, and other words reflecting on the conduct of great ministers of state. Newdigate newsletters, 12 Sept. 1693: On Sunday [10 Sept.] Mr Percivall who kept a Booth during St Barthollomew fair was siezed near Charing cross upon ye acct of clipping being discovered by a young man (Wilson, Theatre Notes from the Newdigate Newsletters, p. 82). [See also Luttrell, A Brief Relation, III, 183, 205, 207, 212.


Event Comment: The United Company. According to the Gentleman's Journal, November 1693, this play was revived in the autumn: Mr Durfey's Richmond Heiress has been Revis'd, and Acted several times, with Alterations and Amendments. We are to have this Winter a Play by him call'd Don Quixote


Mainpiece Title: The Richmond Heiress

Event Comment: London Gazette, No 2925, 20-23 Nov. 1693: In York-Buildings on Monday next being the 27th Instant, will begin Mr Fingers Consort of Musick, and so continue every Monday night, beginning exactly at 8 of the Clock


Mainpiece Title: Concert

Event Comment: London Gazette, No 2926, 23-27 Nov. 1693: In Charles-street in Covent-Garden, on Thursday next the 30th Instant, will begin Mr Frank's Consort of Musick, and so continue every Thursday night, beginning exactly at Eight of the Clock


Mainpiece Title: Concert

Event Comment: The United Company. The date of the premiere is not certain, but the fact that a song in the play, composed by Henry Purcell and sung by Mrs Hudson, is in the Gentleman's Journal, January@February 1693@4 (advertised in the London Gazette, No 2955, 5-8 Marcn 1693@4) suggests that the play had its premiere in February. The play was advertised in the London Gazette, No 2959, 19-22 March 1693@4. The music for additional songs was composed by Henry Purcell: The danger is over, sung by Mrs Hudson, is in Joyful Cuckoldom, ca. 1695; I sighed and owned my love, sung by Mrs Ayliff, is in Thesaurus Musicus, Book III, 1695. See also Purcell's Works, Purcell Society, XX (1916), i-iii. Two songs were composed by John Eccles: Still, I'm grieving, sung by Mrs Bracegirdle; and Give then royal maid your sorrows o're, sung by Mrs Cibber, are in Thesaurus Musicus, 1695. Gentleman's Journal, March 1694 (advertised in London Gazette, No 2964,5-9 April 1694): Mr Southern's new Play call'd The Fatal Marriage; or, The Innocent Adultery, has been so kindly receiv'd, that you are by this time no stranger to its merit. As the world has done it justice, and it is above my praise, I need not expatiate on that subject. [See also 22 March 1693@4.


Mainpiece Title: The Fatal Marriage; Or, The Innocent Adultery

Related Works
Related Work: The Fatal Marriage; or, The Innocent Adultery Author(s): Thomas Southerne
Related Work: The Fatal Marriage Author(s): Thomas Southerne
Event Comment: London Gazette, No. 2945, 29 Jan.-1 Feb. 1693@4: At the Consort in York-Buildings, on Monday next the 5th instant, will be performed Mr Finger s St Cecilias Song, intermixt with variety of other new Musick, at the ordinary Rates. [See 22 Nov. 1693.


Mainpiece Title: Concert

Event Comment: London Gazette, No. 2951, 19-22 Feb. 1693@4: In York-Buildings on Monday next, (being the 26th Instant) will be perform'd a new Consort of Vocal and Instrumental Musick, Composed by Mr Finger. Beginning at the usual Hour


Mainpiece Title: Concert

Event Comment: The United Company. The date of this production is determined by a letter (see below). For a discussion of the origin and development of this play, see Hotson, Commonwealth and Restoration Stage, pp. 274-76. A song, Why shou'd the world mistake, the music composed by John Eccles and sung by Mrs Hudson, is in Thesaurus Musicus, 1695. An unidentified letter, 22 March 1693@4: We had another new play yesterday, called The Ambitious Slave, or a Generous Revenge. Elkanah Settle is the author of it, and the success is answerable to his reputation. I never saw a piece so wretched, nor worse contrived. He pretends 'tis a Persian story, but not one body in the whole audience could make any thing of it; 'tis a mere babel, and will sink for ever. The poor poet, seeing the house would not act it for him, and give him the benefit of the third day, made a present of it to the women in tie house, who act it, but without profit or incouragement (Edmond Malone, An Historical Account of the Stage in Plays and Poems of William Shakespeare [London, 1821], III, 163-64). Gentleman's Journal, March 1694: 'Tis not altogether strange for a Play to be less kindly receiv'd, immediately after one that has deservedly ingross'd all the Applause which the Town can well bestow in some time on new Dramatic Entertainments. Perhaps Mr Settle may partly impute to this, the want of success of a new Tragedy of his which was lately acted, 'tis called, The Ambitious Slave; or, The Generous Revenge. [This play followed Southerne's The Fatal Marriage.


Mainpiece Title: The Ambitious Slave; Or, A Generous Revenge

Event Comment: The United Company. The date of the first performance is not known, but a notice in the Gentleman's Journal, October@November 1694, suggests that it was pro6ably acted in September or October: I have only jusy room to tell you, that we have had a new Comedy by Mr Ravenscroft, 'tis call'd, The Canterbury Jests, or a Bargain Broken (p. 276). Tne play was advertised in the London Gazette, No 3037, 17-20 Dec. 1694. A song, Good neighbor, why do you look away, set by Henry Purcell, is in Thesaurus Musicus, 1695. See also Purcell's Works, Purcell Society, XVI (1906), xiii-xv


Mainpiece Title: The Canterbury Guests; Or, A Bargain Broken

Event Comment: London Gazette, No. 3134, 18-21 Nov. 1694: Mr Finger's Consort of Vocal and Instrumental Musick, will begin on Monday next, the 25th Instant, in York-Buildings, at the usual hour


Mainpiece Title: Concert

Event Comment: Flying Post, 26-28 Dec. 1695: Mr William Smith, a Gentleman, belonging to the Theatre Royal, who had acquired a considerable Estate, and thereupon desisted from Acting, was prevailed upon by the New Play house to remount the Stage; but upon shifting his cloathes in the last New Play, took cold and died thereof this week. [See Cyrus the Great, 15 December.


Event Comment: Newdigate newsletters, 26 March 1696: Mr Dryden ye famous Poet is writing a play wch will bee Intituled Englands deliverance from Popish Conspirators (Wilson, Theatre Notes from the Newdigate Newsletters, p. 82)


Event Comment: Betterton's Company. There may have been a revival of Oedipus in the summer of 1696. In Francis Manning's Poems upon Several Occasions and to Several Persons (1701) there is a poem To Mr Betterton, Acting Oedipus King of Thebes. The first stanza describes the splendor of the installation of the Duke of Gloucester as a Knight of the Garter, an event which occurred at Windsor Castle in July 1696; but there is no certainty that Betterton's performance occurred before that date. It should be noted also that the play was reprinted in 1696


Mainpiece Title: Oedipus, King Of Thebes

Event Comment: Protestant Mercury, 7-9 Sept. 1696: Last night dyed Mr Noaks, the famous Comedian, some miles out of Town, and 'tis said, has left a considerable Estate, tho' he has not frequented the Play-house constantly for some years


Event Comment: Robert Jennens to Thomas Coke, 19 Nov. 1696: There has been for four or five days together at the play house in Lincolns Inn Fields acted a new farce translated out of the French by Mr Monteux called the Shame Sham? Doctor or the Anatomist, with a great concert of music, representing the loves of Venus and Mars, well enough done and pleases the town extremely. The other house has no company at all, and unless a new play comes out on Saturday revives their reputation, they must break (HMC, 12th Report, Appendix, Part II, Cowper MSS., II, 367)


Mainpiece Title: The Anatomist

Afterpiece Title: The Loves of Mars and Venus

Event Comment: James Brydges, Diary: To ye Grecian Coffee house, where meeting Mr Pits, were went together to ye playhouse in Lincoln Inn Fields (Huntington MS St 26)



Mainpiece Title: The Mourning Bride

Event Comment: London Gazette, No. 3266, 25 Feb.-1 March 1696@7: The Consort of Musick, which was perform'd last Wednesday in York-Buildings, will be perform'd again on Wednesday next being the 3 instant, with several Additions of Dr Blow, and Mr Henry Purcell's Musick


Mainpiece Title: Concert

Event Comment: Betterton's Company. John Coke (see below), writing on 16 March 1696@7, referred to a "new farce" appearing at this theatre on this day, but no "new farce" is known at this period; on the other hand, an edition of Mountfort's farce published in 1697 indicates a revival in this season and is a likely possibility for this date. John Coke to Thomas Coke, 16 March 1696@7: Saturday a new farce was acted at the new house, which did not take. The Mourning Bride was acted till Saturday, and was full to the last (HMC, 12th Report, Part II, Cowper MSS., II, 368). Robert Shirley to Thomas Coke, 13 March 1696@7: I am, dear Sir, indebted to you in sending me so ingenious an account of Mr Congreve's tragedy, which I hear on all sides far exceeded what the world expected from him in that part of dramatic poetry (ibid)


Mainpiece Title: The Life And Death Of Doctor Faustus

Event Comment: London Gazette, No. 3270, 11-15 March 1696@7: Mr Finger's Concert, in York Buildings, will be performed on Wednesday next, with variety of New Musick, being the last till after Easter


Mainpiece Title: Concert


Mainpiece Title: Concert

Event Comment: Luttrell, A Brief Relation, IV, 268, 24 Aug. 1697: The lord mayor has published an order forbidding all unlawfull gameing, excesse in drinking, swearing, cursing in Bartholomew fair. The only notice of a performance is an advance one, Post Boy, 12-14 Aug. 1697: At Mr Barns's Booth, between the Crown Tavern, and the Hospital-Gate, over against the Cross-Daggers in West-Smithfield Rounds, during the time of Bartholomew Fair, is to be seen the famous Rope-Dancers of Europe, being four Companies join'd in one, viz. the English, High-German, French and Morocco Companies of Rope-Dancers, by whom will be presented a Variety of Agility of Body, as Danceing, Tumbling, Walking, and Vaulting, the like was never seen before


Event Comment: Post Man, No. 372, 16-18 Sept. 1692: On Monday next the 20th, at the new Wells in Richmond, will be performed an Entertainment of Musick, made for the Birth day of his Highness the Duke of Glocester: The Trumpet part to be performed by Mr John Shore. With variety of other new Musick, both Vocal and Instrumental, to begin at Five


Mainpiece Title: Concert