SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE MATCH('(@(authnameclean,perftitleclean,commentcclean,commentpclean) "Charles Beckingham"/1) | (@(roleclean,performerclean) "Charles Beckingham")') GROUP BY eventid ORDER BY weight() desc, eventdate asc OPTION field_weights=(perftitleclean=100, commentpclean=75, commentcclean=75, roleclean=100, performerclean=100, authnameclean=100), ranker=sph04

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We found 2413 matches on Author, 1160 matches on Performance Comments, 307 matches on Event Comments, 86 matches on Performance Title, and 0 matches on Roles/Actors.
Event Comment: Prologue written by Macklin: (Cooke, Memoirs of Charles Macklin, pp. 150-51.) From scheming, pelting, famine, and despair, Behold to grace restored an exil'd Play'r: Your Sanction yet his fortune must compleat, And give him privilege to laugh and eat. No revolution plots are mine again; You see, thank Heaven, the quietest of men. I pray that all domestic feuds might cease; And beggar'd by the war, solicit peace; When urg'd by wrongs, and prompted to rebel; I sought for freedom, and for freedom fell; What could support me in the sevenfold dame? I was no Shadrak and no angel came. Once warn'd, I meddle not with state affairs; But play my part, retire and say my pray'rs. Let nobler spirits plan the vast design, Our green-room swarms with longer heads than mine; I take no part-no private jars foment, But hasten from disputes I can't prevent; Attack no rival brother's fame, or ease; And raise no struggle, but who most shall please. United in oursdlves, by you approv'd. Tis ours to make the slightest muse belov'd; So may the stage again its use impart, And ripen Virtue, as it warms the heart. May discord, with her horrid trump, retreat, Nor drive the frighted Beauty from her seat; May no contending parties strive for sway, But judgmemt govern, and the stage obey


Mainpiece Title: The Merchant Of Venice

Afterpiece Title: The Devil to Pay

Related Works
Related Work: The Devil to Pay; or, The Wives Metamorphos'd Author(s): Charles Coffey

Dance: III: Leonardi, Sga Bettini; IV: Grand Dance, as17441217

Event Comment: A historical note about the patent for May Fair by Edward Shepherd. Daily Advertiser, 1 May: Whereas a Patent was granted by King Charles the First, and confirm'd by King James II, to the Proprietor of Great and Little Brookfield, then in the Parish of St. Martin in the Fields, now in the Parish of St. George, Hanover Square, to hold a Fair during the Space of fifteen Days, to begin the 1st Day of May next, and every May Day forever: the present Proprietor thinks it proper to apprize the Publick thereof, that it may not be thought that he attempts to do any thing but by Virtue of the said Patent, and no Ways to disturb the Publick Peace, or act in Contradiction to the Laws of the Realm. [Alluded to in 2 May news of the Daily Advertiser, as being proclaimed by Edward Shepherd.


Event Comment: Benefit Jones, Mrs Bland, Mrs Gondou, Miss Ferguson, Miss Morrison (General Advertiser). Benefit Charles Jones, son of the late Jere Jones who formerly kept the Selectation Tavern at Billingsgate (Daily Advertiser)


Mainpiece Title: The Double Gallant

Afterpiece Title: The Devil to Pay

Related Works
Related Work: The Devil to Pay; or, The Wives Metamorphos'd Author(s): Charles Coffey

Dance: Cooke, Sga Campioni; also Scotch Dance, as17441012

Event Comment: Benefit Macklin. Mainpiece not acted these 30 years [ see 5 Feb. 1713]. No After money will be taken. Tickets deliver'd by Mr Leach will be taken. Servants allowed to keep places on stage. Nothing under full prices. [The Prologue (five MS pages) is in the Larpent Collection. Concerns, in a joking way, a dispute in the pit about Macklin and his prologues. Afterpiece by Charles Macklin. Not printed.


Mainpiece Title: The Humours Of The Army; Or, The Female Officer

Related Works
Related Work: The Humours of the Army Author(s): Charles Shadwell

Afterpiece Title: Will and no Will; or, A Bone for Lawyers

Event Comment: Benefit Mrs Cross, Mrs Bridges, Miss Young. The General Advertiser included the following Puff: Sir, As I am continually searching for latent Curiosities, out of a sincere regard for the Public Satisfaction, I think it my Duty (lest among the Multitude of Diversions now flourishing, some other might engross the attention of the Curious) to inform the world, that the Farce which will be perform'd this Evening at Drury Lane theatre, call'd May Day, or the Merry Milkmaids of Islington, was written by the particular desire of King Charles II who had it first performed at Newmarket; how agreeably that jovial Monarch was entertained, every person, who thinks it worth his while to see it, according to his abilities, will be a competent judge, Yours, &c A. Virtuoso. [Part of the Multitude of Diversions referred to included announcement in the same paper for a Rehearsal of the whole Band of Music at Ruckholt House, the following Monday; a paragraph Puff on the diversions at Sadler's Wells in consequence of the late happy Victory of the Duke of Cumberland over the Rebels, with special notice of a New Interlude of Music call'd Strephon's Return, or the British Hero, perform'd this night with many advantages of Dress and Decoration, and a new Ballet by Matthews; and further notice of the Representation of the Battle near Culloden House which had met with universal applause, and which would continue to be repeated at the New Wells in Goodman's Fields. The Farce at Drury Lane this evening was advertised as not having been played for 20 years. It was taken from Thomas Nabbes' Totenham Court Road, by the Compiler of the Muse of Newmarket, 1680. The MS Occasional Prologue praising Cumberland is in the Larpent Collection.


Mainpiece Title: The Committee

Afterpiece Title: May Day; or, The Merry Milkmaids of Islington

Song: Miss Young

Dance: Mechel, Mlle Mechel

Event Comment: [The following letter appeared in the General Advertiser]: To Mr Ryan, Sir: As the Author whom you have judiciously, I think, call'd in to your Assistance on your Benefit Night is little known; his Name not having appeared upon the Stage in our Days; and from whence some may be apt to think it scarce worth while to produce him now;--it was thought advisable by many of your Friends, of which Number I profess myself, to draw up the following Account of him and his Dramatic Works, that such as are Strangers to him may have some further Inducement to favour you with their Company. Mr Thomas Randolph lived in the Reign of King Charles I, was Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge; but died young. He was a Man of pregnant Wit, gay Humour and of excellent Learning; which gain'd him the Esteem of the Polite Part of the Town, and particularly recommended him to the Favour of Ben Johnson, who adopted him one of his Sons, and held him in equal Esteem with the ingenious Mr Cartwright, another of the Laureat's adopted Sons:--The Plays he wrote were: [he lists 5 plays, commenting from Cokayne and Rich of Christ's Church College, Oxon, and West on the ethical quality of the last one, The Muses' Looking Glass]. In short, Sir, I doubt not but his old nervous Wit will still please, and join'd with the New Masque you have added, excite Curiousity enough to answer your Design; since by your Steadiness it was absoluteley necessary you should hava Novelty, as well as Interest, to procure half so good a House, as we all wish you, and especially, Your Humble Servant, I. M. [See 14 March afterpiece.


Mainpiece Title: Rule A Wife And Have A Wife

Afterpiece Title: Apollo and Daphne

Event Comment: Gift for ye Sufferers by ye fire in Cornhill (Cross). [A column and a half "Letter to the Author" appeared in the General Advertiser this day, laying historical background for Ford's Lover's Melancholy]. The history of the stage before the Restoration is like a Foreign Land, in which no Englishman had ever travelled; we know there were such things as Playhouses, and one Shakespear a great writer, but the historical traces of them are so imperfect, that the manner in which they existed is less known to us, than that of Eschylus or the theatres of Greece. For this reason, 'tis hoped that the following Gleaning of Theatrical History will readily obtain a place in your paper. 'Tis taken from a Pamphlet written in the reign of Charles I, with this quaint title, "Old Ben's Light Heart made heavy by young John's Melancholly Lover"; and as it contains some historical anecdotes and altercations concerning Ben Johnson, Ford, Shakespear, and the Lover's Melancholy it is imagined that a few extracts from it at this juncture, will not be unentertaining to the Public. [The substance of the remainder retails Jonson's critical cantankerousness and his wounded pride at the failure of the New Inn, quoting some epigrams made at Jonson's expense on his allegation that Ford was a plagiary. This second "puff" for the play, presumably also written by Macklin, formed the basis for a Steevens-Malone controversy late in the century, centering on the existence or nonexistence of the pamphlet referred to by Macklin as "Old Ben's Light Heart made Heavy, &c." A summary account of the evidence appears in the Dramatic Works of John Ford, by Henry Weber (Edinburgh, 1811) I, Intro. XVI, XXXI.] Receipts: #210 (Cross); #208 1s. (Powel)


Mainpiece Title: King Lear And His Three Daughters

Afterpiece Title: The Double Disappointment

Dance: Cooke, Anne Auretti, Matthews, Mrs Addison

Event Comment: Benefit for Mrs Macklin. Mainpiece [by John Ford]: Reviv'd not acted these Hundred years. Afterpiece: A New Farce never acted before by Charles Macklin. Note: Tickets deliver'd out for 22 April will be taken. Tickets to be had of Mrs Macklin in Bow St., and of Hobson at the Stage door. Cross: The play lik'd--farce not. Receipts: #93 (Cross); house charges, #60 (Powel); cash, #80 19s. 6d.; tickets, #12 15s. (Clay MS)


Mainpiece Title: Lover's Melancholy

Afterpiece Title: The Club of Fortune Hunters; or, The Widow Bewitch'd

Dance: III: Savoyards, as17471215; V: Pastoral Dance, as17480326

Event Comment: [G$Garrick] promised me the Part of Tressel; when the Play was given out, and I prepar'd for it, I saw in the Bills next Morn, another Person's Name [Blakes].-Charles Adams to John Gilbert-Cooper, quodet in Theatre Notebook, XI (1957) p. 136. Receipts: #180 (Cross); #182 9s. 6d. (Powel)


Mainpiece Title: King Richard Iii

Afterpiece Title: The Intriguing Chambermaid

Event Comment: Mainpiece: Not acted these 10 Years. Afterpiece: Not acted these 20 years. Music, Dances and Other Decorations for afterpiece entirely new. [In a letter to John Gilbert-Cooper, the actor Charles Adams states that "the Prompter gave me a little Part in the Emperor of the Moon...I appear'd in it thrice." He was "paid Twenty Shilling Pr Week." See Theatre Notebook, XI (1957), p. 136. The only male parts left were Baliardo's servant Peter and the figures in the tableau of the final scene.] Receipts: #160 (Cross); #158 11s. (Powel)


Mainpiece Title: A Bold Stroke For A Wife

Afterpiece Title: The Emperour of the Moon

Music: A Piece of Music-the Child

Dance: TThe Sailors Revels-Mathews

Event Comment: This farce of Lethe was wrote some years ago and play'd with Success, & was reviv'd this Night with great Alterations, & was but indifferently receiv'd by the Audience (Cross). The Poet, Frenchman, & Sot Mr Garrick perform'd most inimitably (Charles Adams to John Gilbert-Cooper, Theatre Notebook, XI (1957) p. 138). No After Money will be taken, and no Persons will be Admitted behind the Scenes (General Advertiser). Receipts: #180 (Cross); #186 7s. (Powel). N.B.: Mr G-k is the author of Lethe and did receive #36 8s. 6d. for this night which is the overplus after the charge of #63 for the House is paid, and which I must subtract from the rest (Powel). [A letter appeared in the General Advertiser this day giving advance notice and approval of a performance of Cato to be put on at Leicester House 7 Jan. by members of the Royal Family. The author noted that "proper Habits are absolutely in the making," and that the Princes would learn the principles of liberty from the lines of the play.


Mainpiece Title: The Conscious Lovers

Afterpiece Title: Lethe


Mainpiece Title: Auction Of Pictures

Performance Comment: Poet-; Beau-; Frenchman-; Miser-; a Taylor-; a Sot-; two young Gentlemen-; a Ghost. Ghost-Marr (Charles Adams to John Gilbert-Cooper, Theatre Notebook, XI 1957, p. 138); Oration in Praise of Sight- As17481212.

Dance: PPrince Eugene's March-

Event Comment: To be seen a Person who performs the most surprizing Things...he presents you with a common Wine bottle, which any of the Spectators may first examine; this Bottle is plac'd on a Table in the Middle of the Stage, and he (without any Equivocation) goes into it in Sight of all the Spectators, and sings in it; during his Stay in the Bottle, any Person may handle it, and see plainly that it does not exceed a common Tavern Bottle. The Performance continues about Two Hours and a Half. These Performances have been seen by most of the Crowned Heads of Asia, Africa, and Europe, and never appear'd anywhere Public but once. Stage 7s. 6d. where Masks may be worn. Boxes 5s. Pit 3s. Gallery 2s. [The famous Bottle Conjurer hoax.] Theatre was five o'clock; at seven the house was lighted up [but not music]...a Person came before the Curtain, and, bowing, promis'd if Mr Conjurer did not arrive in half an Hour, their Money should be return'd...after near an Hour...a Gentleman in the Box snatch'd a Candle lighted, and in Violence threw it on the Stage; this was the Signal for the Onset of Battle...the Boxes, Seats, Glasses, Scenes, Chairs, Machinery, and all the Furniture of the Play House, were in less than ten Minutes carried into the excellent Bonfire was made of Mr Foote's Auction may put a [pe]riod to the Auction, till the Theatre can be refitted.--Charles Adams to John Gilbert-Cooper, Theatre Notebook, XI (1957) p. 139. [Potter was still owner of this theatre.] Those opposed to a recent late book would have been gratified had the Conjurer jumped into the bottle and proved that miracles had not yet ceased."--Daily Advertiser, 17 Jan. Last Night a numerous Audience, among whom were several Persons of Quality, was at the New Theatre in the Haymarket, in wonderful Expectation of seeing the Miraculous Man creep into a Bottle, and do several other Miracles; but the only one he perform'd was, that he render'd himself invisible (without any Equivocation) to the no small Disappointment of the gaping Multitude; who, being told from behind the Curtain that the Performer had not yet appear'd, but that if they would stay until the next Night, instead of a Quart Bottle he should creep into a Pint, immediately grew outrageous, and in a Quarter of an Hour's Time broke to Pieces all the Boxes, Benches, Scenes, and everything that was in their power to destroy, leaving only the Shell of the House remaining. Surely this will deter anyone from venturing to impose on the public in the like manner for the future.--General Advertiser, 17 Jan. [See also dl Comment 18, 19, 20, 27 Jan.


Mainpiece Title: None

Related Works
Related Work: None Are So Blind as Those Who Won't See Author(s): Charles Dibdin
Event Comment: Benefit for Charles James Gaylard. A Concert, etc. at the New Theatre, James St. Prices: 3s., 2s., 1s. (Daily Advertiser).


Mainpiece Title: The Fair Penitent

Afterpiece Title: The Mock Doctor

Event Comment: By Ye King's Command but not (by order) in ye Bills (Cross). Present His Majesty, 2nd time this season. [The George Garrick Drury Lane MS Treasurer's Book makes its first entry Mon. 30 Oct. 1749, indicating an expenditure to date of #1,733 2s. 7d. as against an income of #3,455 6s. 6d. and that Mon. was the twenty-ninth night of performance. The Treasurer's Book carries full entries until the 165th night, Sat. 28 April 1750. First itemizing of expenditures begins Wed. 1 Nov. 1749 as follows: Paid to Pipe & Tabor to Sat., 10s. 6d.; to 2 French Horns and a Kettle Drum, 15s.; to 12 1!2 lbs. Wax Candles, #1 11s. 3d.; To Properties and King's servants, #3 2s. 5d. [N.B. The use of extra musical instruments (horns, flutes, cymbols, kettle drum) averaged 6s. per night for the 165 nights. The season extended to 174 nights; so the approximate total cost for instruments came to #52 4s. Properties expense averaged 5s. per night. The approximate total cost was #43 11s. No further itemization of these will be made.] This month was publish'd The Rosciad; a Poem, by Charles Churchill (Gentleman's Magazine, Register of Books). Receipts: #70 (Cross); #73 2s. 6d. (Treasurer's Book)


Mainpiece Title: The London Cuckolds

Dance: Entertainments-Grandchamps, Mlle Auretti, Matthews, Mrs Addison

Event Comment: Nothing said abour ye prolog: (Cross). The Music of the Funeral Procession compos'd by Dr Boyce. [See "William Boyce's 'Solemn Dirge' in Garrick's Romeo and Juliet Production of 1750," by Charles Haywood, Shakespeare Quarterly, Spring, 1960.] This day is Publish'd at 1s. 6d. Romeo and Juliet a Tragedy, revised and alter'd from Shakespear by Theophilus Cibber, First revised in September 1744, at the Theatre in the Haymarket; now acted at the Theatre Royal in Drury Lane. To which is added a Serio-Comic Apology for Part of the Life of Mr Theophilus Cibber, Comedian, written by himself. Interspers'd with memoirs and anecdotes relating to the Stage Managements, Theatrical Resolutions, &c. also cursory Observations on principal Players: particularly Mr Quin, Mr Ryan, Mrs Woffington, Mrs Ward, and Miss Bellamy; Mr Garrick, Mr Barry, Mrs Cibber, Mrs Clive, Mrs Pritchard, &c. Likewise Original Letters that passed between the late Sir Thomas DeVeil and Mr Theophilus Cibber relating to the Stage Act, Concluding with a copy of Verses, call'd the Contrite Comedian's Confession. Printed for C. Corbett, the Publisher, at Addison's Head, facing St Dunstan's Church, Fleet St; G. Woodfall, at the King's Arms, the corner of Craig's Court, Charing Cross. [See 11 Oct.] Receipts: #170 (Cross)


Mainpiece Title: Romeo And Juliet

Event Comment: Benefit for Mr Palmer. Tickets at his lodgings, at Mr Watson's Linnen Draper, Corner Charles St., Covent Garden; and at Stage Door of Theatre. [Ray inserted a long plea for benefit support on the General Advertiser, saying that Mr William Barton, who keeps the Black Swan Tavern on Bartholomew Lane, will do his visiting and deliver his tickets for him since he, Ray, is so ill.] Receipts: #78 (Cross)


Mainpiece Title: The Provok'd Wife

Afterpiece Title: The Lottery

Dance: By Desire.A Hornpipe-The Little Swiss

Event Comment: Benefit for Mr Pritchard--pretty well (Cross). Tickets at Pritchard's Warehouse. The only time this play and farce will be performed this season. Afterpiece: Taken from Sir Charles Sedley. [The Larpent MS 112 indicates additional parts in The Grumbler: Lovemore-$Jefferson; Capt. Bellmount-$Ackman; Sir John Rightou'd-?; +Rigant-$Marr; Shallow-$Vaughan; Victoria-$Mrs Simson; Sersnet-Miss ?; +Footboy-?; The MS contains prompt notes also.] Receipts: #160 (Cross)


Mainpiece Title: Much Ado About Nothing

Afterpiece Title: The Grumbler

Dance: II: Masquerade Dance-

Event Comment: At the instance of several of the Nobility and Gentry. Pope's prayer set to music by Charles Barbandt in the manners of an Oratorio


Mainpiece Title: Pope's Universal Prayer

Music: Solo on the Violin-Morella; Solo on the German Flute-Tacet; Concerto on the Hautboy, a voluntary on the Organ-Barbandt

Event Comment: Benefit for Mr Mossop. Tickets at his lodgings at Newton's Warehouse in Tavistock St., opposite Charles St., Covent Garden, and at Stage Door. Receipts: #224 (Cross)


Mainpiece Title: Venice Preserved

Afterpiece Title: The Intriguing Chambermaid

Song: CCymon and Iphigenia-Beard

Event Comment: Benefit for the Author. This Day Publish'd Athelstan, a Tragedy, as it is acted at Drury Lane, by the author of Barbarossa, Printed for Lockyer Davis, and Charles Reymers, against Grays Inn Gate, Holborn, and at Lord Bacon's Head in Fleet St. (Public Advertiser). This month was published Critical Remarks on the Tragedy of Athelstan, 6d. Cooper (Gentleman's Magazine). Receipts: #140 (Cross)


Mainpiece Title: Athelstan

Event Comment: Wrote by Mr Pope. Mr Barbauld's First Subscription Oratioro,...and set to Musick by Mr Charles Barbault, in Two Parts. One ticket for all three oratorios--one Guinea; for one performance half a guinea; gallery 3s. 7 p.m


Mainpiece Title: The Universal Prayer

Event Comment: MMr Barbaut's Second Subscription Oratorio, taken from the First Book of Milton's Paradise Regained and set to music by Mr Charles Barbant in two parts with a solo upon the Violin by Signor Marella; a solo upon the German Flute by Mr Tacet; a Concerto on the Lute by Mr Servi?; a Hautboy concert by Mr Barbant; and an organ concerto ditto; and a Great Concerto with Clarinets, French Horns and Kettle-Drums, composed by Mr Barbant. Boxes and Pit put together at Half a Guinea each, Gallery 3s. Tickets to be had at Mr Barbant's, at Mr White's in Marshall St., Carnaby-Market; and at Mr Browne's Stationer [sic], facing the Opera House, Haymarket. To begin at half an Hour after six. N.B. the Books of the Oratorios stitched in Blue Paper at 1s. each are sold at Mrs Browne's [sic] in the Haymarket, and at the House on the night of the performance


Mainpiece Title: Oratorio From First Book Of Paradise Regained

Event Comment: MMr Barbandt's Third and Last Subscription Oratorio. [Pope's poem set by Charles Barbandt in two parts, with solos interspersed: violin, flute, Lute, Frenchhorn, hautboy, and Organ.] Books of the Oratorio stitch'd in blue paper at 1s. each sold at Mrs Browne's in the Haymarket


Mainpiece Title: The Universal Prayer

Event Comment: Benefit for Ryan. Tickets to be had of Ryan in Crown Court, Charles St. and of Crudge at the Theatre. No building on stage


Mainpiece Title: The Constant Couple

Afterpiece Title: The Englishman Returned from Paris

Dance: IV: By Desire, a Minuet-Mrs Woffington, Miss Hilliard; End: The Fingalian Revels-Lucas, Miss Hilliard