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We found 2010 matches on Performance Comments, 927 matches on Author, 367 matches on Event Comments, 234 matches on Performance Title, and 0 matches on Roles/Actors.
Event Comment: The Duke's Company. See 2 March 1661. Pepys, Diary: I and Captain Ferrers to Salisbury Court, by water, and saw part of the Queen's Maske


Mainpiece Title: The Queen's Mask

Event Comment: The King's Company. Pepys, Diary: After dinner with Mr Creed and Captain Ferrers to the Theatre to see The Chances


Mainpiece Title: The Chances

Event Comment: The King's Company. Pepys, Diary: Captain Ferrers and I to the Theatre, and there saw The Alchymist


Mainpiece Title: The Alchemist

Event Comment: Pepys, Diary: Captain Ferrers and I to the Opera, and saw The Witts, again, which I like exceedingly. The Queen of Bohemia was here, brought by my Lord Craven


Mainpiece Title: The Wits

Event Comment: Pepys, Diary: Captain Ferrers and I to the Theatre, and there came too late, so we staid and saw a bit of Victoria, which pleased me worse than it did the other day. So we staid not to see it out


Mainpiece Title: Vittoria Corombona

Event Comment: The Duke's Company. Pepys, Diary: To the Opera, where I met my wife and Captain Ferrers and Madamoiselle LeBlanc, and there did see the second part of The Siege of Rhodes very well done


Mainpiece Title: The Siege Of Rhodes, Part Ii

Event Comment: The Duke's Company. Pepys, Diary: [The Country Captain] being done I...went to the Opera, and saw the last act of The Bondman


Mainpiece Title: The Bondman

Event Comment: The King's Company. Pepys, Diary: Captain Ferrers and Mr Moore and I to the Theatre, and there saw Hamlett very well done


Mainpiece Title: Hamlet, Prince Of Denmark

Event Comment: The Duke's Company. Pepys, Diary, 20 Oct.: Young Killigrew did so commend The Villaine, a new play made by Tom Porter, and acted only on Saturday at the Duke's house, as if there never had been any such play come upon the stage. The same yesterday was told me by Captain Ferrers; and this morning afterwards by Dr Clerke, who saw it. Downes, p. 23: Written by Major Thomas Porter; this Play by its being well perform'd, had Success extremly beyond the Company's Expectation....It Succeeded 10 Days with a full House, to the last. [Downes especially praises Price. The edition of 1663 has a Prologue but no actors' names and no epilogue.


Mainpiece Title: The Villain

Event Comment: The King's Company. For praise of Lacy, see Downes, Roscius Anglicanus, p. 16, or 27 Nov. 1662. Pepys, Diary: To the Royal Theatre by water, and landing, met with Captain Ferrers his friend, the little man that used to be with him, and he with us, and sat by us while we saw Love in a Maze. The play is pretty good, but the life of the play is Lacy's part, the clown, which is most admirable; but for the rest, which are counted such old and excellent actors, in my life I never heard both men and women so ill pronounce their parts, even to my making myself sick therewith


Mainpiece Title: Love In A Maze

Event Comment: Pepys, Diary, 24 Dec.: By and by comes in Captain Ferrers to see us, and, among other talke, tells us of the goodness of the new play of Henry VIII, which makes me think it long till my time is out


Mainpiece Title: Henry Viii

Event Comment: Pepys, Diary: Discoursed most about plays and the Opera, where, among other vanities, Captain Cooke had the arrogance to say that he was fain to direct Sir W. Davenant in the breaking of his verses into such and such lengths, according as would be fit for musick, and how he used to swear at Davenant, and command him that way, when W. Davenant would be angry, and find fault with this or that note--but a vain coxcomb I perceive he is, though he sings and composes so well. But what I wondered at, Dr Clerke did say that Sir W. Davenant is no good judge of a dramatick poem, finding fault with his choice of Henry the 5th, and others, for the stage, when I do think, and he confesses, The Siege of Rhodes as good as ever was writ


Event Comment: The Journal of Sir Richard Bulstrode (p. 19): This evening is repeated in the great Hall by foure persons of quality the Indian Emper, but the Company is made very private, soe as few attempt to gett in. Jean Chappuzeau, Le Theatre Francois (Paris, 1675), p. 55, states that in 1668 he saw a revival of The Indian Emperor in London. Pepys, Diary: 14 Jan.: They fell to discourse of last night's work at court, where the ladies and Duke of Monmouth and others acted The IndianEmperour; wherein they told me these things most remarkable: that not any woman but the Duchesse of Monmouth and Mrs Cornwallis did any thing but like fools and stocks, but that these two did do most extraordinary well: that not any man did any thing well but Captain O'Bryan, who spoke and did well, but, above all things, did dance most incomparably. That she did sit near the players of the Duke's house; among the rest, Mis Davis, who is the most impertinent slut, she says, in the world; and the more, now the King do show her countenance; and is reckoned his mistress, even to the scorne of the whole world; the King gazing on her, and my Lady Castlemayne being melancholy and out of humour, all the play, not smiling once. The King, it seems, hath given her a ring of #700, which she shews to every body, and owns that the King did give it her; and he hath furnished a house for her in Suffolke Street most richly, which is a most infinite shame. It seems she is bastard of Colonell Howard, my Lord Berkshire, and that he do pimp to her for the King, and hath got her for him; but Pierce says that she is a most homely jade as ever she saw, though she dances beyond any thing in the world


Mainpiece Title: The Indian Emperour

Event Comment: The King's Company. Pepys, Diary: It being almost twelve o'clock, or a little more, and carried [Mercer, Mrs Horsfield, and Mrs Gayet] to the King's playhouse, where the doors were not then open; but presently they did open; and we in, and find many people already come in, by private ways, into the pit, it being the first day of Sir Charles Sidly's new play, so long expected, The Mulberry Garden, of whom, being so reputed a wit, all the world do expect great matters. I having sat here awhile, and eat nothing to-day, did slip out, getting a boy to keep my place...And so to the play again, where the King and Queen, by and by, come, and all the Court; and the house infinitely full. But the play, when it come, though there was, here and there, a pretty saying, and that not very many neither, yet the whole of the play had nothing extraordinary in it, at all, neither of language nor design; insomuch that the King I did not see laugh, nor pleased the whole play from the beginning to the end, nor the company; insomuch that I have not been less pleased at a new play in my life, I think. And which made it the worse was, that there never was worse musick played--that is, worse things composed, which made me and Captain Rolt, who happened to sit near me, mad. So away thence, very little satisfied with the play, but pleased with my company. [For Bannister's setting a song for Mrs Knepp for this play, see 7 May 1668.


Mainpiece Title: The Mulberry Garden

Event Comment: The Duke's Company. The date of the premiere is not known, but its Prologue indicates that it follows The Woman Captain. Like that play and The Virtuous Wife, Caius Marius was entered in the Term Catalogues, November 1679, but the large number of plays apparently presented earlier in the autumn suggests that this one could hardly have been brought on the stage before October 1679


Mainpiece Title: The History And Fall Of Caius Marius

Event Comment: The Duke's Company. The date of the first performance is not known. An entry in L. C. 5@145, p. 120 (see also Nicoll, Restoration Drama, p. 349) lists a performance for 4 April, once thought to be 4 April 1680; but as this date falls on Sunday, it more likely represents a revival on 4 April 1681. As the Epilogue appears to appeal to Parliament (which existed from 15 Oct. 1680 to 18 Jan. 1680@1) to vote funds for King Charles, "Our King of Poets," it seems likely that the play was first performed before the close of Parliament. The play was not entered in the Term Catalogues until June 1681. A song, Phyllis whose heart was unconfined, set by Thomas? Farmer; and another, A pox upon this cursed life, set by Captain Pack, are in Choice Ayres and Songs, The Fourth Book, 1683


Mainpiece Title: The Second Part Of The Rover

Event Comment: The United Company. There is uncertainty concerning this date; it appears on Luttrell's copy (Huntington Library) of the separately printed Prologue and Epilogue, and the date may represent the time of his purchase rather than a date of performance. The Prologue and Epilogue are reprinted in Wiley, Rare Prologues and Epilogues, pp. 141-45. Downes (Roscius Anglicanus, pp. 39-40): All the preceding Plays, being the chief that were Acted in Dorset-Garden, from November 1671, to the Year 1682; at which time the Patentees of each Company United Patents; and by so Incorporating the Duke's Company were made the King's Company, and immediately remov'd to the Theatre Royal in Drury-Lane. Upon this Union, Mr Hart being the Heart of the Company under Mr Killigrew's Patent never Acted more, by reason of his Malady; being Afflicted with the Stone and Gravel, of which he Dy'd some time after: Having a Sallary of 40 Shillings a Week to the Day of his Death. But the Remnant of that Company; as, Major Mohun, Mr Cartwright, Mr Kynaston, Mr Griffin, Mr Goodman, Mr Duke Watson, Mr Powel, Sr, Mr Wiltshire, Mrs Corey, Mrs Bowtell, Mrs Cook, Mrs Montfort. [Joined the new company]. Note, now Mr Monfort and Mr Carlile, were grown to the Maturity of good Actors. The mixt Company then Reviv'd the several old and Modern Plays, that were the Propriety of Mr Killigrew, as Rule a Wife, and have a Wife: Mr Betterton Acting Michael Perez; Don Leon, Mr Smith, Cacofogo, Mr Cartwright: Margaretta, Mrs Barry: Estiphania, Mrs Cook. Next, @The Scornful Lady.@The Plain Dealer.@The Mock Astrologer.@The Jovial Crew.@The Beggars Bush.@Bartholomew-Fair.@The Moor of Venice.@Rollo.@The Humorous Lieutenant.@The Double Marriage.@ With divers others. George Powell, Preface to The Treacherous Brothers (1690): The Time was, upon the uniting of the Two Theatres, that the Reviveing of the old stock of Plays, so ingrost the study of the House, that the Poets lay dorment; and a new Play cou'd hardly get admittance, amongst the more precious pieces of Antiquity, that then waited to walk the Stage. Cibber, Apology, ed. Lowe, I, 95-96): I shall content myself with telling you that Mohun and Hart now growing old [for, above thirty Years before this Time, they had severally born the King's Commission of Major and Captain in the Civil Wars), and the younger Actors, as Goodman, Clark, and others, being impatient to get into their Parts, and growing intractable, the Audiences too of both Houses then falling off, the Patentees of each, by the King's Advice, which perhaps amounted to a Command, united their Interests and both Companies into one, exclusive of all others in the Year 1682. This Union was, however, so much in favour of the Duke's Company, that Hart left the Stage upon it, and Mohun survived not long after


Mainpiece Title: Title Unknown

Event Comment: The United Company. Newdigate newsletters, 28 Nov. 1682: This day was Acted a new play called the Duke of Guise by Mr Dryden it was formerly forbidd as reflecting upon the D of Monmouth but by ye supplication of ye Author its now allowed to be acted (Wilson, Theatre Notes from the Newdigate Newsletters, p. 81). The Prologue and Epilogue, separately printed, bear Luttrell's date of acquisition (Huntington Library) as 4 Dec. 1682, but above this date Luttrell has written: "30 Nov." The Prologue and Epilogue are reprinted in Wiley, Rare Prologues and Epilogues, pp. 149-52. Dedication, Edition of 1683: In the Representation itself, it was persecuted with so notorious Malice by one side, that it secur'd us the Partiality of the other. In a report from the Abbe Rouchi, in London, 14 Dec. 1682, it is stated that the Duke of Guise was acted three times (Campana de Cavelli, Les Derniers Stuarts [Paris and London, 1871], I, 398). One song, Tell me Thyrsis all your anguish, with music by Captain Pack, is in the edition of 1683 and also in Choice Ayres and Songs, The Fourth Book, 1683


Mainpiece Title: The Duke Of Guise

Event Comment: The United Company. The date of the first Performance is not known, but, as the play was advertised in The Observator, 8 Aug. 1683, it was probably first acted not later than July 1683. A song, Welcome mortal to this place, set to music by Captain Pack for this play, is in Choice Ayres and Songs, 1684


Mainpiece Title: The Atheist; Or, The Second Part Of The Souldiers Fortune

Event Comment: CSPD, 1690@91, p. 312: March 17...Tuesday night happened a quarrel at the play house between one Captain Leinster and another; many swords were drawn in the pit but no harm done. There was likewise a quarrel amongst the footmen, where the Earl of Oxford's footman was run through the body


Event Comment: Luttrell, A Brief Relation, II, 315: The duke of Norfolke was abused in the fray at the playhouse: the house of lords examined the same, and sent for captain Primrose, who commanded the party of soldiers there, who excused himselfe therefrom: one of the bishops moved to suppresse the playhouse, it being a nursery of lewdness, but the temporall lords were against it, but directed the lord chamberlain to send his warrant to suspend them from acting till further order: which was accordingly done


Event Comment: Betterton's Company. The date of the premiere is not known, but the fact that the play was advertised in the London Gazette, No. 3151, 20-23 Jan. 1695@6, and entered in the Term Catalogues, February 1695@6, suggests that it was probably acted not later than December 1695. According to the Edition of 1696, the music was set by John Eccles: Come, Thyrsis, come was sung by Reading and Mrs Hodgson; the other songs in the edition lack the names of the singers. In addition, Rich mines of hot love are rooted here, sung by Bowman, was in Deliciae Musicae, The First Book of the Second Volume, 1696; and Let us revel and roar, set by John Eccles and sung by Curco and Reading, was published in Thesaurus Musicus, The Fifth Book, 1696. Downes, Roscius Anglicanus, p. 44: Lovers Luck, a Comedy, Wrote by Captain Dilks, which fill'd the House 6 Days together, and above 50# the 8th, the Day it was left off. A Comparison Between the Two Stages (1702), p. 20, lists it among the plays under the heading: Damn'd


Mainpiece Title: The Lover's Luck

Event Comment: Post Man, 20-23 April 1700: On Saturday last two Gentlemen [according to the Post Boy, 23-25 April 1700, they were Captain Francis and Mr Squibb, of the Exchequer] quarrelled at the Play-house, and one of them was mortally wounded


Event Comment: Benefit Johnson. At the Desire of several Ladies of Quality. Written by Captain Steele


Mainpiece Title: The Funeral

Event Comment: Benefit Captain Knipe. At the Desire of several Ladies of Quality. Receipts: money #20 10s. and tickets #45 8s


Mainpiece Title: The Provok'd Wife

Song: As17160206

Music: Concerto upon the Hautboy-Kytch

Dance: delaGarde, Moreau, Thurmond Jr, Mrs Bullock