FROM london_stages
WHERE MATCH('(@(perftitleclean,performancetitle) "Love at First Sight" | "Wits Last Stake" | "The Triumph of Mirth" | "Harlequins Wedding" | "The Triumph of Mirth or Harlequins Wedding" | "Hurly Burly" | "The Fairy of the Well" | "Hurly Burly or The Fairy of the Well" | "The Pilgrim")')
GROUP BY eventid
ORDER BY weight() desc, eventdate asc
Searches not only for performances of plays known to be by this author, but also performances of associated titles, including adaptations.
We recommend searching by last name (for example, instead of 'Dorothy Jordan,' search 'Jordan' to return instances where she is listed as 'Mrs Jordan')
Keyword searches event comments, performance titles, performance comments, roles, actors, and author names.