SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE eventid IN (20218, 20224, 20228, 20231, 20237, 20243, 20252, 20258, 20261, 20265, 20268, 20271, 20274, 20277, 20280, 20284, 20287, 20296, 20299, 20305, 20312, 20318, 20321, 20324, 20327, 20337, 20351, 20354, 20363, 20367, 20376, 20379, 20382, 20390, 20393, 20396, 20399, 20410, 20413, 20426, 20430, 20439, 20442, 20446, 20449, 20458, 20462, 20466, 20477, 20487, 20501, 20515, 20526, 20529, 20533, 20547, 20550, 20565, 20584, 20587, 20597, 20601, 20611, 20625, 20711, 20725, 20745, 20763, 20766, 20769, 20771, 20780, 20786, 20796, 20809, 20812, 20822, 20829, 20832, 20835, 20838, 20841, 20848, 20857, 20878, 20890, 20892, 20898, 20902, 20908, 20911, 20924, 20928, 20941, 20944, 20948, 20977, 20980, 20984, 20986, 20990, 20993, 20997, 21004, 21007, 21013, 21017, 21027, 21030, 21048, 21059, 21063, 21066, 21076, 21096, 21099, 21109, 21112, 21116, 21119, 21123, 21126, 21129, 21132, 21136, 21146, 21150, 21153, 21157, 21161, 21172, 21177, 21181, 21184, 21198, 21205, 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Mainpiece Title: The Gamester

Role: Angelica Actor: Mrs Woffington
Role: Lady Wealthy Actor: Mrs Horton.


Mainpiece Title: The Way Of The World

Role: Millamant Actor: Mrs Woffington
Role: Mincing Actor: Mrs Vincent.
Role: Mrs Marwood Actor: Mrs Cross
Role: Mrs Fainall Actor: Mrs Stevens
Role: Lady Wishfort Actor: Mrs James

Afterpiece Title: The Mock Doctor

Role: Charlotte Actor: Mrs Hale
Role: Dorcas Actor: Mrs Vincent.

Dance: CComic Ballet-Villeneuve, Miss Oates; Les Matelotes-Mechel, Mlle Mechel; Tambourine-Desnoyer, Signora Barberini


Mainpiece Title: The Amorous Widow; Or, The Wanton Wife

Role: Wanton Wife Actor: Mrs Horton
Role: Damaris Actor: Mrs Woffington
Role: Lady Laycock Actor: Mrs James
Role: Lady Pride Actor: Mrs Martin
Role: Philadelphia Actor: Mrs Bellamy
Role: Prudence Actor: Mrs Mullart

Dance: SSerious Dance to Favourite Tunes from the Opera of Lothario-Desnoyer; The Matelots-Mechel, Mlle Mechel; Italian Peasants-Desnoyer, Signora Barberini; By Command, The Comic Dance of the Old Woman-with Pierot in the Basket; Louvre, Minuet-Desnoyer, Signora Barberini


Mainpiece Title: The Conscious Lovers

Role: Phillis Actor: Mrs Woffington.
Role: Indiana Actor: Mrs Horton
Role: Mrs Sealand Actor: Mrs James
Role: Isabella Actor: Mrs Mullart
Role: Lucinda Actor: Mrs Bellamy

Afterpiece Title: The King and the Miller of Mansfield

Role: Mrs Cockle Actor: Mrs Martin
Role: Peggy Actor: Mrs Hale

Dance: I: Wooden Shoe Dance-Mechel; III: Kilkenny-Glover, Mlle Roland; V: Italian Peasants-Desnoyer, Signora Barberini

Song: In II: Roberts


Mainpiece Title: The Old Batchelor

Role: Lucy Actor: Mrs Mullart
Role: Belinda Actor: Mrs Bellamy
Role: Araminta Actor: Mrs Hale
Role: Sylvia Actor: Mrs Vincent
Role: Laetitia Actor: Mrs Woffington

Afterpiece Title: The Tragedy of Tragedies; or, The Life and Death of Tom Thumb the Great

Dance: IItalian Peasants-Desnoyer, Signora Barberini; Wooden Shoe Dance-Mechel

Music: V: Handel's Water@Musick, a Preamble on the Kettle Drums-Jo. Woodbridge


Mainpiece Title: The Rover; Or, The Banished Cavaliers

Role: Hellena Actor: Mrs Woffington
Role: Angelica Actor: Mrs Horton
Role: Florinda Actor: Mrs Bellamy
Role: Valeria Actor: Mrs Hale
Role: Moretta Actor: Mrs James
Role: Lucetta Actor: Mrs Kilby

Afterpiece Title: The King and the Miller of Mansfield

Role: Mrs Cockle Actor: Mrs Martin
Role: Peggy Actor: Mrs Hale

Dance: WWooden Shoe Dance-Mechel; Comic Ballet-Villeneuve, Miss Oates; Tyrolean-Desnoyer, Haughton, Signora Barberini


Mainpiece Title: The Spanish Fryar

Role: Queen Actor: Mrs Horton
Role: Elvira Actor: Mrs Woffington.

Afterpiece Title: Nancy

Role: Nancy Actor: Mrs Lampe.
Role: Mrs Bark Actor: Mrs Vincent

Dance: TThe Matelots-Mechel, Mlle Mechel; Yorkshire Maggot-Haughton, Mlle Roland; Louvre, Minuet-Lally, Signora Barberini


Mainpiece Title: The Relapse

Role: Amanda Actor: Mrs Stevens
Role: Berinthia Actor: Mrs Horton
Role: Hoyden Actor: Mrs Woffington.

Afterpiece Title: The Mock Doctor

Role: Charlotte Actor: Mrs Hale
Role: Dorcas Actor: Mrs Vincent.

Afterpiece Title: Nancy

Dance: I: The Swiss-Mechell, Mlle Mechell; II: Comic Ballet-Villeneuve, Mrs Delagarde; III: A new Muzette, Tambourine-Mechell, Mlle Mechell; IV: Italian Peasants-Desnoyer, Signora Barberini


Mainpiece Title: The Stratagem

Role: Cherry Actor: Mrs Woffington.
Role: Mrs Sullen Actor: Mrs Horton
Role: Dorinda Actor: Mrs Bellamy
Role: Lady Bountiful Actor: Mrs James

Afterpiece Title: (by Cby Command)The Jealous Farmer Outwitted; Harlequin a Statue

Dance: Mechel, Mlle Mechel, Desnoyer, Signora Barberini


Mainpiece Title: The Conscious Lovers

Role: Phillis Actor: Mrs Woffington.
Role: Indiana Actor: Mrs Horton
Role: Mrs Sealand Actor: Mrs James
Role: Isabella Actor: Mrs Mullart
Role: Lucinda Actor: Mrs Bellamy

Afterpiece Title: The Tragedy of Tragedies

Dance: I: The Swiss-Mechel, Mlle Mechel; IV: Comic Dance-Villeneuve, Mrs Delagarde; V: French Peasants-Mechel, Mlle Mechel

Song: In II: Roberts


Mainpiece Title: The Recruiting Officer

Role: Melinda Actor: Mrs Ware
Role: Rose Actor: Mrs Vincent
Role: Lucy Actor: Mrs Kilby
Role: Sylvia Actor: Mrs Woffington.

Song: II: Bacchus Triumphant-Leveridge, Salway; IV: Trio of True Happiness-Leveridge, Roberts, Miss Young; V: An Epilogue in Music, addressed to the Audience,-Leveridge, Salway, Mrs Lampe

Dance: III: The Swiss-Mechell, Mlle Mechell


Mainpiece Title: The Old Batchelor

Role: Laetitia Actor: Mrs Woffington
Role: Belinda Actor: Mrs Bellamy
Role: Araminta Actor: Mrs Hale
Role: Sylvia Actor: Mrs Vincent
Role: Lucy Actor: Mrs Mullart
Role: And an Epilogue Actor: Mrs Horton.

Dance: FFrench Peasant-Mechel; The Swiss-Mechel, Mlle Mechel

Song: With the Songs in Masonry-as usual; And, by particular Desire, a Duette in the Characters of Punch and Colombine-Bencraft, Mrs Lampe


Mainpiece Title: The Old Batchelor

Role: Laetitia Actor: Mrs Woffington.

Dance: TTambourine-Desnoyer, Signora Barberini; Louvre and Minuet-Desnoyer, Signora Barberini


Mainpiece Title: The Double Gallant

Role: Sylvia Actor: Mrs Vincent
Role: Wishwell Actor: Mrs Mullart
Role: Dainty Actor: Mrs Horton
Role: Clarinda Actor: Mrs Stevens
Role: Lady Sadlife Actor: Mrs Woffington.

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Barber

Role: Petit Maitre Actor: Miss Woffington

Dance: I: Concerto-Mlle Mechel; II: Minuet, French Rigadoon-Mechel the Father, who never appeared in any theatre in England, Mlle Mechel the Daughter; Minuet-Mechel the Son, Miss Polly Woffington, the first time of her appearing on the stage; IV: The Metamorphoses of the Windmills-Mechel, Mlle Mechel, Miss Woffington, Master Ferg, a little French Boy; lately come from France. End Afterpiece: A Wooden Shoe dance called Les Sabotiers de Piemont-Mechel Sr, Mechel Jr., Mlle Mechel, little French Boy


Mainpiece Title: The Recruiting Officer

Afterpiece Title: The Virgin Unmasked

Role: Lucy Actor: Mrs Clive


Mainpiece Title: The Stratagem

Role: Mrs Sullen Actor: Mrs Woffington
Role: Dorinda Actor: Mrs Mills
Role: Lady Bountiful Actor: Mrs Egerton
Role: Cherry Actor: Mrs Clive.

Afterpiece Title: The Virgin Unmasked

Role: Lucy Actor: Mrs Clive


Mainpiece Title: The Relapse; Or, Virtue In Danger

Role: Berinthia Actor: Mrs Woffington
Role: Amanda Actor: Mrs Butler
Role: Hoyden Actor: Mrs Clive
Role: Nurse Actor: Mrs Egerton.

Afterpiece Title: The Devil to Pay

Role: Nell Actor: Mrs Clive
Role: Lady Lurewell Actor: Mrs Bennet


Mainpiece Title: As You Like It

Role: Audrey Actor: Mrs Egerton
Role: Celia Actor: Mrs Clive
Role: Rosalind Actor: Mrs Woffington
Role: as originally, Actor: Lowe, Mrs Clive.

Dance: I: a Ballet-Desse; II: a Comic Dance between a Miller and his Wife-M Mechell, Mlle Mechel; A Sailor's Dance-Dumont, Mrs Walter

Song: II: Happy Pair-Beard; IV: Non Ch' Amarmi a Song of Farinelli's-Mrs Arne


Mainpiece Title: As You Like It

Role: Audrey Actor: Mrs Egerton
Role: Celia Actor: Mrs Clive
Role: Rosalind Actor: Mrs Woffington
Role: as originally, Actor: Lowe, Mrs Clive.

Dance: I: a Ballet, as17411015; III: Sailor's Dance, as17411015

Song: II: As17411015; IV: Non Ch' Amarmi-Mrs Arne


Mainpiece Title: As You Like It

Role: Audrey Actor: Mrs Egerton
Role: Celia Actor: Mrs Clive
Role: Rosalind Actor: Mrs Woffington
Role: as originally, Actor: Lowe, Mrs Clive.

Dance: I: Ballet-Desse; III: Sailor's Dance-Dumont, Mrs Walter

Song: As17411015


Mainpiece Title: As You Like It

Role: Audrey Actor: Mrs Egerton
Role: Celia Actor: Mrs Clive
Role: Rosalind Actor: Mrs Woffington
Role: as originally, Actor: Lowe, Mrs Clive.

Song: As17411015

Dance: II: Ballet-Desse; IV: Sailor's Dance-Dumont, Mrs Walter


Mainpiece Title: The Recruiting Officer

Dance: V: Le Genereux Corsaire, as17411021


Mainpiece Title: The Relapse

Role: Berinthia Actor: Mrs Woffington
Role: Amanda Actor: Mrs Butler
Role: Hoyden Actor: Mrs Clive
Role: Nurse Actor: Mrs Egerton.

Dance: II: Sailor's Dance, as17411015; IV: The Swiss, as17410926

Song: I: The Early Horn-Lowe; III: Lascia Cadermi in Volto, a Song of Farinelli's in Artaxerxes-Mrs Arne; V: Rise Glory Rise-Beard


Mainpiece Title: As You Like It

Role: Audrey Actor: Mrs Egerton
Role: Celia Actor: Mrs Clive
Role: Rosalind Actor: Mrs Woffington
Role: as originally, Actor: Lowe, Mrs Clive.

Dance: LLes Masons et Les Sabotiers, as17411027; Le Genereux Corsaire, as17411021


Mainpiece Title: The Merchant Of Venice

Role: Portia Actor: Mrs Clive
Role: Nerissa Actor: Mrs Woffington

Dance: V: Le Genereux Corsaire, as17411021