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Mainpiece Title: At King's The Pirates

Afterpiece Title: The Doctor and Apothecary


Mainpiece Title: At King's The Heiress

Afterpiece Title: Richard Coeur de Lion

Role: Dorcas Actor: Mrs Edwin

Song: Probably as17921016


Mainpiece Title: At King's The Pirates

Afterpiece Title: The Cheats of Scapin


Mainpiece Title: At King's The Pirates

Afterpiece Title: The Cheats of Scapin


Mainpiece Title: At King's The Pirates

Afterpiece Title: Who's the Dupe


Mainpiece Title: At King's The Pirates

Afterpiece Title: Tit for Tat


Mainpiece Title: At King's The Pirates

Afterpiece Title: The Divorce


Mainpiece Title: At King's The Pirates

Afterpiece Title: Tit for Tat


Mainpiece Title: At King's The Pirates

Afterpiece Title: The Divorce


Mainpiece Title: At King's The Chances

Role: Nurse Actor: Mrs Edwin.

Afterpiece Title: Richard Coeur de Lion

Role: Dorcas Actor: Mrs Edwin


Mainpiece Title: At King's The Pirates

Afterpiece Title: The Cheats of Scapin


Mainpiece Title: At King's The Pirates

Afterpiece Title: Katharine and Petruchio


Mainpiece Title: At King's The Pirates

Afterpiece Title: Tit for Tat


Mainpiece Title: At King's The Haunted Tower

Afterpiece Title: Richard Coeur de Lion

Role: Dorcas Actor: Mrs Edwin


Mainpiece Title: At King's The Pirates

Afterpiece Title: The Cheats of Scapin


Mainpiece Title: At King's The Country Girl

Afterpiece Title: Richard Coeur de Lion

Role: Dorcas Actor: Mrs Edwin


Mainpiece Title: At king's She Wou'd And She Wou'd Not

Afterpiece Title: Ozmyn and Daraxa

Dance: In afterpiece: Miss Menage, the Miss D'Egvilles


Mainpiece Title: At Hay King Henry The Eighth

Afterpiece Title: Ozmyn and Daraxa

Dance: As17930307


Mainpiece Title: At King's The Pirates

Afterpiece Title: The Prize; or, 2


Mainpiece Title: At Hay The Jealous Wife

Afterpiece Title: Ozmyn and Daraxa

Dance: As17930307


Mainpiece Title: At King's The Confederacy

Afterpiece Title: Ozmyn and Daraxa

Dance: As17930307


Mainpiece Title: At King's The Pirates

Afterpiece Title: The Agreeable Surprise

Role: Mrs Cheshire Actor: Mrs Edwin

Dance: As17921121, but The Dances-Miss _Prevot

Song: In the course of the Evening The Little Farthing Rushlight-Bannister Jun


Mainpiece Title: At King's The Pirates

Afterpiece Title: The Mayor of Garratt

Dance: As17930408


Mainpiece Title: At King's The Pirates

Afterpiece Title: The Sultan

Dance: As17930408


Mainpiece Title: At King's The Pirates

Afterpiece Title: The Mariners

Dance: As17930408

Song: End II: a New Song composed by Percy-Master Welsh