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Mainpiece Title: Rosina

Afterpiece Title: The London Hermit

Role: Justice Mittimus Actor: Usher

Afterpiece Title: Fortune's Frolick


Mainpiece Title: The Road To Ruin

Role: Tradesmen Actor: J. Palmer, Usher

Afterpiece Title: Fortune's Frolick


Mainpiece Title: The Heir At Law

Afterpiece Title: Rosina

Role: Justice Mittimus Actor: Usher


Mainpiece Title: The Surrender Of Calais

Role: Sir Walter Manny Actor: Usher

Afterpiece Title: Fortune's Frolick


Mainpiece Title: The Road To Ruin

Role: Tradesmen Actor: J. Palmer, Usher

Afterpiece Title: The Agreeable Surprise

Role: Justice Mittimus Actor: Usher
Role: Chicane Actor: Usher


Mainpiece Title: The Children In The Wood

Role: Dennis Actor: Usher

Afterpiece Title: The Jew and the Doctor

Afterpiece Title: Fortune's Frolick


Mainpiece Title: The Heir At Law

Afterpiece Title: The Prisoner at Large

Role: Justice Mittimus Actor: Usher


Mainpiece Title: The Italian Monk

Role: Priest Actor: Usher

Afterpiece Title: Fortune's Frolick


Mainpiece Title: The Purse

Afterpiece Title: The Spanish Barber

Afterpiece Title: A Mogul Tale

Role: Justice Mittimus Actor: Usher
Role: Chicane Actor: Usher


Mainpiece Title: The Italian Monk

Role: Priest Actor: Usher

Afterpiece Title: All in Good Humour

Afterpiece Title: The Castle of Sorrento


Mainpiece Title: All In Good Humour

Role: Priest Actor: Usher

Afterpiece Title: The Heir at Law

Role: Justice Mittimus Actor: Usher

Afterpiece Title: The Purse

Role: Justice Mittimus Actor: Usher


Mainpiece Title: All In Good Humour

Role: Priest Actor: Usher

Afterpiece Title: The Jew

Afterpiece Title: The Castle of Sorrento


Mainpiece Title: Seeing Is Believing

Afterpiece Title: Sighs; or, The Daughter

Afterpiece Title: The Purse

Role: Justice Mittimus Actor: Usher

Song: not listed in playbill; see17990824: In II 2nd piece: 'Twas in the solemn mid@night hour-Mrs Bland


Mainpiece Title: The Shipwreck

Afterpiece Title: Sighs

Role: Justice Mittimus Actor: Usher


Mainpiece Title: Sighs

Afterpiece Title: The Agreeable Surprise

Role: Justice Mittimus Actor: Usher
Role: Chicane Actor: Usher


Mainpiece Title: The Castle Of Sorrento

Afterpiece Title: The Heir at Law

Role: Justice Mittimus Actor: Usher


Mainpiece Title: The Mountaineers

Afterpiece Title: Peeping Tom

Role: Justice Mittimus Actor: Usher


Mainpiece Title: The Iron Chest

Afterpiece Title: The Shipwreck

Role: Justice Mittimus Actor: Usher

Song: End: Jack and his Charming Fanny (composed by Suett)-Trueman


Mainpiece Title: The Surrender Of Calais

Role: Sir Walter Manny Actor: Usher

Afterpiece Title: The Children in the Wood

Role: Justice Mittimus Actor: Usher

Song: End II: Crazy Jane-Mrs Bland; In the character of Josephine in afterpiece 'Twas in the solemn mid@night hour-Mrs Bland the Ballad in Sighs; End I afterpiece: Little Taffline ; or, The Silken Sash-Mrs Bland


Mainpiece Title: The Shipwreck

Afterpiece Title: The Heir at Law

Role: Justice Mittimus Actor: Usher


Mainpiece Title: Seeing Is Believing

Afterpiece Title: The Heir at Law

Role: Justice Mittimus Actor: Usher

Afterpiece Title: The Purse

Role: Justice Mittimus Actor: Usher


Mainpiece Title: All In Good Humour

Role: Priest Actor: Usher

Afterpiece Title: The Jew

Afterpiece Title: Fortune's Frolick


Mainpiece Title: A Mogul Tale

Afterpiece Title: The Heir at Law

Role: Justice Mittimus Actor: Usher