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Mainpiece Title: The Good Natured Man

Afterpiece Title: Man and Wife

Role: Freeman Actor: Perry

Dance: After the Epilogue: A Minuet-Aldridge, Mrs Bulkley; End II of Comedy: A New Dance-Mas. Langrish as17730426 being his third appearance

Ballet: The Wapping Landlady, with Sixfold Hornpipe. As17730424


Mainpiece Title: Julius Caesar

Role: Trebonius Actor: Perry

Afterpiece Title: The Upholsterer

Dance: End: The Irish Lilt, as17721028


Mainpiece Title: Lady Jane Grey

Role: Suffolk Actor: Perry

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Sorcerer

Entertainment: End: A New Occasional Epilogue written by Mr Goldsmith will be spoken-Lewes


Mainpiece Title: Macbeth

Role: Lennox Actor: Perry

Afterpiece Title: The Musical Lady

Dance: End: The Irish Lilt, as17721028

Monologue: 1773 5 10Before the Play (Seventeenth Time): New Occasional Prelude. As 19 Jan., but Author-Quick


Mainpiece Title: The Rival Queens

Role: Polyperchon Actor: Perry

Monologue: 1773 5 11 True Blue. As 20 April, but Principal Parts-DuBellamy, _Mattocks, Mrs +Baker, Mrs _Mattocks

Afterpiece Title: The Englishman in Paris


Mainpiece Title: Jane Shore

Role: Shore Actor: Perry.
Role: Bellmour Actor: Perry

Afterpiece Title: Man and Wife

Role: Freeman Actor: Perry

Dance: End: The Irish Lilt, as17721028; End II of Comedy: A Double Hornpipe-Blurton, Miss Besford


Mainpiece Title: The Rival Queens

Role: Polyperchon Actor: Perry

Afterpiece Title: The Apprentice

Dance: End: The Old Ground Young, as17720928


Mainpiece Title: Romeo And Juliet

Role: Paris Actor: Perry

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Sorcerer

Entertainment: Epilogue.After the Play: Goldsmith's Epilogue-Lewes


Mainpiece Title: Every Man In His Humour

Role: Cash Actor: Perry

Afterpiece Title: The Padlock

Dance: III: The Merry Sailors, as17721012; End: A Minuet-Aldridge, Mrs Bulkley


Mainpiece Title: King Richard Iii

Role: Norfolk Actor: Perry

Afterpiece Title: The Citizen

Dance: End: The Whim, as17730426


Mainpiece Title: The Inconstant

Afterpiece Title: The Commissary

Role: Simon Actor: Perry

Dance: III: A Hornpipe-Miller, scholar to Fishar; IV: A New Dance-Langrish, Miss Besford, as17730426

Music: End: Concerto on Harpsichord-Master Condell


Mainpiece Title: George Barnwell

Role: Trueman Actor: Perry

Afterpiece Title: The Contrivances

Dance: III: Hornpipe-Mas. Blurton; End: The Cumberland Corn@thrashers, as17730424