SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE eventid IN (40203, 40585, 40591, 40712, 40727, 40756, 46935, 46939, 46943, 46949, 46959, 46961, 46963, 46967, 46971, 46977, 46983, 47011, 47025, 47037, 47041, 47043, 47045, 47047, 47049, 47051, 47057, 47059, 47061, 47063, 47066, 47068, 47071, 47073, 47076, 47079, 47083, 47104, 47117, 47119, 47124, 47128, 47131, 47133, 47139, 47144, 47148, 47150, 47156, 47161, 47165, 47167, 47179, 47183, 47186, 47192, 47198, 47202, 47204, 47212, 47218, 47224, 47226, 47229, 47235, 47238, 47244, 47247, 47249, 47253, 47259, 47261, 47266, 47270, 47273, 47277, 47279, 47283, 47285, 47295, 47301, 47304, 47306, 47314, 47320, 47322, 47431, 47434, 47439, 47454, 47456, 47458, 47459, 47462, 47464, 47466, 47467, 47470, 47472, 47474, 47475, 47478, 47482, 47484, 47485, 47487, 47489, 47491, 47493, 47495, 47497, 47499, 47501, 47503, 47507, 47509, 47511, 47513, 47517, 47519, 47521, 47523, 47525, 47527, 47529, 47531, 47533, 47537, 47539, 47541, 47543, 47547, 47549, 47551, 47553, 47555, 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Mainpiece Title: Wild Oats

Role: Ephraim Smooth Actor: Munden

Afterpiece Title: A Divertisement

Dance: As17901123


Mainpiece Title: The Castle Of Andalusia

Role: Pedrillo Actor: Munden

Afterpiece Title: The Deaf Lover

Role: Meadows Actor: Munden

Dance: As17910507


Mainpiece Title: Rosina

Role: Ephraim Smooth Actor: Munden

Afterpiece Title: Lovers' Quarrels

Afterpiece Title: Comus

Song: End I: The Musical Courtship, as17910506; End II 2nd piece: Say Bonny Lass, as17910506; In 3rd piece: Sweet Echo-Mrs Mountain; accompanied on the hautboy-W. Parke; Nor on beds of fading flowers (1st time these 7 years)-Incledon; O! thou wert born to please me (1st time at this theatre)-Incledon, Mrs Mountain


Mainpiece Title: Inkle And Yarico

Afterpiece Title: The Dreamer Awake

Role: Daphne Actor: Mr Munden
Role: Sir David Drowsy Actor: Munden

Dance: As17910428

Song: As17910517, but To be jovial and gay-_; Beviamo-; A Sea Song-Incledon


Mainpiece Title: The Chances

Afterpiece Title: Love in a Camp

Role: Darby Actor: Munden

Dance: As17901204

Song: End I: The Group of Lovers-Munden; End II: a favourite Sea Song-Incledon


Mainpiece Title: The Belle's Stratagem

Afterpiece Title: Linco's Travels

Afterpiece Title: The Cottage Maid

Role: Countryman Actor: Munden

Dance: In 3rd piece: a Hornpipe, Dance of Sailors-

Song: Masquerade Scene in 1st piece: Green Willow (composed by Percy)-Miss Broadhurst


Mainpiece Title: Fontainbleau

Afterpiece Title: The Poor Soldier

Role: Darby Actor: Munden.

Song: End I: Had I a Heart for Falsehood framed-Marshall in imitation of Leoni; After Monologue: a New Song-Incledon

Entertainment: Monologue. End: A Dissertation on Hobby@Horses, as17910524 but Mr Brandon's Hobby in place of Mrs Mountain's Hobby; The Lawyer's Hobby-Marshall (in the character of a Jockey)


Mainpiece Title: Double Falsehood; Or, The Distrest Lovers

Role: Camillo Actor: Munden

Afterpiece Title: Tippoo Saib; or, British Valour in India

Afterpiece Title: Barnaby Brittle

Dance: In 2nd piece: Battle Dance-, and a Representation of English and British Grand Martial Procession

Song: I: Hark the Lark at Heaven's Gate sings (set by Dr Cooke)-Bannister, Johnstone, Incledon, Mrs Mountain; End II: Black Eyed Susan-Incledon; IV: Fond Echo Forbear thy fond sigh (written by Shakspeare [recte Lewis Theobald], and composed new for the Evening's Performance by Shield)-Mrs Mountain; In Pantomime: Poor Orra tink on Yanco dear (the music by Dibdin)-Mrs Mountain; The Gallant Soldier born to Arms (composed by Hook)-Incledon; Indian War Song-Bannister; The Tobacco Box: Tho' the Fate of Battle on Tomorrow wait-Johnstone, Mrs Warrell


Mainpiece Title: The Beggar's Opera

Afterpiece Title: Modern Antiques

Dance: III: Hornpipe-Blurton


Mainpiece Title: The Woodman

Afterpiece Title: Tippoo Saib

Afterpiece Title: Two Strings to Your Bow

Song: In 2nd Piece:as in 3rd piece, 10 June Poor Orra tink on Yanco dear-Mrs Mountain; The Gallant Soldier born to Arms-Incledon


Mainpiece Title: The Busy Body

Role: Sir Francis Gripe Actor: Munden

Afterpiece Title: The Farmer

Role: Jemmy Jumps Actor: Munden

Dance: As17901204


Mainpiece Title: The Dramatist; Or, Stop Him Who Can

Role: Ennui Actor: Munden

Afterpiece Title: The Farmer

Role: Jemmy Jumps Actor: Munden

Dance: End: The Wapping Landlady-King, Blurton, Mrs Watts


Mainpiece Title: Fontainbleau; Or, Our Way In France

Afterpiece Title: Modern Antiques; or, The Merry Mourners

Role: Frank Actor: Munden


Mainpiece Title: The Busy Body

Role: Sir Francis Gripe Actor: Munden

Afterpiece Title: Love in a Camp; or, Patrick in Prussia

Role: Darby Actor: Munden


Mainpiece Title: The Earl Of Essex; Or, The Unhappy Favourite

Afterpiece Title: The Crusade

Role: Sir Troubadour Actor: Munden


Mainpiece Title: Rose And Colin

Afterpiece Title: The Dramatist

Role: Jemmy Jumps Actor: Munden

Afterpiece Title: The Mayor of Garratt


Mainpiece Title: As You Like It

Afterpiece Title: The Crusade

Role: Sir Troubadour Actor: Munden

Dance: End I: The Irish Lilt-Mrs Ratchford, Mrs Ratchford; In V: Dance of Forresters-


Mainpiece Title: Zara

Afterpiece Title: The Mayor of Garratt

Role: Jemmy Jumps Actor: Munden

Dance: As17910912


Mainpiece Title: Macbeth

Role: Witches Actor: Blanchard, Munden, Cubitt

Afterpiece Title: The Crusade

Role: Sir Troubadour Actor: Munden

Song: Mainpiece: Vocal Parts-Johnstone, Incledon, Marshall, Rock, Williamson, Blurton, Letteney, Lee, Mrs Mountain, Mrs Harlowe, Miss Broadhurst, Miss Stuart, Miss Barnett, Mrs Watts, Mrs Byrne, Mrs Davenett, Mrs Powell, Miss Francis, Miss Leserve, Mrs Cross, Mrs Gray, Mrs Masters, Mrs Martyr


Mainpiece Title: Wild Oats; Or, The Strolling Gentlemen

Role: Ephraim Smooth Actor: Munden

Afterpiece Title: Robin Hood


Mainpiece Title: The Tender Husband; Or, The Accomplished Fools

Afterpiece Title: The Farmer

Role: Jemmy Jumps Actor: Munden


Mainpiece Title: The Castle Of Andalusia

Afterpiece Title: The Mayor of Garratt

Role: Jemmy Jumps Actor: Munden


Mainpiece Title: Hamlet

Afterpiece Title: The Crusade

Role: Sir Troubadour Actor: Munden


Mainpiece Title: Wild Oats

Role: Ephraim Smooth Actor: Munden

Afterpiece Title: The Poor Soldier

Role: Darby Actor: Munden


Mainpiece Title: The Conscious Lovers

Afterpiece Title: Oscar and Malvina; or, The Hall of Fingal

Role: Pedlar Actor: Munden

Song: II: song-Incledon