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50217, 50223, 50225) GROUP BY eventid ORDER BY eventdate ASC OPTION

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Mainpiece Title: The Provoked Wife

Afterpiece Title: The Contrivances

Role: Robin Actor: Moody

Dance: The last New Dance-the Georgi's, Miss Baker


Mainpiece Title: The Stratagem

Role: Foigard Actor: Moody.

Afterpiece Title: Lethe

Dance: IV: As17610307


Mainpiece Title: The Jealous Wife

Role: O'Cutter Actor: Moody

Afterpiece Title: The Chaplet


Mainpiece Title: The Stratagem

Role: Foigard Actor: Moody.

Afterpiece Title: A Duke and no Duke

Dance: By Particular Desire, aMinuet-O'Brien, Miss Pritchard; End IV: A Comic DanceNew Dance, as17610307


Mainpiece Title: A Bold Stroke For A Wife

Role: Obadiah Prim Actor: Moody

Afterpiece Title: Queen Mab

Dance: [Titles and dancers unspecified.]


Mainpiece Title: Romeo And Juliet

Afterpiece Title: The Contrivances

Role: Robin Actor: Moody

Dance: TThe Italian Gardiners, as17601203


Mainpiece Title: Venice Preserved

Afterpiece Title: The Contrivances

Role: Robin Actor: Moody

Dance: TThe Fingalian Dance-Miss Dawson


Mainpiece Title: Woman's A Riddle

Role: Vulture Actor: Moody

Afterpiece Title: Love a-la-Mode

Role: Sir Callaghan Actor: Moody

Entertainment: III: Mr Moody will entertain the public with Teady Wolloughan's Whimsical Roratorical Description of a Man@o' War and Sea Fight-, with Hibernian notes on the whole


Mainpiece Title: The Conscious Lovers

Afterpiece Title: The Register Office

Role: Irishman Actor: Moody


Mainpiece Title: Zara

Afterpiece Title: The Register Office with Prologue

Role: Irishman Actor: Moody


Mainpiece Title: Macbeth

Role: Siward Actor: Moody

Afterpiece Title: High Life Below Stairs

Dance: By Particular Desire aMinuet-Noverre, Mrs Palmer


Mainpiece Title: King Henry Viii

Afterpiece Title: The Register Office

Role: Irishman Actor: Moody


Mainpiece Title: The Stratagem

Role: Foigard Actor: Moody.

Afterpiece Title: The Enchanter


Mainpiece Title: The Wonder

Afterpiece Title: Love a-la-Mode

Role: Sir Callaghan Actor: Moody


Mainpiece Title: Woman's A Riddle

Afterpiece Title: The Register Office

Role: Irishman Actor: Moody


Mainpiece Title: The Jealous Wife

Role: O'Cutter Actor: Moody

Afterpiece Title: Polly Honeycombe


Mainpiece Title: The Beggar's Opera

Afterpiece Title: The Miller of Mansfield

Role: Miller Actor: Moody


Mainpiece Title: The Stratagem

Role: Foigard Actor: Moody.

Afterpiece Title: Taste1st Act of Taste and Modern Tragedy

Dance: IV: A Comic Dance, as17610307


Mainpiece Title: The Double Gallant; Or, The Sick Lady's Cure

Afterpiece Title: Love a-la-Mode

Role: Sir Callaghan Actor: Moody

Song: Champnes


Mainpiece Title: The Jealous Wife

Role: O'Cutter Actor: Moody

Afterpiece Title: Queen Mab


Mainpiece Title: A Bold Stroke For A Wife

Role: Obadiah Prim Actor: Moody

Afterpiece Title: The Double Disappointment

Role: Phelim Actor: Moody

Song: II: Fawcett

Entertainment: II: An Occasional Epilogue (1st time)-Tomlinson


Afterpiece Title: The Enchanter


Mainpiece Title: King Henry Viii

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin's Invasion


Mainpiece Title: The London Merchant; Or, The History Of George Barnwell

Afterpiece Title: The King and Miller of Mansfield

Role: Miller Actor: Moody

Dance: IV: A Hornpipe-the Sailor, lately belonging to the Royal Sovereign


Mainpiece Title: King Henry Viii

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin's Invasion