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Mainpiece Title: Speed The Plough

Afterpiece Title: Raymond and Agnes


Mainpiece Title: Speed The Plough

Afterpiece Title: Raymond and Agnes


Mainpiece Title: Speed The Plough

Afterpiece Title: Raymond and Agnes


Mainpiece Title: Speed The Plough

Afterpiece Title: Raymond and Agnes


Mainpiece Title: Ramah Droog

Afterpiece Title: The Jew and the Doctor


Mainpiece Title: Ramah Droog

Afterpiece Title: Hartford Bridge


Mainpiece Title: The Birth Day

Afterpiece Title: The Devil to Pay

Afterpiece Title: Raymond and Agnes


Mainpiece Title: Speed The Plough

Afterpiece Title: The Turnpike Gate

Role: Farmer Actor: Linton


Mainpiece Title: Speed The Plough

Afterpiece Title: Raymond and Agnes


Mainpiece Title: Speed The Plough

Afterpiece Title: Comus

Dance: As17991210


Mainpiece Title: Speed The Plough

Afterpiece Title: Raymond and Agnes


Mainpiece Title: Speed The Plough

Dance: In I afterpiece: A Dance-King; In II: Dance-Blurton, Platt, L. Bologna, Wilde, Klanert, Whitmore, Lewiss, Mrs Follett, Mrs Bologna, Miss Cox, Miss Bologna, Mrs Dibdin, Mrs Watts. [These were danced, as here assigned, in all subsequent performances. For Harp see18000331


Mainpiece Title: Speed The Plough


Mainpiece Title: Management

Music: Afterpiece: The Harp-Weippert. [This was included in all subsequent performances.


Mainpiece Title: A Cure For The Heart Ache


Mainpiece Title: Speed The Plough


Mainpiece Title: How To Grow Rich

Afterpiece Title: A Peep behind the Curtain; or, An Opera Rehearsal

Afterpiece Title: The Hermione; or, Valour's Triumph

Role: unassigned Actor: Linton, Denman.


Mainpiece Title: Speed The Plough

Afterpiece Title: The Hermione


Mainpiece Title: The Woodman

Role: Ralph Actor: Linton

Afterpiece Title: The Rendezvous

Afterpiece Title: The Jew and the Doctor

Song: End I: The Storm (by G. A. Stevens)-Incledon; In course Evening: an entire new Glee, composed by King, The Witches[, the Words from the First Scene of Shakspeare's Macbeth, -Incledon, Townsend, Linton, Chorus; [Also Black Ey'd Susan-; Old Towler- [Incledon]

Role: Actor: Incledon, Townsend, Linton, Chorus


Mainpiece Title: Speed The Plough


Mainpiece Title: The Votary Of Wealth

Afterpiece Title: The Rendezvous

Afterpiece Title: Tom Thumb


Mainpiece Title: Speed The Plough


Mainpiece Title: Lover's Vows

Afterpiece Title: Saturday Night at Sea

Afterpiece Title: Lock and Key

Role: Servants Actor: Linton, Lee, Street

Entertainment: Monologue End: Collins's Ode on the Passions-Mrs Pope


Mainpiece Title: Speed The Plough


Mainpiece Title: The Good-natured Man

Afterpiece Title: The Camp

Afterpiece Title: The Hermione

Song: End: A Chapter of Fashions (never performed; written by T. Dibdin Jun.)-Munden; The Tight Little Lads of the Ocean (never performed; written by the Author of The Bundle of Proverbs)-Fawcett