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Mainpiece Title: The Clandestine Marriage

Afterpiece Title: A ChristmasTale

Role: Nigromant Actor: Legg


Mainpiece Title: The Wonder

Afterpiece Title: A ChristmasTale

Role: Nigromant Actor: Legg


Afterpiece Title: Harlequin's Invasion

Dance: IV: Rural Grace, as17771002


Afterpiece Title: Queen Mab

Dance: IV: Rural Grace, as17771002


Mainpiece Title: Cymon

Role: Daemon of Revenge Actor: Legg

Afterpiece Title: The Deuce is in Him

Dance: [the following new Dances composed] by Gallet:I: [a Dance of Cupids-; IV: [a Dance of Daemons-; to conclude: Grand Ballet-Henry, Miss Armstrong, Mlle Dupre. [These were danced, as here assigned, in all subsequent performances.

Music: Mainpiece: With a New Overture, and additional Airs, Chorusses-; the whole of the Music composed by Michael Arne


Mainpiece Title: Cymon

Role: Daemon of Revenge Actor: Legg

Afterpiece Title: Bon Ton


Mainpiece Title: Cymon

Role: Daemon of Revenge Actor: Legg

Afterpiece Title: The Register Office


Mainpiece Title: Cymon

Role: Daemon of Revenge Actor: Legg

Afterpiece Title: All the World's a Stage

Song: Several newairs (never performed) by Michael Arne-for the characters of Cymon and Sylvia, on this occasion


Mainpiece Title: All For Love; Or, The World Well Lost

Afterpiece Title: A ChristmasTale

Role: Nigromant Actor: Legg

Dance: As17780422


Mainpiece Title: Cymon

Role: Daemon of Revenge Actor: Legg

Afterpiece Title: The Irish Widow

Dance: End I afterpiece: The Irish Fair, as17780508


Mainpiece Title: Romeo And Juliet

Afterpiece Title: The Devil to Pay

Dance: In I: Masquerade and Dance-

Song: With the Funeral Procession.The vocal parts-Gaudry, Legg, Carpenter, Chaplin, Holcroft, Philimore, Miss Abrams, Miss Collett, Miss Kirby, Mrs Gaudry, Mrs Booth, Mrs Pitt, Mrs Smith


Mainpiece Title: The Spanish Barber

Afterpiece Title: Midas

Role: Jupiter Actor: Legg

Dance: End II: The Merry Lasses, as17780518; End afterpiece: Provencalle Dance, as17780518


Mainpiece Title: The Spanish Barber

Afterpiece Title: Midas

Role: Jupiter Actor: Legg

Dance: End II: Provencalle Dance, as17780518; End afterpiece: The Merry Lasses, as17780529


Mainpiece Title: The Spanish Barber

Afterpiece Title: Midas

Role: Jupiter Actor: Legg

Dance: As17780616


Mainpiece Title: The Spanish Barber

Afterpiece Title: Midas

Role: Jupiter Actor: Legg

Dance: End: The Gardeners, as17780618


Mainpiece Title: The Suicide

Afterpiece Title: Midas

Role: Jupiter Actor: Legg

Dance: As17780624


Mainpiece Title: The Suicide

Afterpiece Title: Midas

Role: Jupiter Actor: Legg

Dance: As17780624


Mainpiece Title: The Spanish Barber

Afterpiece Title: Midas

Role: Jupiter Actor: Legg

Dance: As17780624


Mainpiece Title: The Spanish Barber

Afterpiece Title: Midas

Role: Jupiter Actor: Legg

Dance: As17780624


Afterpiece Title: The Camp

Dance: I: Dance of Spirits-Miss Armstrong; III: Dance of Fantastic Spirits-; [These were danced, as here assigned, in both subsequent performances.] V: Grand Dance-Sg and Sga Zuchelli, Henry, Sga Crespi


Afterpiece Title: The Camp

Dance: Grand Dance, as17781102


Mainpiece Title: The Tempest

Afterpiece Title: Comus

Dance: In IV: Dance-Henry, Miss Armstrong

Song: As17790413