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Mainpiece Title: Cambro-britons

Afterpiece Title: Two Strings to Your Bow

Role: Drunken Porter Actor: Ledger


Mainpiece Title: The Purse

Afterpiece Title: Ways and Means

Role: Passengers Actor: Trueman, Ledger

Afterpiece Title: My Grandmother

Role: Coachman Actor: Ledger


Mainpiece Title: Cambro-britons

Afterpiece Title: The Dead Alive

Role: Coachman Actor: Ledger


Mainpiece Title: Cambro-britons

Afterpiece Title: The Prisoner at Large

Role: Father Frank Actor: Ledger


Mainpiece Title: Cross Purposes

Afterpiece Title: Ways and Means

Role: Passengers Actor: Trueman, Ledger
Role: Coachman Actor: Ledger

Afterpiece Title: The Dead Alive

Role: Coachman Actor: Ledger


Mainpiece Title: False And True

Role: Lupo Actor: Ledger

Afterpiece Title: Two Strings to Your Bow

Song: In: Chorusses-Linton, Aylmer, Brown, Dibble, Kenrick, Little, Caulfield Jun., Walker, Willoughby, Ms Edward, Ms Menage, Ms Hale, Ms Gawdry, Ms Butler, Ms Masters, Ms Norton, Ms Benson, Ms Leserve


Mainpiece Title: False And True

Role: Lupo Actor: Ledger

Afterpiece Title: The Agreeable Surprise

Song: As17980811


Mainpiece Title: The Road To Ruin

Afterpiece Title: An Harmonic Jubilee

Afterpiece Title: The Honest Thieves

Role: Coachman Actor: Ledger


Mainpiece Title: False And True

Role: Lupo Actor: Ledger

Afterpiece Title: A Mogul Tale


Mainpiece Title: The Iron Chest

Afterpiece Title: Blue Devils

Role: Robbers Actor: Bannister, Davies, Abbot, Ledger

Afterpiece Title: My Grandmother

Role: Coachman Actor: Ledger

Song: In course of Evening: The United Englishmen-Munden


Mainpiece Title: False And True

Role: Lupo Actor: Ledger

Afterpiece Title: Peeping Tom

Role: Carter Actor: Ledger
Role: Selim Actor: Ledger


Mainpiece Title: Much Ado About Nothing

Role: Seacoal Actor: Ledger

Afterpiece Title: The Poor Soldier

Song: In II: Stevens's glee, Sigh no more Ladies-D'Arcy, Linton, Miss Griffiths, Mrs Edward


Mainpiece Title: The Road To Ruin

Role: Sheriff's Officer Actor: Ledger

Afterpiece Title: No Song No Supper


Mainpiece Title: False And True

Role: Lupo Actor: Ledger

Afterpiece Title: The Guardian

Afterpiece Title: The Shipwreck


Mainpiece Title: Inkle And Yarico

Role: Sailors Actor: Ledger, Lyons

Afterpiece Title: The Irishman in London

Song: End: Patents all the Rage-Munden; A Mock Italian Song-Fawcett; The Group of Lovers ; or, Beauty at her Levee-Munden; a new song, The British Volunteers-Johnstone; with Chorus-Trueman, D'Arcy, Linton, Waldron Jun., Abbot, Lyons


Mainpiece Title: The Purse

Afterpiece Title: The Merchant of Venice

Role: Balthazar Actor: Ledger

Afterpiece Title: Rosina


Mainpiece Title: False And True

Role: Lupo Actor: Ledger

Afterpiece Title: Two Strings to Your Bow

Role: Drunken Porter Actor: Ledger

Afterpiece Title: High Life below Stairs

Dance: In II 3rd piece: Mock Minuet-R. Palmer, Miss DeCamp


Mainpiece Title: Ways And Means

Afterpiece Title: Peeping Tom

Role: Carter Actor: Ledger
Role: Selim Actor: Ledger

Afterpiece Title: The Children in the Wood


Mainpiece Title: The Purse

Afterpiece Title: Hamlet; Prince of Denmark

Role: Sailor Actor: Ledger

Afterpiece Title: Cross Purposes

Role: Coachman Actor: Ledger


Mainpiece Title: All In Good Humour

Afterpiece Title: False and True

Afterpiece Title: The Prisoner at Large

Role: Father Frank Actor: Ledger


Mainpiece Title: The Merchant Of Venice

Afterpiece Title: High Life below Stairs

Role: Coachman Actor: Ledger
Role: Drunken Porter Actor: Ledger

Dance: In II afterpiece: As17980830


Mainpiece Title: The Mountaineers

Afterpiece Title: The Agreeable Surprise

Role: Carter Actor: Ledger
Role: Selim Actor: Ledger


Mainpiece Title: The Road To Ruin

Role: Sheriff's Officer Actor: Ledger

Afterpiece Title: An Olla Podrida

Afterpiece Title: Bannian Day


Mainpiece Title: The Heir At Law

Afterpiece Title: Peeping Tom

Role: Carter Actor: Ledger
Role: Selim Actor: Ledger


Mainpiece Title: The Rivals

Role: Coachman Actor: Ledger

Afterpiece Title: Lock and Key