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Mainpiece Title: The Will

Afterpiece Title: The Apprentice

Role: Spouters Actor: Evans, Grimaldi, Chippendale

Ballet: End: The Scotch Ghost. As17991217


Mainpiece Title: Pizarro

Role: Soldiers Actor: Fisher, Evans, Webb, Chippendale

Afterpiece Title: My Grandmother

Song: As17991228


Mainpiece Title: The School For Scandal

Role: Servants Actor: Fisher, Evans, Webb

Afterpiece Title: The Virgin Unmask'd

Song: III: a song-Sedgwick

Ballet: End: The Scotch Ghost. As17991217


Mainpiece Title: The Secret

Role: Servants Actor: Fisher, Evans, Ryder, Webb

Afterpiece Title: Of Age To-morrow


Mainpiece Title: Pizarro

Role: Soldiers Actor: Fisher, Evans, Webb, Chippendale

Afterpiece Title: Of Age To-morrow

Song: As17991228


Mainpiece Title: Pizarro

Role: Soldiers Actor: Fisher, Evans, Webb, Chippendale

Afterpiece Title: Of Age To-morrow

Song: As17991228


Mainpiece Title: Pizarro

Role: Soldiers Actor: Fisher, Evans, Webb, Chippendale

Afterpiece Title: Of Age To-morrow

Song: As17991228


Mainpiece Title: Pizarro

Role: Soldiers Actor: Fisher, Evans, Webb, Chippendale

Afterpiece Title: Of Age To-morrow

Song: As17991228


Mainpiece Title: Pizarro

Role: Soldiers Actor: Fisher, Evans, Webb, Chippendale

Afterpiece Title: Of Age To-morrow

Song: As17991228


Mainpiece Title: Pizarro

Role: Soldiers Actor: Fisher, Evans, Webb, Chippendale

Afterpiece Title: Of Age To-morrow

Song: As17991228


Mainpiece Title: Pizarro

Role: Soldiers Actor: Fisher, Evans, Webb, Chippendale

Afterpiece Title: Of Age To-morrow

Song: As17991228


Mainpiece Title: The Rivals

Afterpiece Title: Blue-Beard

Role: Spahis Actor: Caulfield, Trueman, Maddocks, Evans


Mainpiece Title: The Country Girl

Afterpiece Title: Blue-Beard

Role: Spahis Actor: Caulfield, Trueman, Maddocks, Evans


Mainpiece Title: The Egyptian Festival

Afterpiece Title: The Apprentice

Role: Spouters Actor: Evans, Grimaldi, Chippendale


Mainpiece Title: Pizarro

Role: Soldiers Actor: Fisher, Evans, Webb, Chippendale

Afterpiece Title: Of Age To-morrow

Song: As17991228


Mainpiece Title: Pizarro

Role: Soldiers Actor: Fisher, Evans, Webb, Chippendale

Afterpiece Title: The Liar

Song: As17991228


Mainpiece Title: The London Merchant


Mainpiece Title: A Bold Stroke For A Wife


Mainpiece Title: Jane Shore

Role: Servants Actor: Evans, Maddocks


Mainpiece Title: A Trip To Scarborough


Mainpiece Title: Pizarro

Role: Soldiers Actor: Fisher, Evans, Webb, Chippendale

Afterpiece Title: Of Age To-morrow

Song: Vocal Parts, as17991228, but _Sedgwick


Mainpiece Title: The Merchant Of Venice

Role: Leonardo Actor: Evans

Afterpiece Title: The Deserter


Mainpiece Title: Pizarro

Role: Soldiers Actor: Fisher, Evans, Webb, Chippendale

Afterpiece Title: The Apprentice

Role: Spouters Actor: Evans, Grimaldi, Chippendale

Song: As17991228


Mainpiece Title: Pizarro

Role: Soldiers Actor: Fisher, Evans, Webb, Chippendale

Afterpiece Title: The Wedding Day

Song: As17991228