SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE eventid IN (49217, 49250, 49478, 49607, 49653, 49754, 49788, 49809, 49823, 49825, 49827, 49829, 49831, 49833, 49835, 49837, 49839, 49841, 49843, 49845, 49847, 49851, 49855, 49859, 49861, 49863, 49867, 49871, 49875, 49877, 49879, 49883, 49886, 49891, 49893, 49897, 49926, 49935, 49938, 49940, 49949, 49952, 49954, 49959, 49963, 49966, 49968, 49971, 49973, 49975, 49978, 49983, 49985, 49987, 49989, 49992, 49994, 49998, 50001, 50004, 50006, 50010, 50013, 50016, 50019, 50023, 50026, 50029, 50031, 50035, 50038, 50041, 50044, 50048, 50057, 50061, 50070, 50075, 50077, 50087, 50094, 50097, 50102, 50104, 50111, 50118, 50134, 50148, 50156, 50177, 50330, 50336, 50340, 50342, 50348, 50353, 50356, 50358, 50360, 50361, 50378, 50383, 50385, 50387, 50389, 50391, 50392, 50394, 50408, 50412, 50418, 50420, 50422, 50424, 50428, 50433, 50435, 50438, 50440, 50444, 50447, 50452, 50454, 50456, 50463, 50466, 50468, 50472, 50475, 50477, 50480, 50482, 50484, 50487, 50489, 50492, 50494, 50496, 50498, 50501, 50503, 50506, 50508, 50510, 50512, 50515, 50520, 50522, 50524, 50526, 50529, 50531, 50534, 50536, 50538, 50540, 50543, 50546, 50549, 50551, 50554, 50556, 50559, 50562, 50564, 50566, 50568, 50571, 50573, 50576, 50578, 50581, 50583, 50588, 50591, 50593, 50595, 50597, 50600, 50602, 50605, 50607, 50609, 50611, 50616, 50620, 50623, 50626, 50628, 50632, 50635, 50638, 50640, 50684, 50688, 50690, 50695, 50702, 50704, 50707, 50709, 50712, 50714, 50717, 50722, 50724, 50726, 50731, 50736, 50742, 50744, 50757, 50762, 50764, 50769, 50772, 50786, 50790, 50797, 50802, 50805, 50812, 50912, 50927, 50929, 50963, 50969, 50989, 51001, 51003, 51005, 51007, 51009, 51014, 51016, 51018, 51021, 51027, 51029, 51033, 51036, 51041, 51045, 51052, 51057, 51064, 51067, 51069, 51071, 51073, 51076, 51078, 51081, 51083, 51085, 51087, 51090, 51092, 51095, 51097, 51099, 51101, 51104, 51107, 51110, 51112, 51114, 51116, 51119, 51121, 51124, 51126, 51128, 51133, 51145, 51150, 51159, 51161, 51164, 51166, 51168, 51170, 51173, 51175, 51179, 51182, 51185, 51187, 51191, 51194, 51197, 51199, 51206, 51209, 51211, 51215, 51218, 51231, 51237, 51241, 51244, 51247, 51249, 51252, 51254, 51256, 51258, 51266, 51268, 51271, 51273, 51285, 51293, 51298, 51304, 51312, 51338, 51341, 51345, 51351, 51356, 51365, 51370, 51481, 51488, 51505, 51506, 51509, 51511, 51513, 51514, 51517, 51519, 51521, 51522, 51525, 51527, 51529, 51531, 51532, 51535, 51537, 51541, 51543, 51545, 51547, 51549, 51551, 51553, 51555, 51557, 51559, 51561, 51563, 51565, 51567, 51569, 51571, 51573, 51575, 51577, 51579, 51581, 51583, 51585, 51587, 51589, 51591, 51593, 51596, 51598, 51601, 51603, 51605, 51607, 51610, 51613, 51615, 51617, 51619, 51621, 51624, 51627, 51629, 51631, 51634, 51636, 51639, 51641, 51643, 51645, 51648, 51650, 51655, 51657, 51659, 51662, 51664, 51667, 51669, 51671, 51673, 51676, 51678, 51681, 51683, 51686, 51688, 51691, 51694, 51697, 51699, 51701, 51704, 51706, 51710, 51713, 51716, 51718, 51722, 51725, 51728, 51730, 51734, 51737, 51740, 51743, 51747, 51750, 51753, 51762, 51767, 51774, 51777, 51782, 51786, 51789, 51794, 51797, 51799, 51808, 51811, 51817, 51820, 51825, 51828, 51833, 51836, 51838, 51847, 51849, 51854, 51856, 51861, 51869, 51871, 51882, 51885, 51890, 51893, 51895, 51907, 51909, 51914, 51931, 51933, 51936, 52066, 52070, 52085, 52093, 52097, 52099, 52102, 52104, 52106, 52108, 52110, 52116, 52122, 52130, 52136, 52138, 52142, 52146, 52148, 52150, 52152, 52154, 52156, 52158, 52160, 52162, 52164, 52166, 52168, 52170, 52172, 52174, 52178, 52180, 52182, 52184, 52186, 52190, 52192, 52196, 52202, 52206, 52212, 52214, 52239, 52241, 52243, 52245, 52248, 52250, 52255, 52257, 52259, 52262, 52264, 52269, 52271, 52274, 52277, 52280, 52284, 52286, 52289, 52291, 52294, 52296, 52298, 52300, 52303, 52305, 52308, 52310, 52312, 52314, 52317, 52319, 52323, 52326, 52329, 52331, 52335, 52338, 52341, 52343, 52347, 52350, 52353, 52355, 52359, 52362, 52365, 52367, 52371, 52374, 52377, 52379, 52383, 52386, 52389, 52394, 52396, 52398, 52403, 52405, 52408, 52413, 52418, 52420, 52425, 52429, 52437, 52442, 52444, 52447, 52449, 52452, 52454, 52456, 52458, 52461, 52466, 52473, 52476, 52478, 52481, 52483, 52490, 52499, 52504, 52506) GROUP BY eventid ORDER BY eventdate ASC OPTION

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Mainpiece Title: Speculation

Afterpiece Title: The Farmer

Dance: As17951125


Mainpiece Title: Speculation

Afterpiece Title: The Irish Mimick

Dance: As17951125


Mainpiece Title: Speculation

Afterpiece Title: The Agreeable Surprise

Dance: As17951125


Mainpiece Title: Speculation

Afterpiece Title: The Irish Mimick

Dance: As17951125


Mainpiece Title: King Henry The Fourth, First Part

Afterpiece Title: The Flitch of Bacon


Mainpiece Title: Speculation

Afterpiece Title: The Agreeable Surprise

Dance: As17951125


Mainpiece Title: Speculation

Afterpiece Title: Marian

Dance: As17951125


Mainpiece Title: King Henry The Fourth, First Part

Afterpiece Title: Oscar and Malvina


Mainpiece Title: King Henry The Fourth, First Part

Afterpiece Title: Oscar and Malvina


Mainpiece Title: Speculation

Afterpiece Title: Sprigs of Laurel

Dance: As17951125


Mainpiece Title: Speculation

Afterpiece Title: Oscar and Malvina


Mainpiece Title: Speculation

Afterpiece Title: Merry Sherwood


Mainpiece Title: Speculation

Afterpiece Title: Merry Sherwood


Mainpiece Title: King Henry The Fourth, First Part

Afterpiece Title: Merry Sherwood


Mainpiece Title: Speculation

Afterpiece Title: Merry Sherwood


Mainpiece Title: Speculation

Afterpiece Title: Merry Sherwood


Mainpiece Title: King Henry The Fourth, First Part

Afterpiece Title: Merry Sherwood


Mainpiece Title: Speculation

Afterpiece Title: Merry Sherwood


Mainpiece Title: Speculation

Afterpiece Title: Merry Sherwood


Mainpiece Title: The Way To Get Married

Role: Waiter Actor: Curties

Afterpiece Title: The Poor Soldier


Mainpiece Title: The Way To Get Married

Role: Waiter Actor: Curties

Afterpiece Title: Merry Sherwood


Mainpiece Title: The Way To Get Married

Role: Waiter Actor: Curties

Afterpiece Title: Merry Sherwood


Mainpiece Title: The Way To Get Married

Role: Waiter Actor: Curties

Afterpiece Title: Merry Sherwood


Mainpiece Title: The Way To Get Married

Role: Waiter Actor: Curties

Afterpiece Title: The Poor Sailor

Dance: As17951002


Mainpiece Title: The Way To Get Married

Role: Waiter Actor: Curties

Afterpiece Title: The Flitch of Bacon