SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE eventid IN (37822, 37834, 37848, 37901, 37910, 37952, 38054, 38059, 38154, 38212, 38218, 38223, 38225, 38235, 38237, 38246, 38251, 38263, 38271, 38279, 38283, 38285, 38289, 38290, 38297, 38300, 38302, 38303, 38306, 38307, 38308, 38311, 38363, 38858, 38870, 38876, 38899, 38901, 38903, 38904, 38906, 38908, 38910, 38912, 38914, 38916, 38920, 38924, 38926, 38928, 38932, 38934, 38939, 38944, 38948, 38951, 38953, 38958, 38960, 38965, 38970, 38982, 38995, 39000, 39003, 39006, 39008, 39015, 39017, 39022, 39024, 39026, 39028, 39032, 39034, 39036, 39038, 39041, 39043, 39045, 39047, 39049, 39051, 39054, 39056, 39058, 39060, 39065, 39067, 39072, 39074, 39076, 39078, 39083, 39086, 39088, 39090, 39095, 39098, 39104, 39114, 39121, 39123, 39137, 39142, 39146, 39149, 39151, 39163, 39165, 39177, 39181, 39199, 39202, 39210, 39225, 39228, 39234, 39242, 39250, 39253, 39262, 39265, 39268, 39270, 39273, 39293, 39296, 39298, 39301, 39303, 39306, 39308, 39312, 39315, 39317, 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Mainpiece Title: King Richard The Third

Role: Lord Stanley Actor: Chaplin

Afterpiece Title: The Quaker


Mainpiece Title: The First Part Of King Henry The Fourth

Role: Douglas Actor: Chaplin

Afterpiece Title: The Quaker

Dance: End II: Comic Dance-the Miss Stageldoirs


Mainpiece Title: The First Part Of King Henry The Fourth

Role: Douglas Actor: Chaplin

Afterpiece Title: The Quaker

Dance: As17771009


Mainpiece Title: Cymbeline

Role: French Gentleman Actor: Chaplin

Afterpiece Title: Bon Ton; or, High Life above Stairs

Dance: II: Masquerade Scene with Dancing-Burton, Henry, Mrs Marklew; End III: Rural Grace, as17771002

Song: II: Masquerade Scene song-Miss Abrams


Mainpiece Title: Tamerlane

Role: Haly Actor: Chaplin

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin's Invasion

Song: IV: the original song To thee oh gentle sleep-Miss Abrams


Mainpiece Title: The First Part Of King Henry The Fourth

Role: Douglas Actor: Chaplin

Afterpiece Title: Bon Ton

Dance: As17771009


Mainpiece Title: The First Part Of King Henry The Fourth

Role: Douglas Actor: Chaplin

Afterpiece Title: The Elopement


Afterpiece Title: High Life below Stairs

Dance: IV: Rural Grace, as17771002 II afterpiece: a Mock Minuet-Palmer, Miss Pope. [This was danced, as here assigned, in both subsequent performances.


Mainpiece Title: Braganza

Role: Lemos Actor: Chaplin

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin's Invasion


Mainpiece Title: The First Part Of King Henry The Fourth

Role: Douglas Actor: Chaplin

Afterpiece Title: High Life below Stairs

Dance: As17771009


Mainpiece Title: King John

Role: Heralds Actor: Chaplin, Wright

Afterpiece Title: The Deuce is in Him


Mainpiece Title: King John

Role: Heralds Actor: Chaplin, Wright

Afterpiece Title: The Quaker


Mainpiece Title: As You Like It

Role: Duke Frederick Actor: Chaplin

Afterpiece Title: High Life below Stairs

Dance: End I: Rural Grace, as17771002

Song: V: song-Miss Abrams


Mainpiece Title: The First Part Of King Henry The Fourth

Role: Douglas Actor: Chaplin

Afterpiece Title: The Quaker

Dance: As17771111


Afterpiece Title: Daphne and Amintor


Afterpiece Title: Comus


Afterpiece Title: The Waterman


Afterpiece Title: Comus


Afterpiece Title: Harlequin's Invasion

Dance: IV: Rural Grace, as17771002


Mainpiece Title: The First Part Of King Henry The Fourth

Role: Douglas Actor: Chaplin

Afterpiece Title: The Deserter

Dance: As17771111

Song: In afterpiece: by Desire, Oh what a charming thing's a battle-Bannister


Mainpiece Title: King John

Role: Heralds Actor: Chaplin, Wright

Afterpiece Title: Queen Mab

Role: Farmer Actor: Chaplin


Mainpiece Title: Every Man In His Humour

Afterpiece Title: Queen Mab

Role: Farmer Actor: Chaplin


Mainpiece Title: Twelfth Night

Afterpiece Title: Queen Mab

Role: Farmer Actor: Chaplin

Dance: As17771018