SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE eventid IN (37822, 37834, 37848, 37901, 37910, 37952, 38054, 38059, 38154, 38212, 38218, 38223, 38225, 38235, 38237, 38246, 38251, 38263, 38271, 38279, 38283, 38285, 38289, 38290, 38297, 38300, 38302, 38303, 38306, 38307, 38308, 38311, 38363, 38858, 38870, 38876, 38899, 38901, 38903, 38904, 38906, 38908, 38910, 38912, 38914, 38916, 38920, 38924, 38926, 38928, 38932, 38934, 38939, 38944, 38948, 38951, 38953, 38958, 38960, 38965, 38970, 38982, 38995, 39000, 39003, 39006, 39008, 39015, 39017, 39022, 39024, 39026, 39028, 39032, 39034, 39036, 39038, 39041, 39043, 39045, 39047, 39049, 39051, 39054, 39056, 39058, 39060, 39065, 39067, 39072, 39074, 39076, 39078, 39083, 39086, 39088, 39090, 39095, 39098, 39104, 39114, 39121, 39123, 39137, 39142, 39146, 39149, 39151, 39163, 39165, 39177, 39181, 39199, 39202, 39210, 39225, 39228, 39234, 39242, 39250, 39253, 39262, 39265, 39268, 39270, 39273, 39293, 39296, 39298, 39301, 39303, 39306, 39308, 39312, 39315, 39317, 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Mainpiece Title: The Fair Quaker

Afterpiece Title: The Deserter

Dance: Grand Naval Review, As17761109; End I afterpiece: a Hornpipe-Walker

Song: As17761109

Entertainment: Monologue. End: Bucks have at ye All-R. Palmer


Mainpiece Title: The School For Scandal

Role: Gentlemen Actor: R. Palmer, Norris, Chaplin

Afterpiece Title: The Mayor of Garratt

Role: Oswald Actor: Chaplin


Mainpiece Title: The School For Scandal

Role: Gentlemen Actor: R. Palmer, Norris, Chaplin

Afterpiece Title: The Deserter

Role: Soldiers Actor: Legg, Kear, Griffiths, Chaplin, Follett


Mainpiece Title: The School For Scandal

Role: Gentlemen Actor: R. Palmer, Norris, Chaplin

Afterpiece Title: All the World's a Stage


Mainpiece Title: The School For Scandal

Role: Gentlemen Actor: R. Palmer, Norris, Chaplin

Afterpiece Title: All the World's a Stage


Mainpiece Title: The School For Scandal

Role: Gentlemen Actor: R. Palmer, Norris, Chaplin

Afterpiece Title: Miss in her Teens


Mainpiece Title: The School For Scandal

Role: Gentlemen Actor: R. Palmer, Norris, Chaplin

Afterpiece Title: The Waterman


Mainpiece Title: The Committee

Afterpiece Title: The Deserter

Role: Soldiers Actor: Legg, Kear, Griffiths, Chaplin, Follett

Dance: End I: The Corn Thrashers, as17770419; End II: a Hornpipe-Master Staples (scholar of Blurton)

Ballet: End: The Wapping Landlady. Jack in Distress-Blurton; Wapping Landlady-Mr Griffiths; Orange Woman-Mrs Sutton


Mainpiece Title: The School For Scandal

Role: Gentlemen Actor: R. Palmer, Norris, Chaplin

Afterpiece Title: May Day


Mainpiece Title: The School For Scandal

Role: Gentlemen Actor: R. Palmer, Norris, Chaplin

Afterpiece Title: The Devil to Pay


Mainpiece Title: The School For Scandal

Role: Gentlemen Actor: R. Palmer, Norris, Chaplin

Afterpiece Title: All the World's a Stage


Mainpiece Title: The School For Scandal

Role: Gentlemen Actor: R. Palmer, Norris, Chaplin

Afterpiece Title: The Irish Widow


Mainpiece Title: The School For Scandal

Role: Gentlemen Actor: R. Palmer, Norris, Chaplin

Afterpiece Title: The Deserter

Role: Soldiers Actor: Legg, Kear, Griffiths, Chaplin, Follett


Mainpiece Title: The School For Scandal

Role: Gentlemen Actor: R. Palmer, Norris, Chaplin

Afterpiece Title: May Day


Mainpiece Title: The School For Scandal

Role: Gentlemen Actor: R. Palmer, Norris, Chaplin

Afterpiece Title: The Devil to Pay


Mainpiece Title: The School For Scandal

Role: Gentlemen Actor: R. Palmer, Norris, Chaplin

Afterpiece Title: All the World's a Stage


Mainpiece Title: The School For Scandal

Role: Gentlemen Actor: R. Palmer, Norris, Chaplin

Afterpiece Title: The Waterman


Mainpiece Title: The School For Scandal

Role: Gentlemen Actor: R. Palmer, Norris, Chaplin

Afterpiece Title: St Helena


Mainpiece Title: The School For Scandal

Role: Gentlemen Actor: R. Palmer, Norris, Chaplin

Afterpiece Title: The Padlock


Mainpiece Title: The School For Scandal

Role: Gentlemen Actor: R. Palmer, Norris, Chaplin

Afterpiece Title: The Deserter

Role: Soldiers Actor: Legg, Kear, Griffiths, Chaplin, Follett


Mainpiece Title: The School For Scandal

Role: Gentlemen Actor: R. Palmer, Norris, Chaplin

Afterpiece Title: Miss in her Teens


Mainpiece Title: George Barnwell

Afterpiece Title: The Mayor of Garratt

Role: Oswald Actor: Chaplin

Dance: As17761214

Song: In I: song-Miss Abrams


Mainpiece Title: The School For Scandal

Role: Gentlemen Actor: R. Palmer, Norris, Chaplin

Afterpiece Title: The Padlock


Afterpiece Title: All the World's a Stage

Dance: I: Dance of Spirits-Miss Armstrong; III: Dance of Fantastic Spirits-; [These were danced, as here assigned, in all subsequent performances.] V: a Ballet, Demie Caractere, composed by Gallet, The Double Festival-Gallet, Slingsby, Miss Armstrong, Sga Dupre


Mainpiece Title: King Richard The Third

Role: Lord Stanley Actor: Chaplin

Afterpiece Title: The Quaker