SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE eventid IN (37822, 37834, 37848, 37901, 37910, 37952, 38054, 38059, 38154, 38212, 38218, 38223, 38225, 38235, 38237, 38246, 38251, 38263, 38271, 38279, 38283, 38285, 38289, 38290, 38297, 38300, 38302, 38303, 38306, 38307, 38308, 38311, 38363, 38858, 38870, 38876, 38899, 38901, 38903, 38904, 38906, 38908, 38910, 38912, 38914, 38916, 38920, 38924, 38926, 38928, 38932, 38934, 38939, 38944, 38948, 38951, 38953, 38958, 38960, 38965, 38970, 38982, 38995, 39000, 39003, 39006, 39008, 39015, 39017, 39022, 39024, 39026, 39028, 39032, 39034, 39036, 39038, 39041, 39043, 39045, 39047, 39049, 39051, 39054, 39056, 39058, 39060, 39065, 39067, 39072, 39074, 39076, 39078, 39083, 39086, 39088, 39090, 39095, 39098, 39104, 39114, 39121, 39123, 39137, 39142, 39146, 39149, 39151, 39163, 39165, 39177, 39181, 39199, 39202, 39210, 39225, 39228, 39234, 39242, 39250, 39253, 39262, 39265, 39268, 39270, 39273, 39293, 39296, 39298, 39301, 39303, 39306, 39308, 39312, 39315, 39317, 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Mainpiece Title: The Spanish Fryar

Role: Alphonso Actor: Chaplin

Afterpiece Title: The Devil to Pay

Dance: A Tambourine Dance-


Mainpiece Title: The Commissary

Afterpiece Title: Cross Purposes

Role: Francis Actor: Chaplin

Dance: The Haymakers-


Mainpiece Title: The Beaux Stratagem

Role: Sir Charles Actor: Chaplin

Afterpiece Title: The Lyar

Entertainment: Imitations, Vocal and Rhetorical-Bannister


Mainpiece Title: The Old Batchelor

Entertainment: Imitations, Vocal and Rhetorical-Bannister


Mainpiece Title: The Busy Body

Afterpiece Title: The Tobacconist

Role: Knowlife Actor: Chaplin

Entertainment: End I of Farce: Imitations Vocal and Rhetorical-Bannister

Monologue: End: A Scene from The Register Office. Gulwell-Lloyd; Little Girl-Miss Frances; new character-Mrs Gardner


Mainpiece Title: The Beggar's Opera

Role: Mat Actor: Chaplin

Afterpiece Title: The Tobacconist

Role: Knowlife Actor: Chaplin

Monologue: Interlude: Scene from The Register Office. Gulwell-Lloyd; Little Girl-Miss Frances; New Character-Mrs Gardner

Entertainment: Imitations Vocal and Rhetorical-Bannister


Mainpiece Title: Love In A Village

Afterpiece Title: The Tobacconist

Role: Knowlife Actor: Chaplin

Entertainment: A Variety of New TheatricalImitations-Hutton

Song: End Opera: Several celebrated Catches and Glees by Dr Arne-


Mainpiece Title: The Beggar's Opera

Role: Mat Actor: Chaplin

Afterpiece Title: A Duke and no Duke

Role: Alberto Actor: Chaplin

Entertainment: End Opera: The Cries of London-Shuter


Mainpiece Title: New Brooms

Afterpiece Title: Matilda

Role: Oswald Actor: Chaplin

Afterpiece Title: The Mayor of Garratt


Mainpiece Title: The Fair Penitent

Afterpiece Title: The Mayor of Garratt

Role: Oswald Actor: Chaplin


Mainpiece Title: Twelfth Night

Dance: End II: Slingsby's Grand Ballet, The Savage Hunters-Slingsby, Helme (1st appearance on this stage), Grimaldi, Giorgi, Blurton, Sga Crespi, Sga Vidini, Sga Ricci (1st appearance upon the English stage)


Mainpiece Title: The Conscious Lovers

Role: Humphrey Actor: Chaplin

Song: II: Mrs Scott


Mainpiece Title: Cymbeline

Dance: In II: a Masquerade Scene, with Dancing-Giorgi, Henry, Mrs Sutton; In: The Savage Hunters, as17761024

Song: In II: Masquerade Scene Singing-Mrs Scott


Mainpiece Title: The Runaway

Dance: In: The Savage Hunters, as17761024, but _Helme, Prelot


Mainpiece Title: Tamerlane

Role: Haly Actor: Chaplin

Song: In IV: To Thee Oh gentle sleep-Miss Abrams


Mainpiece Title: The Gamesters

Dance: End II: The Savage Hunters-Slingsby, Helme, Giorgi, Blurton, Sga Crespi, Sga Vidini, Sga Ricci