SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE eventid IN (47468, 47476, 47477, 47488, 47496, 47498, 47500, 47504, 47516, 47518, 47522, 47524, 47526, 47528, 47532, 47534, 47538, 47542, 47544, 47546, 47548, 47550, 47554, 47556, 47569, 47574, 47576, 47579, 47583, 47585, 47588, 47592, 47622, 47632, 47638, 47650, 47652, 47654, 47671, 47675, 47692, 47699, 47706, 47713, 47723, 47728, 47748, 47751, 47758, 47763, 47773, 47778, 47781, 47786, 47788, 47791, 47793, 47796, 47799, 47804, 47809, 47814, 47829, 47854, 47859, 47868, 47871, 47889, 47891, 47901, 47905, 47908, 47911, 48003, 48011, 48013, 48018, 48021, 48022, 48025, 48035, 48040, 48042, 48046, 48048, 48050, 48052, 48054, 48056, 48058, 48060, 48063, 48065, 48067, 48069, 48081, 48083, 48085, 48087, 48089, 48092, 48094, 48096, 48098, 48100, 48102, 48108, 48112, 48114, 48118, 48120, 48122, 48124, 48128, 48136, 48141, 48143, 48145, 48147, 48149, 48153, 48155, 48157, 48159, 48161, 48165, 48169, 48173, 48175, 48181, 48183, 48185, 48205, 48208, 48210, 48215, 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Mainpiece Title: At King's The Pirates

Afterpiece Title: Miss in her Teens


Mainpiece Title: At King's The Pirates

Afterpiece Title: Bon Ton


Mainpiece Title: At King's The Pirates

Afterpiece Title: The Virgin Unmask'd


Mainpiece Title: At King's The Pirates

Afterpiece Title: The Humourist


Mainpiece Title: At King's The Pirates

Afterpiece Title: Katharine and Petruchio


Mainpiece Title: At King's The Pirates

Afterpiece Title: The First Floor


Mainpiece Title: At King's The Inconstant

Afterpiece Title: Richard Coeur de Lion

Role: Florestan Actor: Caulfield


Mainpiece Title: At King's The Pirates

Afterpiece Title: The Mayor of Garratt


Mainpiece Title: At King's The Belle's Stratagem

Role: Gentlemen Actor: Phillimore, Cooke, Caulfield

Afterpiece Title: Richard Coeur de Lion

Role: Florestan Actor: Caulfield


Mainpiece Title: At King's Artaxerxes

Role: Rimenes Actor: Caulfield

Afterpiece Title: Miss in her Teens


Mainpiece Title: At King's The Tempest; Or, The Enchanted Island

Afterpiece Title: The Prisoner

Song: Vocal Parts-Kelly, Dignum, Danby [Public Advertiser: Caulfield], Cooke, Mrs Bland, Miss DeCamp, Mrs Edwards, Mrs Shaw

Opera: V: Masque of Neptune and Amphitrite. Neptune-Caulfield; Amphitrite-Mrs Edwards

Role: Neptune Actor: Caulfield


Mainpiece Title: At King's The Pirates

Afterpiece Title: The Doctor and Apothecary


Mainpiece Title: At King's Artaxerxes

Role: Rimenes Actor: Caulfield

Afterpiece Title: The Farm House


Mainpiece Title: At King's The Heiress

Afterpiece Title: Richard Coeur de Lion

Role: Florestan Actor: Caulfield

Song: Probably as17921016


Mainpiece Title: At King's The Pirates

Afterpiece Title: The Cheats of Scapin


Mainpiece Title: At King's Much Ado About Nothing

Role: Conrade Actor: Caulfield

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin's Invasion

Song: As17921102

Dance: As17921102; In afterpiece: Dances-the D'Egvilles, Menage, Chatterley, Webb, Melvin, Phillips, Bourk, Bidotti, Whitmell, Walker, Nokes, Keys, Miss Menage, the Miss D'Egvilles, Miss Phillips, Miss A. DeCamp, Miss Menage Jun., Miss Smith, Miss Haskey, Miss Whitmell, Mrs Brooker, Mrs Haskey, Mrs Brigg, Mrs Harris, Mrs Barrett, Mrs Bourk


Mainpiece Title: At King's Othello

Role: Messenger ] Actor: Caulfield

Afterpiece Title: The Patron


Mainpiece Title: At King's The Pirates

Afterpiece Title: The Cheats of Scapin


Mainpiece Title: At King's The Grecian Daughter

Role: Arcas Actor: Caulfield

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin's Invasion

Dance: In afterpiece: Dances, as17921227


Mainpiece Title: At King's The Pirates

Afterpiece Title: Who's the Dupe


Mainpiece Title: At King's The Pirates

Afterpiece Title: Tit for Tat


Mainpiece Title: At King's Douglas

Role: Officer Actor: Caulfield

Afterpiece Title: The Cheats of Scapin


Mainpiece Title: At King's The Pirates

Afterpiece Title: The Divorce


Mainpiece Title: At King's The Regent

Role: Diego Actor: Caulfield

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin's Invasion

Dance: In afterpiece: Dances, as17921227


Mainpiece Title: At King's The Belle's Stratagem

Role: Gentlemen Actor: Phillimore, Cooke, Caulfield

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin's Invasion

Dance: In afterpiece: Dances, as17921227