SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE eventid IN (1517, 1734, 4977, 9194, 10399, 17770, 19690, 19692, 19694, 19696, 19698, 19700, 19702, 19704, 19706, 19708, 19720, 19726, 19740, 19750, 19758, 19762, 19767, 19771, 19785, 19809, 19816, 19833, 19846, 19866, 19875, 19889, 19900, 27776, 28077, 28095, 28226, 28259, 28261, 28264, 28266, 28272, 28276, 28284, 28298, 28396, 28401, 28407, 28417, 28420, 28425, 28429, 28477, 28510, 28522, 28530, 28537, 28555, 28562, 28564, 28646, 28661, 28695, 28724, 28734, 28741, 28842, 28968, 28994, 28996, 29162, 29208, 29231, 29238, 29240, 29247, 29355, 29373, 29446, 29516, 29519, 29521, 29724, 29831, 29852, 29854, 29858, 29860, 29862, 29865, 29869, 29871, 29875, 29878, 29882, 29884, 29887, 29889, 29891, 29893, 29900, 29904, 29906, 29908, 29913, 29915, 29935, 29942, 29953, 29957, 29959, 29963, 29970, 29982, 29984, 29992, 29998, 30029, 30060, 30089, 30099, 30101, 30107, 30109, 30112, 30117, 30133, 30138, 30318, 30336, 30370, 30377, 30380, 30394, 30398, 30406, 30421, 30425, 30449, 30476, 30480, 30482, 30485, 30487, 30490, 30494, 30497, 30499, 30503, 30579, 30647, 30654, 30683, 30685, 30792, 30841, 30844, 30846, 30848, 30850, 30853, 30855, 30857, 30859, 30863, 30866, 30868, 30871, 30873, 30875, 30877, 30879, 30881, 30883, 30885, 30887, 30889, 30892, 30901, 30903, 30906, 30908, 30911, 30913, 30915, 30917, 30920, 30923, 30925, 30927, 30929, 30931, 30934, 30936, 30938, 30941, 30943, 30945, 30948, 30951, 30953, 30957, 30959, 30962, 30965, 30970, 30972, 30974, 30977, 30982, 30984, 30988, 30992, 30994, 30996, 30999, 31002, 31004, 31006, 31008, 31010, 31013, 31020, 31024, 31027, 31029, 31032, 31034, 31038, 31044, 31046, 31067, 31073, 31080, 31095, 31098, 31107, 31121, 31127, 31132, 31140, 31145, 31166, 31177, 31180, 31209, 31217, 31232, 31242, 31246, 31248, 31252, 31256, 31260, 31262, 31267, 31278, 31336, 31347, 31371, 31379, 31383, 31385, 31388, 31392, 31400, 31402, 31404, 31408, 31414, 31420, 31431, 31444, 31446, 31458, 31460, 31497, 31509, 31532, 31559, 31568, 31572, 31586, 31590, 31595, 31603, 31624, 31646, 31672, 31681, 31685, 31704, 31714, 31724, 31732, 31743, 31750, 31759, 31770, 31772, 31830, 31832, 31834, 31842, 31846, 31872, 31894, 31922, 31924, 31928, 31931, 31936, 31938, 31942, 31954, 31956, 31961, 31975, 31980, 31986, 32006, 32029, 32046, 32050, 32058, 32062, 32064, 32087, 32089, 32096, 32122, 32129, 32153, 32159, 32196, 32222, 32230, 32241, 32253, 32255, 32257, 32318, 32331, 32333, 32337, 32343, 32345, 32351, 32371, 32375, 32385, 32389, 32396, 32404, 32406, 32420, 32440, 32445, 32448, 32451, 32453, 32455, 32458, 32460, 32465, 32467, 32476, 32482, 32491, 32496, 32515, 32522, 32527, 32529, 32620, 32640, 32665, 32692, 32707, 32709, 32714, 32723, 32725, 32742, 32749, 32751, 32812, 32833, 32837, 32843, 32845, 32849, 32865, 32869, 32871, 32887, 32889, 32897, 32923, 32925, 32929, 32934, 32938, 32943, 32945, 32948, 32950, 32961, 32995, 33000, 33004, 33006, 33009, 33013, 33023, 33048, 33065, 33085, 33098, 33117, 33122, 33125, 33132, 33142, 33157, 33164, 33167, 33173, 33180, 33184, 33259, 33261, 33263, 33266, 33268, 33270, 33272, 33274, 33278, 33282, 33284, 33292, 33296, 33301, 33305, 33307, 33310, 33321, 33326, 33331, 33337, 33340, 33351, 33354, 33356, 33359, 33361, 33363, 33365, 33368, 33370, 33373, 33375, 33377, 33379, 33396, 33403, 33407, 33419, 33426, 33429, 33431, 33434, 33436, 33444, 33447, 33449, 33452, 33490, 33495, 33499, 33502, 33504, 33507, 33509, 33511, 33513, 33516, 33518, 33537, 33551, 33555, 33573, 33577, 33590, 33593, 33614, 33639, 33641, 33643, 33645, 33665, 33668, 33679, 33686, 33714, 33716, 49924, 49926, 49929, 49931, 49933, 49935, 49938, 49940, 49943, 49945, 49947, 49949, 49952, 49954, 49957, 49959, 49961, 49966, 49968, 49971, 49978, 49992, 50099, 50113, 50116, 50163, 50193, 50195) GROUP BY eventid ORDER BY eventdate ASC OPTION

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Mainpiece Title: The Restoration; Or, Right Will Take Place


Mainpiece Title: Dido And Aeneas


Mainpiece Title: The Spanish Fryar

Afterpiece Title: Hanging and Marriage; or, The Dead Man's Wedding

Role: Countrymen Actor: Morgan, Buck


Mainpiece Title: Oedipus, King Of Thebes

Role: Haemon Actor: Buck

Dance: Haughton, Mrs Ogden, James, Mrs Haughton; End II: particulary Tollet's Grounds-Mrs Haughton, Mrs Ogden; End IV: French Peasant-; End V: Swedish Dale Karl-Haughton, Mrs Ogden


Dance: I: Grand Ballet-Mlle Roland the Elder, Villeneuve, Desse, Richardson, Delagarde, Mrs Rogers, Mrs LeBrun, Mrs Ozanne, Mrs Villeneuve; V: Tambourine Dance called La Badinage de Provence-Poitier, Mlle Roland

Ballet: III: The Reprizal; or, Titt for Tatt. Miller-Poitier; His Wife-Mlle Roland the Elder; Coquette-Miss Oates


Afterpiece Title: Apollo and Daphne

Dance: I: Glover's Grand Ballet-Mlle Roland Sr; III: Sailor and Mistress-Poitier, Mlle Roland Jr; IV: Tambourine called La Badinage-Poitier, Mlle Roland

Ballet: II: The Reprizal. As17391015


Dance: I: Glover's Grand Ballet-Mlle Roland Ynger; III: English Sailor and Mistress-Glover, Mlle Roland the Younger, to the tune of To Arms and Britons, Strike Home; V: La Badinage de Provence-Poitier, Mlle Roland

Ballet: II: The Reprizal. As17391015


Dance: I: Desse, Miss Oates; III: Comic Ballet-Villeneuve, Miss Oates; IV: La Badinage de Provence-Poitier, Mlle Roland; V: The Kilkenny-Glover, the Younger Mlle Roland

Ballet: II: The Reprizal. As17391015


Dance: I: Desse, Miss Oates; III: Comic Ballet-Villeneuve, Miss Oates; IV: La Badinage de Provence-Poitier, Mlle Roland; V: Kilkenny-Glover, the Younger Mlle Roland

Ballet: II: The Reprizal. As17391015


Dance: I: Faithful Lovers-Desse, Miss Oates; II: Grand Ballet-Mlle Roland Elder; III: Comic Ballet-Villeneuve, Miss Oates; IV: Le Badinage de Provence-Poitier, Mlle Roland; V: Kilkenny-Glover, Mlle Roland Ynger


Dance: I: Faithful Lovers-Desse, Miss Oates; II: Richardson, Miss Rogers; III: Comic Ballet-Villeneuve, Miss Oates; IV: Je ne scay quoi-Villeneuve, Richardson, Miss Oates; V: Kilkenny-Glover, the Younger Mlle Roland


Dance: I: Richardson, Miss Rogers; II: Comic Ballet-Villeneuve, Miss Oates; IV: Je ne scay quoy-Villeneuve, Richardson, Miss Oates; V: Scots Dance-Glover, Mlle Roland Ynger


Dance: I: Je ne scay quoy, as17391201; III: Comic Ballet-Villeneuve, Miss Oates; IV: Le Badinage de Provence, as17391201; V: Grecian Sailors-Glover

Song: As17391201

Ballet: II: The Reprizal. As17391015