SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE eventid IN (287, 1136, 3808, 3839, 14711, 14734, 15479, 15480, 15482, 15487, 15762, 17910, 17917, 18163, 22073, 22541, 22699, 23551, 23555, 23595, 23626, 23667, 23670, 24295, 24299, 24301, 24302, 24303, 24304, 24305, 24306, 24308, 24309, 24310, 24311, 24312, 24313, 24315, 24316, 24824, 24827, 24828, 24829, 24830, 24831, 24832, 24833, 24834, 24835, 24836, 24837, 24838, 24839, 24840, 24841, 24842, 24843, 24844, 24845, 24846, 24847, 24848, 24849, 25142, 25153, 25185, 25310, 25313, 25316, 25322, 25326, 25724, 25735, 26475, 28822, 29551, 31822, 32269, 32273, 32274, 32275, 32276, 32277, 32278, 32279, 32281, 32282, 32283, 32285, 32287, 32290, 32292, 32294, 32295, 32297, 32298, 32299, 32303, 32304, 32309, 33684, 34251, 34304, 34308, 34688, 34696, 34719, 34866, 34870, 35212, 35245, 35384, 35591, 36182, 36185, 36187, 36189, 36191, 36194, 36196, 36198, 36200, 36202, 36204, 36207, 36209, 36211, 36213, 36215, 36218, 36220, 36222, 36224, 36226, 36228, 36233, 36283, 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Mainpiece Title: Cleone

Role: Isabella Actor: Miss Brown

Afterpiece Title: Lethe

Dance: Miss Burn


Mainpiece Title: The Beaux Stratagem

Role: Sullen Actor: Brown

Afterpiece Title: The Contented Cuckold

Dance: Master Clinton, Miss Street


Mainpiece Title: The Patron

Role: Staytape Actor: Brown


Mainpiece Title: The Patron

Afterpiece Title: The Mayor of Garratt

Dance: I: Sicilian Peasants-Master Rogier, Miss Valois; End: A new comic Dance, The Carpenter and the Fruit Dealer-Gherardi Jr, Master Clinton, Miss Street


Mainpiece Title: The Patron

Afterpiece Title: The Mayor of Garratt

Dance: As17640626, but order reversed%


Mainpiece Title: The Patron

Afterpiece Title: The Mayor of Garratt

Dance: I: Sicilian Peasants, as17640626 End: The Venetian Gardeners-Master Clinton, Miss Street


Mainpiece Title: The Patron

Afterpiece Title: The Mayor of Garratt

Dance: As17640629, but order reversed%


Mainpiece Title: The Patron

Afterpiece Title: The Mayor of Garratt

Dance: I: A new Tambourine Dance-Rogier, Miss Valois; End: The Venetian Gardeners, as17640629


Mainpiece Title: The Orators

Afterpiece Title: The Mayor of Garratt

Dance: As17640705, but order reversed%


Mainpiece Title: The Patron

Afterpiece Title: The Mayor of Garratt

Dance: I: The Dutchman and Provincials-Gherardi, Master Clinton, Miss Street; End: Tambourine Dance, as17640705


Mainpiece Title: The Patron

Afterpiece Title: The Citizen

Role: Dapper Actor: Brown


Mainpiece Title: The Minor

Role: Lucy Actor: Mrs Brown.

Afterpiece Title: The Mayor of Garratt

Dance: As17640710, but order reversed%


Mainpiece Title: The Minor

Role: Lucy Actor: Mrs Brown.

Afterpiece Title: The Citizen

Role: Dapper Actor: Brown

Dance: As17640710


Mainpiece Title: The Orators

Afterpiece Title: The Apprentice

Role: Gargle Actor: Brown
Role: Charlotte Actor: Mrs Brown.

Dance: I: The Sicilian Peasants, as17640626 End: The Dutchman-Gherardi, Master Clinton, Miss Street


Mainpiece Title: The Minor

Role: Lucy Actor: Mrs Brown.

Afterpiece Title: The Citizen

Role: Dapper Actor: Brown

Dance: I: Tambourine Dance, as17640705 End: The Carpenter and Fruit Dealer-Gherardi, Master Clinton, Miss Street


Mainpiece Title: The Lyar

Afterpiece Title: The Citizen

Role: Dapper Actor: Brown

Dance: End: The Shepherdess and the Faux Aveugle, as17640801


Mainpiece Title: The Lyar

Afterpiece Title: The Apprentice

Role: Gargle Actor: Brown
Role: Charlotte Actor: Mrs Brown.

Dance: As17640806, but order reversed


Mainpiece Title: The Minor

Role: Lucy Actor: Mrs Brown.

Afterpiece Title: The Citizen

Role: Dapper Actor: Brown

Dance: As17640806, but order reversed


Mainpiece Title: The Patron

Afterpiece Title: The Apprentice

Role: Gargle Actor: Brown
Role: Charlotte Actor: Mrs Brown.

Dance: TThe Dutchman and Provincials, as17640710 End: The Calabrian Peasants, as17640806


Mainpiece Title: The Rehearsal

Role: Drawcansir Actor: Brown
Role: Amaryllis Actor: Mrs Brown

Afterpiece Title: The Mayor of Garratt


Mainpiece Title: The Orators

Afterpiece Title: The Apprentice

Role: Gargle Actor: Brown
Role: Charlotte Actor: Mrs Brown.

Dance: As17640815, but order reversed


Mainpiece Title: The Minor

Role: Lucy Actor: Mrs Brown.

Afterpiece Title: The Citizen

Role: Dapper Actor: Brown

Dance: I: The Sicilian Peasants, as17640626 End: The Gypsey in a Village-Gherardi jun, Master Clinton, Miss Street


Mainpiece Title: Every Man In His Humour

Role: Cobb Actor: Brown

Afterpiece Title: Tragedy a la Mode

Dance: II: New Dance-Gherardi, Master Clinton, Miss Street; III: Hornpipe-Rogier

Song: IV: A young Gentleman, Mrs Weston, being their first Appearance


Mainpiece Title: The Minor

Role: Lucy Actor: Mrs Brown.

Afterpiece Title: The Citizen

Role: Dapper Actor: Brown

Dance: I: The Sicilian Peasants, as17640626 End: Hornpipe-Rogier


Mainpiece Title: The Minor

Role: Lucy Actor: Mrs Brown.

Afterpiece Title: The Apprentice

Role: Gargle Actor: Brown
Role: Charlotte Actor: Mrs Brown.

Dance: As17640911; End: The Sicilian Peasants, as17640626