SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE eventid IN (12403, 12414, 12417, 12452, 12465, 12467, 12469, 12549, 12706, 13425, 13593, 13595, 13657, 13663, 13677, 13797, 13801, 13809, 13812, 14090, 14102, 17355, 38881, 39689, 39777, 39814, 39842, 40357, 40463, 40699, 40749, 40803, 40940, 40955, 40988, 40993, 41129, 41333, 41459, 41556, 41988, 42282, 43683, 43747, 43833, 43928, 43941, 43947, 43949, 43952, 43955, 43958, 43966, 43973, 43976, 43978, 43980, 44470, 44474, 44502, 44505, 44513, 44516, 44520, 44531, 44537, 44540, 44551, 44640, 44661, 44681, 44683, 44685, 44689, 44693, 44697, 44702, 44827, 44843, 44846, 44848, 44852, 44866, 44912, 44914, 44916, 44921, 44951, 44960, 44988, 44994, 45010, 45012, 45017, 45036, 45136, 45151, 45153, 45155, 45157, 45163, 45168, 45172, 45173, 45177, 45179, 45185, 45189, 45191, 45193, 45195, 45203, 45205, 45207, 45211, 45213, 45215, 45217, 45221, 45223, 45225, 45229, 45233, 45239, 45243, 45247, 45251, 45254, 45256, 45261, 45263, 45265, 45268, 45270, 45275, 45279, 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Mainpiece Title: At King's The Heir At Law

Afterpiece Title: The Children in the Wood


Mainpiece Title: The Purse

Afterpiece Title: False and True

Afterpiece Title: Lock and Key


Mainpiece Title: Ways And Means

Afterpiece Title: Peeping Tom

Afterpiece Title: The Children in the Wood


Mainpiece Title: The Rivals

Afterpiece Title: Lock and Key


Mainpiece Title: Two Strings To Your Bow

Afterpiece Title: False and True

Afterpiece Title: The Children in the Wood


Mainpiece Title: The Castle-spectre

Afterpiece Title: The Children in the Wood


Mainpiece Title: The Castle-spectre

Afterpiece Title: The Children in the Wood


Mainpiece Title: The Merchant Of Venice

Afterpiece Title: The Children in the Wood


Mainpiece Title: A Bold Stroke For A Wife

Dance: In afterpiece: a Dance-Roffey, Whitmell, Wells, Male, Garman, W. Banks, Goodman, Gauron, Ms Brooker, Ms Daniels, Ms Brigg, Ms Byrne, Ms Vining, Ms Luciet, Ms Drake, Ms Riches; New Hornpipe-Sga Bossi DelCaro


Mainpiece Title: The Stranger

Music: As17980915

Dance: In: As17980915; In afterpiece: a Dance, as17981114; New Hornpipe, as17981114


Mainpiece Title: The Grecian Daughter

Dance: As17981114


Mainpiece Title: The Castle-spectre

Dance: As17981114


Mainpiece Title: King Richard The Third

Dance: As17981114


Mainpiece Title: The Wheel Of Fortune

Dance: As17981114


Mainpiece Title: The Stranger

Music: As17980915

Dance: As17980915; In afterpiece: a Dance, as17981114 New Hornpipe, as17981114


Mainpiece Title: The Young Quaker

Dance: As17981114


Mainpiece Title: The Stranger

Music: As17980915

Dance: As17980915; In afterpiece: a Dance, as17981114 New Hornpipe, as17981114


Mainpiece Title: The Castle-spectre

Dance: As17981114, but New Hornpipe-_


Mainpiece Title: The Beggar's Opera

Role: Dolly Trull Actor: Mrs Benson

Afterpiece Title: The Humourist

Dance: III: Hornpipe-Garman


Mainpiece Title: The Beggar's Opera

Role: Dolly Trull Actor: Mrs Benson

Afterpiece Title: The Spoil'd Child

Dance: As17981129


Mainpiece Title: A Word For Nature

Dance: a Dance, as17981114, but _Male, W. _Banks, Johnston; +New Hornpipe, as17981114


Mainpiece Title: A Word For Nature

Dance: As17981205


Mainpiece Title: The Beggar's Opera

Role: Dolly Trull Actor: Mrs Benson

Afterpiece Title: Sylvester Daggerwood

Dance: In III: as17981129

Ballet: End afterpiece: The Scotch Ghost. As17981206


Mainpiece Title: A Bold Stroke For A Wife

Dance: As17981205


Mainpiece Title: The Beggar's Opera

Afterpiece Title: The Children in the Wood

Dance: As17981129