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52596, 52597, 52598, 52599, 52601, 52609, 52611, 52615) GROUP BY eventid ORDER BY eventdate ASC OPTION

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Mainpiece Title: Edward The Black Prince

Role: Earl of Warwick Actor: Barrymore

Afterpiece Title: The Citizen

Dance: As17831020


Mainpiece Title: Edward The Black Prince

Role: Earl of Warwick Actor: Barrymore

Afterpiece Title: The Gentle Shepherd


Mainpiece Title: Hamlet

Role: Laertes Actor: Barrymore

Afterpiece Title: The Citizen


Mainpiece Title: Edward The Black Prince

Role: Earl of Warwick Actor: Barrymore

Afterpiece Title: Who's the Dupe

Dance: As17831020


Mainpiece Title: A School For Fathers

Role: Lionel Actor: Barrymore

Afterpiece Title: Robinson Crusoe

Dance: As17831009


Mainpiece Title: The Suspicious Husband

Afterpiece Title: Thomasand Sally

Role: Squire Actor: Barrymore

Dance: End of Act II of mainpiece, as17831018; Afterpiece to conclude with a Treble Hornpipe by Williamson, Mills, Miss Stageldoir


Mainpiece Title: King Richard The Third

Afterpiece Title: Thomasand Sally

Role: Squire Actor: Barrymore

Dance: Afterpiece to conclude as17831104


Mainpiece Title: The Busy Body

Role: Charles Actor: Barrymore

Afterpiece Title: Fortunatus

Dance: Afterpiece to conclude with a Dance by Second, Ferrere and the Miss Stageldoirs. [This was included, as here assigned, in all subsequent performances.]


Mainpiece Title: Hamlet

Role: Laertes Actor: Barrymore

Afterpiece Title: Comus


Mainpiece Title: The Lord Of The Manor

Role: Truemore Actor: Barrymore

Afterpiece Title: The Deaf Lover


Mainpiece Title: Wonder

Afterpiece Title: The Camp

Role: William Actor: Barrymore


Mainpiece Title: The Gamester

Afterpiece Title: Thomasand Sally

Role: Squire Actor: Barrymore

Dance: Afterpiece to conclude as17831104


Mainpiece Title: Hamlet

Role: Laertes Actor: Barrymore

Afterpiece Title: Fortunatus


Mainpiece Title: Rule A Wife And Have A Wife

Afterpiece Title: Comus


Mainpiece Title: Edward The Black Prince

Role: Earl of Warwick Actor: Barrymore

Afterpiece Title: Fortunatus


Mainpiece Title: The Metamorphosis

Role: Freeman Actor: Barrymore

Afterpiece Title: The Apprentice

Dance: End of Act II of mainpiece, as17831018; End of mainpiece, as17831204


Mainpiece Title: The Metamorphosis

Role: Freeman Actor: Barrymore

Afterpiece Title: Fortunatus

Dance: As17831204


Mainpiece Title: The Metamorphosis

Role: Freeman Actor: Barrymore

Afterpiece Title: The Citizen

Dance: End of Act II of mainpiece, as17831018; End of mainpiece, as17831204


Mainpiece Title: King John

Role: Dauphin Actor: Barrymore

Afterpiece Title: The Deaf Lover


Mainpiece Title: The West Indian

Afterpiece Title: The Camp

Role: William Actor: Barrymore


Mainpiece Title: King John

Role: Dauphin Actor: Barrymore

Afterpiece Title: The Lottery

Role: Lovemore Actor: Barrymore

Dance: End of mainpiece, as17831204


Mainpiece Title: King John

Role: Dauphin Actor: Barrymore

Afterpiece Title: Comus


Mainpiece Title: A School For Fathers

Role: Lionel Actor: Barrymore

Afterpiece Title: The Deaf Lover


Mainpiece Title: Hamlet

Role: Laertes Actor: Barrymore

Afterpiece Title: Fortunatus


Mainpiece Title: Edward The Black Prince

Role: Earl of Warwick Actor: Barrymore

Afterpiece Title: All the World's a Stage

Dance: As17831020