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Mainpiece Title: The Conscious Lovers

Role: Bevil Jun Actor: Wignell
Role: Lucinda Actor: Mrs Wignell

Afterpiece Title: The Lying Valet


Mainpiece Title: The Constant Couple

Role: Vizard Actor: Wignell
Role: Parly Actor: Mrs Wignell

Afterpiece Title: Flora


Mainpiece Title: The Provoked Husband

Role: Basset Actor: Wignell

Afterpiece Title: The Anatomist

Dance: As17461124; Hornpipe-Beaumont


Mainpiece Title: The Tempest

Role: Alonzo Actor: Wignell
Role: Miranda Actor: Mrs Wignell

Afterpiece Title: The Anatomist


Mainpiece Title: The Tragical History Of King Lear

Role: Albany Actor: Wignell

Afterpiece Title: Miss in Her Teens

Song: Brett

Dance: As17461124


Mainpiece Title: The Battle Of Poictiers; Or, The English Prince

Dance: As17461124


Mainpiece Title: The Funeral; Or, Grief A La Mode

Role: Brumpton Actor: Wignell

Afterpiece Title: Miss in Her Teens

Dance: As17461124


Mainpiece Title: The Battle Of Poictiers

Song: Brett

Dance: As17461124


Mainpiece Title: Macbeth

Role: Seyton Actor: Wignell

Afterpiece Title: Miss in Her Teens


Mainpiece Title: The Committee

Role: Arabella Actor: Mrs Wignell
Role: Blunt Actor: Wignell

Afterpiece Title: The Lying Valet

Song: Brett

Dance: As17470216


Mainpiece Title: The Fatal Marriage; Or, The Innocent Adultery

Role: Villeroy Actor: Wignell

Afterpiece Title: Miss in Her Teens


Mainpiece Title: The Constant Couple

Role: Vizard Actor: Wignell
Role: Parly Actor: Mrs Wignell

Afterpiece Title: Miss in Her Teens

Song: TThe Early Horn-Brett

Music: French Horns-Baker, Stroud

Dance: As17461124


Mainpiece Title: Othello

Role: Iago Actor: Wignell

Afterpiece Title: The Devil in a Wood; or Harlequin Skeleton


Mainpiece Title: Venice Preserved

Role: Jaffier Actor: Wignell.

Afterpiece Title: The Devil to Pay

Entertainment: New Fireworks-


Mainpiece Title: The Recruiting Officer

Role: Plume Actor: Wignell

Afterpiece Title: The Devil to Pay

Entertainment: New Fireworks-


Mainpiece Title: The Suspicious Husband

Role: Simon Actor: Wignel

Afterpiece Title: The Contrivances


Mainpiece Title: The Tragical History Of King Richard Iii

Role: Norfolk Actor: Wignell

Afterpiece Title: The Lover His Own Rival


Mainpiece Title: The Provok'd Wife

Role: Justice Actor: Wignell

Afterpiece Title: The Devil to Pay


Mainpiece Title: The Funeral; Or, Grief A-la-mode

Role: Grave Digger Actor: Wignel

Afterpiece Title: The What D'ye Call It


Mainpiece Title: The Funeral

Role: Grave Digger Actor: Wignel

Afterpiece Title: The Contrivances


Mainpiece Title: The Committee; Or, The Faithful Irishman

Afterpiece Title: The What D'ye Call It

Role: Humphrey Actor: Wignel


Mainpiece Title: The Double Gallant; Or, The Sick Lady's Cure

Role: Bolus Actor: Wignel

Afterpiece Title: The King and the Miller of Mansfield


Mainpiece Title: The Funeral

Role: Grave Digger Actor: Wignel

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Sorcerer


Mainpiece Title: The Country Lasses; Or, The Custom Of The Manor

Role: Carbuncle Actor: Wignel

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Sorcerer

Dance: Grandchamps, Mlle Camargo


Mainpiece Title: The Provok'd Wife

Role: Justice Actor: Wignell

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Sorcerer