SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE eventid IN (9645, 12916, 12928, 12948, 13026, 13037, 13044, 13048, 13057, 13080, 13084, 13120, 13124, 13145, 13153, 13168, 13194, 13207, 13212, 13217, 13234, 13247, 13251, 13269, 13278, 13285, 13293, 13300, 13303, 13323, 13336, 13340, 13348, 13504, 13523, 13569, 13575, 38015, 41582, 41588, 41595, 41613, 41628, 41644, 41650, 41668, 41670, 41673, 41676, 41677, 41679, 41681, 41683, 41684, 41685, 41686, 41696, 41708, 41740, 41742, 41744, 41746, 41748, 41750, 41752, 41754, 41756, 41758, 41760, 41769, 41773, 41775, 41783, 41787, 41792, 41796, 41801, 41806, 41811, 41817, 41825, 41855, 41908, 41913, 41917, 41930, 41935, 41944, 41970, 41975, 41989, 41997, 42002, 42041, 42046, 42060, 42080, 42095, 42097, 42100, 42108, 42113, 42116, 42123, 42133, 42165, 42166, 42168, 42170, 42171, 42173, 42175, 42176, 42179, 42183, 42184, 42186, 42191, 42192, 42195, 42199, 42200, 42203, 42205, 42207, 42208, 42210, 42211, 42212, 42214, 42217, 42220, 42221, 42224, 42225, 42228, 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Mainpiece Title: The Separate Maintenance

Afterpiece Title: Peeping Tom

Role: Cowslip Actor: Mrs Wells

Dance: As17850601

Song: In Act I of mainpiece a song by Miss Hooke


Mainpiece Title: Love In A Village

Role: Madge Actor: Mrs Wells

Afterpiece Title: Hunt the Slipper

Dance: End of Act II of mainpiece, as17850601


Mainpiece Title: The Two Connoisseurs

Afterpiece Title: Peeping Tom

Role: Cowslip Actor: Mrs Wells

Dance: As17850601


Mainpiece Title: The Confederacy

Afterpiece Title: Peeping Tom

Role: Cowslip Actor: Mrs Wells


Mainpiece Title: Love In A Village

Role: Madge Actor: Mrs Wells

Afterpiece Title: Seeing is Believing: A Dramatic Proverb

Dance: As17850609


Mainpiece Title: The Confederacy

Afterpiece Title: The Agreeable Surprise

Role: Cowslip Actor: Mrs Wells


Mainpiece Title: Summer Amusement

Afterpiece Title: Nature Will Prevail: A Dramatic Proverb

Role: Finette Actor: Mrs Wells

Dance: End of Act I of mainpiece, as17850601


Mainpiece Title: Tancred And Sigismunda

Afterpiece Title: A Beggar on Horseback: A Dramatic Proverb

Role: Nancy Buttercup Actor: Mrs Wells


Mainpiece Title: The English Merchant

Role: Molly Actor: Mrs Wells

Afterpiece Title: A Beggar on Horseback

Role: Nancy Buttercup Actor: Mrs Wells

Dance: End of mainpiece, by Giorgi's Scholars


Mainpiece Title: Lionel And Clarissa

Role: Jenny Actor: Mrs Wells

Afterpiece Title: A Beggar on Horseback

Role: Nancy Buttercup Actor: Mrs Wells

Dance: As17850617


Mainpiece Title: Love In A Village

Role: Madge Actor: Mrs Wells

Afterpiece Title: A Beggar on Horseback

Role: Nancy Buttercup Actor: Mrs Wells

Dance: As17850609


Mainpiece Title: The Suicide

Afterpiece Title: Peeping Tom

Role: Cowslip Actor: Mrs Wells


Mainpiece Title: Two To One

Afterpiece Title: A Beggar on Horseback

Role: Nancy Buttercup Actor: Mrs Wells


Mainpiece Title: The Spanish Barber

Afterpiece Title: A Beggar on Horseback

Role: Nancy Buttercup Actor: Mrs Wells

Dance: End of mainpiece The Merry Lasses by Master Giorgi, Miss Byrne, &c


Mainpiece Title: Hamlet

Afterpiece Title: Peeping Tom

Role: Cowslip Actor: Mrs Wells


Mainpiece Title: Lionel And Clarissa

Role: Jenny Actor: Mrs Wells

Afterpiece Title: A Beggar on Horseback

Role: Nancy Buttercup Actor: Mrs Wells

Dance: End of mainpiece The Merry Lasses by Giorgi's Scholars


Mainpiece Title: Lord Russel

Afterpiece Title: Peeping Tom

Role: Cowslip Actor: Mrs Wells

Dance: End of mainpiece The Lover in Disguise by Byrne and the two Miss Simonets


Mainpiece Title: The Maid Of The Mill

Afterpiece Title: A Beggar on Horseback

Role: Nancy Buttercup Actor: Mrs Wells

Dance: As17850623


Mainpiece Title: The Jealous Wife

Afterpiece Title: A Beggar on Horseback

Role: Nancy Buttercup Actor: Mrs Wells


Mainpiece Title: The Two Connoisseurs

Afterpiece Title: The Agreeable Surprise

Role: Cowslip Actor: Mrs Wells


Mainpiece Title: The Maid Of The Mill

Afterpiece Title: A Mogul Tale

Role: Fanny Actor: Mrs Wells.


Mainpiece Title: The Jealous Wife

Afterpiece Title: The Agreeable Surprise

Role: Cowslip Actor: Mrs Wells


Mainpiece Title: The Two Connoisseurs

Afterpiece Title: The Agreeable Surprise

Role: Cowslip Actor: Mrs Wells

Dance: As17850706


Mainpiece Title: The English Merchant

Role: Molly Actor: Mrs Wells

Afterpiece Title: Peeping Tom

Role: Cowslip Actor: Mrs Wells

Dance: As17850706


Mainpiece Title: Turk, And No Turk

Afterpiece Title: Nature Will Prevail

Role: Finette Actor: Mrs Wells