SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE eventid IN (9645, 12916, 12928, 12948, 13026, 13037, 13044, 13048, 13057, 13080, 13084, 13120, 13124, 13145, 13153, 13168, 13194, 13207, 13212, 13217, 13234, 13247, 13251, 13269, 13278, 13285, 13293, 13300, 13303, 13323, 13336, 13340, 13348, 13504, 13523, 13569, 13575, 38015, 41582, 41588, 41595, 41613, 41628, 41644, 41650, 41668, 41670, 41673, 41676, 41677, 41679, 41681, 41683, 41684, 41685, 41686, 41696, 41708, 41740, 41742, 41744, 41746, 41748, 41750, 41752, 41754, 41756, 41758, 41760, 41769, 41773, 41775, 41783, 41787, 41792, 41796, 41801, 41806, 41811, 41817, 41825, 41855, 41908, 41913, 41917, 41930, 41935, 41944, 41970, 41975, 41989, 41997, 42002, 42041, 42046, 42060, 42080, 42095, 42097, 42100, 42108, 42113, 42116, 42123, 42133, 42165, 42166, 42168, 42170, 42171, 42173, 42175, 42176, 42179, 42183, 42184, 42186, 42191, 42192, 42195, 42199, 42200, 42203, 42205, 42207, 42208, 42210, 42211, 42212, 42214, 42217, 42220, 42221, 42224, 42225, 42228, 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Mainpiece Title: The Manager In Distress

Afterpiece Title: THE AGREEABLE Surprise

Role: Cowslip Actor: Mrs Wells

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Teague

Dance: As17820826


Mainpiece Title: The Life And Death Of Common Sense

Afterpiece Title: Love in a Village

Afterpiece Title: The Devil to Pay

Role: Nell Actor: Mrs Wells

Monologue: 1782 09 16 End of 2nd piece Joe Haynes's Epilogue, riding on an Ass, by Wilson


Mainpiece Title: The Conscious Lovers

Afterpiece Title: The Lying Valet

Role: Kitty Pry Actor: Mrs Wells

Dance: As17820917

Song: In Act II of mainpiece song by Miss Field

Monologue: 1782 09 19 As 17 Sept


Mainpiece Title: A Trip To Scarborough

Afterpiece Title: The Irish Widow

Role: Widow Brady Actor: Mrs Wells

Dance: As17821005


Mainpiece Title: The Gamesters

Afterpiece Title: The Gentle Shepherd

Role: Jenny Actor: Mrs Wells

Dance: End of Act I of afterpiece a Highland Reel by Blurton and the two Miss Stageldoirs. [This was danced, as here assigned, at all subsequent performances.]


Mainpiece Title: Twelfth Night

Afterpiece Title: The Gentle Shepherd

Role: Jenny Actor: Mrs Wells


Mainpiece Title: The Way To Keep Him

Afterpiece Title: The Gentle Shepherd

Role: Jenny Actor: Mrs Wells


Mainpiece Title: The Grecian Daughter

Afterpiece Title: The Lying Valet

Role: Kitty Pry Actor: Mrs Wells

Dance: As17821005


Mainpiece Title: The Maid Of The Mill

Afterpiece Title: The Irish Widow

Role: Widow Brady Actor: Mrs Wells

Dance: End of Act I of mainpiece, as17821017; End of Act I of afterpiece, as17821005


Mainpiece Title: The Fatal Interview

Afterpiece Title: The Gentle Shepherd

Role: Jenny Actor: Mrs Wells


Mainpiece Title: The Clandestine Marriage

Afterpiece Title: The Irish Widow

Role: Widow Brady Actor: Mrs Wells

Dance: AS 5 Oct


Mainpiece Title: Fair Penitent

Afterpiece Title: The Gentle Shepherd

Role: Jenny Actor: Mrs Wells


Mainpiece Title: The Stratagem

Afterpiece Title: The Gentle Shepherd

Role: Jenny Actor: Mrs Wells

Dance: End of Act IV of mainpiece, as17820917


Mainpiece Title: A Bold Stroke For A Wife

Afterpiece Title: The Irish Widow

Role: Widow Brady Actor: Mrs Wells

Dance: End of Act IV of mainpiece The Devonshire Minuet, as17821003; End of Act I of afterpiece, as17821005


Mainpiece Title: Venice Preserv'd

Afterpiece Title: The Irish Widow

Role: Widow Brady Actor: Mrs Wells

Dance: As17821005


Mainpiece Title: The Suspicious Husband

Role: Jacintha Actor: Mrs Wells

Afterpiece Title: The Triumph of Mirth

Dance: End of Act II of mainpiece, as17820917


Mainpiece Title: The Wonder

Role: Inis Actor: Mrs Wells

Afterpiece Title: The Triumph of Mirth


Mainpiece Title: Jane Shore

Afterpiece Title: The Irish Widow

Role: Widow Brady Actor: Mrs Wells

Dance: As17821005


Mainpiece Title: The Suspicious Husband

Role: Jacintha Actor: Mrs Wells

Afterpiece Title: The Triumph of Mirth

Dance: As17830103


Mainpiece Title: The School For Vanity

Afterpiece Title: The Gentle Shepherd

Role: Jenny Actor: Mrs Wells


Mainpiece Title: Love In A Village

Afterpiece Title: The Camp

Role: Nancy Actor: Mrs Wells

Dance: In Act I of mainpiece, as17821003; End of Act II, as17821016


Mainpiece Title: The Clandestine Marriage

Afterpiece Title: The Camp

Role: Nancy Actor: Mrs Wells


Mainpiece Title: The Clandestine Marriage

Afterpiece Title: The Camp

Role: Nancy Actor: Mrs Wells


Mainpiece Title: The Tender Husband; Or, The Accomplish'd Fools

Afterpiece Title: The Gentle Shepherd

Role: Jenny Actor: Mrs Wells

Dance: As17821214


Mainpiece Title: Jane Shore

Role: Jane Shore Actor: Mrs Wells

Afterpiece Title: The Divorce

Dance: As17830329athi