SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE eventid IN (9645, 12916, 12928, 12948, 13026, 13037, 13044, 13048, 13057, 13080, 13084, 13120, 13124, 13145, 13153, 13168, 13194, 13207, 13212, 13217, 13234, 13247, 13251, 13269, 13278, 13285, 13293, 13300, 13303, 13323, 13336, 13340, 13348, 13504, 13523, 13569, 13575, 38015, 41582, 41588, 41595, 41613, 41628, 41644, 41650, 41668, 41670, 41673, 41676, 41677, 41679, 41681, 41683, 41684, 41685, 41686, 41696, 41708, 41740, 41742, 41744, 41746, 41748, 41750, 41752, 41754, 41756, 41758, 41760, 41769, 41773, 41775, 41783, 41787, 41792, 41796, 41801, 41806, 41811, 41817, 41825, 41855, 41908, 41913, 41917, 41930, 41935, 41944, 41970, 41975, 41989, 41997, 42002, 42041, 42046, 42060, 42080, 42095, 42097, 42100, 42108, 42113, 42116, 42123, 42133, 42165, 42166, 42168, 42170, 42171, 42173, 42175, 42176, 42179, 42183, 42184, 42186, 42191, 42192, 42195, 42199, 42200, 42203, 42205, 42207, 42208, 42210, 42211, 42212, 42214, 42217, 42220, 42221, 42224, 42225, 42228, 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Mainpiece Title: The Beggar's Opera

Role: Filch Actor: Mrs Wells

Afterpiece Title: Tom Thumb

Song: End of Act I of mainpiece The Huntsman's street Halloo and The Death of the Stag by Miss Catley and a Young Gentleman (1st time [unidentified)); End of Act II The Early Horn by the same Gentleman; In afterpiece The Soldier tired of War's Alarms by Miss Catley


Mainpiece Title: The Suspicious Husband

Role: Jacintha Actor: Mrs Wells

Afterpiece Title: The Flitch of Bacon

Dance: End of Act II of mainpiece, as17820223


Mainpiece Title: The Conscious Lovers

Afterpiece Title: Linco's Travels

Afterpiece Title: The Gentle Shepherd

Role: Jenny Actor: Mrs Wells

Dance: End of Act IV of mainpicce a Minuet and Gavot by Zuchelli and Miss M. Stageldoir

Song: In Act II of mainpiece a song by Du-Bellamy; End of Act III The Soldier tir'd of War's Alarms, as17820420


Mainpiece Title: The Chapter Of Accidents

Afterpiece Title: The Gentle Shepherd

Role: Jenny Actor: Mrs Wells

Dance: As17820302athi


Mainpiece Title: The Maid Of The Mill

Afterpiece Title: The Irish Widow

Role: Widow Brady Actor: Mrs Wells

Dance: End of Act I of mainpiece a Hornpipe, as17820314nd of mainpiece a Minuet by Brigg and A Young Lady (his Scholar [unidentified]); End of Act I of afterpiece The Irish Fair, as17820406


Mainpiece Title: The Stratagem

Afterpiece Title: The Irish Widow

Role: Widow Brady Actor: Mrs Wells


Mainpiece Title: As You Like It

Afterpiece Title: The Irish Widow

Role: Widow Brady Actor: Mrs Wells

Dance: End of Act I of mainpiece, as17820223; End of Act I of afterpiece The Irish Fair, as17820406


Mainpiece Title: A Preludio

Afterpiece Title: The Beggar's Opera

Role: Macheath Actor: Mrs Wells

Afterpiece Title: Medea and Jason

Dance: In Act III of mainpiece a Hornpipe by Master Byrn. [This was danced, as here assigned, in all subsequent performances.]


Mainpiece Title: The Nabob

Afterpiece Title: The Agreeable Surprise

Role: Cowslip Actor: Mrs Wells


Mainpiece Title: A Preludio

Afterpiece Title: The Beggar's Opera

Role: Macheath Actor: Mrs Wells

Afterpiece Title: Medea and Jason

Role: Macheath Actor: Mrs Wells


Mainpiece Title: The Suicide

Afterpiece Title: The Agreeable Surprise

Role: Cowslip Actor: Mrs Wells

Dance: End of Act I of mainpiece a Dance by Master and Miss Byrn


Mainpiece Title: A Preludio

Afterpiece Title: The Beggar's Opera

Role: Macheath Actor: Mrs Wells

Afterpiece Title: Medea and Jason

Role: Macheath Actor: Mrs Wells


Mainpiece Title: The Suicide

Afterpiece Title: The Agreeable Surprise

Role: Cowslip Actor: Mrs Wells

Dance: End of Act III of mainpiece, as17820606


Mainpiece Title: Polly

Afterpiece Title: Nature Will Prevail: A Dramatic Proverb

Role: Finette Actor: Mrs Wells

Dance: End of Act I of mainpiece a Dance of Pirates; In Act III a Dance of Indians {performers not listed for either dance)


Mainpiece Title: A Preludio

Afterpiece Title: The Beggar's Opera

Role: Macheath Actor: Mrs Wells

Afterpiece Title: Medea and Jason

Role: Macheath Actor: Mrs Wells


Mainpiece Title: The English Merchant

Role: Molly Actor: Mrs Wells

Afterpiece Title: The Agreeable Surprise

Role: Cowslip Actor: Mrs Wells


Mainpiece Title: A Preludio

Afterpiece Title: The Beggar's Opera

Role: Macheath Actor: Mrs Wells

Afterpiece Title: Medea and Jason

Role: Macheath Actor: Mrs Wells


Mainpiece Title: Polly

Afterpiece Title: Medea and Jason

Role: Macheath Actor: Mrs Wells

Dance: As17820611


Mainpiece Title: The Separate Maintenance

Afterpiece Title: The Agreeable Surprise

Role: Cowslip Actor: Mrs Wells

Dance: In Act IV of mainpiece, as17820620 End of mainpiece, as17820606

Song: As17820620


Mainpiece Title: A Preludio

Afterpiece Title: The Beggar's Opera

Role: Macheath Actor: Mrs Wells

Afterpiece Title: Medea and Jason

Role: Macheath Actor: Mrs Wells


Mainpiece Title: The Separate Maintenance

Afterpiece Title: The Agreeable Surprise

Role: Cowslip Actor: Mrs Wells

Afterpiece Title: Medea and Jason

Role: Macheath Actor: Mrs Wells

Dance: As17820620

Song: As17820620


Mainpiece Title: Fatal Curiosity

Afterpiece Title: The Agreeable Surprise

Role: Cowslip Actor: Mrs Wells

Song: In Act I of mainpiece a song in character by Miss Hooke. [This was sung, as here assigned, in all subsequent performances.]


Mainpiece Title: The English Merchant

Role: Molly Actor: Mrs Wells

Afterpiece Title: None are so Blind as Those Who Won't See


Mainpiece Title: The Suicide

Afterpiece Title: None are so Blind as Those Who Won't See

Afterpiece Title: Medea and Jason

Role: Macheath Actor: Mrs Wells


Mainpiece Title: The English Merchant

Role: Molly Actor: Mrs Wells

Afterpiece Title: The Agreeable Surprise

Role: Cowslip Actor: Mrs Wells

Dance: As17820613