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Mainpiece Title: Lorenzo

Afterpiece Title: The Poor Soldier

Role: Norah Actor: Miss Williams.


Mainpiece Title: The Chapter Of Accidents

Afterpiece Title: The Quaker

Role: Floretta Actor: Miss Williams

Entertainment: Duologue. End: Garrick's Ode on Shakespeare-Holman, Miss Brunton; Principal Vocal Parts-Incledon, Blanchard, Williamson, Cubitt, Gray, Miss Broadhurst, Miss Williams, Mrs Martyr


Mainpiece Title: The Widow Of Malabar

Afterpiece Title: Midas

Role: Jupiter Actor: Williamson

Afterpiece Title: The Dreamer Awake; or, The Pugilist Matched

Song: End I 1st piece: Say Bonny Lass: Highland Lad-Mrs Martyr, Highland Lassie- Mrs Mountain; End I 3rd piece: The Musical Courtship-Incledon, Mrs Martyr


Mainpiece Title: Which Is The Man

Afterpiece Title: Primrose Green; or, Love in the Country

Dance: After Monologue: The Jockies, as17910507

Song: End II: Black Eyed Susan-Incledon

Entertainment: Monologue. End: Dissertation on Hobby@Horses: The Statesman's Hobby; The Soldier's Hobby; The Beau's Hobby; The Lady's Hobby; The Fidler's Hobby; Mrs Mountain's Hobby; The Manager's Hobby; and His Own Hobby-Bernard


Mainpiece Title: Rosina

Role: Rustic Actor: Williamson

Afterpiece Title: Lovers' Quarrels

Afterpiece Title: Comus

Role: Sabrina Actor: Miss Williams

Song: End I: The Musical Courtship, as17910506; End II 2nd piece: Say Bonny Lass, as17910506; In 3rd piece: Sweet Echo-Mrs Mountain; accompanied on the hautboy-W. Parke; Nor on beds of fading flowers (1st time these 7 years)-Incledon; O! thou wert born to please me (1st time at this theatre)-Incledon, Mrs Mountain


Mainpiece Title: Fontainbleau

Role: Nannette Actor: Miss Williams

Afterpiece Title: The Poor Soldier

Role: Parrick Actor: Miss Williams

Song: End I: Had I a Heart for Falsehood framed-Marshall in imitation of Leoni; After Monologue: a New Song-Incledon

Entertainment: Monologue. End: A Dissertation on Hobby@Horses, as17910524 but Mr Brandon's Hobby in place of Mrs Mountain's Hobby; The Lawyer's Hobby-Marshall (in the character of a Jockey)


Afterpiece Title: Tippoo Saib

Afterpiece Title: Two Strings to Your Bow

Song: In 2nd Piece:as in 3rd piece, 10 June Poor Orra tink on Yanco dear-Mrs Mountain; The Gallant Soldier born to Arms-Incledon


Mainpiece Title: The Man Of The World

Afterpiece Title: Rosina

Role: Rosina Actor: Miss Williams.


Mainpiece Title: The Mourning Bride

Role: Manuel Actor: Williams

Afterpiece Title: Bon Ton

Role: Jessamy Actor: Williams

Song: End: The Soldier Tired-Miss Crow

Entertainment: Monologue Previous: an Occasional Address-Miller


Mainpiece Title: Cato

Role: Sempronius Actor: Williams

Afterpiece Title: The Citizen

Role: Quildrive Actor: Williams

Song: End: a celebrated Scotch Ballad-

Entertainment: Monologue.Before: [the original Address-; [i.e. Prologue] [written by Pope, with four concluding lines from Prologue of Agis- [by John Home]


Mainpiece Title: The Jew

Role: Mrs Ratcliff Actor: Mrs Williams

Afterpiece Title: A Naval Interlude

Afterpiece Title: The Mayor of Garratt

Afterpiece Title: The Ghost

Song: 2nd piece: With Songs-


Mainpiece Title: Lover's Vows

Song: End II: Hope told a flattering tale-Mrs Ferguson; accompanied on the Pedal Harp-Weippert

Music: End I: Grand Sonata on the Piano Forte, as17990515; End IV: Lesson of Nicolai, as17990515

Entertainment: Monologues Before: [Collins' Ode on the Passions-Master Parker; End III: The Birth Day Ode [by Henry James Pye, 1st performed at St. James's Palace, 4 June, the birthday of George III]-Master Parker; End: Imitations-Mrs Sumbel (late $Mrs Wells)