SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE eventid IN (1863, 1999, 2005, 2006, 2020, 2024, 2050, 2097, 2118, 2121, 2193, 2211, 2239, 2371, 2401, 2493, 2494, 2497, 2526, 2536, 2555, 2613, 2783, 2887, 3208, 3245, 3429, 3430, 3540, 3549, 3555, 3660, 3671, 3676, 3682, 3686, 3691, 3750, 3802, 3813, 3825, 3918, 3921, 3923, 3942, 3953, 3958, 3960, 3961, 3985, 3988, 3991, 3994, 4005, 4056, 4058, 4060, 4066, 4085, 4099, 4100, 4102, 4103, 4107, 4124, 4126, 4127, 4139, 4140, 4144, 4146, 4147, 4154, 4159, 4173, 4180, 4185, 4188, 4189, 4219, 4233, 4293, 4367, 4427, 4446, 4526, 4546, 4568, 4573, 4574, 4575, 4578, 4581, 4582, 4585, 4588, 4598, 4600, 4605, 4609, 4611, 4614, 4615, 4637, 4652, 4693, 4751, 4769, 4783, 4787, 4823, 4833, 4892, 4893, 4894, 4906, 4911, 4914, 4917, 4919, 4923, 4925, 4939, 4942, 4945, 4954, 4956, 4963, 4964, 4968, 4969, 4977, 4990, 5099, 5115, 5129, 5132, 5148, 5149, 5152, 5153, 5165, 5166, 5181, 5186, 5193, 5220, 5238, 5262, 5265, 5266, 5274, 5285, 5337, 5346, 5352, 5359, 5370, 5386, 5395, 5396, 5411, 5413, 5415, 5422, 5430, 5449, 5469, 5471, 5480, 5521, 5536, 5603, 5623, 5675, 5734, 5735, 5737, 5739, 5802, 5804, 5824, 5853, 5857, 5860, 5862, 5873, 5875, 5881, 5883, 5886, 5888, 5893, 5931, 5934, 5936, 5971, 6005, 6162, 6194, 6198, 6212, 6250, 6266, 6280, 6296, 6310, 6337, 6363, 6385, 6387, 6428, 6438, 6457, 6476, 6480, 6517, 6520, 6534, 6540, 6544, 6554, 6564, 6584, 6604, 6606, 6664, 6672, 6674, 6677, 6685, 6688, 6701, 6726, 6743, 6767, 6783, 6799, 6861, 6916, 6925, 6928, 6930, 6935, 6939, 6945, 6951, 6957, 7009, 7012, 7017, 7022, 7032, 7038, 7043, 7085, 7087, 7089, 7113, 7153, 7155, 7161, 7167, 7177, 7198, 7217, 7229, 7234, 7257, 7276, 7292, 7308, 7312, 7327, 7329, 7345, 7356, 7360, 7362, 7365, 7372, 7373, 7375, 7376, 7382, 7384, 7414, 7415, 7419, 7427, 7435, 7438, 7443, 7451, 7453, 7457, 7462, 7463, 7477, 7488, 7493, 7508, 7528, 7534, 7540, 7542, 7544, 7565, 7570, 7572, 7580, 7582, 7594, 7602, 7651, 7653, 7655, 7661, 7759, 7800, 7818, 7837, 7850, 7860, 7866, 7868, 7869, 7870, 7876, 7879, 7881, 7888, 7889, 7901, 7905, 7907, 7911, 7925, 7927, 7941, 7947, 7953, 7956, 7964, 7969, 8003, 8005, 8007, 8017, 8019, 8026, 8028, 8030, 8038, 8042, 8050, 8058, 8070, 8074, 8115, 8117, 8123, 8132, 8170, 8173, 8176, 8187, 8193, 8209, 8215, 8230, 8234, 8237, 8239, 8246, 8248, 8253, 8257, 8259, 8265, 8318, 8327, 8334, 8336, 8340, 8341, 8350, 8351, 8354, 8360, 8362, 8363, 8369, 8371, 8374, 8380, 8398, 8402, 8404, 8406, 8414, 8416, 8421, 8426, 8435, 8436, 8441, 8455, 8458, 8475, 8478, 8511, 8535, 8541, 8544, 8547, 8553, 8556, 8573, 8584, 8587, 8596, 8614, 8645, 8668, 8696, 8709, 8744, 8750, 8752, 8754, 8756, 8761, 8767, 8771, 8780, 8784, 8788, 8794, 8796, 8800, 8832, 8839, 8840, 8845, 8849, 8859, 8861, 8862, 8864, 8867, 8870, 8871, 8873, 8880, 8884, 8886, 8888, 8889, 8894, 8904, 8906, 8908, 8935, 8942, 8949, 8954, 8959, 8987, 8991, 9000, 9022, 9037, 9043, 9052, 9055, 9061, 9070, 9076, 9080, 9097, 9103, 9115, 9118, 9136, 9178, 9183, 9189, 9198, 9212, 9235, 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13025, 13029, 13032, 13035, 13040, 13043, 13047, 13052, 13056, 13060, 13063, 13066, 13070, 13076, 13079, 13083, 13087, 13091, 13094, 13098, 13101, 13105, 13109, 13113, 13116, 13119, 13123, 13134, 13137, 13141, 13144, 13148, 13152, 13156, 13160, 13164, 13167, 13171, 13175, 13178, 13181, 13185, 13189, 13192, 13198, 13202, 13225, 13228, 13233, 13242, 13245, 13256, 13260, 13263, 13268, 13277, 13281, 13286, 13289, 13292, 13296, 13301, 13304, 13309, 13312, 13315, 13318, 13322, 13326, 13329, 13330, 13339, 13343, 13347, 13351, 13355, 13360, 13367, 13372, 13377, 13416, 13426, 13431, 13436, 13443, 13453, 13460, 13462, 13466, 13468, 13471, 13476, 13480, 13482, 13484, 13486, 13489, 13492, 13493, 13495, 13497, 13498, 13501, 13503, 13507, 13514, 13519, 13524, 13525, 13528, 13529, 13530, 13532, 13533, 13537, 13544, 13548, 13550, 13554, 13556, 13559, 13562, 13566, 13568, 13573, 13579, 13582, 13589, 13592, 13596, 13599, 13606, 13608, 13610, 13614, 13618, 13620, 13625, 13627, 13630, 13632, 13635, 13638, 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Mainpiece Title: King Henry The Fourth, Part Ii

Afterpiece Title: Robin Goodfellow; or, The Rival Sisters

Dance: III: Peasant Dance-Nivelon


Mainpiece Title: The Merry Wives Of Windsor

Afterpiece Title: Robin Goodfellow

Dance: II: Peasant Dance-Nivelon, as17401013


Mainpiece Title: Cato

Afterpiece Title: Robin Goodfellow

Dance: II: Peasant Dance-Nivelon, with Desse, Leviez, Carney, Mrs Walter, Mrs Wright, Miss Thompson


Mainpiece Title: The Beggar's Opera

Role: Dolly Actor: Mrs Penkethman

Afterpiece Title: Robin Goodfellow


Mainpiece Title: The Beggar's Opera

Role: Dolly Actor: Mrs Penkethman

Afterpiece Title: The Mock Doctor

Dance: II: L'Allamande-Muilment, Mlle Chateauneuf


Mainpiece Title: The Beggar's Opera

Role: Dolly Actor: Mrs Penkethman

Afterpiece Title: The King and the Miller of Mansfield

Dance: II: As17401018; In III: Hornpipe-Vaughan


Mainpiece Title: The Beggar's Opera

Role: Dolly Actor: Mrs Penkethman

Afterpiece Title: The Devil to Pay

Dance: II: Muilment; In III: Hornpipe-Vaughan; V: Les Characteres de la Dance-Mlle Chateauneuf


Mainpiece Title: The Beggar's Opera

Role: Dolly Actor: Mrs Penkethman

Afterpiece Title: The Mock Doctor

Dance: II: Desse; III: Hornpipe-Vaughan; V: Les Characteres de la Dance-Mlle Chateauneuf


Mainpiece Title: The Beggar's Opera

Role: Dolly Actor: Mrs Penkethman

Afterpiece Title: The King and the Miller of Mansfield

Dance: I: Peasant-Nivelon; II: Desse; In III: Hornpipe-Vaughan; V: Muilment, Mlle Chateauneuf


Mainpiece Title: The Beggar's Opera

Role: Dolly Actor: Mrs Penkethman

Afterpiece Title: The Devil to Pay

Dance: I: Peasant, as17401024; II: Desse; In III: Hornpipe, as17401024; V: Les Characteres de la Dance-Mlle Chateauneuf


Mainpiece Title: The Unhappy Favourite; Or, The Earl Of Essex

Afterpiece Title: The Rural Sports; With The Stratagems of Harlequin


Mainpiece Title: The Tender Husband; Or, The Accomplish'd Fools

Afterpiece Title: The Rural Sports


Mainpiece Title: The Royal Merchant; Or, The Beggar's Bush

Afterpiece Title: The Rural Sports


Mainpiece Title: The Royal Merchant

Afterpiece Title: The Rural Sports


Mainpiece Title: The Country Wife

Afterpiece Title: Robin Goodfellow

Dance: II: Shepherds and Shepherdesses-Muilment, Mlle Chateauneuf

Song: III: The Early Horn-Lowe

Ballet: V: Grand Ballet. As17401031


Mainpiece Title: The Beggar's Opera

Role: Dolly Actor: Mrs Penkethman

Dance: In III: Hornpipe-Vaughan; V: Grand Ballet-Mons and Madem Maltere; lately arrived from the Opera at Paris


Mainpiece Title: The Double Gallant; Or, The Sick Lady's Cure

Afterpiece Title: Robin Goodfellow

Dance: V: Grand Ballet-Maltere, Mlle Maltere


Mainpiece Title: King Henry The Eighth

Afterpiece Title: Robin Goodfellow

Dance: II: Grand Ballet-Malter, Mlle Maltere; V: Shepherds and Shepherdesses-Muilment, Mlle Chateauneuf


Mainpiece Title: Cato

Afterpiece Title: Robin Goodfellow

Dance: II: Le Tambourine-Mlle Chateauneuf; III: Maltere, Mlle Maltere; V: Comic Ballet-Muilment, Essex, Mlle Chateauneuf


Mainpiece Title: The Beggar's Opera

Role: Dolly Actor: Mrs Penkethman

Dance: I: Peasant Dance-Nivelon; II: Desse; In III: Hornpipe-Vaughan


Mainpiece Title: The Old Batchelor

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Shipwreck'd

Dance: III: Comic Ballet-Muilment, Essex, Mlle Chateauneuf; IV: Grand Ballet-Maltere, Mlle Maltere


Mainpiece Title: The Beggar's Opera

Role: Dolly Actor: Mrs Penkethman

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Shipwreck'd

Dance: I: Peasant-Nivelon; II: Desse; In III: Hornpipe-Vaughan


Mainpiece Title: Oedipus, King Of Thebes

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Shipwreck'd

Music: As17401119


Mainpiece Title: Oedipus, King Of Thebes

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Shipwreck'd

Music: As17401119


Mainpiece Title: The Beggar's Opera

Role: Dolly Trull Actor: Mrs Penkethman

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Shipwreck'd

Dance: In III: Hornpipe-Vaughan