SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE eventid IN (679, 895, 898, 937, 946, 1136, 2496, 2564, 2606, 2607, 3718, 3968, 10388, 11452, 14128, 14564, 14567, 14571, 14574, 14577, 14580, 14584, 14587, 14591, 14597, 14601, 14605, 14608, 14632, 14715, 14722, 14731, 14831, 14866, 14904, 15345, 15553, 15652, 16942, 16946, 16950, 16953, 16957, 16961, 16966, 16970, 16974, 16978, 16982, 16986, 16990, 16994, 16998, 17003, 17007, 17012, 17016, 17020, 17025, 17031, 17035, 17039, 17045, 17056, 17061, 17067, 17073, 17082, 17095, 17103, 17119, 17129, 17157, 17162, 17179, 17182, 17186, 17225, 17229, 17839, 17843, 17847, 17852, 17857, 17862, 17867, 17875, 17906, 17944, 18389, 18392, 18399, 18403, 18405, 18409, 19186, 19228, 19231, 19233, 19235, 19236, 19238, 19240, 19241, 19242, 19248, 19259, 19264, 19269, 19270, 19272, 19274, 19276, 19277, 19282, 19284, 19286, 19287, 19288, 19289, 19290, 19292, 19294, 19297, 19299, 19303, 19304, 19305, 19307, 19309, 19311, 19312, 19313, 19315, 19318, 19320, 19322, 19324, 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Mainpiece Title: The Busy Body

Afterpiece Title: The Harlot's Progress; or, The Ridotto Al' Fresco


Mainpiece Title: Othello, Moor Of Venice

Afterpiece Title: The Harlot's Progress


Mainpiece Title: The Stratagem

Afterpiece Title: The Harlot's Progress


Mainpiece Title: All For Love; Or, The World Well Lost

Afterpiece Title: The Dragon of Wantley

Dance: As17380927


Mainpiece Title: King Richard The Third

Afterpiece Title: The Harlot's Progress


Mainpiece Title: Macbeth

Afterpiece Title: The Dragon of Wantley

Music: Withthe Original Musick-; The Vocal Parts-Leveridge, Laguerre, Salway, Roberts, Thompson, Stoppelaer, Mrs James, Mrs Vincent, Mrs Kilby

Dance: The usual Dances-proper to the Play


Mainpiece Title: The Constant Couple; Or, A Trip To The Jubilee

Afterpiece Title: The Dragon of Wantley

Dance: Glover, Mlle Roland


Mainpiece Title: The Old Batchelor

Role: Sylvia Actor: Mrs Chetwood

Afterpiece Title: Colombine Courtezan


Mainpiece Title: The Double Gallant; Or, The Sick Lady's Cure

Afterpiece Title: The Dragon of Wantley

Dance: CComic Dance-Richardson, Miss Cantrel; Serious Dance-Villeneuve, Miss Oates; Grecian Sailors, others-


Mainpiece Title: Rule A Wife And Have A Wife

Role: Clara Actor: Mrs Chetwood.

Afterpiece Title: The Harlot's Progress

Dance: I: Black Joak-Philips, Miss Mann; III: A new dance-Baudouin, Mrs Walter; V: Drunken Peasant-Philips


Mainpiece Title: Hamlet, Prince Of Denmark

Afterpiece Title: The Harlot's Progress


Mainpiece Title: The Provok'd Wife

Role: Mademoiselle Actor: Mrs Chetwood.

Afterpiece Title: The Intriguing Chambermaid


Mainpiece Title: The Beggar's Opera

Afterpiece Title: The Harlot's Progress

Dance: HHornpipe-Phillips


Mainpiece Title: The Spanish Fryar

Afterpiece Title: The Harlot's Progress

Dance: I: Black Joak-Philips, Miss Mann; II: Tambourine-Master Ferg, Miss Wright; III: Drunken Peasant-Philips; V: Burgomaster and Frow-Master Ferg, Miss Wright


Mainpiece Title: The Unhappy Favourite; Or, The Earl Of Essex

Afterpiece Title: Robin Goodfellow; or, The Rival Sisters

Role: 2d Colombine Actor: Mrs Chetwood


Mainpiece Title: Venice Preserv'd

Afterpiece Title: Robin Goodfellow

Role: 2d Colombine Actor: Mrs Chetwood


Mainpiece Title: The Mourning Bride

Afterpiece Title: Robin Goodfellow

Role: 2d Colombine Actor: Mrs Chetwood


Mainpiece Title: The Miser

Afterpiece Title: Robin Goodfellow

Role: 2d Colombine Actor: Mrs Chetwood


Mainpiece Title: Wit Without Money

Afterpiece Title: The Dragon of Wantley

Dance: A new Comic Dance, as17381026 Grand Ballet-Glover, Mlle Roland


Afterpiece Title: Robin Goodfellow

Role: 2d Colombine Actor: Mrs Chetwood


Mainpiece Title: Tamerlane

Afterpiece Title: Robin Goodfellow

Role: 2d Colombine Actor: Mrs Chetwood


Mainpiece Title: Tamerlane

Afterpiece Title: Robin Goodfellow

Role: 2d Colombine Actor: Mrs Chetwood


Mainpiece Title: Tamerlane

Afterpiece Title: Robin Goodfellow

Role: 2d Colombine Actor: Mrs Chetwood


Mainpiece Title: Aesop

Afterpiece Title: Robin Goodfellow

Role: 2d Colombine Actor: Mrs Chetwood

Ballet: III: A Comic Ballet called Double Jealousy. Miller-Poitier (the first time of his appearing on that stage these two years); Miller's Wife-Mlle Roland; Coquette-Mrs Walter


Mainpiece Title: Oroonoko

Afterpiece Title: Robin Goodfellow

Role: 2d Colombine Actor: Mrs Chetwood