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Mainpiece Title: The Town Before You


Mainpiece Title: The Maid Of The Mill

Role: Mervin Actor: Townsend


Mainpiece Title: The Town Before You


Mainpiece Title: The Duenna

Role: Anthonio Actor: Townsend


Mainpiece Title: Romeo And Juliet

Song: As17950105


Mainpiece Title: The Town Before You


Mainpiece Title: The Rage

Afterpiece Title: Netley Abbey

Role: Jeffery Actor: Townsend


Mainpiece Title: The Mysteries Of The Castle

Afterpiece Title: Two Strings to Your Bow

Role: Major Drummond Actor: Townsend


Mainpiece Title: The Mysteries Of The Castle


Mainpiece Title: The Mysteries Of The Castle

Afterpiece Title: Hartford Bridge

Role: Peter Actor: Townsend

Dance: As17941001


Mainpiece Title: The Mysteries Of The Castle

Afterpiece Title: The Farmer

Role: Rundy Actor: Townsend


Mainpiece Title: The Mysteries Of The Castle


Mainpiece Title: The Mysteries Of The Castle

Afterpiece Title: Midas

Role: Damoetas Actor: Townsend


Mainpiece Title: The Mysteries Of The Castle


Mainpiece Title: England Preserv'd


Mainpiece Title: England Preserv'd


Mainpiece Title: The Road To Ruin

Afterpiece Title: Oscar and Malvina

Music: Afterpiece: The Union Pipes-an Eminent Performer (1st appearance in public); the Harp-Weippert


Mainpiece Title: Macbeth

Afterpiece Title: Oscar and Malvina

Song: Vocal Parts, as17940922, but Miss _Poole, Mrs _Henley

Music: As17950305


Mainpiece Title: The Rage

Afterpiece Title: Oscar and Malvina

Music: As 5 Mar


Mainpiece Title: The Child Of Nature

Afterpiece Title: Crotchet Lodge

Afterpiece Title: Oscar and Malvina [and see17941014]

Music: As17950305


Mainpiece Title: The Count Of Narbonne

Afterpiece Title: The British Recruit; or, Who's Afraid

Afterpiece Title: Catharine and Petruchio

Song: In course 2nd piece: The Mid Watch-Incledon; 2nd piece to conclude: with a new Loyal Duet (composed by Shield) Tho' Hurricanes rattle tho' Tempest appear-Incledon, Bowden