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Mainpiece Title: Romeo And Juliet

Afterpiece Title: Oscar and Malvina

Dance: I: a Masquerade Scene incident to the Play, in which a favorite Pas de Deux-Byrne, Mme Rossi

Song: End IV: Juliet's Funeral Procession; with a favourite Elegy- (composed by Dr Arne); the Solemn Dirge-; Vocal Parts-Johnstone, Incledon, Bowden, Townsend, Gray, Linton, Rock, Blurton, Abbot, Miss Poole, Mrs Mountain, Mrs Clendining, Miss Hopkins, Miss Stuart, Mrs Arnold, Miss Leserve, Mrs Lloyd, Mrs Bayzand, Mrs Blurton, Mrs Master, Mrs Martyr


Mainpiece Title: The Duenna

Role: Anthonio Actor: Townsend

Afterpiece Title: The Irishman in London


Mainpiece Title: Romeo And Juliet

Afterpiece Title: Oscar And Malvina

Dance: As17941020

Song: As17941020, but Vocal Parts-Sawyer, +Tett, +Speechly, +Spofforth, +Little, +Street, +Williamson, Mrs +Castelle, Miss +Kirton, Mrs +Norton, _Rock


Mainpiece Title: The Rage

Afterpiece Title: Tom Thumb

Role: Noodle Actor: Townsend


Mainpiece Title: The Rage

Afterpiece Title: Netley Abbey

Role: Jeffery Actor: Townsend


Mainpiece Title: The Rage

Afterpiece Title: A Divertisement

Dance: In afterpiece: a Ballet-Byrn, Mlle St.Amand, Mme Rossi


Mainpiece Title: The Child Of Nature

Afterpiece Title: Arrived at Portsmouth

Role: Major Drummond Actor: Townsend

Afterpiece Title: Two Strings to Your Bow


Mainpiece Title: The Rage

Afterpiece Title: Rosina

Role: William Actor: Townsend


Mainpiece Title: The Provok'd Husband

Afterpiece Title: Arrived at Portsmouth

Role: Major Drummond Actor: Townsend


Mainpiece Title: The Rage

Afterpiece Title: Oscar and Malvina

Music: Afterpiece: The Harp-Weippert


Mainpiece Title: The World In A Village

Afterpiece Title: Arrived at Portsmouth

Role: Major Drummond Actor: Townsend


Mainpiece Title: The Rage

Afterpiece Title: Arrived at Portsmouth

Role: Major Drummond Actor: Townsend


Mainpiece Title: Macbeth

Afterpiece Title: Arrived at Portsmouth

Role: Major Drummond Actor: Townsend

Song: As17940922


Mainpiece Title: The Rage

Afterpiece Title: Midas

Role: Damoetas Actor: Townsend


Mainpiece Title: The Fair Penitent

Afterpiece Title: Arrived at Portsmouth

Role: Major Drummond Actor: Townsend


Mainpiece Title: Cymbeline

Afterpiece Title: Midas

Role: Damoetas Actor: Townsend


Mainpiece Title: The Rage

Afterpiece Title: The Highland Reel

Role: Charley Actor: Townsend


Mainpiece Title: Much Ado About Nothing

Role: Balthazar Actor: Townsend

Afterpiece Title: Arrived at Portsmouth

Role: Major Drummond Actor: Townsend

Dance: In II: Masquerade Dance- incident to the Play


Mainpiece Title: The Rage

Afterpiece Title: The Farmer

Role: Rundy Actor: Townsend


Mainpiece Title: The Rage

Afterpiece Title: Netley Abbey

Role: Jeffery Actor: Townsend


Mainpiece Title: The Rage

Afterpiece Title: Marian

Role: Robin Actor: Townsend


Mainpiece Title: The Town Before You

Afterpiece Title: Netley Abbey

Role: Jeffery Actor: Townsend


Mainpiece Title: The Town Before You

Afterpiece Title: Netley Abbey

Role: Jeffery Actor: Townsend


Mainpiece Title: The Maid Of The Mill

Role: Mervin Actor: Townsend

Afterpiece Title: Mago and Dago


Mainpiece Title: The Castle Of Andalusia

Role: Philippo Actor: Townsend

Afterpiece Title: Mago and Dago