SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE eventid IN (1053, 1065, 1159, 1294, 1328, 1473, 1567, 1618, 1670, 1688, 1691, 1736, 1765, 1780, 1878, 1882, 1935, 1937, 1945, 1983, 1984, 1991, 2004, 2022, 2050, 2104, 2113, 2121, 2165, 2193, 2217, 2239, 2272, 2285, 2304, 2348, 2457, 2461, 2511, 2530, 2531, 2562, 2593, 3083, 3806, 4361, 4370, 4440, 4590, 5289, 5312, 20706, 33237, 33238, 33251, 33797, 33894, 39378, 39952, 39956, 46262, 46266, 46271, 46273, 46275, 46277, 46281, 46284, 46289, 46292, 46294, 46297, 46299, 46301, 46303, 46305, 46307, 46309, 46311, 46315, 46319, 46321, 46323, 46329, 46331, 46333, 46336, 46338, 46341, 46345, 46347, 46355, 46357, 46361, 46365, 46367, 46369, 46373, 46375, 46383, 46385, 46389, 46397, 46401, 46405, 46407, 46409, 46411, 46413, 46415, 46417, 46419, 46421, 46423, 46425, 46427, 46429, 46431, 46433, 46436, 46438, 46441, 46443, 46446, 46448, 46452, 46455, 46457, 46460, 46462, 46464, 46466, 46469, 46471, 46474, 46476, 46478, 46481, 46483, 46486, 46488, 46492, 46495, 46497, 46502, 46506, 46509, 46511, 46515, 46519, 46522, 46524, 46529, 46536, 46538, 46564, 46566, 46571, 46575, 46578, 46580, 46585, 46590, 46593, 46595, 46598, 46600, 46607, 46609, 46612, 46614, 46617, 46619, 46622, 46629, 46632, 46634, 46637, 46639, 46647, 46649, 46652, 46654, 46657, 46659, 46661, 46663, 46666, 46671, 46676, 46678, 46681, 46683, 46686, 46688, 46691, 46695, 46697, 46700, 46702, 46705, 46708, 46711, 46713, 46716, 46718, 46721, 46723, 46725, 46726, 46728, 46729, 46731, 46732, 46734, 46751, 46758, 46774, 46829, 46833, 46841, 46847, 46849, 46855, 46861, 46863, 46865, 46871, 46875, 46877, 46887, 46889, 46893, 46895, 46901, 46905, 46911, 46917, 46919, 46923, 46925, 46927, 46929, 46931, 46935, 46937, 46939, 46941, 46943, 46947, 46949, 46951, 46953, 46955, 46957, 46959, 46963, 46965, 46967, 46969, 46971, 46973, 46975, 46977, 46979, 46981, 46983, 46985, 46989, 46991, 46993, 46995, 46997, 46999, 47001, 47003, 47005, 47007, 47009, 47011, 47013, 47015, 47017, 47019, 47021, 47023, 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Mainpiece Title: The Dramatist

Afterpiece Title: The Farmer

Role: Farmer Stubble Actor: Powel.

Dance: As17891125


Mainpiece Title: The Highland Reel

Role: Donald Laird of Col Actor: Powel.

Afterpiece Title: The Follies of a Day

Role: Bazil Actor: Powel

Afterpiece Title: Barataria; or, Sancho Turn'd Governor

Role: Recorder Actor: Powel


Mainpiece Title: The Count Of Narbonne

Role: Officers Actor: Powel, Evatt

Afterpiece Title: The Death of Captain Cook

Afterpiece Title: Love and War

Role: Commissary Actor: Powel


Mainpiece Title: The Child Of Nature

Afterpiece Title: The Busy Body

Role: Rustic Actor: Powel
Role: Sir Toby Fuz Actor: Powel
Role: Sweepers Actor: Mrs Powell, Mrs Davenett
Role: Bazil Actor: Powel

Afterpiece Title: Thomasand Sally

Role: Bazil Actor: Powel

Dance: As17891128


Mainpiece Title: The First Part Of King Henry The Fourth

Role: Worcester Actor: Powel

Afterpiece Title: The Poor Soldier

Role: Bagatelle Actor: C. Powell

Song: End II: The Lamp Lighter (written and composed by Dibdin)-Reeve; End IV: The Doctrine of an Israelite (written by Collins, author of The Brush) sung in character-Reeve; End: a favorite song a Gentleman (1st appearance on any stage)


Mainpiece Title: The Merchant Of Venice

Role: Duke Actor: Powel

Afterpiece Title: Bon Ton

Role: Mignon Actor: C. Powell

Dance: As17891106


Mainpiece Title: Macbeth

Role: Doctor Actor: Powel

Afterpiece Title: The Flitch of Bacon

Role: Justice Benbow Actor: Powel

Dance: As17891021

Song: As17900208

Entertainment: Monologue. End I afterpiece: Occasional Address-Harley


Mainpiece Title: The Clandestine Marriage

Role: Canton Actor: C. Powell
Role: Serjeant Flower Actor: Powel

Afterpiece Title: The Positive Man


Mainpiece Title: The Widow Of Malabar

Role: 2nd Bramin Actor: Powel

Afterpiece Title: The Man of Quality

Afterpiece Title: The Two Misers

Role: Bazil Actor: Powel

Song: In: Bannister, Johnstone, Darley, Duffey, Mrs Mountain, Miss Stuart, Miss Rowson, Mrs Martyr; The Music by Stevens-

Entertainment: Monologue. Preceding 2nd piece: Occasional Address-Miss Brunton


Mainpiece Title: The Crusade

Role: Adran Actor: Powel

Afterpiece Title: The Miser

Role: Taylor Actor: C. Powell


Mainpiece Title: She Stoops To Conquer

Role: Sir Charles Marlow Actor: Powel

Afterpiece Title: The Recruiting Serjeant

Afterpiece Title: Rose and Colin

Entertainment: Monologue. End 2nd piece: A Dissertation on Macaronyism-Bernard


Mainpiece Title: The Crusade

Role: Adran Actor: Powel

Afterpiece Title: Bon Ton

Role: Mignon Actor: C. Powell


Mainpiece Title: The Crusade

Role: Adran Actor: Powel

Afterpiece Title: Barnaby Brittle


Mainpiece Title: The Crusade

Role: Adran Actor: Powel

Afterpiece Title: Lovers' Quarrels

Role: Mignon Actor: C. Powell


Mainpiece Title: The Crusade

Role: Adran Actor: Powel

Afterpiece Title: The Follies of a Day

Role: Bazil Actor: Powel


Mainpiece Title: Othello

Role: Gratiano Actor: Powel

Afterpiece Title: The Poor Soldier

Role: Bagatelle Actor: C. Powell


Mainpiece Title: The Crusade

Role: Adran Actor: Powel

Afterpiece Title: The Child of Nature


Mainpiece Title: Such Things Are

Role: Zadan Actor: Powel

Afterpiece Title: The Englishman in Paris

Role: Sir John Buck Actor: Powel
Role: Marquis Actor: C. Powell
Role: Mrs Subtle Actor: Mrs Powell

Song: End II: The Memorable 13th of September; or, The Defeat of the Spaniards before Gibraltar-Bannister

Entertainment: Monologue. End: A Monody to the Memory of [that distinguished Philanthropist, John Howard Esquire [on whom the character of Haswell was founded]-Mrs Pope[, in the character of a Female Captive


Mainpiece Title: The Crusade

Role: Adran Actor: Powel

Afterpiece Title: The Midnight Hour

Role: Matthias Actor: Powel


Mainpiece Title: The Dramatist

Afterpiece Title: The Highland Reel

Role: Bazil Actor: Powel
Role: Recorder Actor: Powel

Dance: As17900417

Entertainment: Monologue. Original Prologue to the Institution [of the Theatrical Fund]-Holman


Mainpiece Title: The Crusade

Role: Adran Actor: Powel

Afterpiece Title: The Drummer

Role: Beatrice Actor: Mrs Powell


Mainpiece Title: All For Love; Or, The World Well Lost

Afterpiece Title: An Harmonic Festival

Afterpiece Title: Rosina

Role: Rustic Actor: Powel
Role: Sir Toby Fuz Actor: Powel
Role: Sweepers Actor: Mrs Powell, Mrs Davenett

Song: End II: a Nicketerotion at the Meeting of Antony and Cleopatra-; Vocal Parts-Bannister, Johnstone, Darley, Duffey, Mrs Warrell, Mrs Masters, Mrs Gray, Mrs Mountain

Dance: With Grand Dance-Byrne, the two Miss Simonets


Mainpiece Title: The Crusade

Role: Adran Actor: Powel

Afterpiece Title: The Death of Captain Cook

Afterpiece Title: The Intriguing Chambermaid

Role: Goodall Actor: Powel
Role: Oldcastle Actor: C. Powell


Mainpiece Title: The Lying Valet

Role: Justice Guttle Actor: Powel

Afterpiece Title: The Poor Soldier

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin's Chaplet

Role: Matthias Actor: Powel
Role: Serjeant Actor: W. Powel
Role: 1st Recruit Actor: C. Powell
Role: Recruit Actor: C. Powell

Dance: Preceding: As17891113


Mainpiece Title: The Beaux Stratagem

Role: Boniface Actor: Powel

Afterpiece Title: Love in a Camp

Dance: End: A Dance of Jockies-Ratchford, Blurton, Jackson, Miller, Mrs Ratchford