SELECT * FROM london_stages WHERE eventid IN (1053, 1065, 1159, 1294, 1328, 1473, 1567, 1618, 1670, 1688, 1691, 1736, 1765, 1780, 1878, 1882, 1935, 1937, 1945, 1983, 1984, 1991, 2004, 2022, 2050, 2104, 2113, 2121, 2165, 2193, 2217, 2239, 2272, 2285, 2304, 2348, 2457, 2461, 2511, 2530, 2531, 2562, 2593, 3083, 3806, 4361, 4370, 4440, 4590, 5289, 5312, 20706, 33237, 33238, 33251, 33797, 33894, 39378, 39952, 39956, 46262, 46266, 46271, 46273, 46275, 46277, 46281, 46284, 46289, 46292, 46294, 46297, 46299, 46301, 46303, 46305, 46307, 46309, 46311, 46315, 46319, 46321, 46323, 46329, 46331, 46333, 46336, 46338, 46341, 46345, 46347, 46355, 46357, 46361, 46365, 46367, 46369, 46373, 46375, 46383, 46385, 46389, 46397, 46401, 46405, 46407, 46409, 46411, 46413, 46415, 46417, 46419, 46421, 46423, 46425, 46427, 46429, 46431, 46433, 46436, 46438, 46441, 46443, 46446, 46448, 46452, 46455, 46457, 46460, 46462, 46464, 46466, 46469, 46471, 46474, 46476, 46478, 46481, 46483, 46486, 46488, 46492, 46495, 46497, 46502, 46506, 46509, 46511, 46515, 46519, 46522, 46524, 46529, 46536, 46538, 46564, 46566, 46571, 46575, 46578, 46580, 46585, 46590, 46593, 46595, 46598, 46600, 46607, 46609, 46612, 46614, 46617, 46619, 46622, 46629, 46632, 46634, 46637, 46639, 46647, 46649, 46652, 46654, 46657, 46659, 46661, 46663, 46666, 46671, 46676, 46678, 46681, 46683, 46686, 46688, 46691, 46695, 46697, 46700, 46702, 46705, 46708, 46711, 46713, 46716, 46718, 46721, 46723, 46725, 46726, 46728, 46729, 46731, 46732, 46734, 46751, 46758, 46774, 46829, 46833, 46841, 46847, 46849, 46855, 46861, 46863, 46865, 46871, 46875, 46877, 46887, 46889, 46893, 46895, 46901, 46905, 46911, 46917, 46919, 46923, 46925, 46927, 46929, 46931, 46935, 46937, 46939, 46941, 46943, 46947, 46949, 46951, 46953, 46955, 46957, 46959, 46963, 46965, 46967, 46969, 46971, 46973, 46975, 46977, 46979, 46981, 46983, 46985, 46989, 46991, 46993, 46995, 46997, 46999, 47001, 47003, 47005, 47007, 47009, 47011, 47013, 47015, 47017, 47019, 47021, 47023, 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Mainpiece Title: Wild Oats

Role: Landlord Actor: Powel

Afterpiece Title: Unanimity; or, War, Love, and Loyalty

Afterpiece Title: Raymond and Agnes

Dance: 3rd piece to conclude with: Dance of Savoyards, as17980430; Ascension of the Bleeding Nun-


Mainpiece Title: He's Much To Blame

Afterpiece Title: Botheration

Role: Dr Wisepate Actor: Powel
Role: Camillo Actor: Powel

Dance: Between mainpiece and afterpiece: a Hornpipe-Jackson

Song: End: The Irish Newsman-Clarke; In afterpiece: Mr O'Blarney's Description of London, as17980508


Mainpiece Title: A Cure For The Heart Ache

Afterpiece Title: British Fortitude

Role: Jamie Actor: Powel

Afterpiece Title: The Round Tower

Song: In course: Old Towler-Incledon; Fat Dolly the Cook-Munden; an admired Ballad-Incledon


Mainpiece Title: Hamlet

Role: Grave@Diggers Actor: Powel, Rees

Afterpiece Title: Botheration; or, A Ten Years Blunder

Role: Doctor Wisepate Actor: Powel

Song: In V: a Dirge, set to music by Shield. Vocal Parts-Mrs Martyr, Mrs Iliff, Miss Sims, Mrs Whitmore, Mrs Watts, Mrs Follett, Miss Leserve, Mrs Castelle, Mrs Norton, Mrs Gilbert, Mrs Masters, Mrs Lloyd, Mrs Blurton, Miss Walcup, Miss Gray, Miss Burnett, Miss Wheatley, Linton, Street, Gray, Lee, Platt, Dyke, Curties; Incidental to afterpiece: Mr O'Blarney's Description of London (Including his Remarks on St. James's, The Monument, St. Paul's, Wigs and Crops, Debating Clubs, Boarding Schools, Squares, Inns, Gardens, Fields, Soldiers, Sailors, and Volunteers)-Johnstone


Mainpiece Title: She Stoops To Conquer

Role: Sir Charles Marlow Actor: Powel

Afterpiece Title: The Farmer

Role: Farmer Stubble Actor: Powel


Mainpiece Title: Hamlet

Role: Grave@Diggers Actor: Powel, Rees

Afterpiece Title: The Miser

Song: In V: a Dirge, as17980917


Mainpiece Title: Inkle And Yarico

Role: Medium Actor: Powel

Afterpiece Title: Lovers' Quarrels


Mainpiece Title: The Orphan; Or, The Unhappy Marriage

Role: Chaplain Actor: Powel

Afterpiece Title: The Follies of a Day

Role: Bazil Actor: Powel


Mainpiece Title: The Road To Ruin

Role: Smith Actor: Powel

Afterpiece Title: The Spoil'd Child

Role: Mr Pickle Actor: Powel


Mainpiece Title: Romeo And Juliet

Role: Capulet Actor: Powel

Afterpiece Title: Robin Hood

Role: Fitzherbert Actor: Powel

Song: End IV: The Funeral Procession of Juliet and a Solemn Dirge-; Vocal Parts-Johnstone, Incledon, Townsend, Linton, Blurton, Street, Gray, Lee, Little, Sawyer, Tett, Dyke, Miss Mitchell, Miss Wheatley, Mrs Iliff, Miss Sims, Mrs Whitmore, Mrs Watts, Mrs Follett, Miss Leserve, Mrs Castelle, Mrs Norton, Mrs Gilbert, Mrs Masters, Mrs Lloyd, Mrs Blurton, Miss Walcup, Miss Gray, Miss Burnett, Mrs Martyr


Mainpiece Title: The Road To Ruin

Role: Smith Actor: Powel

Afterpiece Title: The Spoil'd Child

Role: Mr Pickle Actor: Powel


Mainpiece Title: Lover's Vows

Role: Cottager Actor: Powel

Afterpiece Title: A Day at Rome


Mainpiece Title: Lover's Vows

Role: Cottager Actor: Powel

Afterpiece Title: The Spoil'd Child

Role: Mr Pickle Actor: Powel


Mainpiece Title: Othello, Moor Of Venice

Role: Gratiano Actor: Powel

Afterpiece Title: The Genoese Pirate; or, Black-Beard

Dance: In afterpiece: Dance of Negroes-


Mainpiece Title: Lover's Vows

Role: Cottager Actor: Powel

Afterpiece Title: The Spoil'd Child

Role: Mr Pickle Actor: Powel


Mainpiece Title: Lover's Vows

Role: Cottager Actor: Powel

Afterpiece Title: The Genoese Pirate

Dance: As17981015


Mainpiece Title: Lover's Vows

Role: Cottager Actor: Powel

Afterpiece Title: The Spoil'd Child


Mainpiece Title: Lover's Vows

Afterpiece Title: The Genoese Pirate

Dance: As17981015


Mainpiece Title: Lover's Vows

Afterpiece Title: The Spoil'd Child


Mainpiece Title: Lover's Vows

Afterpiece Title: The Mouth of the Nile


Mainpiece Title: Lover's Vows

Afterpiece Title: The Spoil'd Child


Mainpiece Title: Lover's Vows

Afterpiece Title: The Mouth of the Nile


Mainpiece Title: Lover's Vows

Afterpiece Title: The Ghost

Afterpiece Title: The Mouth of the Nile


Mainpiece Title: Lover's Vows

Afterpiece Title: Cross Purposes

Afterpiece Title: The Mouth of the Nile


Mainpiece Title: Lover's Vows

Afterpiece Title: The Highland Reel