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Mainpiece Title: The Double Dealer

Dance: II: Le Provencale-Mlle Chateauneuf; IV: Pierots-Lalauze, Pelling


Mainpiece Title: King Henry The Eighth


Mainpiece Title: The Tempest; Or, The Inchanted Island

Song: The Vocal Parts-Reinhold, Rainton, Mrs Clive, Miss Jones, Miss Karver, Miss Thynne

Dance: In II: Comic Dance of Winds-; In III: Comic Dance of Fantastical Spirits in Grotesque Characters-; In IV: Dance of Devils-; In V: Dance of Watermen-


Mainpiece Title: The Committee

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Grand Volgi

Dance: II: A new Peasant Dance-Master Matthews, Miss Wright; IV: Drunken Peasant-Master Ferg


Mainpiece Title: The Squire Of Alsatia

Dance: II: Peasant Dance-Master Matthews, Miss Wright; IV: Ballet-Muilment


Mainpiece Title: King Henry The Eighth

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Grand Volgi


Mainpiece Title: The Tempest

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Grand Volgi

Song: As17391226

Dance: As17391226, but Dance of Devils-_


Mainpiece Title: Aesop

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Grand Volgi

Dance: II: Les Characters de la Dance-Mlle Chateauneuf alone; III: Ballet-Muilment; IV: Grand Ballet-Denoyer, Mlle Chateauneuf


Mainpiece Title: The Orphan

Afterpiece Title: The Fortune Tellers

Role: Colombine's Father Actor: Pelling

Ballet: with a Gwith a Grand Entertainment of Dancing call'd A Voyage to the Land of Cytherea. Adonis-Denoyer; Venus-Mlle Chateauneuf; Pilgrims-Liviez, Baudouin, Rector, Cook, Mrs Walter, Mrs Chetwood, Mrs Wright, Mrs Woodward; Cupid-Muilment


Mainpiece Title: Love For Love

Afterpiece Title: The Fortune Tellers

Role: Colombine's Father Actor: Pelling

Ballet: AA Voyage to the Land of Cytherea. As17400115


Mainpiece Title: Julius Caesar

Role: Father to Colombine Actor: Pelling

Afterpiece Title: The Fortune Tellers

Role: Colombine's Father Actor: Pelling

Ballet: AA Voyage to the Land of Cytherea. As17400115


Mainpiece Title: The Busy Body

Afterpiece Title: The Fortune Tellers

Role: Colombine's Father Actor: Pelling

Ballet: AA Voyage to the Land of Cytherea. As17400115


Mainpiece Title: The Distrest Mother

Afterpiece Title: The Fortune Tellers

Role: Colombine's Father Actor: Pelling

Ballet: AA Voyage to the Land of Cytherea. As17400115


Mainpiece Title: Rule A Wife And Have A Wife

Afterpiece Title: The Fortune Tellers

Role: Colombine's Father Actor: Pelling

Ballet: AA Voyage to the Land of Cytherea. As17400115


Mainpiece Title: Love Makes A Man

Afterpiece Title: The Fortune Tellers

Role: Colombine's Father Actor: Pelling

Ballet: AA Voyage to the Land of Cytherea. As17400115


Mainpiece Title: Hamlet, Prince Of Denmark

Afterpiece Title: The Fortune Tellers

Role: Colombine's Father Actor: Pelling

Ballet: AA Voyage to the Land of Cytherea. As17400115


Mainpiece Title: Love's Last Shift

Afterpiece Title: The Fortune Tellers

Role: Colombine's Father Actor: Pelling

Dance: II: La Matelote-Mlle Chateauneuf; IV: Le Tambourine-Mlle Chateauneuf


Mainpiece Title: Amphitryon

Afterpiece Title: The Fortune Tellers

Role: Colombine's Father Actor: Pelling

Dance: II: Drunken Peasant-Master Ferg; IV: Scots Dance-Master Matthews, Miss Wright

Ballet: A Voyage to the Land of Cytherea. As17400115


Mainpiece Title: The Mother-in-law; Or, The Doctor's The Disease

Afterpiece Title: The Fortune Tellers

Role: Colombine's Father Actor: Pelling

Dance: II: La Matelote-Mlle Chateauneuf; IV: A Scots Dance-Master Matthews, Miss Wright


Mainpiece Title: The Double Gallant

Afterpiece Title: The Fortune Tellers

Role: Colombine's Father Actor: Pelling

Dance: IV: Drunken Peasant-Master Ferg

Ballet: A Voyage to the Land of Cytherea. As17400115


Mainpiece Title: The Double Dealer

Afterpiece Title: The Fortune Tellers

Role: Colombine's Father Actor: Pelling

Dance: I: La Matelote-Mlle Chateauneuf; III: French Peasants-Lalauze, Mlle Chateauneuf; IV: Muilment

Ballet: A Voyage to the Land of Cytherea. As17400115


Mainpiece Title: The Tender Husband

Afterpiece Title: The Fortune Tellers

Role: Colombine's Father Actor: Pelling

Dance: II: La Provencale-Mlle Chateauneuf alone; III: Drunken Peasant-Master Ferg; IV: Scots Dance-Master Matthews, Miss Wright

Ballet: A Voyage to the Land of Cytherea. As17400115


Mainpiece Title: The Committee

Afterpiece Title: The Fortune Tellers

Role: Colombine's Father Actor: Pelling

Dance: II: Le Tambourine-Mlle Chateauneuf; IV: Punches-Master Ferg, Miss Wright

Ballet: A Voyage to the Land of Cytherea. As17400115


Mainpiece Title: Don John; Or, The Libertine Destroy'd

Afterpiece Title: The Fortune Tellers

Role: Colombine's Father Actor: Pelling

Song: Proper to the Play.The Musick by Mr Arne-; Vocal Parts-Mrs Arne, Miss Jones, others

Dance: Mainpiece:IV: Dance of Shepherds and Shepherdesses-Muilment, Cook, Davenport, Mrs Woodward, Mrs Davenport; In V: Dance of Furies-Liviez, Baudouin, Rector, Davenport

Ballet: A Voyage to the Land of Cytherea. As17400115


Mainpiece Title: Don John

Afterpiece Title: The Fortune Tellers

Role: Colombine's Father Actor: Pelling

Song: As17400213, but Vocal Parts-Mrs Arne, Reinhold, Rainton, Miss Jones; First Nymph-Mrs Arne

Dance: As17400213; Also End I: Le Tambourine-Mlle Chateauneuf; IV: French Peasant-Lalauze

Ballet: A Voyage to the Land of Cytherea. As17400115