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Mainpiece Title: The Way Of The World

Afterpiece Title: Robin Goodfellow

Role: Father to Colombines Actor: Pelling


Mainpiece Title: The Tender Husband

Afterpiece Title: Robin Goodfellow

Role: Father to Colombines Actor: Pelling


Mainpiece Title: Tunbridge Walks

Afterpiece Title: Robin Goodfellow

Role: Father to Colombines Actor: Pelling


Mainpiece Title: The Conscious Lovers

Song: Beard


Mainpiece Title: The Man Of Mode

Dance: Muilment


Mainpiece Title: A Bold Stroke For A Wife

Afterpiece Title: Robin Goodfellow


Mainpiece Title: The Miser

Afterpiece Title: Robin Goodfellow


Mainpiece Title: The Man Of Mode

Afterpiece Title: Robin Goodfellow

Dance: Muilment


Mainpiece Title: Love For Love

Afterpiece Title: Robin Goodfellow


Mainpiece Title: The Mother-in-law; Or, The Doctor's The Disease

Song: II: The Noontide Air-Beard; IV: See from the Silent Groves Alexis Flies-Beard

Dance: III: Moors Dance-Muilment, Mrs Walter; V: Pieraites-Master Ferg, Miss Morrison


Mainpiece Title: The Man Of Mode

Afterpiece Title: Mars and Venus

Role: Cyclops Actor: Pelling, Rector, Woodward, Lee


Mainpiece Title: The Provok'd Husband

Afterpiece Title: Mars and Venus

Role: Cyclops Actor: Pelling, Rector, Woodward, Lee

Dance: I: Punches Dance-Master Ferg; Miss Wright; III: Moors Dance-Muilment, Mrs Walter

Song: II: Singing in Italian-Miss Thynne; IV: The Noontide Air-Beard

Music: V: A Concerto-Henry Burgess Jr


Mainpiece Title: Love Makes A Man

Afterpiece Title: Mars and Venus

Role: Cyclops Actor: Pelling, Rector, Woodward, Lee


Mainpiece Title: The Pilgrim

Afterpiece Title: Mars and Venus

Role: Cyclops Actor: Pelling, Rector, Woodward, Lee

Dance: I: Punches Dance-Master Ferg, Miss Wright; III: Pierots-Leviez, Pelling; IV: Moors Dance-Muilment, Mrs Walter

Music: V: A Concerto-Henry Burgess Jr


Mainpiece Title: Cato

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Shipwreck'd

Dance: Mlle Chateauneuf; lately arriv'd from Paris. II: Le Tambourine-Mlle Chateauneuf; V: A new Grand Ballet-Mlle Chateauneuf, Liviez, Baudouin, Pelling, Rector, Carney, Mrs Walter, Mrs Thompson, Mrs Wright, Mrs Woodward, Mrs Vallois


Mainpiece Title: The Miser

Afterpiece Title: Harlequin Shipwreck'd


Mainpiece Title: Sir Walter Raleigh

Afterpiece Title: The Harlot's Progress; or The Ridotto Al' Fresco

Dance: As17390920


Mainpiece Title: Sir Walter Raleigh

Dance: I: Grand Ballet-Mlle Chateauneuf; III: La Provencale-Mlle Chateauneuf; V: Tambourine-Mlle Chateauneuf


Mainpiece Title: Sir Walter Raleigh

Dance: As17390929


Mainpiece Title: Sir Walter Raleigh

Dance: III: La Provencale-Mlle Chateauneuf; V: Tambourine-Mlle Chateauneuf


Mainpiece Title: Aesop

Dance: I: Le Provencale-Mlle Chateauneuf; IV: Turkish Dance-Muilment; V: Tambourine-Mlle Chateauneuf


Mainpiece Title: Julius Caesar: With The Death Of Brutus And Cassius

Role: Father to Colombine Actor: Pelling


Mainpiece Title: A Bold Stroke For A Wife

Dance: II: A new ballet-Muilment; IV: Tambourine-Mlle Chateauneuf


Mainpiece Title: Love For Love

Afterpiece Title: The Fall of Phaeton; Harlequin a Captive

Role: Turk Actor: Pelling

Song: II: As17391024

Dance: III: Pierots-Pelling, Liviez; IV: Scotch Dance-Master Matthews, Miss Wright