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eventdate ASC OPTION

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Mainpiece Title: Management

Role: unassigned Actor: _Lee, _Curties.

Afterpiece Title: Robin Hood


Mainpiece Title: Management

Role: unassigned Actor: _Lee, _Curties.

Afterpiece Title: The Turnpike Gate


Mainpiece Title: Management

Role: unassigned Actor: _Lee, _Curties.

Afterpiece Title: The Turnpike Gate


Mainpiece Title: Management

Role: unassigned Actor: _Lee, _Curties.

Afterpiece Title: The Turnpike Gate


Mainpiece Title: Management

Role: unassigned Actor: _Lee, _Curties.

Afterpiece Title: The Turnpike Gate


Mainpiece Title: Management

Role: unassigned Actor: _Lee, _Curties.

Afterpiece Title: The Turnpike Gate


Mainpiece Title: Management

Role: unassigned Actor: _Lee, _Curties.

Afterpiece Title: The Turnpike Gate


Mainpiece Title: Management

Role: unassigned Actor: _Lee, _Curties.

Afterpiece Title: The Turnpike Gate


Mainpiece Title: Management

Role: unassigned Actor: _Lee, _Curties.

Afterpiece Title: The Turnpike Gate


Mainpiece Title: Management

Role: unassigned Actor: _Lee, _Curties.

Afterpiece Title: The Turnpike Gate


Mainpiece Title: Management

Role: unassigned Actor: _Lee, _Curties.

Afterpiece Title: The Turnpike Gate


Mainpiece Title: Management

Role: unassigned Actor: _Lee, _Curties.

Afterpiece Title: The Turnpike Gate


Mainpiece Title: The Wise Man Of The East

Afterpiece Title: Cymon

Role: Shepherds Actor: Abbot, Lee


Mainpiece Title: Management

Role: unassigned Actor: _Lee, _Curties.

Afterpiece Title: The Turnpike Gate


Mainpiece Title: The Wise Man Of The East

Afterpiece Title: Lock and Key

Role: Servants Actor: Linton, Lee, Street


Mainpiece Title: Management

Role: unassigned Actor: _Lee, _Curties.

Afterpiece Title: The Turnpike Gate


Mainpiece Title: Management

Role: unassigned Actor: _Lee, _Curties.

Afterpiece Title: The Turnpike Gate


Mainpiece Title: Management

Role: unassigned Actor: _Lee, _Curties.

Afterpiece Title: The Poor Soldier


Mainpiece Title: Management

Role: unassigned Actor: _Lee, _Curties.

Afterpiece Title: The Volcano


Mainpiece Title: The Road To Ruin

Role: Tradesmen Actor: Lee, Street, Abbot, Whitmore, Coombs

Afterpiece Title: The Volcano


Mainpiece Title: The Mysteries Of The Castle

Afterpiece Title: The Guardian


Mainpiece Title: Speed The Plough

Afterpiece Title: Raymond and Agnes; or, The Castle of Lindenbergh


Mainpiece Title: Speed The Plough

Afterpiece Title: Raymond and Agnes


Mainpiece Title: Speed The Plough

Afterpiece Title: Raymond and Agnes


Mainpiece Title: Speed The Plough

Afterpiece Title: Raymond and Agnes