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Mainpiece Title: La Locanda

Dance: As17920417

Ballet: La Foire de Smirne. As17920417

Role: Zorzi Actor: Mlle Menage.


Mainpiece Title: La Discordia Conjugale

Dance: As17920417

Ballet: La Foire de Smirne. As17920417

Role: Zorzi Actor: Mlle Menage.


Mainpiece Title: La Bella Pescatrice

Dance: End I: La Fete Villageoise, as17920310

Ballet: End Opera: La Foire de Smirne. As17920417

Role: Zorzi Actor: Mlle Menage.


Mainpiece Title: La Bella Pescatrice

Dance: As17920417

Ballet: La Foire de Smirne. As17920417

Role: Zorzi Actor: Mlle Menage.


Mainpiece Title: La Bella Pescatrice

Dance: As17920417

Ballet: La Foire de Smirne. As17920417

Role: Zorzi Actor: Mlle Menage.


Mainpiece Title: La Bella Pescatrice

Dance: As17920417

Ballet: La Foire de Smirne. As17920417

Role: Zorzi Actor: Mlle Menage.


Mainpiece Title: La Locanda

Dance: End I: Le Volage Fixe-[see17920310

Ballet: End Opera: La Foire de Smirne. As17920417

Role: Zorzi Actor: Mlle Menage.


Mainpiece Title: La Bella Pescatrice

Dance: As17920607

Ballet: La Foire de Smirne. As17920607

Role: Zorzi Actor: Mlle Menage.


Mainpiece Title: Poor Old Hay-market

Afterpiece Title: The Battle of Hexham

Role: Prince of Wales Actor: Miss Menage.

Afterpiece Title: The Village Lawyer


Mainpiece Title: Seeing Is Believing

Afterpiece Title: The Battle of Hexham

Role: Prince of Wales Actor: Miss Menage.

Afterpiece Title: Poor Old Hay-Market

Role: Prince of Wales Actor: Miss Menage.


Mainpiece Title: Summer Amusement; Or, An Adventure At Margate

Afterpiece Title: The Village Lawyer

Role: Prince of Wales Actor: Miss Menage.

Dance: End I: An Allemand-Whitmell, Miss Jacobs, Miss DeCamp


Mainpiece Title: The Battle Of Hexham

Afterpiece Title: Poor Old Hay-Market

Role: Prince of Wales Actor: Miss Menage.


Mainpiece Title: The Battle Of Hexham

Afterpiece Title: The Village Lawyer

Role: Prince of Wales Actor: Miss Menage.


Mainpiece Title: The Battle Of Hexham

Afterpiece Title: The Village Lawyer

Role: Prince of Wales Actor: Miss Menage.


Mainpiece Title: Inkle And Yarico

Afterpiece Title: The Village Lawyer

Role: Prince of Wales Actor: Miss Menage.


Mainpiece Title: Hail Fellows Well Met

Afterpiece Title: Ways and Means

Afterpiece Title: The Rehearsal

Role: Lightning Actor: Miss Menage

Afterpiece Title: The Rights of Women


Mainpiece Title: King Henry The Fourth [part I]

Afterpiece Title: The Village Lawyer

Role: Prince of Wales Actor: Miss Menage.


Mainpiece Title: The Surrender Of Calais

Afterpiece Title: The Village Lawyer

Role: Prince of Wales Actor: Miss Menage.


Mainpiece Title: Seeing Is Believing

Afterpiece Title: Next Door Neighbours

Afterpiece Title: The Village Lawyer

Role: Prince of Wales Actor: Miss Menage.


Mainpiece Title: The Flitch Of Bacon

Afterpiece Title: Peeping Tom

Afterpiece Title: The Village Lawyer

Role: Prince of Wales Actor: Miss Menage.

Song: As17920815

Entertainment: Monologue End 2nd piece: New Occasional Address-Mrs Kemble


Mainpiece Title: Cross Partners

Afterpiece Title: Peeping Tom

Role: Prince of Wales Actor: Miss Menage.

Entertainment: Monologue New Occasional Address, as17920822


Mainpiece Title: King Henry The Fourth [part I]

Afterpiece Title: Peeping Tom

Role: Prince of Wales Actor: Miss Menage.


Mainpiece Title: The Surrender Of Calais

Afterpiece Title: The Village Lawyer

Role: Prince of Wales Actor: Miss Menage.


Mainpiece Title: A Mogul Tale

Afterpiece Title: Peeping Tom

Role: Prince of Wales Actor: Miss Menage.

Afterpiece Title: The Agreeable Surprise

Entertainment: Monologue End 2nd piece: a Serio, Comic, Poetic Paraphrase on Shakespear's Seven Ages-King; End 3rd piece: Occasional Farewell Address-Mrs Bannister


Mainpiece Title: Cross Partners

Afterpiece Title: A Mogul Tale

Role: Prince of Wales Actor: Miss Menage.